Break Into Another World

Chapter 2036: Consciousness is high!

The three powerhouses of the Kunpeng clan looked at each other, all of them stunned. I don't know when they accidentally offended this big guy.

"Senior, we really don't know where we accidentally offended you!"

"Yes, senior! I also ask senior to make it clear!"

"If we really offend the seniors, we will definitely apologize to the seniors!"

The three powerhouses of the Kunpeng clan all spoke carefully.

no way!

The mysterious senior in front of him is a powerhouse in the "Heavenly Supreme" realm! In front of such a strong man, you should be cowardly, and there must be no hesitation!

"Humph!" Xu Ming snorted again, "If it wasn't for the sincerity of your attitude, the three of you would have been three dead corpses now!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Thank you for your mercy, senior!"

The three powerhouses couldn't help but secretly rejoiced and feared - fortunately, they were quick and decisive just now!

It's just... how could the three of them have thought that the "senior" in front of them was exactly Xu Ming who was mocked by them as "the sorrow of the weak"!

Xu Ming said coldly: "You three, do you know who I am?"

"This... This junior has shallow knowledge, I really don't know..." The three strong men looked at each other and said cautiously; for fear that they would annoy the senior again if they didn't know the "prestige" of this senior.

Seeing the three people's reactions, Xu Ming couldn't help laughing to death - of course you don't know who I am! Don't talk about you, even I don't know who I am!

Indeed, Xu Ming hadn't thought of a suitable identity for the "Heavenly Supreme" who he pretended to be.

However, on the surface, Xu Ming's expression became more and more cold; if he hummed casually, the three people who hummed were startled.

"Then..." Xu Ming asked again, "The three of you know where the "Kunpeng Nine Transformations" exercise you just got came from?"

As soon as they heard "The Nine Changes of Kunpeng", the three strong men of the Kunpeng clan immediately became vigilant - they did not hesitate to die, but the exercises must be sent to the clan!

This exercise is really important to their clan!

"Kunpeng Nine Changes" is here, the rise of the clan is expected!

At this time, Xu Ming continued: "This cultivation technique was consigned by the deity at the Shenyu auction house! As far as I know, this cultivation technique of mine was taught by a man called 'Angry Blood' by the God of Fire. My disciples took it away; but just now... I saw that you beheaded 'Angry Blood' and seized the skill!"

The faces of the three strong men of the Kunpeng clan changed again when they heard this.

"Humph!" Xu Ming said again, "If I let other strong people know that Furious Blood bought the exercises I sold, and they were killed and stolen in a blink of an eye, then... where should I put my face!?"

When Xu Ming said this, the three powerhouses of the Kunpeng clan finally understood how they had offended the senior in front of them—to put it simply, they killed "Angry Blood" to win the treasure, which made Xu Ming's face difficult!

This is also normal!

Some people with strong self-esteem, if they see someone who bought their own treasures, they will be killed and stolen by others in a blink of an eye, and they will indeed be very angry and feel that they have lost face!


The three strong men of the Kunpeng family always felt that something was wrong.


Something is wrong!

But whether it's wrong or not, it's always right to ask for mercy first!

"Senior... We really don't know, this exercise was consigned by you!"

"Yes, yes! Senior! If we knew about it, we would never dare to kill people and steal treasures!"

"Senior Mingjian is also invited! We really have no guts and have swept your face, senior!"

"Really?" Xu Ming gave a noncommittal smile, "Then... now things have happened, people have been killed by you, and treasures have been taken away by you! What do you say?"

How to do?

The three strong men of the Kunpeng clan also wanted to know what to do in this situation...

"I'll give you two options!" Xu Ming said lightly.

"Senior, please tell me!" The three strong men raised their ears.

"The first way... I will accompany you to send this "Kunpeng Nine Changes" to the Vulcan Sect! You return the exercises to the Vulcan Sect face to face, and offer an apology! - In this way, my face will also be reduced. Save it!"

Return "Kunpeng Nine Changes" to Vulcanism?

And to offer an apology?

how is this possible!

"Senior, what about the second way?"

"The second way..." Xu Ming smiled strangely, "The second way is even simpler - I will kill you directly and send the "Kunpeng Nine Changes" and all the treasures on your body to the Vulcan Sect! That way! , I can save my face!"

When Xu Ming said it, he just said a "face"!

I am the "Heavenly Supreme" powerhouse!

My face is very important!

Now, you have swept my face, you must not bear it!

And this time...

The three strong men of the Kunpeng clan finally realized that something was wrong—the senior in front of him was talking about "face". But... this senior, just saw them kill people and win treasures with his own eyes! Since this senior loves face so much, why don't they stop them when they kill people and steal treasures?

As long as they were stopped just now, wouldn't their face be saved?

"Could it be... the drunkard's intention is not to drink alcohol!?"

The three strong men finally figured it out - this senior kept saying "face", but he didn't appear for face! Since it's not for face, it's... for "tickets"!

It's just that, as a "Heavenly Supreme" powerhouse, I'm embarrassed to say "tickets" directly!

The three powerhouses of the Kunpeng clan immediately figured out the key points, and said, "Senior, we really don't know that this exercise was consigned by you; otherwise, we wouldn't dare to kill if you gave us a hundred courage. 'Angry blood' to win the treasure! Senior, do you think this will work? The three of us originally wanted to film this "Kunpeng Nine Transformations" exercise, but it was only because of the lack of 'the origin of the universe' 'Angry Blood' is up for grabs! Now, we are willing to buy this exercise from seniors at the price of 150 'Cosmic Origin·True'; , it's just a vendetta against him, just a normal vendetta! In this way, won't it affect your senior's face?"

The three strong men of the Kunpeng clan said a In fact, they just wanted their lives with money!

Xu Ming could naturally hear that there were many loopholes in the words of the three, but... is this important?


The important thing is that Xu Ming came to rob the three of them for a meal, and the three of them understood exactly what Xu Ming meant! that's enough!

Even Xu Ming wanted to praise the three in his heart: The consciousness is very high!

"This..." Xu Ming stood in the air with his hands behind his back, with an unfathomable attitude, and said lightly, "Alright! Just treat me as a face for you and make friends with you Peng Mo Island!"

Robbing for a meal is equivalent to giving face to the other party - Xu Ming felt that this robbery was quite successful!

"Thank you, senior! Thank you, senior!"

The three strong men hurriedly took out one hundred and fifty "Origin of the Universe, Truth" and dedicated them to Xu Ming; then they ran away in a hurry, for fear that Xu Ming would go back.

Xu Ming received another 150 words of "Origin of the Universe: Truth", and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Laugh at me? - This is the price of laughing at me!"

If the three powerhouses of the Kunpeng clan knew, the real reason they gave 150 "Origin of the Universe: Truth" was just because they had mocked Xu Ming before, and I'm afraid they would really want to cry without tears.


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