Break Into Another World

Chapter 2091: see where else you can run

What Xu Ming didn't know was... when he was silently "digging food" by himself, the entire inheritance place was completely boiling!

Three Realms Tower!

With the passage of time, the golden light of the Three Realms Pagoda did not weaken at all, but became more and more shining. Later, the dazzling golden light even turned directly into red, dyeing the sky of the entire inheritance land into blood red.

"Red light!"

"The Three Realms Pagoda actually glowed red? Doesn't that mean... the people in the pagoda have reached the third level of inheritance!?"

"The first time I entered the Three Realms Pagoda, I reached the third level of inheritance!?"

The inheritance in the Three Realms Pagoda is divided into five layers.

The first layer has no vision.

On the second floor, the Three Realms Pagoda will bloom with golden light—there are only few people who can reach the second floor inheritance in the entire inheritance land.

The third floor, blooming red light!


The red light only lasted for a moment and then dissipated suddenly.

This shows that in the Three Realms Pagoda, the inheritance of Jianyi has been suspended.

But even so, the place of inheritance is still boiling - you know, Jian Yi has only entered the Three Realms Pagoda for the first time, and has reached the third layer of inheritance! This has never happened in endless years!

"The place of inheritance... There is a super genius!" All the inheritors realized this and gathered around the Three Realms Pagoda, wanting to witness the super genius for the first time.

Not long after, the gate of the Three Realms Pagoda opened.

Jian Yi walked out of the Three Realms Pagoda with a reckless face, and saw that he was surrounded by inheritors, he couldn't help but be slightly puzzled.


But then, Jian Yi realized what was going on.

"Ha!" The corner of Jian Yi's mouth evoked a hint of arrogance and disdain, "Aboriginals are only aboriginals, after all, they have never seen anything in the world! It must be that my talent is too unbelievable, and when I accept the inheritance, the movement caused is too much. Great, so I am shocked by these indigenous geniuses!"

Jian Yi was very proud and full of superiority.


Jian Yi didn't even think about it. He was a super genius cultivated by the Eternal Hall. Compared with a group of natives, what is there to feel superior to?

"Brother Jianyi, it's really hidden!" The Supreme Lord of the Sky who had spoken to Xu Ming before, was the first to come forward.

The other inheritors have also come together to get familiar with each other - after all, everyone can see that with Jianyi's talent, there is absolutely no limit in the future!

"Brother Jianyi, it's a pleasure to meet!"

"Brother Jianyi, welcome to the land of inheritance! If you have any doubts, feel free to ask me!"

"Brother Jianyi..."

Jian Yi just dealt with it casually, and didn't bother to pay attention to these inheritors. After all, with his arrogance, he doesn't even bother to make friends with these native geniuses.

However, at this time, the voice transmission of the Supreme Lord of the Grey Sky caught Jian Yi's attention.

"Brother Jianyi!" The Supreme Lord of Grey Sky said through a voice transmission, "You asked me to pay attention to whether there will be other people coming to the place of inheritance! Sure enough, not long after you entered the Three Realms Pagoda, someone came. To the place of inheritance!"

"Oh?" Jian Yi suddenly looked at the Supreme Being of the Sky, and said with a smile, "Brother Grey, can you take a step to speak!"

"Of course!" Supreme Venerable Grey Sky walked away with Jian Yi with a radiant face.

The other inheritors all looked enviously at the back of the Supreme Lord of the Grey Sky leaving—everyone knew that Jian Yi’s talent was against the sky! So, who else doesn't want to become friends with Jian Yi like the Supreme Supreme Being?

Jian Yi came to the residence of the Supreme Lord of the Grey Sky.

"Brother Gray, you said just now that after me, there are other people who came to the place of inheritance?"

When Jian Yi was chased by the Qinglong messenger, he heard that someone took the opportunity to attack the treasure house of the Qinglong Army. Jian Yi took his toes to think about it, and felt that that person should be Xu Ming.

Although Jian Yi had some doubts, how could Xu Ming's strength be so strong that he could take advantage of the emptiness and attack the treasure house of the Qinglong Army! But, besides Xu Ming, who else could it be? - So, it must be Xu Ming without a doubt!

And since Xu Ming attacked the Qinglong Army's treasure house, he should get the inheritance order, and he should also come to the place of inheritance - that's why Jian Yi just came to the place of inheritance and just got to know the Supreme Being , just ask the other party to help him pay attention to whether anyone else came to the place of inheritance.

And now, Jian Yi just came out of the Three Realms Pagoda, and he got the news as expected.

At this time, Jian Yi asked again: "Brother Grey, is that person's name Xu Ming?"

"Xu Ming?" Supreme Venerable Grey Sky was a little puzzled, "No! That person, called 'Barbarian', is just an Earth Supreme!"

"Barbarian ghost?" Jian Yi suddenly thought of Man Dun, "Barbarian clan, in the Three Realms universe, it is rare, they should all come from the barbarian king clan! - Humph! Man Dun is such a powerful genius, can there be another wild ghost?"

Jian Yi didn't think that two super geniuses could suddenly emerge from the barbarian king tribe!

"It looks like... the barbarian ghost is probably Xu Ming's disguise!" Jian Yi secretly said, "And the barbarian... should be a genius controlled by Xu Ming!"

It's just that Jian Yi didn't know that whether it was "Man Dun" or "Barbarian Ghost", it was actually Xu Ming!

Thinking about it, Jian Yi looked at Supreme Sovereign Grey Sky and asked, "Where is that savage ghost?"

Of course Jian Yi wanted to meet this "barbarian" for a while.

"This savage is a bit strange!" Supreme Venerable Grey Sky said, "I told him, in the land of inheritance, the greatest chance is the Three Realms Pagoda! But he is going to the Sea of ​​Time! Do you think he is stupid? ?—If it is not Now the barbarian should be in the sea of ​​time!"

"Sea of ​​Time?" Jian Yi nodded slightly.

In the Eternal Hall, there is a place similar to the "Sea of ​​Time", and it should be better than the Sea of ​​Time. Therefore, Jian Yi naturally doesn't look down on the sea of ​​time at all.

"Ha!" Jian Yi sneered disdainfully in his heart, "This Xu Ming, after all, came from the virtual universe, he has never seen anything in the world, and he actually regards a place like the Sea of ​​Time as a treasure!"

"Grey eagle! Thank you!" After Jian Yi understood the information, he said goodbye to the Supreme Supreme.

"It's just a small thing! It's just a small thing!" Supreme Venerable Grey Sky continued to say that in the land of inheritance, he could only be regarded as a mediocre talent; now that he has the opportunity to make a good deal with Jianyi, he naturally has to seize the opportunity firmly, and seems very polite.

"Yeah!" Jian Yi nodded and left.

call out-

sea ​​of ​​time.

Jian Yi stood on the coastline, watching the tide of time, surging endlessly.

"Xu Ming?" Jian Yi looked at the sea of ​​time, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "You really can hide! But this time... let's see where you can run!"


Jian Yi directly turned into a streamer and plunged towards the sea of ​​time.


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