Break Into Another World

Chapter 2087: Is it so arrogant?

"It's almost time! It's time to do it!"


Xu Ming stood up directly, his eyes like flames, and fell directly on the gate of the Qinglong Army's treasure house.

The spirit of the treasure house gate immediately noticed the domineering and a trace of greed in Xu Ming's eyes.

"How dare you watch it!?" The treasure house door sound transmission shouted angrily.

Xu Ming ignored it at all and walked directly towards the door of the treasure house.

The treasure house door became more and more angry: "You are such a big dog! How dare you come over!?"

"Ha!" Xu Ming's mouth curled into a meaningful smile, which made the treasure house door feel numb.

"You... what are you trying to do!?" The treasure house gate has a bad premonition, but it is more angry; after all, it will not put an ordinary Qinglong Army soldier in its eyes, "You can't find death! ?"

Xu Ming still didn't reply, he just smiled strangely and walked quickly towards the door of the treasure house.

"Stop!" the treasure house door scolded, "If you don't stop, I will be rude to you!"

The treasure house of the Qinglong Army naturally has some means of self-defense. If it is the strength below Tian Zhizun, it is impossible to hurt the gate of the treasure house, but it will be suppressed by the gate of the treasure house.

Even with the strength of the median heavenly supreme, it is almost impossible to break the door of the treasure house!

"You're welcome?" Xu Ming finally spoke, "I'm sorry! It's me who's being rude to you!"


Xu Ming's voice fell, and a long spear suddenly appeared in his hand - it was the "Boundary Breaking Spear"!

boom! !

With the Boundary Breaker in his hand, Xu Ming's aura instantly skyrocketed!

You must know that even if Xu Ming does not use the "Boundary Breaker", his strength has already reached the level of "Middle Heaven Supreme"; now, Xu Ming is holding the Breaker Spear, and his strength is instantly breaking the shackles and stepping into the It has reached the realm of "High Heaven Supreme"!

Supreme Heaven!

In the current Azure Dragon Army, there is absolutely invincible existence!


Xu Ming's tyrannical aura belonged to the "High Heaven Supreme", and he rushed in all directions unscrupulously - since he has already started, there is no need to shrink his head! After all, if you continue to shrink your head and head, it is equivalent to hiding your ears and stealing bells.

All Xu Ming needs to do now is one word - do it!

"Kill!" The boundary-breaking gun in Xu Ming's hand blasted directly at the treasure house door.

"What!?" The artifact at the door of the treasure house was terrified and closed the door tightly to guard the treasure house.


The might of the world-shattering divine soldier is so easy to resist! ?


First shot!

Treasure gate trembles! Almost to be blown away!

Such a huge power, such a huge movement, naturally also alarmed the entire Azure Dragon Army.

"What's wrong?"

"what happened!?"

"Isn't that the savage Supreme? What is he doing...?"

"Supreme Barbarian? Certainly not! - How could Barbarian Supreme possess such strength!"

"It's someone else, the Supreme Being of the Barbarian Ghost, who is bombarding the gate of our Qinglong Army's treasury!"

"The great power in the universe of the Three Realms will not do this! This must be an outsider!"

"Are all the outsiders now so arrogant? They even rushed directly to the barracks of our Azure Dragon Army and smashed the gate of our Azure Dragon Army's treasure house?"

"Humph! I don't know how to live or die! Where did he put the powerhouses of our Qinglong Army?"

In the Qinglong Army, all the powerhouses were watching and discussing, but no one shot Xu Ming - after all, in their opinion, if such a thing happened, there would naturally be the "high-ranking Heavenly Supreme" powerhouse of the Qinglong Army. , it's not their turn to worry.

However, the powerhouses of the Qinglong Army waited and waited, but they couldn't wait for the "High Heaven Supreme" to take action.

"What's going on? What about the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign of our Azure Dragon Army?"

"The high-ranking Heavenly Supremes seem to have gone out quietly, and they are not in the Qinglong Army barracks now!" A strong man said uncertainly.


"The High Heavenly Supremes are not here!?"

"Quick, quick! The mid-rank of the Azure Dragon Army, the Heavenly Supreme Powerhouse, quickly form a battle formation and capture the outsiders!"

Immediately, the entire Qinglong Army moved - they could not let the extremely arrogant outsider away in front of them no matter what, otherwise, the entire Qinglong Army would be beaten in the face!

boom! boom! boom! …

At this time, Xu Ming was already holding the Boundary Breaker Spear, aiming at the door of the treasure house, firing dozens of shots in a row.

Finally, the door of the treasure house was smashed to pieces by Xu Ming.

"Oh! It's quite patient!"

Xu Ming sneered and rushed directly into the treasure house.

Inside the treasury…

The member of the Qinglong Great Array saw with horror on his face that the "Supreme Barbarian", who had never been in his eyes, forcibly opened the door of the treasure house and rushed into the treasure house.

The Azure Dragon Array member couldn't help but screamed in horror: "You... what do you want to do!?"

"What's the matter with you!?" Xu Ming raised his hand and slapped the members of the Azure Dragon Formation into the corner of the treasure house; then, Xu Ming shouted, "Leave all the treasures on him, and then... while I'm too lazy. Kill you, get out of here!"

Saying that, Xu Ming didn't bother to look at the other party, and frantically destroyed the guardian formation in the treasure house, sweeping the treasures in the guardian formation.

Move away move away!

All move away!

The frightened member of the Qinglong Great Array hurriedly dropped the treasure on his body and fled.

"Heh! This is a member of the Azure Dragon Formation?" Xu Ming sneered disdainfully.

Soon, Xu Ming swept away all the treasures in the entire treasury.


Without hesitation, Xu Ming rushed out of the treasury.

As soon as he rushed out of the treasury, Xu Ming saw that in the Qinglong Army barracks, quite a few median Heavenly Supremes had begun to form battle formations. However, for the time being, the battle formation has not really taken shape, so it can't exert the power of the "High Heaven Supreme" level.

boom! boom! boom! …

Xu Ming directly held the boundary-breaking gun, forcibly blasted away obstacles one by one, and walked away.

And when Xu Ming bombarded the gate of the treasure house, all the Supreme Heavenly Sovereigns of the Qinglong Army got the news almost at the same moment.

"What!? Too arrogant! How dare you directly attack my Qinglong army camp and seize the treasure house of my Qinglong army!?"

I have seen an arrogant outsider, but I have never seen such an arrogant outsider!

This made the high-ranking Heavenly Supremes of the Qinglong Army almost explode with anger!

"We've fallen for the trick!"

"Damn it!"

Jian Yi and other outsiders were being hunted down, so they also heard the roar of the Azure Dragon Army's powers.

"Someone is attacking the treasury of the Qinglong Army?"

"It must be Xu Ming!"

"Xu Ming used us as bait, but he took the opportunity to attack the treasure house of the Qinglong Army!?"

Jian Yi and other outsiders are obviously even more angry!

However, anger is useless!

The powers of the Three Realms Universe were angered by Xu Ming, and they couldn't immediately rush back to the Qinglong Army to kill Xu Ming; therefore, they could only vent their anger on Jianyi and other outsiders.

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