Break Into Another World

Chapter 2074: only 1 shot

? Jiaolong battle platform.

When Xu Ming just set foot on the Jiaolong battle stage, there were already tens of thousands of onlookers around him—among them, there were members of the Jiaolong Army and ordinary soldiers of the Qinglong Army.

"That's Manton?"

All the onlookers pointed at Xu Ming.

"I heard that Man Dun's brain doesn't seem to work well?"

"Isn't it? - As soon as you joined the Jiaolong Army, you dared to challenge Wudian! It's not that you have a bad mind, what is it?"

"Wudian had ten battles on the Jiaolong battle stage! In ten battles, all ten opponents were killed, and no one was spared; it seems that Mandun should be the eleventh!"

"I really don't understand, why did Mandun challenge Udian? Is it because his life is too long?"

In the crowd, Long Sheng and the other challengers who issued the gauntlet all looked at Xu Ming, gnashing their teeth. In their opinion, they had a chance to get the "Ninth Token"; but now, they have no chance!

"Mandun" died, and the ninth token would definitely be taken back.


Suddenly, the space-time made a very low roar.

A strong man with a ferocious and mighty power slammed onto the dragon battle platform.


Looking at the power of Udian, the discussions around the battle platform suddenly quieted down. It seems that he is afraid of accidentally offending Udin in his words and causing disaster.

"You are Man Dun?" Wu Dian looked directly at Xu Ming as if he were dead.


Wu Dian threw Xu Ming's gauntlet on the battlefield: "It's the gauntlet you gave me!?"

The onlookers looked at the contents of the gauntlet with curiosity.

I saw only two words on the gauntlet: suffer!


"The gauntlet written by Mandun to Wu Dian actually only has the word 'suffering death' on it?"

"It's over, it's over! Mandun is definitely over! - Originally, Wu Dian might have spared Mandun's life for the sake of his ignorance; now, it seems that Mandun is sure to die!"

"If Mandun is spared, it will not be Udian!"

The onlookers chatted quietly.

Everyone's opinion is very consistent - Man Dun, must die!

On the Jiaolong battle platform.

Xu Ming naturally ignored the comments of the onlookers, but looked at Wu Dian indifferently: "A high-ranking supreme cultivation base?"

In the Jiaolong Army, almost all the powerhouses have the cultivation base of "high-ranking supreme". After all, the Jiaolong Army has abundant resources, and every member is a genius among geniuses. It is not difficult to break through to the "superior position".

Wu Dian was also looking at Xu Ming: "Subordinate to the Supreme Being?"

Xu Ming's exposed cultivation base is the supreme being of the lower rank.

"Oh!" Wu Dian smiled disdainfully, "I really don't know, where is your courage, dare to issue a gauntlet to me? - Although, the Jiaolong Battle Stage will suppress my cultivation to the 'low-level supreme', and You are equal; but do you think that the gap between you and me is only the gap in cultivation?"

"Ridiculous!" Wu Dian was completely disdainful, "Even if I suppress my cultivation to the lowest level, it would still be a piece of cake to ravage you!"

Xu Ming just said lightly: "There's so much nonsense! Can we start?"

"Humph!" Wu Dian snorted coldly, "Since you are in a hurry to court death, then I will fulfill you!"


Wu Dian's aura suddenly became scarlet and ferocious. With one slash, a terrifying power swept towards Xu Ming frantically.

As soon as it comes up, it is a killer move, merciless!

"Ha!" Xu Ming smiled disdainfully, and thought to himself, "I was thinking about whether to leave a way for you to live! But since you are the ultimate move, then I will be welcome!"


In an instant, Xu Ming's spear shot out like a dragon.

call out-

The scarlet and ferocious sword light was instantly smashed by Xu Ming's gun. At the same time, Xu Ming's gun didn't stop and continued to kill Wudian.

"What!?" Wu Dian was horrified, with a look of horror on his face - just a collision, he felt the strength gap between himself and "Man Dun"! Not to mention that his current cultivation has been suppressed to the "Supreme of the Lower Rank", even if he is still the heyday of the "Supreme of the Upper Rank", I am afraid he is not Man Dun's opponent!

It's a pity that when Udon found this out, it was too late!

boom! !

Xu Ming's gun force instantly penetrated Wudian's divine body. And Wu Dian's expression is forever fixed in "horrified".

Only one shot!

Udon, die!


The wreckage of Wudian's divine body fell heavily on the Jiaolong battle platform, and immediately disappeared without leaving a trace.

A token emerges from the location where Udin fell - it is the "eighth token" held by Udin.

call out-

The eighth token turned into a stream of light and shot at Xu Ming; while Xu Ming's ninth token dissipated directly—it was obviously recovered.

"Humph! I told you to **** the Jiaolongtan with me!" Xu Ming took the eighth token and left directly.

Wu Dian could never have imagined that he would die - the reason why he suffered such a disaster was because he signed up for the practice of Jiaolongtan and joined Xu Ming's team!

Of course, this is also related to Wu Dian's ultimate move! With Xu Ming's character, if it wasn't for Wu Dian's killing move as soon as he came up, he would take his life; then, Xu Ming generally wouldn't kill him, and would only teach Wu Dian a lesson.

It can only be said that Wu Dian is too unlucky and too arrogant!

There was a long silence around the Jiaolong battle platform.

After Xu Ming left, he gradually began to make a sound.

"Udien... dead?"

"Mantun killed Udin?"

"And it's a one-shot kill?"

"Just one shot..."

Everyone was horrified.

You must know that Wu Dian is the holder of the "Eighth Token", which is the eighth strength of the Jiaolong Army!

If Wu Dian's cultivation is not suppressed, then, even in the face of the "Heaven Supreme" powerhouse, Wu Dian has so much strength to save his life! Even if Wu Dian's strength is suppressed to the "Lower Earth Supreme" level, it is still the top strength at the "Earth Supreme" level!

But even with the strength of this "Earth Supreme Peak", it was still killed by Man Dun with a single shot!

Man Dun's strength, how strong should it be! ?

"Man Dun's cultivation base is only a low-ranking supreme, so if he really fights outside the Jiaolong battle stage, his strength should not be too outrageous; but even so, I am afraid that he can compete with the prosperous Wu Dian. It's a draw! And if it's in the Flood Dragon Battle Stage... I'm afraid, only the holder of the 'First Token' in the entire Flood Dragon Army can dare to say that they will win the battle, right?"

Before this battle, everyone thought that Man Dun was just lucky and made some contributions, so he was recruited into the Jiaolong Army and given the "Ninth Token"; but now, everyone knows that... Man Dun's strength Even scarier!

Super genius!

Undisputed super genius!

"Wait until Mandun cultivates to the level of 'high-ranking supreme', then, I am afraid that his strength will definitely be ranked in the top three of the dragon army?" Everyone couldn't help thinking in horror.

The top three of the Jiaolong Army!

That is almost the strength to challenge the "Qinglong Great Array"!

The most depressing and tragic people were Long Sheng and the others—they had already sent a letter to "Man Dun", but Man Dun hadn't opened their letter.

"If Mandun opens the gauntlet at some point, then we..." Long Sheng and the others almost wanted to cry without tears.

Originally, they were looking forward to Man Dun dismantling their gauntlet; but now, they just felt that when Man Dun dismantled the gauntlet, it would be their death!

Their life and death are completely in the hands of "Man Dun".

When Mandun wants them to die, let them die!

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