Break Into Another World

Chapter 350: ,marriage

This little golden mouse was the same gold-devouring mouse that had instructed Ao Wanya to break through to Daojun before.

"What a powerful attack! One shot killed the waste of Ao Wanya, and two shots blew away the protective formation of Wanya Pavilion... It seems that the battleship should be a top-quality Taoist weapon, and it focuses on attacking. The kind!"

The Golden Rat pondered.

"As I expected, the Wilderness Sect really has treasures; otherwise, how could such a battleship emerge!"

The Golden Rat took it for granted that this battleship should be a heritage treasure from the Wilderness Sect.

"But now, this waste Ao Wanya is dead, who else can help me find out the hidden location of the heritage treasure?" The two small eyes of the Golden Rat twitched, "If I do it myself, It's too easy to leave traces... Moreover, once it is discovered by the human race inspectors in this area, it will be miserable!"

In the territory of the human race, it is almost impossible to see monsters above the spiritual realm; because once a monster grows to the spiritual realm, it will be immediately beheaded by human masters.

And this golden-eating rat with the strength of "Six-step Daojun" is of course not born and raised in the territory of the human race, but secretly lurking from the demon race.

You must know that it is not easy for the demon clan to send a Taoist master to sneak into the territory of the human clan, and the price is very high.

For the demon clan, a Taoist-level monster that successfully infiltrated the human race was even more important than a Taoist-level monster within the demon clan's territory.

Therefore, like this golden-devouring rat, unless it is absolutely necessary, it will not take action at all - its life is too valuable to the demon clan!

"Exploring the hidden location of the treasures inherited from the Wilderness Sect, you must not be in a hurry... You have to take your time!"

Thinking about it, the gold-devouring rat burrowed into the soil and disappeared.

On the deck of the Wuyu Ship, Xu Ming squinted, examining the three surrendered deputy pavilion masters of Wanya Pavilion.

These three people are all experts in the Lingfeng realm, but Xu Ming is not worried about what tricks they will make on the fog and rain ship. After all, Wuyu Ship's artifact spirit "Little Huang" is a half-step Daoist strength; three Lingfeng cultivators in mere mere three can turn over the sky under Xiao Huang's eyelids?

Therefore, Xu Ming was very relieved and put the three people on the boat.

"You three, surrender sincerely?" Xu Ming asked.

"Sincerely! Absolutely sincere!" The three of them nodded.

"It's good to surrender sincerely!" Xu Ming pondered, "Our Wilderness Sect is short-staffed, and we have just annexed so many of your Wanya Pavilion sites, so we really can't handle it. Since the three of you surrender sincerely, then I will definitely reuse you. of!"

A look of joy appeared on the faces of the three of them.

They surrendered mainly to save their lives. Now, not only can my life be saved, but it will also be reused. Of course, I am happy!

"Xu Ming." Gu Kongshan reminded quietly through voice transmission, "This kind of master who just surrendered should not be reused. In case they draw forces to rebel..."

"Don't worry, Sect Master!" Xu Ming replied through voice transmission, "I have my own way to ensure that they will be obedient like a dog!"

"Oh?" Gu Kongshan was suspicious.

"By the way, what are the names of the three of you?" Xu Ming asked casually.

The three couldn't help but feel depressed.

They are all experts in the Lingfeng realm, and in the territory ruled by Huxin Island, they are also quite famous people! But Xu Ming didn't even know their names...

Besides, when Xu Ming came to attack Wanya Pavilion, didn't he first understand the situation of Wanya Pavilion? - The so-called "knowing yourself, knowing your enemy, and winning a hundred battles", you don't even know the situation before you kill them. How confident you must be!

However, Xu Ming is still a confident capital! - Wanya Pavilion, the top mysterious force, was conquered by his two shots!

The three murmured in their hearts for a while, but they answered honestly:

"Cao Mingtao."

"Ao Sheng."

"Ao negative."

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded, "Come with me, I have something to explain to you!"

The three of Cao Mingtao followed Xu Ming suspiciously and walked into a secret room in the cabin.

The door of the secret room closed automatically.

There was a slight flash in the hearts of the three of them, and they asked, "Ming... Brother Ming, do you have any orders?"

"I can't tell you what to do! But..." Xu Ming's mouth curled into a wicked smile, "Xiao Huang, help me restrain them!"

"Huh!?" The faces of the three of them changed suddenly.

But it's too late!

call out! call out! call out!

Three tyrannical and domineering nihilistic forces directly wrapped their bodies; Cao Mingtao and the three of them couldn't even move their fingers and blink their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the three saw that a yellow ape appeared out of thin air—it was Xiao Huang who had been reduced to the size of an ordinary ape.

"Xiao Huang, is your soul bound too?" Xu Ming asked casually.

"Don't worry, Brother Ming, I still don't know what you want to do?" Xiao Huang said with a smile.

The three of Cao Mingtao listened in great urgency - binding their souls, what is this going to do! ?

The three of them wanted to shout loudly, but their bodies were bound and their souls were bound, and they couldn't make a sound at all.

Xu Ming unhurriedly took out the Wansha Soul Orb.

"This Wansha Soul Orb can enslave the soul, let me try the effect!"

Xu Ming chose Ao Neu as the first target to attack—because Xu Ming felt that his name was relatively unlucky and should be easier to attack.

call out!

Xu Ming mobilized the Wansha Soul Orb, and pushed a special gray mist inside the bead into Ao Neu's body.

Immediately, this wisp of gray fog swam towards Ao Neg's soul like a poisonous snake coming out of a hole.

"What is this!?" Ao Neg was frightened to death, but his whole body and soul were completely bound, and he could only watch this wisp of gray fog hit him.


The gray fog quietly invaded the depths of the soul.

I saw Ao Neg's eyes, a painful struggle at first; but after a few breaths, the struggle faded away, replaced by incomparably fanatical loyalty!

"Enslavement succeeded!"

Xu Ming obviously also felt the loyalty from Ao Neu, and waved his hand to Xiao Huang to remove the restraint.

As soon as the restraint was removed, Ao Neu immediately fell to his knees with a "pop", looking up at Xu Ming with incomparable enthusiasm: "Master!"

"Wansha Soul Orb is really amazing, it allowed me to enslave a Lingfeng realm master so easily!" Xu Ming sighed.

Of course, thanks to Xiao Huang for helping to restrain him. Otherwise, if Ao Neu struggled desperately, even if he would rather die than be enslaved, it would be really difficult for Xu Ming to enslave him.

"Next..." Xu Ming turned his attention to the other two.

"The Law of Slavery!"

"It's the law of slavery!"

Cao Mingtao and Ao Sheng were both heartbroken.

Especially Cao Mingtao, he knew the terrible law of enslavement; he knew that once he was enslaved, he would become Xu Ming's absolutely loyal slave! At that time, even if Xu Ming ordered him to commit suicide, or even kill his father and mother, he would do it without hesitation!

"No! I don't want to be enslaved! I'll make up for it if I die!"

However, being tightly bound by Xiao Huang, even if Cao Mingtao wanted to die, he couldn't die!


Deep in Cao Mingtao's struggled with joy.


The three figures kneeled at Xu Ming's feet in unison: "Master!"

Xu Ming secretly said: "In this way, I can rest assured to reuse them..."

It's not that Xu Ming's methods are cruel, but if he doesn't do this, he'll have to kill a lot of people before he can conquer the entire Wanya Pavilion - and after he's conquered, there is no guarantee that he will rebel!

And now, directly enslaving these three deputy pavilion masters, the next thing is much simpler and more secure!

Time passed silently and peacefully.

Until one day, when Gu Kongshan and Xu Ming were drinking tea, they suddenly said: "Xu Ming, look, you and Han Mo are both sixteen years old and grown up! You should also choose a time for your marriage. Do it!"

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