Break Into Another World

Chapter 818: New Era of Human Race

Three years later, the Human Race, the Holy Land of the Stars.

call out! call out!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

On the battlefield of the stars, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal. It is the newly recruited disciples of the Holy Land of Stars this year who are competing and learning from each other.


It was the sound of a weapon falling to the ground.


A chubby-looking disciple smashed to the outside of the Xingchen Battle Stage.

"Seventeenth!" On the Xingchen Battle Stage, a cold and arrogant young man in white said in a cold voice, "But who else dares to fight?"

This young man in white, named "Shu Yi", is the most talented among the talents recruited by the Holy Land of Stars this year. At the age of fifteen, he has already attained the cultivation level of a Daoist, and he is very hopeful to become a Daoist and even a Daoist in the future!

"Humph! A bunch of scumbags!" Seeing that no one dared to fight again for a long time, Shu Yi became more and more arrogant, "You dare to provoke me with talent like you? It's a shame! - You know, even if it is the legendary palm God Xu Ming, when he was fifteen years old, he was far inferior to me!"

All the geniuses around were so angry that they dared not speak. After all, their strength is indeed much weaker than Shu Yi; no matter what they say, they can't match Shu Yi's fist.

At this time, a handsome young man walked towards the Star Battle Platform.

If Xu Ming was here, he would definitely recognize that this handsome young man was the genius "Duan Yuyu" who attended the banquet with him.

"Master Duan!"

"Hello, Master Duan!"

A genius, even shouted respectfully.

The chubby genius looked at Duan Yuyu with even more enthusiasm: "I heard that Master Duan and Brother Zhangshen Ming have some friendship, it's really amazing! If you can follow Master Duan, That's good; in that case, maybe in my life, I can hope to see the legendary brother Ming with my own eyes!"

But the chubby genius still has self-knowledge: "With my little talent, how can I have the opportunity to follow Master Duan... sigh..."

However, Duan Yuyu, who has always been mild-mannered, had a cold face at this time. Even the surrounding air seemed to be a little colder.

He looked at Shu Yi coldly: "What did you just say?"

"I..." Shu Yi felt chills all over his body, and at the same time, he was a little baffled. He didn't know where he had offended Master Duan Yuyu.

"Humph!" Duan Yuyu snorted coldly, and Shu suddenly fell to the ground.

"Master Duan, I didn't say anything!" Shu Yi said in panic.

"Didn't say anything?" Duan Yuyu hummed angrily, "You are worthy of being compared with Brother Ming?"


"When Brother Ming was fifteen years old, it was far inferior to what you are now?" Duan Yuyu snorted coldly, "You don't even think about it, what kind of cultivation conditions did Brother Ming have at that time, and what kind of cultivation conditions did you have! - Arrogant! Ignorance!"

After Duan Yuyu finished speaking, he still felt very uneasy: "From today onwards, you will go and work as a handyman with the handyman disciples!"

"I..." Shu Yi was stunned—could it be that because of one sentence, he was demoted from a formal disciple to a handyman disciple?

"Go away!" Duan Yuyu snorted coldly, "Be honest and be your handyman disciple. If you have a good attitude of repentance, maybe I will promote you to a named disciple! Also, don't feel wronged and want to leave the Holy Land of Stars. , find another way out! I can tell you clearly - just based on your disrespectful words to Brother Ming just now, there will be no forces in the entire Endless Continent that are willing to accept you!"

After speaking, Duan Yuyu looked at the chubby genius again, and his eyes became very kind: "Little fat, I heard that when you were in the entry test, you got a perfect score in the "Biography of Ming Ge"?"

Fatty stood up, patted the dust on his body, and said proudly, "Yes!"

"Ming Ge Biography" got a perfect score in the exam, which is the proudest thing Xiaopang is most proud of.

"That...that..." Duan Yuyu rubbed his palms, and said a little embarrassedly, "Can you follow me in the future? Give me some knowledge in "The Biography of Ming Ge"?"

Following Duan Yuyu? -Isn't this what the little fat dreamed of?

Xiaopang couldn't believe it, and answered even more excitedly than marriage: "I do, I do!"

Since Xu Ming beheaded Erke and saved the entire human race, he has become a national idol!

"Biography of Brother Ming" is a compulsory course for all warriors in the Endless Continent! - If you want to take the road of martial arts, first learn "Ming Ge Biography"!

At this time, on the other side of the Endless Continent, an assessment of Ming Ge's biography was underway.

Questions are difficult:

"Question 13 (fill in the blank): What's the name of the second person that Brother Ming killed?"

"Question 38: How many hairs did Brother Ming lose when he beheaded Erke?"

"Question 250 (single choice): If Brother Ming sees a young girl squatting beside a country road in ragged clothes, what will he do?

A. Take out the clothes and put them on for her.

B, stripped and XXXX.

C. Don't say anything, just show respect first.

D, first observe whether there are people around. "

"Question 301 (multiple choice): If Brother Ming wakes up and finds that he has become a beautiful woman, how would he react?

A. Scream.

B. I am secretly happy.

C. Let the brothers cool first, this is the good brother!

D. Go out to fish for a golden turtle son-in-law. "

There are over a thousand questions.

For some questions, the test is for the understanding of Brother Ming's experience; for some questions, the test is for the understanding of Brother Ming's character.

And in many factions, even the assessment results of "Ming Ge Biography" are regarded as more important than the assessment results of martial arts! The reason is very simple - if there is no brother Ming, there will be no human race!

The reason why the Human Race can exist and continue is all because Brother Ming turned the tide and killed the True God Erke of the Demon Race!

Above the endless clouds.

Xu Ming and the sword master walked side by side in the void.

"It's so beautiful!" Xu Ming sighed.

Walking all the way, the scenes of the human race can be seen in his eyes. And aren't these beautiful things that Xu Ming swore to protect?

"Thanks to you, Xu Ming!" the sword master said with emotion, "Otherwise, our human race would probably be like those alien hiding in some corners and corners and lingering on! And because of your Existence, our human race has ushered in a new era!"

This era is called the era of Xu Ming!

"How are the major alien races doing now?" Xu Ming asked.

"They are all hiding in some very secret underground mezzanines, or in the depths of space cracks, it is difficult to use mental power to explore!" The sword master sighed, "But this time, our human race will definitely do our best to kill them. All alien races. In case you leave the Endless Continent in the future, the alien races will make a comeback!"

Xu Ming thought for a while and said, "You don't have to go to the trouble of tracking down, let them hang on in the corners and corners! As for the comeback...they will never have such a chance!"

The sword master was stunned: "Brother Xu Ming, are you planning to stay in the Endless Continent forever?"

Xu Ming smiled and said nothing.

The sword master didn't ask much. He smiled and said again, "The Palace Master Ji Tian held a round table meeting a few days ago, discussing how to build a golden statue for you, what do you think?"

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