Break Into Another World

Chapter 2055: Dare to beat the old lady's idea

"The Three Realms Universe is just a small universe. The total number of strong people should not be much! But... the proportion of strong people, how terrifying!?"

Xu Ming didn't know that people in the Three Realms universe were born as "world masters", and when they were adults, they were "supreme"! The cultivation realm that he and the Moon Demon showed, although they were both high-ranking and supreme, but in the Three Realms Universe, they were almost equivalent to ordinary adults!

And the barbarian king clan can also be regarded as a relatively powerful clan, and naturally they don't think much about the cultivation of "ordinary high-ranking supreme".


Seeing this, Mandun couldn't help but sneered in his heart, secretly said: "Looking at their reaction, it must be someone from the small clan! Otherwise, after listening to what I just said, I wouldn't be surprised at all!"

Thinking of this, Man Dun's eyes couldn't help but pass a hint of malicious intent - although he concealed it well, with Xu Ming's strength, how could he not be aware of his malicious intent?

But Xu Ming didn't care.

As long as he doesn't do anything, Brother Ming is too lazy to know him; but if he dares to do it... hehe!

"Are there many strong people in your barbarian clan?" Xu Ming asked tentatively.

But in Man Dun's opinion, Xu Ming should have been shocked by the power of the Man King clan, and that's why he asked this question.

"Humph!" Man Dun couldn't help but snorted arrogantly, and said, "My tribe of kings is naturally strong like clouds! I won't say much about the most powerful people, after all, there are too many! Even the most powerful people! Great power, in our barbarian king tribe, there are dozens of them!"

Dozens of land supreme!

This is just a tribe in the Three Realms universe!

Xu Ming and the Moon Demon looked at each other and couldn't help being more and more horrified.

"Oh!" Man Dun became more and more proud, "I forgot to tell you that the patriarch of my Barbarian King Tribe is a 'high-ranking supreme'! Moreover, this is nothing... The real powerhouses of our Barbarian King Tribe are actually most of them. He has already joined the Qinglong Army! The Earth Supremes who remain in the tribe are only a small part!"

"Blue Dragon Army?"

"That's right!" Man Dun continued, "As we all know, the four most powerful forces in our Three Realms universe are the four major legions, including the Qinglong Army! The four legions fought against each other and cultivated the most elite troops for the great Three Realms Great Venerable. !—And if you want to join the Azure Dragon Army, you must at least reach the 'Earth Supreme' cultivation base! Our barbarian king tribe, there are hundreds of people who join the Azure Dragon Army!"


In other words, the barbarian king tribe has produced hundreds of "Earth Supremes"! This is really strong enough! No wonder Man Dun is proud when he mentions the Barbarian King tribe!

But...Looking at Man Dun's appearance, it seems that the great powers in the Three Realms Universe still don't know that the Great Senior of the Three Realms has fallen.

"My ideal..." Mandun said again, "It is to become the Supreme Being one day, join the Qinglong Army, fight in all directions, and earn war honors!"

Man Dun's eyes have raging fighting intent and longing.

In the Three Realms Universe, almost every strong person is proud of joining the four major legions! Almost every strong man hopes that he can serve the great Three Realms Great Venerable! - After all, the universe of the Three Realms is the universe created by the Great Master of the Three Realms; the beings in this universe naturally have an innate worship to the Great Master of the Three Realms.

At this time, Man Dun asked again, "What tribe did you two belong to before?"

what tribe?

Xu Ming was slightly startled - they didn't have a tribe at all!

After thinking about it, Xu Ming casually said, "The Yue clan!"

"Yue clan?" Man Dun had a puzzled look on his face, "I haven't heard of it!"


In Mandun's heart, after hearing the words "Yuezhi clan", he was happy - in his opinion, if he had not heard it before, it meant that the Yue clan was just a very inconspicuous small clan; otherwise, any For a slightly larger clan, Mandun will be a little impressed!

"Fleeing from a small clan?" Man Dun's malicious eyes suddenly became obvious - the reason why he asked Xu Ming what clan he was in before was to inquire about Xu Ming's background.

But now, after finding out the details, Mandun didn't take Xu Ming in his eyes at all.

After all, how much strength can an ordinary high-ranking supreme who escaped from a small clan have?

"Are you going to show the fox's tail?" Xu Ming couldn't help laughing in his heart - of course he could see that Man Dun's chat was a bit of a trapping of his words.

"Alright, let me see what he wants to do!" Xu Ming secretly said.

"Xu Ming!" At this moment, Man Dun said, "You came from a small tribe, and now you have the opportunity to join our Barbarian King tribe, should you thank me?"


Xu Ming thought for a while and nodded slightly.

"Since you want to thank me..." Man Dun's eyes became very red, and he looked at the Moon Demon, "To be honest! From a small clan like you, there must be nothing on me that I can like. My treasure! So... This Moon Demon is your Taoist companion, right? From today, she is my Taoist companion! Do you have any opinions?"

Man Dun looked at Xu Ming provocatively.

"Uh..." Xu Ming was slightly startled - robbing a woman?

"Uh..." The Moon Demon was also slightly startled - rob me?

"Humph!" Man Dun coldly snorted, "Xu Ming, I might as well tell you that with your strength, in our barbarian king tribe, you are not qualified to have a Dao Companion! Only those who are above the 'Supreme Humanity' can have it. Qualified to have a Dao Companion!"

Not worthy of having a Taoist companion?

But the Moon Demon is not Xu Ming's Dao Companion!

However, Xu Ming was too lazy to say anything and wanted to see what Man Dun wanted to do next.

"Since you are not qualified to have a Dao Companion anyway! Instead of your Dao Companion being snatched away by other people in the tribe, why don't you just follow me directly!" Man Dun looked at Xu Ming threateningly, "You said yes? ?"

Xu Ming laughed dumbly: "It's not that I am your Taoist companion, don't ask me, ask her!"

Xu Ming pointed to the Moon Demon.

"Ha!" Man Dun smiled disdainfully - in his opinion, Xu Ming was afraid! Just a coward!

"Moon Demon!" Man Dun's eyes were a bit Followed me, from now on, you are a member of the Barbarian King tribe! "

"I..." Moon Demon deliberately said, "I don't!"

"No!?" Man suddenly became angry.

The Moon Demon said again: "In this case, we still don't go to the barbarian king clan!"

"Don't go?" When Man Dun heard the words, he couldn't help laughing, "My barbarian king tribe, why do you think if you want to come, and don't come if you don't want to come? - If you don't want to come, you won't come? You put our barbarian king. What do you think of the tribe?"

"Now, I'll give you two choices!" Man Dun said again, "Be my woman, or... die with him!"

"Then I..." The Moon Demon smiled slyly, and then his expression suddenly turned cold; without Xu Ming's action, she directly attacked Man Dun, "What kind of cat and dog, dare to attack the old lady's idea!?"

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