Break Into Another World

Chapter 1914: Abyss Gate

Free from the battlefield.

After Xia Yang Banzun left, almost no one of the spectators left. Because Xu Ming hasn't come yet!

Everyone wants to see what the "thirteenth-order" powerhouse is like; and... the abyss battlefield is about to open, and everyone wants to have a good relationship with Xu Ming, a super existence. After all, with Xu Ming's strength, in the abyss battlefield, it is definitely a sweeping existence; if you have a good relationship with Xu Ming, if you have trouble in the abyss battlefield, maybe you can be helped!

"The thirteenth-order powerhouse... put it on the abyss battlefield, it is simply invincible!"

"Isn't it! In the abyss battlefield, even if you want to kill an eleventh-order powerhouse, it's not easy; how do you kill a thirteenth-order powerhouse? You can't kill it at all!"

"After entering the abyss battlefield, if you can follow Xu Ming's back, then you will be able to win the battle, it's really..."

"Don't think too much! How could Xu Ming need teammates? A thirteenth-order powerhouse! Even if an eleventh-order powerhouse wants to be his teammate, I'm afraid he is not qualified!"

"With Xu Ming here, we should definitely win this time against the eighth quadrant in the abyss battlefield!"

"It's good to win! Even if I'm weak, I haven't been able to kill any powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant; but as long as I can win the battle, I can get a lot of honors!"

Just when the strong people were talking about it.

call out-


Suddenly, a parabola crossed, and a figure smashed heavily on the platform of liberation.


Everyone was stunned.

"This is…?"

"Xia Yang Banzun!?"

"Hasn't Xia Yang Banzun escaped without a fight? Why did he come back!?"

"No - Xia Yang Banzun seems to have been thrown in by someone?"

"Is it thrown in? Are you joking? With the strength of Xia Yang Banzun, who can throw him in?"


A figure stepped onto the platform of liberation.

This figure is unfamiliar to most powerhouses. His aura was indifferent, but there was an unmistakable air; Xia Yang Banzun was like dust to the stars compared to him.

"This is…?"

"Did he throw Xia Yang Banzun in?"

"Who is he!?"

Only Lei Qiong Banzun and a few others murmured in horror, "Xu Ming..."

Xu Ming! ?

"He is Xu Ming!?"

"Why did Xia Yang Banzun stay with him and was thrown in by him?"

All the powers are confused.

At this moment, Xia Yang Banzun stood up from the ground and shouted, "I admit defeat! I admit defeat!"

To admit defeat is to admit defeat!

The strength gap between Xu Ming and Xu Ming is obvious here. If you don't admit defeat, you can only take your own humiliation; even if one can't get it right, he will be slapped to death on the battlefield by Xu Ming...

When it's time to be cowardly, you must be cowardly!

"Admit defeat? Humph!" Xu Ming sneered and walked off the stage.

After Xu Ming left, the other great experts dared to come up and ask Xia Yang Banzun.

"Xia Yang, what's the situation? Didn't you already leave, how could you be caught by Xu Ming and thrown on the battlefield?"

"Yes! Xia Yang, what's going on?"

Xia Yang Banzun was surrounded by chatter, and said with a sad face, "I... I met a person asking for directions, who would have thought that the person asking for directions was Xu Ming! I said my identity, When he found out that I ran away without fighting, he just took me back to the battlefield..."

On Xia Yang Banzun's face, there was a capitalized word "fading".

Hearing the words of other great experts, they also shook their heads, "miserable!"

"It's miserable!"

"This is really bad enough!"

"Too unlucky!"

Xia Yang Banzun is in addition to the pain in the egg or the pain in the egg - what else can he say?

At this moment, Lei Qiong Banzun's voice suddenly sounded, "Xia Yang Banzun!"

"Oh? Lei Qiong? What's the matter?" Xia Yang Banzun said indifferently - facing Xu Ming, Xia Yang Banzun was as humble as a dog; but facing Lei Qiong Banzun, Xia Yang Banzun was still very arrogant!

After all, in the eyes of Xia Yang Banzun, he is an old-fashioned "Eleventh-Order" powerhouse, while Lei Qiong Banzun is only a newly promoted "Eleventh-Order" at best! In front of Lei Qiong Banzun, Xia Yang Banzun naturally still has to hold his posture.

Lei Qiong Banzun didn't care what state Xia Yang Banzun was in, he said straight to the point, "Xia Yang Banzun, I have challenged you, why shouldn't you fight? If you want me to say, don't hesitate, it's better to hit the sun than to choose a day. Let's fight today!"

"Oh?" Xia Yang Banzun naturally saw that the other party was forcing him! If he doesn't fight today, he will definitely become the laughing stock of the entire Sinking City!

"Lei Qiong!" Xia Yang Banzun showed a proud attitude, "Originally, I saw that you just broke through to the eleventh order, and I wanted to give you some time to improve your cultivation, and then accept your challenge! Well, since you are eager to ask If you lose, then I will give you a defeat—your challenge, I take it!"

At this moment, Xia Yang Banzun's master attitude was revealed, and he seemed to have forgotten that he had just been thrown onto the battlefield by Xu Ming like a dog.

"Okay!" Lei Qiong's half-respected fighting spirit roared.

After half an hour.

Xia Yang Banzun knelt in a corner of the battle platform, very embarrassed.

And Lei Qiong Banzun stands proudly in the center of the battle platform, with a monstrous aura.

Yes, Xia Yang Banzun... lost!

This time, Xia Yang Banzun, who has been humiliated one after another, finally doesn't dare to pretend to be an x!

Not only did he dare not pretend to be an x, but Xia Yang Banzun wanted to cry, "It's too bullying..."

"Xia Yang Banzun!" Lei Qiong Banzun said indifferently, "You can't even beat me, but you dare to challenge Senior Xu Ming, you are really humiliating yourself! If you have seen the true strength of Senior Xu Ming, then don't Speaking of challenges, I am afraid that even when facing Senior Xu Ming, you will be trembling..."

Lei Qiong Banzun couldn't help but recall Xu Ming's destructive and invincible posture in the abyss battlefield.

Xia Yang Banzun secretly wept in his heart, "Blame me for being so ignorant!"

After Xu Ming left the platform of liberation, he began to immerse himself in the practice of "Swallowing Yu Jiuzhu".

Xu Ming had to master this secret skill first, so that when he swallowed enough Cosmic Chains in the future, he could naturally improve. Otherwise, if you don't even master the secret, then even if you have swallowed enough cosmic chains, you have to go back and understand the secret skills again.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to practice "Swallowing Yu Jiuzhu"! At least it's not difficult for Xu Ming!

In a short time, Xu Ming has completely understood "Swallowing Yu Jiuzhu" in his chest.

"Only the cosmic chain is missing!"

In Xu Ming's opinion, it should be no problem to cultivate "Swallowing Nine Casts" to "Seventh Casting"! At that time, even if the nightmare-level cosmic chains cannot be broken, at least Xu Ming's strength will reach an appalling level!

at this time…

boom! !

The entire sinking abyss trembled.

An endless and stalwart voice resounded directly in the heart of every almighty.

"The gate of the abyss has been opened! Please go to the abyss battlefield!"


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