Break Into Another World

Chapter 2101: The fastest man in the universe

"Just avenge me once?" The Great Senior of the Three Realms looked at Xu Ming, and suddenly smiled, "Oh! It seems that you know a lot! You have even heard of resurrection and other methods! -Okay! I Promise you! Set up a cause-and-effect entanglement!"

Did you agree so easily?

Xu Ming was slightly stunned, but without any hesitation, he established the entanglement of cause and effect; after all, it is Xu Ming who is currently in the pit of the Great Master of the Three Realms!

The content of the entanglement of cause and effect is very simple: Xu Ming has obtained the treasure of the Great Master of the Three Realms, and he has to avenge the Great Master of the Three Realms once!

call out-

Suddenly, there was an entanglement of cause and effect on Xu Ming's body. If he violates the content of the entanglement of cause and effect, he will be attacked by cause and effect, from serious injuries to serious... direct fall! Even if he is resurrected with "Infinite Resurrection", he will fall again and again!

"Hahahahaha..." Upon seeing this, the Great Master of the Three Realms laughed and handed his "Dao Realm Contract" to Xu Ming.

Xu Ming took it unceremoniously and instantly refined it. Through the "Dao Realm Contract", Xu Ming could feel that in an endlessly distant time and space, there are countless treasures piled up like mountains; he can take out these treasures immediately with a single thought - this is the mystery connecting the Dao Realm contract. time and space.

Xu Ming had already obtained a "Dao Realm Contract", which was the Dao Realm contract for storing the Boundary Breaker Spear; therefore, he was not very surprised to have obtained the Dao Realm Contract of the Three Realms Great Venerable now.

"Hahahaha..." The Great Senior of the Three Realms continued to laugh, "Young man, you know a lot, you even know the means of resurrection! But... I have to say, you don't know much! You only know that there are 'resurrection' 'I don't know this kind of means, resurrection, the highest can only revive the 'Middle Heaven Supreme' cultivation base, the higher cultivation base, such as the upper Heaven Supreme, such as the Great Venerable, is impossible to resurrect! So, you The request just made is equivalent to not mentioning anything!"

The Great Venerable of the Three Realms is complacent. He also thought that he had successfully tricked Xu Ming.

Xu Ming smiled without saying a word.

"Hahahahaha..." With satisfaction, the figure of the Great Senior of the Three Realms gradually dissipated.

When the Great Venerable of the Three Realms completely dissipated, Xu Ming shook his head and said to himself: "The Great Venerable of the Three Realms is right, the cultivation level above the 'High Heaven Supreme' can't be resurrected! But... the Great Venerable of the Three Realms said this. Illusion does not know, who killed him himself!"

The Great Senior of the Three Realms was killed by Xu Ming!

According to the content of the karma entanglement, Xu Ming only needs to kill the murderer once, even if he completes the agreement with the Great Master of the Three Realms, he will be able to remove the karma entanglement.

Killing the murderer once is...killing yourself once!

Is it not easy to kill yourself? -Anyway, Xu Ming has an "infinite resurrection" hanging on it, and he can be resurrected immediately after death.

Without hesitation, Xu Ming blew himself up on the invincible battle platform!

"what's the situation?"

"Why did Xu Ming blow himself up?"

"He just got the opportunity left by the Great Senior, why did he blow himself up?"

Around the invincible battle platform, a group of indigenous geniuses are stunned - what is this operation? Suicide as soon as you get the chance?

However, before the native geniuses could react, Xu Ming's figure reappeared on the invincible battle platform. But the Xu Ming at this time was different from before the suicide - the karmic entanglement that had just appeared on his body had disappeared without a trace at this time!

Because Xu Ming has already completed the agreement in "Causal Entanglement".

"My speed, I'm afraid it can be regarded as the fastest speed to remove the 'causal entanglement'!"

The karma entanglement was just set up, and it was lifted in seconds! -Xu Ming's speed can be called the fastest man in the universe!

"At the cost of a 23-level hanging point, I got the 'Dao Realm Contract' of the Great Master of the Three Realms! Hurry up and see... There are treasures in the 'Dao Realm Contract'!"

In the "Tao Realm Contract" of the Three Realms Great Venerable, there are naturally many origins of the universe.

"The origin of the universe, the truth" and "the origin of the universe, the virtual", both have the number of over 100 million!

What is the concept of "the origin of the universe, truth" that exceeds 100 million? —It is a 24-level hanging point with more than 100 million points, which is a trillion-level 23-level hanging point!

And Xu Ming used "Infinite Resurrection" to revive once, and only needed one level 23 hanging point! In other words, Xu Ming can resurrect "trillion" times! - Trillions of lives! Even if Xu Ming stood there and let other great powers kill him, he didn't know how long it would take to kill him! What's more, Xu Ming couldn't stand there and be slaughtered!

Moreover, in the "Tao Realm Contract" of the Great Master of the Three Realms, in addition to the origin of the universe, there are other treasures.

"Three Realms Seal!" Xu Ming took out a golden seal from the "Tao Realm Contract" with a move of his mind. "As long as this Three Realms Seal is refined, can you control the entire Three Realms universe?"

Of course, this kind of control is not complete control. It is impossible to mobilize the four major legions. It can only control the entry and exit of the Three Realms universe—for example, it can block the time and space of the Three Realms universe. Can't come in either. Moreover, Xu Ming himself can also enter and exit the Three Realms universe at any time.

"Refining!" Xu Ming directly refined the seal of the Three Realms, "In this way, everything I do in the place of inheritance will not be spread outside the Three Realms Universe!"

From then on, no one can enter or leave the Three Realms universe anymore; then, what Xu Ming did in the place of inheritance would naturally not be able to be passed on.

"In this way, no one will know that Jian Yi was actually suppressed and sealed by me!"

Xu Ming was prepared to use the identity of "Jian Yi" to mix in the real universe after leaving the Three Realms Universe; therefore, Xu Ming naturally couldn't let other people know that Jian Yi was suppressed and sealed by him.

Xu Ming continued to look at the treasures in the "Tao Realm Contract".

"Other treasures are just the 'Heavenly Supreme Divine Weapon'!" Xu Ming now has three world-shattering magical weapons in his hands, so naturally he no longer looks down on the heavenly supreme magical weapon, "However...there is one more world-breaking magical weapon—Sanjieshan! "

Sanjie is the headquarters of the forces under the command of the Great Master of the Three Realms!

However, I am afraid not many people know that the "Three Realms Mountain" is actually a magic weapon that breaks the world! —Fortress-type world-shattering magic weapon!

As long as you hide in the Three Realms Mountain, even the Great Senior cannot hurt the people in the Three Realms Mountain; this fortress-like world-breaking weapon is definitely a very important life-saving treasure for the Great Senior of the Three Realms! It's a pity... Previously in the virtual universe, when the Great Master of the Three Realms faced Xu Ming, he was directly killed by Xu Ming with a single shot, and there was no chance to use the Three Realms Mountain.

"Sanjie Mountain is in Chaos Ridge! But... the core of Sanjie Mountain is in the 'Tao Realm Contract' of the Great Master of the Three Realms!" After I have transformed this core, and then headed to Sanjie Mountain, I can directly control this fortress-type world-breaking weapon!"

But now, Xu Ming is not in a hurry to refine it - the core of Sanjie Mountain is in his hands, can he still run away?

"It's time to leave the Three Realms Universe first!"

In order to take refuge, Xu Ming entered the Three Realms Universe; unexpectedly, he got a lot of opportunities in the Three Realms Universe.

Now, it is time to leave the Three Realms Universe.

"But...before I leave, I have one more thing to arrange!"


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