Break Into Another World

Chapter 1906: picture roll

"Abyss battlefield?"

Xu Ming knew that that was the place to get the honors.

And in the sinking abyss, the best way to break the chains of the universe is to ask the sinking devil to take action!

The fallen demon master has opened up the stone statue forest and the sinking abyss. He is a tyrannical and unimaginable existence! Even the seven-star universe chain, the fallen demon master can be broken with a wave! If Xu Ming wanted to break the nightmare-level cosmic chains on his body, he would have to ask the fallen demon master to take action, and then there would be hope.

And if you want to invite the fallen demon master to take must have enough battle merits!

The fallen demon master, only recognizes "war honors"!

Xu Ming was walking in the sinking city, thinking: "What I learned in the Stone Statue Forest, 'Swallowing the Universe and Nine Casting' and 'Breaking and Destruction', can only break the four-star universe chain at the highest; There is no record in the forest, only in this sinking city, there is a record! But... if you want to learn the follow-up exercises, you also need war honors..."

Almost everything in the Sinking City is inseparable from Zhan Xun.

"But..." Xu Ming thought again, "Even if you cultivate these two secret skills to the peak, I'm afraid you may not be able to break the nightmare-level cosmic chain..."

As for the nightmare-level cosmic chains on his body, Xu Ming has no clue for the time being.

After all, in the entire history of the universe, no one has ever been able to break the nightmare-level universe chain. There is no precedent to follow, and Xu Ming naturally does not know what conditions are needed to break the nightmare-level cosmic chain.

Everything can only be seen one step at a time.

"It seems that my next step is to go to the abyss battlefield and brush up on the battle merits!"

Thinking of this, Xu Ming couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth.

You must know that in the abyss of sinking, if the strength reaches the "eleventh order", it is already the most top existence, and there are only a handful of them. And the strength reaches "tenth order", it is also one of the few top-level powers. The strength of the vast majority of the demigods, measured by the standard of the sinking abyss, is below the "ninth order".

And Xu Ming... but "thirteenth order"!

Thirteenth order, what is the concept?

It seems that there is only a difference of two or three ranks, but Xu Ming kills a "tenth-order" powerhouse, and it is easy to kill a thousand enemies; even killing an "eleventh-rank" powerhouse is as easy as killing a chicken and a dog! As for the "ninth order"... You're welcome, Xu Ming can collapse to death if he farts!

After entering the abyss battlefield, Xu Ming faced these opponents!

This abyss battlefield may be an abyss purgatory to other powerhouses; But to Xu Ming, it is simply the back garden of his exploits!

Brush how you want to brush!

Merit... Although Xu Ming didn't have it at all for the time being, he really didn't take merit in his eyes.

Unconsciously, Xu Ming came to the center of the sinking city - the realm of liberation.

"Sinking? Liberation?" Xu Ming shook his head secretly, not knowing what it meant.

Walking into the realm of liberation, the first thing that catches Xu Ming's eyes is a huge list - the list of heaven's talents in the universe!

"Cosmic Talents List?" Xu Ming couldn't help but look over.

On this list, it is recorded that in the abyss of sinking, the most powerful demigod! Above, there are battle images of these powerhouses.

The top ten on the list are all "11th-order" powerhouses; the top 100 are also "tenth-order" powerhouses.

"Huh—" Suddenly, Xu Ming saw a familiar figure on this list - it was the Lei Qiong Banzun that Xu Ming had encountered before.

"It turns out that he is Lei Qiong Banzun!" Xu Ming secretly said, "With just his strength, he can also be ranked in the top 50 of the universe Tianjiao list? Oh, no - Lei Qiong Banzun should have been forbearing for many years, and now he has passed through. After reaching the eleventh floor of the Sinking Abyss, the ranking on this list can already be ranked in the top ten!"

The top ten is so strong?

Xu Ming just wanted to say: Weak! Really weak!

At the same time, Xu Ming also discovered: "It seems that the forces that compiled this list are not very well-informed!"

is not that right!

Lei Qiong Banzun has already passed the "eleventh floor", and now the ranking is still so low. And Xu Ming himself, as a "thirteenth-order" powerhouse, is even more unknown on the list—isn't this not well-informed?

"How dare you come out and compile a list with such unintelligible information?" Xu Ming shook his head secretly.

However, it is also fortunate that the information on this list is not well-informed, otherwise, Xu Ming's name would probably appear at the top of the list! In that case, Xu Ming can't keep a low profile even if he wants to keep a low profile!

Xu Ming didn't want to be surrounded by people as soon as he entered the sinking city.

"Let's go elsewhere!"

In the realm of liberation, there are all kinds of magical weapons and treasures that can be exchanged, and there are also various secret techniques that can be inherited.

Xu Ming learned half of the "Swallowing Nine Castings" and "Destruction", and there is a follow-up inheritance here. It's just need to be honored before you can learn.

"Zhan Xun..." Xu Ming secretly said, "After I get to Zhan Xun, I might as well learn these two secret skills!"

Like Tunyu Jiuzhu, no matter whether it can break the nightmare-level cosmic chains on Xu Ming's body, it has great benefits to Xu Ming's heart world!

It is precisely because the power of the heart world has skyrocketed that Xu Ming can have the strength of the "thirteenth order" under the open hanging, which is comparable to the supreme supreme!

"If I cultivate Tunyu Jiuzhu to the even if I can't break the nightmare-level cosmic chain, at least my strength will reach a very terrifying level!"

After wandering around in the realm of liberation, Xu Ming gained some understanding of the sinking abyss. He found that if he wanted to invite the fallen demon master to help break the chains of the Seven Stars universe, the battle merits required were an extremely terrifying number!

As for the Nightmare-level Cosmic Chain... Since no one has ever broken it, I don't know how many battles it will take.

"For other powerhouses, it's not easy to win battles; for me, it's easy!"

Unconsciously, Xu Ming walked to the very center of the realm of liberation.

"Huh? This is..."

Xu Ming saw a picture.

This is an incomparably huge picture scroll, the size of which is equivalent to millions of Divine Realms!

Yes, it's just a painting, but it's a million times bigger than God's Domain!

The background of the picture scroll is endless darkness. Above this boundless darkness, there are countless stars and dots, like a sky full of stars.

Countless billions of stars seem to be disordered, but they seem to interpret the rules of the entire universe. The invisible avenue is wantonly evolving on the picture scroll.

"Huh—" Suddenly, Xu Ming exclaimed in surprise. He noticed that these endless billions of stars are not dead, but inhabited by endless creatures.

"A painting not only contains endless billions of worlds, the rules of the universe's operation, but also ... the reproduction of life?" Xu Ming was secretly surprised.

Such means were already beyond Xu Ming's imagination!

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