Break Into Another World

Chapter 1937: Someone beat the dragon

The depths of Jiaolongtan?

That is also Jiaolongtan!

However, to be cautious, Xu Ming was going to clean up all the way, and remove all the dangers he encountered.


A ferocious red Flood Dragon suddenly jumped out of the endless and deep Flood Dragon Pool, rolling up the water waves of all realms.

How great is the power!

I am afraid that these water waves can directly drown a virtual universe like "Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm"!

"Thirteenth-order combat power!" Xu Ming instantly judged the strength of this red flood dragon.

This Jiaolong is at the outermost periphery of Jiaolong Pond!

In the previous abyss battle, other powerhouses entered the Jiaolong Pond, and it was also the Jiaolong who challenged here!


If other powerhouses want to challenge this Flood Dragon, I am afraid they will use crowd tactics to push it. As for Xu Ming, he just waved his palm lightly, without even firing a gun, he directly slapped the Jiaolong into blood water—the blood water was already lifeless!

With just one palm, the thirteenth-order Flood Dragon was slaughtered, and the endless Flood Dragon Pool was stained with blood.

Xu Ming did not pause at all, and continued to go to the depths of Jiaolongtan.

Soon after Xu Ming went deep into Jiaolongtan...

It happened that another group of strong men also came to Jiaolongtan.

These powerhouses are all from the second quadrant; the leader is the "Xiayang Banzun" known to Xu Ming.

At this time, there are a hundred thousand strong men led by Xia Yang Banzun! Moreover, there are many strong people who are not weak, reaching the ninth or even tenth order!

"Xia Yang Banzun, this dragon slaughter is all dependent on you!"

"Yeah! Xia Yang Banzun! Wait a moment, we will form a big formation, you are the core of the formation!"

Each strong person is very respectful to Xia Yang Banzun!

Although Xia Yang Banzun was abused into a dog by Xu Ming, and even defeated by Lei Qiong Banzun; but, in the second quadrant, he is still the seventh-ranked existence on the universe's talent list!

In the eyes of ordinary powerhouses, Xia Yang Banzun is still a very high existence!

"Don't worry!" Xia Yang Banzun is also an expert attitude, "I have challenged this dangerous place in Jiaolongtan three times, and all of them have been successful! As long as you follow my instructions, it is not a big problem, and there should be no casualties! "

Although, challenging Jiaolongtan is only equivalent to "fighting monsters"; however, Xia Yang Banzun did not dare to talk too much. After all, this "monster" is a thirteenth-order combat power, and the level of danger is still very high!

"Now..." Xia Yang Banzun said again, "Everyone forms a battle formation, and we enter Jiaolong Pond!"

Immediately, the 100,000 powerhouses quickly formed a formation, led by Banzun Xia Yang.

Xia Yang Banzun was in control of the great formation, and carefully brought the strong men into Jiaolongtan.

"Huh?" Xia Yang Banzun frowned slightly, "There's something wrong with the atmosphere!"


Not right!

"Is it dangerous?" Many strong men suddenly became nervous.

Challenging the thirteenth-order dangerous land is itself a dangerous move; if there are other dangers, I am afraid that most of the strong will choose to give up!

"It's not dangerous, but..." Xia Yang Banzun frowned, and suddenly saw the scarlet floating on the pool in the distance.

"That's..." Xia Yang Banzun was startled suddenly.

Xia Yang Banzun has challenged Jiaolongtan three times, so he naturally knows what that scarlet means—meaning that Jiaolong has been killed!

"Someone moved first!" Xia Yang Banzun couldn't believe it, "Who made the move, how come I didn't even get any news!"

It stands to reason that it is difficult to do it secretly to challenge Jiaolongtan. After all, to challenge this thirteenth-level dangerous land, one hundred thousand strong people are at every turn; who can guarantee that these 100,000 strong people can keep their mouths shut? Will not collude with the anomalous quadrant?

Therefore, the general challenge to Jiaolongtan comes with great fanfare!

Just like now, Xia Yang Banzun had already announced that he was going to challenge here before he arrived at Jiaolongtan! In this way, other forces generally avoid Jiaolongtan; after all, there are many dangerous places in the abyss battlefield, not only Jiaolongtan.

"Go and see!"

Out of curiosity, Xia Yang Banzun dominated the battle formation and approached the past cautiously.

"The time and space are still shaking, which means... the battle should be over soon!" Xia Yang Banzun became more and more puzzled, "But who did this? Why is there no information at all!?"

Suddenly, Xia Yang Banzun was stunned again!

He saw that in the direction of the depths of Jiaolong Pond, there were actually two pools of scarlet on the surface of the pool in the extreme distance!

"This is..." Xia Yang Banzun suddenly widened his eyes.

Jiaolong's blood energy is too strong, even if it is killed, it will not disappear in an instant, but will leave some traces; and the traces, that is, those **** water, will take a long time to completely dissipate.

A pool of scarlet, representing the fall of a dragon.

Then, the two scarlet beaches in the distance are two Flood Dragons!

Coupled with the traces of Xia Yang Banzun's position at this time, he has already seen the traces of the fall of the three-headed Jiaolong!

"How is that possible..." Xia Yang Banzun couldn't help muttering, "Jiaolongtan, also the dragon at the outermost periphery, is safe; if you dare to go deeper, even if it is only a little deeper, you will be besieged by many dragons!"

Out of curiosity, Xia Yang Banzun couldn't help but go deeper into Jiaolongtan.

Then, he saw an even more horrifying scene—the entire Jiaolong Pond was full of scarlet traces; within the field of vision, there were dozens of places!

"This...this..." Xia Yang Banzun was frightened and frightened, "Someone is slaughtering dragons! They are slaughtering the entire Jiaolong Pond!"

Banzun Xia Yang couldn't imagine what kind of force could quietly enter the Jiaolong Pond.

"hold head high-"

Suddenly, an extremely high-pitched dragon roar resounded in the endless depths of Jiaolongtan.

Hearing this dragon roar, Xia Yang Banzun's face suddenly turned pale.

"It's a dragon!"

Dalong, although a legendary existence in the abyss is not a secret! Almost every powerhouse knows that in the core "Magic Dragon Ze" of Jiaolongtan, there is the most terrifying monster in the entire abyss battlefield - the dragon!

The dragon's roar can even spread throughout the abyss battlefield!

But now, Xia Yang Banzun heard the boiling anger and fighting intent from the roar of the dragon! Accompanied by the endless space-time, the formations collided and roared, Xia Yang Banzun came to a terrifying conclusion - someone beat the dragon!

"How is that possible..." Xia Yang Banzun couldn't believe it.

You know, Dalong, but the "sixteenth-order" combat power! Moreover, in the sixteenth order, they are all extremely terrifying existences!

Sixteenth order, what is this concept? - Even stronger than the strongest superior! It is a concept beyond the highest level!

"How could anyone dare to challenge the dragon!?"

However, the roar of the space-time in the distance is getting more and more intense, and he can't help but believe it!

Someone is really fighting the dragon!

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