Break Into Another World

Chapter 1982: call

"what happened?"

"what's going on?"

"What exactly does this colorful vision mean?"

In the second quadrant, the heavens and the world, countless creatures, and countless powerhouses are both shocked and puzzled.

However, it is impossible for the vast majority of people to know what this vision of the heavens means; within the territory of "heaven", I am afraid there are only a few high-ranking supreme-level powerhouses, and a very small number of middle-ranking supreme beings. , The lower-ranking Supreme, only then did he understand what happened.

And the most shocking place is undoubtedly the holy world in the second quadrant!

The major forces in the holy world naturally know what this vision of the heavens represents.

"In our second quadrant, there is another existence that shackles the peak of the three realms!"


"The core of the visions of the heavens is in Destiny Heaven - Destiny Heaven, is there any super existence? Never heard of it!"

"Is it some hidden powerhouse that we don't know about?"

"Isn't it too hidden?—we haven't heard of it at all?"

in the Holy Realm.

All parties are talking about it—because, within the scope of Destiny Heaven, I have never heard of any powerful almighty. But now, suddenly there is a peak of the three realms of shackles in the world, which naturally shocked the forces of all parties!

As for Xu Ming...

Xu Ming is indeed very famous in the holy world of the Eight Era! But... the top beings in the eight quadrants only know that Xu Ming is a person in the second quadrant. As for which quadrant of the second quadrant, it is unknown! At this moment, no one thought that it was Xu Ming who touched the absolute limit of the virtual universe.

"No matter which powerhouse, all the forces in our holy world, should go to the 'Destiny Heaven' to pay a visit!"

"Yes! The most peak powerhouse in the virtual universe is born, and I really want to pay a visit!"

"The pinnacle of the three realms of shackles... If he has ambitions, he can even let us have an extra emperor-level force in the second quadrant!"

In the eight quadrants, there are generally four emperor-level forces in each quadrant. However, if any peak powerhouse in the three realms wants to establish an emperor-level force, it is not difficult.

"I'm definitely going to meet you! All the leaders of the emperor-level forces, the king-level forces, the Hou-level forces, and the ordinary forces in the holy world, let's go together! After all, this is the birth of a peak powerhouse in the three realms of shackles, and it's not a big deal. Little thing!"

The leaders of the various forces in the Holy Realm put down the things in their hands one after another, gathered together, and went to the "Death Day" together. Instead of being a leader-level powerhouse, they don't even have the qualifications to go - after all, not everyone is qualified to visit the peak of the Three Realms of Shackles! On such occasions, it is more suitable for leaders of various forces to go there.


The residence of the branch of the Black Tribulation Hall.

The master of the Dao Slaying Hall and the powerhouses of the Black Tribulation Hall looked at this vision in shock.

"It's on the end of the day!"

"The peak of the three realms of shackles that just broke through exists, and it is actually on the fateful day!"

The Lord of the Dao Slaying Hall was shocked—he didn't expect that he just expanded the location of the branch hall of the Black Tribulation Hall to the Destiny Heaven, and there was an existence at the peak of the virtual universe!

"Destiny can have a peak existence in the three realms of shackles, which shows how outstanding this place is! I set up my station here, maybe I can also get some luck!"

When the Dao Murder Hall Master was excited, he suddenly received a message.

The Daoist Palace Master was shocked: "It's the Black Tribulation Palace Master!"

Black Tribulation Hall, there are countless sub-halls!

However, there is only one person who is qualified to be called the "Hall of Black Tribulation", and that is... the master of the main hall of the Hall of Black Tribulation!

As for the hall master of the branch hall, at most it is called "the branch hall master of the Black Tribulation Hall". Not one level!

"Dao Shi pays respects to the main hall master!" Dao Shi hall master continued.

"Yeah!" On the other end of the communication, came the low voice of the Black Tribulation Hall Master, "Dao Shi, this super being who has just been born, is in the Territory of Destiny! Since you were stationed in Destiny, have you heard it? Have you heard any wind?"

"Back to the main hall master, no!" Dao slaying the hall master continued.

The Lord of the Black Tribulation did not have many surprises: "It seems that the super existence is a hermit master! He doesn't want to reveal his identity, you haven't heard of it, it's normal! But it's okay, when we come to the fateful day , he should show up to meet you!"

"Chief Palace Master, do you want to come to Destiny Day too?" Dao Shi Palace Master was a little surprised.

To know…

Black Tribulation Hall, although it is a killer force, it is quite powerful, and even occupies a place in the Holy Realm. It is a Hou-level force in the second quadrant—as a killer force, it can become a Hou-level force, and also It has not been destroyed, which shows the power of the Black Tribulation Hall! Even among the many Hou-level forces, the Black Tribulation Hall is ranked at the top, even close to some king-level forces!

The strength of the Black Tribulation Hall Master has reached the peak of the Second Realm of Shackles - it is precisely with such a tyrannical strength that he can suppress the Black Tribulation Hall!

Although the Hall Master of Daosi is the Hall Master of the branch hall, he is only a very ordinary high-ranking Supreme; in normal times, it is difficult to have the opportunity to see the main Hall Master! But now, the main hall master came to his site, how could the Taoist hall master not be shocked and excited?

"Chief Hall Master, I will do my best to prepare for the pick-up!" Dao Killing Hall Master continued.

"Ready to pick up?" The Black Tribulation Hall Master couldn't help but sneer, "No need! You are not qualified to pick up!"

"Huh?" The master of the Taoist Temple couldn't help but be startled - he is the sub-master of the Black Tribulation Hall, and now that the master of the main hall is here, he is not qualified to pick him up, who has?

The Lord of the Black Tribulation continued: "Actually, it is not only me who is going to Destiny Heaven! The leaders of all the forces in the Holy Realm are already getting up and heading to Destiny Heaven; and I, It's just a very common one among the leaders! As for the reception, the 'Dragon Gate Guard' will be in charge!"

Dragon Gate is the force established by many powerful people in the second quadrant, and it is also the only emperor-level force.

"What!?" The master of the Taoist Temple suddenly widened his eyes.

The entire holy world, the leaders of all the forces, must come to the fateful day? That is... the top existence of the entire second quadrant is about to descend to the fateful day?

Just thinking about it, the Taoist Palace Master felt shivering.

The master of the Taoist Temple quickly notified his subordinates in the branch hall, so that no matter what they are doing now, they will immediately come back and stand by! If you accidentally bump into an almighty, it will really ruin the entire branch!

Yuan Zun's small universe is located near the residence of the branch hall of the Black Tribulation Hall.

He hid in the small universe, and through the cosmic membrane wall, he looked curiously in the direction of the Taoist Temple Master.

"What does this colorful vision mean, and why does the Daoist Palace Master look so excited and nervous?"

Yuan Zun is just a lower-ranking supreme, and he is the last existence in the supreme, and his social circle is also small, so he naturally does not know the meaning of this vision of the heavens. ...

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