Break Into Another World

Chapter 2046: The History of the Boundary Gun

? "Yue's" clan.

Everyone was in shock.

No one thought it would turn out like this...

One shot!

Just one shot!

Xu Ming instantly killed the "Heavenly Supreme" powerhouse!

Moreover, you must know—Langya Heavenly Sovereign, but the Heavenly Sovereign of the "Eternal Palace"! Compared with the lower-ranked Heavenly Supremes of other forces, they are stronger; but even so, they were killed by Xu Ming with one shot!

So, what level should Xu Ming's strength reach?

"What!?" City Lord Shenyu naturally fell into deep horror.

He originally thought that killing Xu Ming this time would definitely be a matter of grasping at his fingertips! If nothing else, Lang Yatian Supreme should be able to kill Xu Ming in one move!

But now, something unexpected happened!

And this accident is really big! —Xu Ming in turn killed the Supreme Being of Langyatian in one move!

"How is that possible..." City Lord Shenyu looked at Xu Ming in disbelief. No matter how he feels, this is impossible, but it really happened!

However, how could the eyesight of City Lord Shenyu be ordinary?

In an instant, he could see the extraordinaryness of the spear in Xu Ming's hand!

"This is..." The horror on the face of Shenyu City Lord was even stronger, "Boundary-breaking gun!?"

The Boundary-Breaking Spear should be considered very famous among the many "Boundary-Breaking Divine Soldiers"!

One is because, for a long time in the past, the Boundary-Breaking Spear was an "unowned" Boundary-Breaking Weapon! You must know that in the entire universe, almost all the world-shattering weapons are "owned"; an "unowned" world-shattering weapon will naturally attract special attention! And...because the Boundary-Breaking Spear is within the scope of the virtual universe, there are even quite a few Heavenly Supremes, in order to obtain the Boundary-Breaking Spear, they don't hesitate to reincarnate to fight for that chance!

The second is because... the "former owner" of the Boundary-Breaking Gun is amazing!



The former owner of the Boundary-Breaking Gun is the undisputed number one powerhouse in the "Fourth Cosmos Era" - Kunpeng Dazun!

One can imagine the popularity of the weapon of the first powerhouse in the "cosmos era", the Boundary Breaker Gun!

The third is because... the Boundary Breaker Spear is very strong!

That's right! Strong!

Even among the many "Boundary-Breaking Divine Weapons", the Boundary-Breaking Spear is definitely one of the top ones—Xu Ming doesn't know how powerful the Boundary-Breaking Spear is, but the City Lord Shenyu does!

Therefore, seeing that the Boundary Breaker Spear was actually in Xu Ming's hands, the shock of City Lord Shenyu could be imagined.

However, the Lord of Shenyu City was also a little puzzled: "Didn't you say... that the Boundary Breaker Spear was obtained by Grandpa Taihao? Why did it appear in Xu Ming's hands?"

Father-in-law a "Heaven Supreme" who has embarked on the road of reincarnation!

At that time, in the world of Jiuzhongtian, Gong Taihao used Xu Ming to start the assessment of the breaking gun! But the funny thing is that in the end, not only did the three treasures, the Boundary Spear, Feng Zhou Ding, and Kun Tu, fall into Xu Ming's hands, but also the father-in-law Tai Hao became the "Bad Man"!

The powerhouses in the entire universe thought that the Boundary Breaker Spear was actually obtained by Gong Taihao; they also sent a lot of powerhouses to chase and kill Gong Taihao in the virtual universe. But he didn't know that what Gong Taihao was sticking to was actually just a "fake".

Without thinking about it, City Lord Shenyu turned his attention to Xu Ming again.

"Although the Boundary Breaker Spear is strong, but..." The Lord of Shenyu City looked serious, "but Xu Ming's strength is not weak! Otherwise, even if the Boundary Breaker Spear is in his hand, he will not be able to move it!"

Shenyu City Lord judged that Xu Ming should have the strength of "superior position"!

"Could it be that... on the way here before, the power of the 'high-ranking supreme' that I felt was Xu Ming?" Shenyu City Lord couldn't help but think, "It should be! - However, the Boundary-Breaking Spear is worthy of being a Boundary-breaking Spear. Kunpeng Great Venerable's former weapon! In the hands of a 'superior supreme', he could kill the 'lower supreme' with a single shot... Langyatian supreme, although it is not the top among the 'lower supreme supreme'; but , To be able to kill him with one shot, Xu Ming's attack is at least the most powerful level in the 'Median Heaven Supreme'!"

This shows that Xu Ming, with the help of the Boundary Breaker Spear, has forcibly raised two great realms in his attack!

These are not the two great realms of the ordinary supreme and the human supreme level, but the two great realms of the heavenly supreme level!

You must know that at the "Heavenly Supreme" level, let alone two great realms, even if it is just one realm to conquer, it is very difficult to happen! Only a handful of top geniuses in the entire universe can achieve a new level at the level of "Heavenly Supreme"!

"However... the death of the Supreme Lord of Langyatian is unfair enough!" Shenyu City Lord couldn't help thinking.

Is wrong enough!

Although Xu Ming has reached the "Median Heavenly Supreme" level in terms of attack by relying on the Boundary Breaker Spear, this does not mean that Xu Ming's strength has also reached the "Median Heavenly Supreme" level!

After all, Xu Ming's defense and other aspects are only at the level of "high-ranking supreme"; it's just that his attack is very strong!

Therefore, if the Supreme Lord of Langyatian was a little more careful, he would not have been killed by Xu Ming with a single shot! It can only be said that when the Sovereign of Lang Yatian faced Xu Ming, he was too careless; he never thought that a mere "ordinary supreme" Xu Ming would threaten him. By the time he reacted, it was too late. !

"But even me, before I know that Xu Ming has the Boundary Breaker Spear, I'm afraid I'll be as careless as Lang Yatian Supreme!" Shenyu City Lord thought fearfully - fortunately it was Lang Yatian Supreme who shot, if it was him who shot , it may be him who died!

Thinking of this, City Lord Shenyu couldn't help but feel fortunate.

"Huh?" At this time, Xu Ming cast a glance at the City Lord of Shenyu - City Lord of Shenyu and Lang Yatian Supreme came together! Now that the Supreme Being of Langyatian is dead, Xu Ming naturally has to focus on the Lord of Shenyu City!

Shenyu City Lord was startled, and without any hesitation, he continued, "Xu Ming, although you have the Boundary Breaker in your hands, if we really fight for life and death, I'm not necessarily afraid of you; It will be bigger! However, I don’t want to be your enemy—I just show the way for the Supreme Lord of Lang Yatian, there is no conflict between you and me!”

The City Lord of Shenyu really did not want to be an enemy of Xu Ming.

Although he was jealous of the Boundary-Breaking Spear in Xu Ming's hands, he knew better that with his strength, he could not keep the Boundary-Breaking Spear at all—the Boundary-Breaking Spear was not something that the "Lower Heavenly Supreme" could possess!

Therefore, even if the Boundary Breaker Spear is in the hands of the God Feather City Lord, it is a misfortune rather than a blessing for him! The City Lord Shenyu is very clear about this, so he will not be the enemy of Xu Ming for the Boundary Breaker Spear!

Since City Lord Shenyu doesn't want the Boundary Breaker Spear, then... as he said, there was no conflict between him and Xu Ming before!

"Really?" Xu Ming smiled noncommittally - he didn't hear anything, he just believed Believe it or not, I'm leaving! "Shenyu City Lord said, turned and left - this is the best statement!

Xu Ming watched City Lord Shenyu leave, but he didn't make a move!

Of course, Xu Ming is not afraid of City Lord Shenyu, but, for Xu Ming, there is no benefit to taking action against City Lord Shenyu - there is no treasure in City Lord Shenyu that Xu Ming really wants!

Therefore, there is no benefit to attacking City Lord Shenyu, and it may expose the "infinite resurrection". In this case, if City Lord Shenyu does not take the initiative to take action against himself, Xu Ming will not take action against City Lord Shenyu!

Each other's well water does not make river water!


Shenyu City Lord just flew out not far, but suddenly turned around.

(End of this chapter)

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