Break Into Another World

Chapter 1999: reach the real universe

"Brother Xu Ming! Why, don't you even want to come out?"

Seeing that Xu Ming had not come out for a long time, Qin Lin shouted again.

Xiao Hai couldn't help but say: "The owner of the museum, the opponent is very powerful, especially the burly master at the head, his momentum is even more extraordinary! Although you and your wife are both innate masters, let's go out and see!"

In the past hundred years, Xu Ming and Yin Ran have never really made a move; at most, they have only pointed others a little, but they are only one and a half moves. Xiaohai thought that Xu Ming and Yin Ran were innate masters.

After all, the innate master is also a rare master!

Qin Lin also thought so, otherwise, he would not have the courage to bring someone to find Xu Ming, and he would not be able to call out the three words "Brother Xu Ming".

"Forget it!" Xu Ming smiled lightly, "I'm about to leave this world, I didn't expect to encounter such interesting things! Then go out and have a look, and say goodbye to this world by the way!"

leave this world?

Xiao Hai couldn't understand a little, but still followed closely behind Xu Ming and Yin Ran.

Seeing Xu Ming coming out, Qin Lin couldn't help sneering and said, "Brother Xu Ming, don't hurry up and visit my master, Senior Xiong Kuang!"

see you?

When Yin Ran heard these two words, he almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Xu Ming, right?" Xiong Kuang, the burly master at the head, laughed loudly, "I'm very interested in the marksmanship you taught my disciple Qin Lin! Please tell me the complete marksmanship. !"

Qin Lin followed closely and said, "My master is a strong condensate pill realm! As long as you cooperate well, your benefits will naturally be indispensable!"

Xu Ming suddenly burst into laughter.

Pill Condensation Realm... What a distant realm! Hundreds of millions of eras ago, when Xu Ming first crossed into another world, he came into contact with the Pill Condensation Realm within a few days!

Unexpectedly, today after the Hundred Million Era, Xu Ming is threatened by the "Pill Condensation Realm Powerhouse" again!

It's so scary!

"Then what if... I don't cooperate well?" Xu Ming couldn't help but ask with a smile.

"Don't cooperate well!?" Qin Lin's expression turned cold, and he didn't need to be ordered by Master Xiong Kuang, so he shouted angrily, "Then today is the end of the 'Xu Yin Academy'! - Brother Xu Ming, if you don't want to live, forget about it. But can you think about it for everyone in Xu Yin Academy? They still want to live!"

However, Xu Ming smiled: "The end of Xu Yin Academy? - With just one condensing pill realm, how many innate realms are there?"

Xiong Kuang couldn't feel any imposing manner from Xu Ming, so naturally he didn't take Xu Ming in his eyes, he laughed and said, "That's right, it's just my Pill Condensation Realm!"

"I think so..." Xu Ming looked at Xiong Kuang and smiled strangely, "Just relying on your Pill Condensation Realm is not enough!"

"Hahahaha..." Xiong Kuang couldn't help laughing, "Why are you so confident and dare to say such crazy words? Hahahaha..."

"Hahahaha..." Qin Lin also felt that he heard some funny joke, and laughed out loud.

The hundreds of men and horses behind them also burst into laughter.

But suddenly, everyone's laughter stopped abruptly, like a group of ducks that were strangled by their necks, unable to cry out - in fact, no one strangled their necks, but they saw extremely frightened one scene.

I saw the white-haired old man "Xiao Hai" standing beside Xu Ming, rejuvenating at a speed visible to the naked eye. What's even more terrifying is that the momentum on Xiaohai's body is soaring rapidly, and in a short while, he stepped into the innate from the day after tomorrow, and then stepped into the condensed pill realm from the day after tomorrow, and then surpassed the condensed pill realm!

"Spirit...spiritual powerhouse!" Xiong Kuang exclaimed in disbelief.

Qin Lin couldn't help but exclaim: "Hai Bo,"

Qin Lin never thought that the ordinary looking "Hai Bo" in the academy would be a hidden peerless master!

But actually…

Xiao Hai was also stunned by the earth-shaking changes in himself at the moment: "I...I..."

Xiaohai is just a very ordinary internal martial artist, how has he ever felt the vast power of the spiritual level! What is even more fearful is that this power is on his own body and is completely controlled by him!

At this time, Xu Ming smiled: "Kang Kuang, look, I have a spiritual master here! Now, do you think that you are enough to destroy our academy with your Dan condensing master?"

"I...I..." Xiong Kuang finally reacted, "It's you! It's you who improved his cultivation!"

In the blink of an eye, an ordinary internal martial artist can be upgraded to a spiritual realm—what kind of strength can this be achieved?

" are the legendary Dao Realm master!?"

Dao-level power is really just a legend for an ordinary Pill Condensing expert like Xiong Kuang!

"The Great Daoist?" Xu Ming couldn't help laughing.

At this time, the momentum on Xiao Hai's body soared again, and he directly entered the Dao Realm.

Xiaohai looked terrified: "This... is this the power of Tao?"

At this moment, Xiao Hai felt the mystery of "It's okay to die when you hear about Dao in the morning".

"The power of Dao? Dao... Dao realm is powerful!?" Xiong Kuang was so shocked that he could not be more shocked - Xiao Hai was promoted to Dao realm level in a blink of an eye, so what kind of cultivation level should this Xu Ming be?

At this moment, the bear mad just wanted to hit the wall - what luck am I! To provoke such a terrifying almighty head!

Crazy Bear just wants to say:

Just ask, which one that doesn't have long eyes, is a harder iron plate than I mentioned?

Just ask who else is dying, and the posture of dying is more standard than me?

Even more jaw-dropping, of course, is Qin Lin!

Qin Lin has lived in Xu Yin Academy for many years, and he has not noticed that Xu Ming is so terrifying! If he had known earlier, why would Qin Lin go to worship Xiong Kuang as his teacher! How could it be possible to call Xu Ming "Brother Xu Ming"?

Suddenly, Qin Lin bent his knees without warning, knelt on the ground, and shouted, "Godfather—"

"Oh, I'm going!" Xu Ming couldn't help exclaiming, "Is it so unscrupulous?"

However, Xu Ming didn't bother to pay attention to Qin Lin's face change, but continued to improve Xiaohai's strength.


In a short while, Xiaohai's strength was directly raised to the **** level!


Prove directly and become a god!

"The owner of the museum, this..." Xiaohai was stunned from beginning to end, unable to imagine what he had experienced - this is more than a dream!

At this time, Xiao Hai also understood a little what Xu Ming meant by "leaving this world" before.

Xu Ming lightly explained to Xiao Hai's voice transmission: "I have only lived in this dusty world for a hundred years; now that the hundred years have expired, it is time to leave! But... in this world, the human race is weak and the alien race is tyrannical; within a thousand years, I am afraid that the alien race will flatten the territory of the human race! Since I have lived here for a hundred years, it is also a fate, so I will help the human race here - Xiaohai, you are now the only **** in the entire dust world! You have become a god. The scene has been noticed by the great powers of all races; soon, the great powers of the human race will come to visit you, and then the great powers of the alien races will surrender to you..."

Xiao Hai was stunned: "The owner of the museum, how should Qin Lin and Xiong Kuang deal with them?"

"You can do it yourself!" Xu Ming said lightly, "How you want to lead the human race in the is also up to you! I am just a passerby in this dusty world!"

If he hadn't seen the human race in crisis, Xu Ming would probably have quietly left this world without leaving any traces. But now that I have seen it, I will take action to raise Xiaohai to the realm of the gods!

Xu Ming's random move naturally completely changed the pattern of this dusty world.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Xu Ming's expression changed.

"What's wrong?" Yin Ran couldn't help but ask with concern - you know, looking at the virtual universe, there is almost nothing that can make Xu Ming's face change!

Xu Ming said, "My real body has arrived in the real universe!"

"Finally arrived?" Yin Ran was also delighted when he heard the words.

"Let's get out of here first!" Xu Ming said, and disappeared together with Yin Ran—not just from this dusty world, but directly from this small universe.

"Godfather! Godfather!" Qin Lin still shouted up to the sky. Seeing that there was no response, he climbed to the foot of Xiaohai again and shouted, "Haibo, Haibo!"

"Heh!" The former white-haired old man, and now the **** Xiaohai, was simply too lazy to pay attention to Qin Lin's white-eyed wolf. His eyes were looking at an incomparable distance - as a god, his divine sense could already cover the entire dusty world; he could naturally perceive that the demigods and Taoists in the entire dusty world, no matter what Whether it is a human race or an alien race, they are all rushing in his direction, obviously to visit him.

:. :

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