Break Into Another World

Chapter 845: rules are everywhere

"Enter the city!"

Xu Ming released Sisi from the world ring, and the two flew towards the city gate.

The gates and walls of the Golden Crow City are guarded by many Golden Crow guards. At this time, there were already several long queues lined up at the city gate; each long queue had more than 10,000 people!

"There is still such a long line to enter the city!" Xu Ming was also shocked.

"I entered the Golden Crow City once!" Sisi said, "You need to pay the entrance fee to enter the city, so you have to queue up. When I came last time, the queue was much longer than it is now!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded slightly.

He looked around and looked at the tens of thousands of gods lining up in front of him, and couldn't help but silently sighed: "There are so many gods as dogs!"

Soon, behind Xu Ming, there were also many gods queuing up.

The surrounding chatter also kept ringing:

"It's really dark to enter the city! Every time you enter the city, you have to pay ten **** stones; if you stay in the city for more than a year, you will have to pay an additional **** stone!"

"That's right! Is it easy for us to earn a few divine stones? - The divine stones accumulated over hundreds of years are not enough to enter the city once!"

"It's really cool to be the Lord of the Golden Crow! It's just sitting on the ground and collecting rent! It's easy to earn millions of divine stones every day, right?"

"It's more than that! I think there are tens of millions! - However, the Golden Crow City Lord has to support so many subordinates, and I am afraid that there will not be many real profits!"

At this moment, a rebellious voice sounded: "A group of ignorant people! - The Golden Crow City Lord, but a ten-star god; at his level, what is the meaning of the **** stone?"

Xu Ming was secretly shocked when he heard it: "The Jinwu City Lord is a ten-star god?"

With Xu Ming's current strength and hanging points, he can still compete against five-star and six-star gods; but facing ten-star gods, there is really no way to do it!

call out-

Suddenly, a black figure flew past the long line of dragons and shot directly at the city gate.

"Huh? Why didn't he line up?"

"Do you want to jump in the queue?"

"Cut in line? Impossible! - If he dares to jump in line, so many gods in line will not kill him!"

"A group of ignorant people!" It was still the arrogant figure just now, "The Star Medal of that adult must be at least the 'Three Star Medal'; therefore, you don't need to pay the Divine Stone to enter or leave the Golden Crow City!"

Sure enough, when the black figure flew to the gate of the city, there was no Golden Crow Guard to stop him, and he let him in directly.

"Three-star medal?" A strange color flashed in Xu Ming's eyes.

He remembered what Yin Ran said to himself at the time: "If you can go to the God's Domain and get the 'Ten Star Medal', then tell me the word 'responsible' again!"

God's Domain, Xu Ming has come!

As for the "Ten Star Medal", Xu Ming still didn't know how to get it. But it is conceivable that it will be difficult!

"No matter how difficult it is, I must get the ten-star medal and go to the 'Holy Emperor City' to find Yin Ran!"

Yin Ran is Xu Ming's woman, so of course Xu Ming is responsible for her!

"Sisi, do you know how to get the Star Medal?" Xu Ming asked.

"It's easy to get the Star Medal! Just spend some divine stones to apply and you can get it!" Sisi said, "However, it is very difficult to increase the 'star' of the Star Medal!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming couldn't help asking, "Could it be that the star rating of the Star Medal is not based on strength?"

"It also has something to do with strength, but it still needs 'merit' or something!" Sisi said, "I don't know the specifics; we will go to the Holy Emperor's Hall after we enter the city and we will know!"

In Jinwu City, in addition to the "local snakes" such as the City Lord's Mansion and Jinwuwei, there are also several "strong dragons"!

The Temple of the Holy Emperor is one of the "strong dragons".

"Yeah!" Xu Ming responded.

The Palace of the Holy Emperor, Xu Ming will definitely go! Because Xu Ming always felt that there was some connection between the Palace of the Holy Emperor and the City of the Holy Emperor.

The movements of the gods were very fast, and the team of more than 10,000 people in front was quickly lined up.

Xu Ming and Sisi paid the divine stone, took a talisman, and entered the city.

The Golden Crow Guard who guarded the city gate also reminded coldly: "There are three points, remember, otherwise you will be blasted out of Golden Crow City! First, don't lose this talisman; second, every time you stay in the city Every year, ten sacred stones must be paid; third, flying is strictly prohibited in the city!"

The reason why the Golden Crow City has these restrictions is very simple, that is - do not want ordinary gods to stay in the city.

After all, the Golden Crow City is just that big, and the entire jurisdictional territory of the Golden Crow City is hundreds of millions of times that of the Golden Crow City! - So, many gods must be kept out of the door!

Although Sisi was only entering the city for the second time, she still knew a little about the roads in the Holy Emperor City.

"Take me to the Holy Emperor Palace first!" Xu Ming said impatiently.

"it is good!"

Along the way, I also passed some important places.

Sisi gave a brief introduction: "This is the Pavilion of Everything! It's a relatively large business in the Golden Crow City."

"This is the Slaughterhouse!"

"This is the virtual world!" Sisi pointed to a building that was full of brilliance and seemed illusory. This building, without walls, is entirely composed of illusory formations.

Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder: "The virtual world? Where is this place?"

Sisi said: "I've never been in! But it is said that in the virtual world, you can compete with masters from all over the God's Domain, and I don't know if it's true or not!"

"Is there still such a thing?" If this is the case, Xu Ming guessed that the virtual world should be a place similar to the "Intentional Formation".

It didn't take long for Xu Ming to arrive in front of the Holy Emperor's Palace.

The Palace of the Holy Emperor is a sword-shaped building and the tallest building in the Golden Crow City; it is even taller than the City Lord's Mansion!

Xu Ming thought to himself: "Usually, the higher the building, the higher the status! Is this Holy Emperor Palace's status in the Golden Crow City even higher than the City Lord's Mansion?"

But Xu Ming didn't know that the Holy Emperor's Palace had a special status in the entire Divine Hey! You two, do you want to enter the Holy Emperor's Temple? If you want to enter, come over and pay a thousand sacred stones; if you don't enter, don't stand at the door! "At the entrance of the Holy Emperor's Hall, there are six guards standing on their backs; each guard's aura has reached the level of a five-star god! One of the guards with narrow eyes roared at Xu Ming and Sisi.

"You need a thousand divine stones to go in?" Xu Ming was startled.

Sisi explained: "This Thousand Gods Stone is not the cost of entering, but the cost of applying for the Star Medal! If we have the Star Medal, we can go in directly!"

"Is that so..." Xu Ming understood the intention of the Holy Emperor's Palace - to collect the fee for applying for the medal at the door, it would prevent the stray people from waiting to enter!

"In this Golden Crow City, there are rules everywhere!" Xu Ming sighed secretly.

Of course, Xu Ming knew that the reason why he was bound by rules everywhere was that he was too weak in the final analysis! If the strength is strong enough, such as stronger than the Golden Crow City Lord, then the so-called rules can be completely ignored.

"Hey! You two, do you want to go in?"

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