Break Into Another World

Chapter 1967: 1st

"Want to take the Emperor Talisman from my hand? I want to see if you have the ability!"

Xun Jian Tian Supreme naturally knows that Xu Ming's strength is only at the peak of the Second Realm, but his clone is very terrifying!

However... Xun Jian Tian Zhi Zun did not think that Xu Ming's clone could threaten him!

Moreover, Xunjian Tian Zhizun originally wanted to teach Xu Ming a lesson, not to mention now that Xu Ming has done it first. - As a dignified heavenly supreme, how can you endure it?


The Tian Jian Supreme Explosion broke out directly!

His strength was suppressed by the "absolute boundary" of the virtual universe, and he could only burst into the momentum of the peak of the three realms—that is, the same level of strength as Pavilion Master Qi Tian and others!

"Give me death!" Xunjian Tian Zhizun directly attacked Xu Ming.

call out-

Xu Ming suddenly retreated and flew out of the hall. At the same time, the "infinite avatar" hang has been opened, and ten avatars appeared instantly.


The Xun Jiantian Supreme also directly killed him.

However, when he came out, Xu Ming's ten clones had already split into hundreds and surrounded him.

"What's wrong?"

"what happened?"

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of other powerhouses in the imperial court.

"This is... Xu Ming?"

"That's... the Heavenly Inspector Supreme?"

"The Xunjiantian Supreme has come? And why did you fight with Xu Ming?"

Two people holding the Emperor Talisman fighting, this is really unheard of in the Holy Realm!

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! …

Xu Ming's avatars kept splitting, and there were thousands of them in an instant. Although some clones were killed by Xunjiantian Supreme, the speed of killing was far behind the speed of the splitting of clones!

boom! !

The attacks of tens of thousands of clones condensed into one place. Xu Ming felt that the power of this wave of salvos had already surpassed the peak of the Three Realms of Shackles!

However at this moment...

"Huh?" When Xu Ming was controlling the salvo, he clearly felt a pressure. This suppression, mighty, incomparably stalwart, unshakable.

At this moment, Xu Ming felt that he was like an incomparably tall towering tree, so tall that it touched the height of the sky; after that, he was suppressed by the sky, and he was not allowed to grow any higher.

This is the suppression from the "absolute limit"!

A single attack cannot break through the absolute boundary; then, the fusion of countless attacks cannot break through the absolute boundary either!


Xunjiantian Supreme did not dodge, did not even resist, and let the salvo fall on him.


The smoke is gone.

The Xunjian Tianzun is intact.

" can't hurt me!" Xunjiantian Supreme laughed, "If you want to hurt me, unless your attack can go beyond the 'absolute limit' of the virtual universe!'s impossible!"

Absolute boundaries, unbreakable!

This is the ultimate rule of the universe! It is also the last "bottom line" of the universe!

Therefore, in the virtual universe, as long as you cultivate to the peak of the three realms of shackles and touch the "absolute boundary" of the virtual universe, you are invincible! Because... it is also an "absolute limit" level attack that cannot hurt you! If you want to hurt, the attack must exceed the absolute limit, which is even more impossible!

People like Pavilion Master Qitian, Pavilion Master Ziqiong and others are all existences that are invincible in the virtual universe! As long as they don't go to the real universe, they don't have to worry about their fall at all!

And now, Xunjiantian Supreme, whose will has come, is also not worried that Xu Ming can hurt himself.

"Won't it hurt?" This did not surprise Xu Ming.

Moreover, Xu Ming did not intend to hurt a Heavenly Sovereign. Xu Ming's purpose is just... to beat him!

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! …

Xu Ming's avatars split again, and the number doubled again!

After that, Xu Ming divided the salvo into several waves; these waves were condensed into a slap. The power of each slap has reached the "absolute limit".

call out! call out! call out! …

The slaps were continuously drawn towards the Xunjian Tian Supreme.

"Huh?" Xun Jiantian's expression changed slightly - he certainly felt the humiliation from Xu Ming's attack.

"You can't hurt me!" Xun Jiantian roared angrily, continuing to bear Xu Ming's attacks without ever being injured in the slightest.

Of course, Xu Ming never thought that he could hurt Xunjiantian Supreme!

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! …

Xu Ming's clone continued to split.

The slaps that were drawn towards the Xunjiantian Supreme became more and more continuous and endless... Gradually, the Xunjiantian Supreme was slapped so much that he couldn't hold his head up! -no way! Xu Ming's attacks were too intensive, and they all reached the "absolute limit"! Although Xunjiantian Supreme won't be hurt, he was suppressed to death by this intensive attack!

Xun Jiantian Supreme felt that he seemed to be facing the siege of hundreds of "shackled three peaks" at the same time!

Oh no!

It's thousands...

no no!

It's tens of thousands...

Just in the process of rushing to the Heavenly Patrol, the number of Xu Ming's clones was already in the hundreds of millions!

At the same time, the Imperial Court Guards of all parties have also sent messages, all of them have already killed the target force's nest and surrounded the target force's small universe.

"Everything is in place?" After Xu Ming received the message, did not hesitate, "Then open the space-time channel!"

Each Imperial Court Guard can open a space-time channel and directly connect to the Imperial Court of the Holy Realm.

And now, Xu Ming is going to use the space-time channel to send his billions of clones to more than 5 trillion pieces of "heaven" at the same time!

Order issued.

Hundreds of millions of Imperial Guards began to build space-time channels almost at the same time.

call out-

call out-

call out-

call out-

Countless time and space passages traverse hundreds of millions of "sky" and connect to the imperial court.

Because the space-time passage is too dense, it even illuminates the entire holy world.

"Come on!" Xu Ming even controlled the clones and flew to each space-time channel.

More than 5 trillion space-time channels lead to more than 5 trillion pieces of "sky" respectively!

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! …

Most of Xu Ming's clones have entered the space-time channel. There are only a few clones, who stay and continue to ravage the Supreme Being.

"To sweep away all the minions in the virtual universe, let's start from this eighth quadrant!" Xu Ming's eyes were firm and he continued to move forward.

This was Xu Ming, the first time he really helped Gu Hanmo!

Really the first time!

Before that, Xu Ming's help to Gu Hanmo was really insignificant and could be completely ignored!

"A lot of clones have arrived!"

Xu Ming felt that many clones had passed through the passage of time and space and arrived at the lair of the minions.

The powerhouses of the minions are all hiding in the small universe of their old nest, with a posture of fearlessness.

"Is it safe to hide in the small universe?" Xu Ming sneered - just waiting for all the clones to be in place, Xu Ming will turn on the "second day, second, second, second air" at the same time!


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