Break Into Another World

Chapter 2050: Suicide casually?

? "Infinite Resurrection" is almost Xu Ming's last trump card!


Xu Ming put away the boundary-breaking gun directly.

Because of the "Dao Realm Contract", once the Boundary Breaker Spear is put away, it will directly enter a special time and space; in this way, even if Xu Ming dies, no one else will be able to get the Boundary Breaker Spear!

"In this way, I won't be afraid that the Boundary Breaker Spear will be lost!" Xu Ming secretly said, "Even if I die, I've only exposed the trump card of 'Infinite Resurrection', and I won't lose much else!"

Now that he is ready to reveal his last trump card, Xu Ming naturally wants to minimize his losses!

Like a boundary-breaking gun, it is absolutely impossible to fall into the hands of others.

"What!?" Great Senior Kunyu was shocked when he saw it, "It's the Taoist contract! Xu Ming directly stored the shattering gun back into the Taoist contract!"

This will not work!

How do you get the Boundary Pistol?

"You can't kill Xu Ming! You have to capture it alive!" Great Senior Kunyu continued, "Only then can we force him to hand over the Boundary Breaker Spear!"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..." The other Great Seniors sneered, "Don't worry! I won't let Xu Ming die so easily!"

"Haha! Ridiculous! He thought that if he hid the Boundary Breaker Spear, we would have nothing to do with him?"

"If he honestly handed over the treasures such as the Boundary Breaker Gun, we might be able to make him die happily! Now... hum! There are too many things that are more terrifying than death! Xu Ming will just wait. Enjoy!"

"That's right! When he's almost done enjoying it, he will naturally hand over treasures such as the Boundary Breaker Gun!"

The Great Venerables did not let Xu Ming hear these conversations. After all...they were worried that Xu Ming would commit suicide in fright after listening to it! In that case, all of their great lords will be busy working in vain! And the Kunpeng family will never be able to get the Boundary Breaking Spear, as well as the possible Feng Zhou Cauldron and Kun Tu!


Xu Ming really planned to commit suicide under the eyes of the great masters!

He had just found out with Xiaohang, what kind of effect the "Infinite Resurrection" hanging is! -Because of the "infinite resurrection" relationship, after Xu Ming died, he would not really die! His will will exist in an extremely special state; this "special state" is not only invisible to the great masters, but even...even the will of the universe and the rules of the true universe can't be detected!

The power of "Invincible Plug-In Ultimate Edition" is not for fun!

is really strong!


In other words... After Xu Ming died, no one would know that Xu Ming was still alive!


After his death, Xu Ming, who exists in a special state, can't move his body by himself, but he can decide when he will be "resurrected"! For example, if Xu Ming wants to wait ten years and eight years to be resurrected, then he will be resurrected after ten years and eight years; if Xu Ming wants to wait for ten eras to be resurrected, then he will be resurrected after ten eras!


Xu Ming doesn't have to be resurrected at the same place! He can choose freely, and within a period of time before his death, any "space-time coordinate point" that he has appeared will be resurrected!

For example, now, if Xu Ming committed suicide, then he could wait ten or eight years before being resurrected in Shenyu City, or resurrected in Qinghai City... It is impossible for other great masters to know when Xu Ming was resurrected! Unless I see Xu Ming next time!


With the "infinite resurrection" hanging, Xu Ming can really be fearless!

Of course, Xu Ming can't be too arrogant or too arrogant! After all, Xu Ming didn't know what means the Great Venerables had. What if a certain Great Venerable happened to have the means to restrain "infinite resurrection"? —For example, the Eternal Hall, even the powerhouse with the cultivation of "Lower Heavenly Supreme" can be resurrected! If the Great Senior of Eternal Hall had nothing to do and ran over to resurrect Xu Ming, wouldn't Xu Ming be directly held in his hand by the Great Senior of Eternal Hall?

So, keep a low profile!

Don't be too arrogant and arrogant!

"Then... find a place with better feng shui, and commit suicide first!" Xu Ming secretly said - he didn't want to wait until the high heavenly supreme killed him, and then died, there might be some danger!

Moreover, although each of the great masters deliberately whispered in Xu Ming's ear, only the "superior heavenly supreme" to deal with Xu Ming, and there is no "big master" level powerhouse, but how does Xu Ming know whether it is true or not?

What if those great masters deliberately fooled Xu Ming? What if there is a "Great Master" to deal with Xu Ming? - Of course, Xu Ming thought too much about this! There is really no Great Senior, come over to deal with him! After all, from the point of view of other Great Venerables, it is more than enough to send the "High Heaven Supreme" to deal with Xu Ming!

"Moon Demon!" Xu Ming suddenly shouted, "Let's just let it go!"

"Huh?" Moon Demon was startled, "Why?"

"Because... the feng shui here is good!" Xu Ming suddenly smiled strangely, and deliberately said to the Great Venerables, "I can't deal with the Supreme Heavenly Supreme! Rather than waiting for those High Heavenly Supremes to judge me , it's better... I'll give myself a treat! I'm going to die here!"

"Xu Ming, you..." The Moon Demon understood—Xu Ming planned to commit suicide!

The Great Seniors were stunned when they heard it.

Kunyu Dazun couldn't help but persuade: "Xu Ming, don't think about it! It's better to die than live!"

"Haha..." Xu Ming laughed, "I'm not stupid! You didn't intend to let me live!"

"Xu Ming!" a cold voice shouted coldly, "Don't think that you committed suicide, we will have nothing to do with you! As long as you are willing to pay some price, we can still resurrect you from the real river of time. When the time comes... hum! We will make your life worse than death! You should be honest, we can make you die happily!"

Resurrect me from the real river of time?

Xu Ming was stunned—he had never thought of this before!

"It seems... after committing suicide, we must go to a farther place to revive as soon as possible!" Xu Ming thought to himself, "By that time, I have already been resurrected, and they will not be able to resurrect me from the real river of time! "

After all, if Xu Ming is already in a "alive" state, then there must be no way to resurrect another Xu Ming - the paradox of cause and effect, this kind of thing is not allowed to happen!

Thinking of this, Xu Ming was completely unafraid.

"Resurrect me?" Xu Ming sneered loudly, "Don't think I don't know, there must be a price to revive me from the real river of time, right? And it may not be able to be resurrected successfully! Otherwise... you will also Don't threaten me, let me not commit suicide! Hahahaha..."

What Xu Ming said was absolutely correct!

Want to resurrect a strong man from the real river of time, easier said than done? Especially someone like Xu Ming, who is not only powerful, but also obviously has countless secrets hidden in his body, the difficulty of resurrection is even higher!


Reviving Xu Ming was even more difficult than resurrecting a Heavenly Supreme!

"You..." As soon as Xu Ming said these words, all the Great Venerables were a little speechless - they did not expect that Xu Ming would choose suicide so decisively!

"Moon Demon, just leave by yourself!" Xu Ming said again, "As the Great Venerables, I'm too lazy to take action against you!"

"I..." Of course the Moon Demon knew that those Great Seniors existed and had no interest in taking action against him at all; however, seeing Xu Ming about to commit suicide, how could the Moon Demon bear to leave? - After all, she owes Xu Ming a lot!

"Let's go!" Xu Ming said, "It doesn't make sense for you to stay here!"

"I..." Of course the Moon Demon knew that what Xu Ming said was true, he gritted his teeth, "Xu Ming, I'm leaving..."

As he said that, a flash of determination flashed in the eyes of the Moon Demon, and he was about to turn around and leave! But she had already made up her mind that when she became stronger, she would definitely "revenge" Xu Ming - of course, the revenge in her heart was not to kill a certain Great Venerable or demolish the Eternal Hall, she knew I don't have that power! But at least, the Moon Demon has decided that even if he fights for his life in the future, he will kill some of those Great Seniors' subordinates!

Kill a few, count a few!

It can be regarded as revenge for Xu Ming!

"Go!" Xu Ming was very calm - he just "suicide" he will be resurrected when he turns around, why not calm down?

Moreover, Xu Ming has already planned that after resurrection, he will use Feng Zhou Ding to transform himself into another person, and then come back to the Moon Demon to explore the treasures of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms!

Thinking of this, Xu Ming's eyes turned fierce, and he was ready to explode!

"Humph! Twenty seconds later, he's still a good guy!"


Just when Xu Ming was about to commit suicide, a sound transmission sounded directly in Xu Ming's mind - this sound transmission obviously came from a certain Great Senior, otherwise, it would be impossible not to be discovered by other Great Seniors!

And... the owner of this sound transmission is actually a female Great Venerable!

"This is...?" Xu Ming couldn't help but be stunned.

Updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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