Break Into Another World

Chapter 801: Otherworldly routines are deep

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap...

Slaps resounded throughout the martial arts formation.

The spectators outside the grand formation are speechless at the moment - this is the battle that decides the "number one" of the king-level trial! It would be like this...

"What happened to Qian Yishang? He has been abused like this, and he still refuses to admit defeat? - Does he still think he has any hope of winning?"

"Xu Ming is also strange! He can easily defeat Qian Yishang, but he refuses to defeat him. Instead, he ravages the opponent like this..."

Naihe City Lord and others were stunned by the harmonious scene of "one willing to fight and one willing to suffer" in the martial arts formation.

Really very harmonious!

Weirdly harmonious!

"Could it be that... Xu Ming will continue to smoke? And Qian Yishang, will he continue to be slapped and slapped?" Everyone couldn't help but wonder.

Suddenly, City Lord Naihe seemed to have guessed something. He couldn't help but transmit Xu Ming and asked, "Xu Ming, did the old ghost Mo Fang find you?"

Although Xu Ming was fighting, it was still easy to distract and chat: "Yes!"

"He wants you to give up the first king-level trial?" Naihe City Lord said again.


"How did you decide?"

Xu Ming didn't hide it: "I sold him the 'number one' position!"

"Sold it?" Naihe City Lord was slightly startled, and then said, "Mo Fang is a treacherous man, even if you give up the 'first', then go to Huangquan Hall, I guess he will not give you the treasure. Instead, it might kill you!"

Naihe City Lord knows Mo Fang too well!

Xu Ming said: "No! I asked him to send the treasure to the world of dust that I am in!"

"Huh!?" City Lord Naihe was taken aback, "How to send it? He can't go to the dust world again!"

"Mo Fang said, you can pass through the Temple of Time and Space!"

"Space-Time Palace..." City Lord Nai He pondered, "If you pass through the Space-Time Palace, you can indeed send treasures to you! But... I'm sure you have been deceived!"

"Did you cheat?" Xu Ming actually thought about this possibility.

"Yes, I was definitely deceived!" City Lord Naihe said with great certainty, "Please ask the Temple of Time and Space to deliver the treasure, the price is extremely high! The old ghost Mo Fang can't afford this price!"

"I only need 10,000 divine stones..." Xu Ming continued.

"Haha!" City Lord Naihe laughed, "Do you know how expensive it would be for the Space-Time Palace to transport treasures to the dust world? - No matter what treasures are transported, at least one million divine stones are required!"

A million gods?

Also "at least"?

Xu Ming just wanted to say - this "express delivery" is too expensive, right?

"One million divine stones can make the old ghost Mo Fang bleed! I'm sure, with his treacherous personality, it is impossible to do this!" City Lord Naihe said, "Also, if the old ghost Mo Fang really invites Time and Space Palace transports treasures, then the treasures should have been shipped long ago!"

"Ah? Isn't it at least a month to transport the treasure to the dust world?"

"One month?" Naihe City Lord sneered, "The time and space hall transports treasures, and they can be delivered in an instant!"

"That's it..." Xu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, "Thank you City Lord Naihe for reminding me!"

"Then what are you going to do now? Defeat Qian Yishang directly and win the 'first'?"

"No!" Xu Ming smiled, "I'm still here as planned!"

"Oh?" City Lord Naihe was startled; he immediately realized that Xu Ming might have left his hand behind, so he didn't say anything.

Of course, Xu Ming still kept his hand.

After all, this year, the otherworld's routines are deep! Don't leave a hand, no way!

"Humph! Dare to deceive Brother Ming?" Xu Ming sneered in his heart.

Is Brother Ming so deceitful?

I lied to Brother Ming, is it so easy?

"Wait and see!"

Thinking of this, the strength in Xu Ming's hands couldn't help but intensify a little bit, until Qian Yishang cried for his father and mother.

"Xu Ming!" Elder Mo Fang felt uncomfortable when he saw his nephew being drawn like this, so he couldn't help shouting coldly, "Just a few slaps! Don't go too far! - Don't admit defeat!"

Xu Ming laughed and said, "Don't be so angry, Elder Mo Fang! - I will definitely not admit defeat until the divine stone is delivered to me!"

"What?" Mo Fang was stunned - Xu Ming didn't admit defeat before the divine stone arrived?


Mo Fang didn't plan to give Xu Ming the Divine Stone at all!

After thinking about it, Mo Fang said angrily: "It will take at least half a month for the divine stone to be delivered to you! Could it be that you will not admit defeat for half a month?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming said as a matter of course, "There is no time limit for this battle. The big deal, I'll slap me for half a month!"

At the end, Xu Ming added another sentence: "If I haven't seen the Divine Stone in half a month; then, I will smoke him for another half a month!"

"You..." Elder Mo Fang almost vomited blood - this Xu Ming is too shameless, right?

Elder Mo Fang has been in the Divine Realm for hundreds of millions of years, but he has never seen a person as shameless as Xu Ming!

According to Xu Ming's approach, wouldn't Qian Yishang be slapped for a month in vain? Moreover, after the end, there is nothing to get!

However, Elder Mo Fang is also quite cunning and cunning; with a slight movement in his mind, he found another rhetoric: "When the Temple of Time and Space delivers the Divine Stone, you need to pick it up yourself! But now, your consciousness is all in Naihe City, How to get it?"

When the conscious body is in action, the body is indeed almost unconscious!

Elder Mo Fang continued: "Even if the Divine Stone has already arrived, I'm afraid you don't know it, right? - So, you first admit defeat and go back and wait for the Divine Stone! Don't worry, I am a dignified elder of Huangquan Hall, and I won't deceive you a demigod!"

The routine is deep!

It's so deep!

Moreover, Elder Mo Fang not only has deep routines, but is also very shameless! - He obviously didn't intend to give Xu Ming the Divine Stone at all, but he could still look righteous and act as if he had really invited the Temple of Time and Space.

"Don't worry, old ghost Mo Fang!" Xu Ming laughed, "I have a clone! If the divine stone is really delivered, my consciousness here will know even if I don't go back!"

"You have a clone!?" At this moment, Mo Fang really had nothing to do.

Mo Fang's routine is deep, and Xu Ming's routine is even deeper!

Mo Fang is shameless, Xu Ming is even more shameless!

Than routines? than shameless? - Xu Ming would be afraid of him?

Xu Ming's current thinking is very simple - keep the same and respond to changes!

Anyway, if I didn't see the divine stone, I kept pumping Qian Yishang! If after a month, you still haven't seen the Divine Stone, at that time, kick Qian Yishang directly and end the battle!

In the end, Qian Yishang didn't even want to get any benefits, he could only get a big slap in vain!

Want to lie to Brother Ming?

too naive!

Brother Ming is so deceitful?

"What should I do? Do you really want to ask the Temple of Time and to send the Divine Stone to Xu Ming?" Elder Mo Fang hesitated.

But this hesitation only lasted for a short while.

If you ask the Time and Space Palace to transport the treasure, you will have to pay at least one million divine stones; the price is too high to be worth it!

Immediately, Mo Fang voiced Qian Yishang and said, "Xiaoshang, admit defeat!"

"Admit defeat?" Qian Yishang was startled, even forgetting the burning pain on his cheeks.

"Xu Ming will not give you the 'number one', admit defeat!" Mo Fang said again.

"Ah!?" Qian Yishang's mood seemed to fall into hell, "Then I can't become the direct successor of the general? I just received so many slaps, won't it be all in vain?"

"It's better than continuing to be slapped for a month in vain?" Elder Mo Fang snorted coldly, "Stop talking nonsense, just admit defeat!"

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