Break Into Another World

Chapter 1908: Who gave you the courage! ?

Xu Ming's eyes were indifferent, and he instantly locked onto Qingyao Banzun.

"What do you mean!?" Xu Ming asked in a cold voice.

Qingyao Banzun was stared at by Xu Ming, and suddenly felt a chill all over his body.

But on the surface, Qingyao Banzun has a calm attitude, and he secretly said in his heart: "Even if it is the peak of the lower supreme, so what? Shen Long Banzun is coming soon... Just wait for Shen Long Banzun. So, even if it is the peak of the lower-ranking supreme, don't you still have to be a man with your tail tucked?"

Thinking of this, Qingyao Banzun no longer had any fear, but instead brought a hint of arrogance and said arrogantly: "The chance in the Boundary Breaking Map is not for everyone!"

Not everyone is eligible for it?

Whether Xu Ming is qualified to get the chance, is it still his turn to get a mere Qingyao Banzun to decide?

"Destroy my chance, **** it!" Xu Ming said coldly.

The cold killing intent made Qingyao Banzun tremble, and he subconsciously wanted to escape. But at this moment, Qingyao Banzun saw a figure hurriedly approaching, and his face suddenly showed joy.

"Shen Long Banzun!"

Shen Long Banzun has arrived, and he arrived so fast!

Qingyao Banzun ran to Shen Long Banzun in a row, and exclaimed: "Shen Long Banzun, save me, someone wants to kill me!"

"Huh?" Shen Long Banzun heard the words, his face sank, "Someone wants to kill you? - Is it him?"

With that said, Shen Long Banzun's gaze turned towards Xu Ming's direction.

"Yes, yes! It's him!" Qingyao Banzun nodded again and again, "I also ask Shen Long Banzun to decide for me!"

"Don't worry!" Shen Long Banzun said domineeringly.

Then, Shen Long Banzun looked directly at Xu Ming, and asked, "Even my Shen Long Banzun dares to move? Who gave you the courage!?"

Who gave you the courage! ?

Shen Long Banzun's domineering voice reverberated in Xu Ming's ears.

Xu Ming was also a little speechless - where did this stunned young man have the courage to speak to him like this?

"He probably doesn't know how to write the word 'death'..." Xu Ming couldn't help thinking.

Shen Long Banzun has no idea what a terrible existence he is talking to now! Seeing Xu Ming in a daze, he thought that Xu Ming was frightened by his domineering, so he couldn't help but become more arrogant: "I see that you are very good-natured, you shouldn't be a famous power in Sinking City, right? But...I You must have heard the name of Shen Long Banzun, right? People who dare to offend me, Shen Long Banzun, what do you think about this matter?"

Offend Qingyao Banzun?

How to do?

It was clear that Qingyao Banzun deliberately interrupted Xu Ming's epiphany because of jealousy; now it's a good thing, but the other party actually beat him up, saying that Xu Ming offended the other party?

Brother Ming doesn't show his power, do you really think he is easy to bully?

Xu Ming didn't get angry, but smiled instead: "Shen Long Banzun, right? Don't you ask the ins and outs of the matter first?"

"Hahahaha... The ins and outs of the matter? Do you still need to ask?" Shen Long Banzun burst into laughter, "If you offend my friend Shen Long Banzun, that's a mistake! The ins and outs, does it matter?"

At the end, Shen Long Banzun couldn't help but give Xu Ming a "advice": "This world is a world where strength is respected! As long as your strength is stronger than mine, your words are true! Otherwise..."


The aura on Shen Long Banzun's body suddenly exploded, and the aura at the peak level of the lower-ranking Supreme Being madly slammed into Xu Ming.

"Lower supreme peak strength?"

It has to be said that this Shen Long Banzun still has some strength. The lower-ranked supreme peak, although not the top level in the Sinking City, is definitely the upper level; but... this Shenlong Banzun dares to pretend to be X in front of Brother Ming, it really does not know whether to live or die!

"You're right!" Xu Ming gave Shen Long Banzun a meaningful look, "Whoever is stronger is the truth!"

"Humph! Just understand!" Shen Long Banzun sneered.

"But..." Xu Ming suddenly pondered.

call out-

Without warning, Xu Ming shot directly.


A bright red palm print was directly printed on Shen Long Banzun's face, making Shen Long Banzun's face bewildered.

At this time, Xu Ming said lightly: "Now, who do you think is the truth?"

"You..." Shen Long Banzun was suddenly shocked and angry, "You... your strength is so strong!? You dare to attack me!?"

What surprised Shen Long Banzun was Xu Ming's strength - just that slap just now shows that Xu Ming's strength is obviously better than his, I am afraid he has already stepped into the "median supreme" level with one foot!

And the anger is... Xu Ming dared to beat him!

"I... you dare to beat me!?"

boom! !

Shen Long Banzun broke out in an instant, killing Xu Ming directly. Anyway, to take back some face.

"Oh? How dare you resist?" Xu Ming slapped his backhand.


Shen Long Banzun, who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, just came up, and was directly slapped back by Xu Ming.

"" Being drawn for the second time, Shen Long Banzun finally realized the difference in strength between himself and Xu Ming - Xu Ming may not have stepped into the middle position with one foot, but the real middle position!

Going to Xu Ming to avenge the "revenge of one palm", then this "revenge of one palm" will definitely become "revenge of two palms"!

If Shen Long Banzun dares to avenge the "revenge of the two palms", it will become the "revenge of the three palms"...

However, is not as strong as others. Instead of being ashamed, Shen Long Banzun shouted angrily, "You dare to beat me? You dare to beat me? Don't you know that my father is Lei..."


Before Shen Long Banzun finished speaking, Xu Ming raised his hand and slapped again: "Noisy! I don't care who your father is!"

Shen Long Banzun received three palms in a row, and finally learned to be honest - in front of Xu Ming, it is better to be honest and not to utter wild words! Once you speak wild words, what awaits you is a slap!

But in secret, Shen Long Banzun sent a message to his father asking for help.

"When my father arrives..." Shen Long Banzun thought viciously.

Xu Ming naturally didn't know that Shen Long Banzun had already sent a message for help; of course, even if he knew, Xu Ming wouldn't take it to heart.

Shen Long Banzun's father?

Whoever his father is! Anyway, in the entire abyss of sinking, I am afraid that there is no one who can compete with Xu Ming!

In the sinking city, Xu Ming is an invincible existence!

The funny thing is that Xu Ming, the almost invincible powerhouse, was provoked by someone when he first came to Sinking City.

It's just...Shen Long Banzun doesn't think so. He was still waiting for his father to come and avenge him.

"Huh!?" Suddenly, Shen Long Banzun's eyes lit up. It wasn't that his father arrived, but he saw an old friend - Wan Puppet Demon Venerable!

"Wan Puppet Demon Venerable!" Shen Long Banzun even sent a message for help.

"Oh? It's Shen Long Banzun!" Wan Puppet Demon Venerable was a little surprised, not knowing what the other party was looking for him.

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