Break Into Another World

Chapter 2015: settled

"I really don't know what a 'Daojie contract' is..."

General Shi really doesn't know!

Never heard of it!


Whether it is the Qinghai City Lord or the Duye City Lord, they all believe that the treasures in the Di Supreme Mansion were removed by General Shi!

"You don't know?" Qinghai City Lord sneered, "If you don't know, where have all the treasures in this supreme mansion gone?"

General Shi really wanted to cry without tears: "How do I know where the treasure went!"

"How dare you speak hard!" The Qinghai City Lord was really angry, "General Shi, you have followed me for many years, and I will give you one last chance - to be honest, you still have a way to live!"

Although the Qinghai City Lord said this, he had already made up his mind - as soon as he had the opportunity, he would immediately forcibly enslave General Shi Shi!

After all, even if General Shi really handed over the treasures, the Qinghai City Lord would not believe that General Shi handed over all the treasures; he would definitely suspect that General Shi only handed over part of it.

Moreover, it is impossible for General Shi to come up with any treasures! Because... he didn't get any treasure at all!

"I..." General Shi finally recognized his current situation - he understood that no matter what he said, it was impossible for the Qinghai City Lord and the Duye City Lord to believe!

General Shi is very clear that if he continues to stay here, there is only one dead end!


Suddenly, a talisman appeared in General Shi's hand, with the secret pattern of time and space inscribed on it.

A distressed look flashed in General Shi's eyes, but he still clenched his teeth and crushed the spell.


call out-

A strange time and space fluctuation directly enveloped General Shi's body, and instantly disappeared with him.

"Huh?" Qinghai City Lord was stunned.

"Huh?" Duye City Lord was also stunned.

They did not expect that General Shi could slip under their noses.

"How dare you say that you didn't get the treasure!" Qinghai City Lord gritted his teeth in anger, "I didn't get the treasure, where did the space-time spell he just got from!?"

"Damn! Damn! I didn't expect that I would be tricked by an ordinary Supreme!" Duye City Lord was furious and said, "Qinghai City Lord, he can't run very far! Let's block our territory together! , how about a carpet search?"

"Okay!" The Qinghai City Lord agreed without thinking, "After this is done, the treasure will be divided into five or five points!"

"it is good!"

At this moment, the Qinghai City Lord and the Duye City Lord, the two opposing sides, actually came to the same front.

"Carpet search?"

Almost all of the Qinghai Navy joined the carpet search. Xu Ming is no exception.

However... Xu Ming didn't need a carpet search, as long as he walked straight over, he could find General Shi - General Shi could escape from the palms of Qinghai City Lord and Duye City Lord, but he couldn't escape Xu Ming's palm.

After all, Xu Ming's real strength is comparable to that of a "superior position"!

A small ordinary supreme, just relying on a little treasure, also wants to escape from Xu Ming's control?

It can only be said that it is very naive!

"It's time to end it!" Through the cause and effect, Xu Ming sensed that General Shi was not far ahead. And, coincidentally, General Shi was coming in his direction.

Xu Ming was not in a hurry at all, he stood with his hands behind his back, and waited for General Shi to come over.

After a while...

General Shi's figure appeared in Xu Ming's field of vision.

"Huh?" Seeing Xu Ming's figure, General Shi couldn't help but startled, and then he couldn't help laughing, "Hahahaha...Xu Ming! I was worried about not having a chance to kill you, but I didn't expect it to be here. I met you! It’s really a narrow road for enemies! Hahahahaha…”

Xu Ming smiled lightly and said, "You didn't expect to meet me here, but I already thought I would meet you here!"

"What do you mean!?" General Shi immediately became vigilant, "Could it be that there are other powerhouses around!?"

"Don't be nervous!" Xu Ming said lightly, "I'm the only one around here, no one else! - I'm here waiting for you!"

"Wait for me? - No! I think you are waiting to die!" General Shi sneered and directly attacked Xu Ming.

boom! !

The terrifying attack came to Xu Ming in an instant: "Die!"

Xu Ming remained motionless, letting these attacks fall on him.


The fierce and terrifying attack fell on Xu Ming, like a stone sinking into the ocean, and vanished in an instant!

"What!?" General Shi looked at this scene in disbelief—you know, even an ordinary person, the Supreme Being, would not dare to accept his attack with such contempt!

"You... your strength!?" General Shi couldn't believe it, but he quickly reacted, "You are deliberately hiding your cultivation and strength, and lurking in the Qinghai Navy!? - What is your purpose? Believe it or not, I will immediately Is your strength spread out? I think the Qinghai City Lord will definitely be very interested in you!"

General Shi carried out the Qinghai City Lord to threaten Xu Ming.

Xu Ming smiled disdainfully: "Then try it out, can you send the message out?"

Xu Ming had already blocked the surrounding time and space! —Don’t say that it’s just an ordinary Supreme like General Shi, even if it’s a Human Supreme, you can’t even think of sending out a message!

"What!?" General Shi's expression suddenly changed, and he continued, "Xu Ming, what are you trying to do!?"

"I don't want to do anything!" Xu Ming said lightly, "I just want to kill you!"

"Kill me?" General Shi smelled a strong breath of death - he really felt Ling Lie's killing intent in the understatement of Xu Ming's words!

"You... Xu Ming, you can't kill me! You can't kill me!" General Shi begged for mercy.

"Why can't I kill you?" Xu Ming's tone was still flat.

"Because...because..." General Shi thought for a while, then hurriedly said, "Xu Ming, don't you want to get the treasures in the Supreme Mansion of Deficient Land? If you kill me, you will never get it!"

"Treasure?" Xu Ming couldn't help laughing.

"Yes!" General Shi thought that Xu Ming was interested, and continued, "The treasures in the Supreme Earth Mansion are actually all with me! - Xu Ming, as long as you are willing to let me go, I can share some of your treasures! How about it? "

"Your suggestion is quite good! But..." Xu Ming smiled, "But... I clearly I have emptied the supreme mansion, leaving no treasure behind!"

"What!?" General Shi was startled again. This time, he was stunned for a while before he realized it, "It's you! It turned out to be you! All the treasures in the land-deficient supreme mansion were moved away by you! No wonder... no wonder..."

General Shi finally figured out why after he entered the supreme mansion, there were traces of the treasures just removed! It turned out that all this was done by Xu Ming.

"That's right, it's me!" Xu Ming admitted directly. "Before you die, you can still know so much. Now... can you rest your eyes?"

A murderous intent flashed across Xu Ming's eyes.

"No—" General Shi shouted in horror.

However, his cry had just begun, and it stopped abruptly. General Shi's entire divine body has also been annihilated into nothingness, as if it had never appeared.

Updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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