Break Into Another World

Chapter 375: , Palace Master


Immortal Bai Yu couldn't help laughing: "What kind of genius makes you so confident? - Tell me, how many spiritual peaks!"

"I don't know how many spiritual peaks, but..." Yi Tianxing smiled playfully, "Xu Ming, take out the token I gave you last time and show it to Inspector Bai Yu!"


Immortal White Feather immediately realized something.

Sure enough, in the next instant, he saw a **** Tai Chi token appeared in Xu Ming's hand.

"Ask the order!" Immortal White Feather couldn't help but change his face.

Holding a questioning order, what does it mean? —Meaning, this person is considered to have the combat power of Daojun level!

"There is not a trace of Heavenly Dao fluctuations on his body, but he was identified by Wentian Mingjing as having the combat power of Daojun?" Immortal White Feather was secretly shocked, "It seems that this person must have at least four spiritual peaks!"

The gap between the fourth-layer spiritual peak and the first-layer spiritual peak is far more than "four times" as simple as that!

You must know that the more artistic conception peaks there are, the more exaggerated their strength will soar! - The second-level spiritual peak is usually three times the strength of the first-level spiritual peak; the third-level spiritual peak is usually ten times that of the first-level; and the fourth-level spiritual peak can reach more than thirty times that of the first-level!

Only when you reach the fourth-level spiritual peak level or above, can you barely have the combat power of the Taoist level!

What Immortal White Feather didn't know was that Xu Ming only had a triple spiritual peak, but he also possessed six spiritual hills. Xu Ming's combat power is much stronger than that of the fourth-level spiritual peak!

"Humph!" Immortal Bai Yu snorted coldly, "Isn't he only a four-level spiritual peak? Although it is rare, it does not mean how strong his strength is; Lu Weisong can easily beat him if he makes a shot!"

The normal four-level spiritual peak realm is just barely entering the Daojun level combat power. As for Lu Weisong, he is the most powerful among the step-by-step monarchs.

Yi Tianxing laughed again: "He got this questioning order three years ago!"

"Really?" Immortal White Feather was still disdainful, "In three years, his strength may have improved a bit; but, even if he can be comparable to Lu Weisong, he is by no means an opponent of Ze Shi!"

"Oh, yes, I suddenly remembered and forgot to tell you something!" Yi Tianxing raised his eyebrows, "Xu Ming, how old are you this year? - Are you twenty?"

"Just twenty!" Xu Ming said.

Just twenty! ?

Immortal White Feather's complexion suddenly changed!

I was just twenty this year, so three years ago, wasn't it seventeen?

"I got a questioning order at the age of seventeen!?" Immortal White Feather thought two words - pervert!




Ze Shi, Lu Weisong, and Liang Pingyao also cursed in their hearts.

"What a **** pervert!" When Ze Shi just saw Xu Ming took out the questioning order, he was actually full of superiority in his heart - maybe it was the fourth-level spiritual peak? so what! I'm about to break through the second step Daojun, he will not be my opponent at all!

But when Ze Shi heard that Xu Ming had been inquired at the age of seventeen, he suddenly recalled his seventeen years old: "When I was seventeen, it seemed that I was still herding cattle? Said that my roots were extraordinary and brought me out of the mountain..."

Ze Shi was completely shocked, not to mention Lu Weisong: "I also got the questioning order three years ago, but three years ago, I was seventy-seven years old... Damn, I have six more years than him. Ten years, have you all lived on a dog?"

Lu Weisong is now eighty years old.

Don't feel that eighty years old is very old - at the level of Daojun, eighty years old is still just a child's paper!

Oh no, it should be a baby!

However, thinking that Xu Ming had already received a questioning order at the age of seventeen, and is only twenty years old now; this baby Lu Weisong is dissatisfied!

Of the three, Liang Pingyao was the most depressing: "I'm forty-two years old, and I only have the third-level spiritual peak, and I haven't even gotten a questioning order..."

Liang Pingyao, this baby, is even more dissatisfied!

However, these babies never thought that they had underestimated Xu Ming!

When they saw Xu Ming's true strength, it was not "disobedience", but "completely convinced"!

"Inspector Bai Yu, you are busy first, I will go first!" Yi Tianxing smiled arrogantly.

When leaving, Yi Tianxing deliberately said loudly: "A genius who can get a questioning order at the age of seventeen! Some people may never meet in this lifetime..."

Bai Yuxian was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but unfortunately, he had no confidence to refute!

At the age of seventeen, he received a questioning order, such a genius is rare even in the Holy Land!

"Ze Shi, Lu Weisong!" Immortal White Feather said in a low voice, "If you can meet him in the 'Dao Fate Battle', you must teach him a good lesson!"



Ze Shi and Lu Weisong both responded.

In fact, Immortal Bai Yu doesn't need to say more, if they can meet Xu Ming, they will definitely not be polite!


They really want to bump into Xu Ming, who would be rude to whom?

Yi Tianxing quickly took Xu Ming to the area that belonged to the territory of Lake Heart Island.

In this area, there are twenty stone tables; beside each stone table, there are many wooden chairs.

Before the lake island has arrived, other smaller prefecture-level forces in the territory have already arrived.

Seeing that Yi Tianxing personally brought people here, the masters of these prefecture-level forces stood up to greet him one after another; their attitude towards Xu Ming was also very polite - after all, the inspector personally led the way, and this treatment is not for everyone!

After saying hello to everyone, Yi Tianxing said to Xu Ming: "According to the rules of the banquet, at each table, there is one faction; this makes it easy to count, how many forces are coming, and each force is coming again. Who are you! - You are the only one here from your Wilderness Sect, so just pick the smallest table!"

"Okay!" Xu Ming said.

"I'm going to the inspector's area, so I won't continue chatting with you!" Yi Tianxing said.

"Many thanks to Supervisor Yi for his guidance along the way!" Xu Ming said Thank you! "Yi Tianxing said with a smile, "Wait for the 'Dao Fate Battle' later, just behave well! "


"But don't be too pressured! With your current strength, it's too difficult to stand out from the Dao Fate Battle..." Yi Tianxing said again, "Fifty years later, the Dao Fate Battle at the next Daoist Banquet, That's when you really bloom!"

However, does Yi Tianxing really understand Xu Ming's strength?

At this time, asked the top floor of the palace, the ninety-ninth floor.

A strange human being more than twenty feet long (about 7 meters) with two curved horns on his head suddenly opened his long-sleeping eyes. In the depths of his eyes, there are boundless secret patterns of the law of heaven.

He is the "Palace Lord" of the 12th Palace Lord of the Taoist Palace, and the leader of the "Devil Human Race" in the human race.

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