Break Into Another World

Chapter 848: Divine Thunder Tempered Body

After spending two hundred divine stones, Xu Ming lived in a quiet suite in Lan Ting Xuan.

On the walls of the suite, heavy formations are arranged, which can completely ensure the quietness and safety of the room.

"It cost 200 divine stones to open a room!" But Xu Ming felt that it was quite cheap.

Because, the opening of houses in Jinwu City is not calculated by "days", but by "years". Two hundred divine stones are one year's rent.

"Sisi, there are two separate rooms in this suite. You have one and I have one!" Xu Ming pretended to be serious and said, "Don't come into my room casually! I'm not a casual person!"

"Who's going to enter your room!" Sisi spat, blushing.

"Well..." Xu Ming pondered, and handed over a world ring, "This is the 20,000 Divine Stone, you take it first!"

Sisi was startled and waved her hands again and again: "No! No! Brother Ming, I don't want it!"

Xu Ming couldn't help but said, and threw it away: "I told you to take it, and you took it! - I plan to retreat for a while, as for how long the retreat will be, I'm not sure. The rent goes up!"

"Oh..." Sisi only accepted the divine stone.

After the arrangement, Xu Ming walked directly into his room and began to retreat.

"Xiaohang, is there any way to quickly improve my strength?"

If you want to quickly improve your strength, of course, it is most reliable to find a small hanging.

However, the price of finding a small hanging is... hanging point!

Before, Xu Ming didn't have any level 9 hanging points, so naturally he couldn't find a small hanging point. But now it is different, Xu Ming became rich overnight, with more than one million Divine Stones in his body, naturally he has the confidence to find Xiaohang!

"Yes!" Xiao Hang said directly.


There is a hanging point, it is a good job!

"Do you want to improve the strength of the ancient cultivator's avatar, or the strength of the Tiandao Liu avatar?" Xiaohang said again.

Xu Ming hesitated for a while, and said, "The ancient cultivator's clone!"

Xu Ming intends to temporarily not let Tian Daoliu avatar become a god, but major in ancient cultivator avatar.

After all, cultivating two avatars requires two points and two points of energy. Although Xu Ming has some hang-ups now, he is still a long way from the real "rich and powerful"; so, let's save first!

Moreover, Xu Ming intends to keep the Tiandaoliu clone at the demigod level; in this way, if the Tiandaoliu clone is opened, it will not need to spend the 9th level hanging point, but only need to spend the 8th level hanging point! - For the current Xu Ming, the level 8 hanging point is completely worthless! How to spend, how to spend!

The downside of this is that the Tiandao Liu clone has almost no combat power! The advantage is that the Tiandaoliu clone can unscrupulously open the "teleport" hang without worrying about the hang point.

Xiaohang continued: "Your ancient cultivator avatar is practicing the emperor-level exercise "Thunderbolt Exercise". It is still very good, and it is very suitable for your cultivation now! Therefore, there is no need to change the exercise!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded slightly.

"And "Thunderbolt Forging" requires a lot of thunder power!" Xiaohang said again, "Also, it can't be ordinary thunder power!"

The core of the emperor-level exercise of "Thunderbolt Forging" is actually "breaking and then standing"! - First annihilate your own divine body at the "particle level", and then re-forge new and stronger particles!

Every time it is annihilated, the reconstructed divine body becomes stronger! The more times of annihilation, the more tyrannical the divine body becomes, until the divine body is transformed to the "Emperor-level" level!

And the biggest problem with cultivating "Thunderbolt Body Forging" is... the requirements for "Thunderbolt Power" are very high! It must be an extremely pure power of thunder!

However, where to find the incomparably pure power of thunder?

"Could it be..." Xu Ming looked shocked and looked at Xiaohang, "Where do you even sell the power of thunder?"

"Yes!" Xiaohang said, "In the artifact store, there is almost everything!"

"Damn it!" Xu Ming couldn't help but scolded, "What a pervert!"

He opened the artifact store and quickly found a lot of qualified thunder powers:

God of Destruction...

Dark Blood God Thunder...

Purple Lightning Divine Thunder…

Lots of variety!

Xu Ming was dazzled: "Xiaohang, recommend one!"

Xiaohang said: "In terms of the best effect, of course it is the Destruction of Divine Thunder! It can annihilate the particles more completely, and the re-forged particles are much stronger than other Divine Thunders! But... I recommend you Purple Lightning Divine Thunder!"

"Uh...why?" Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder.

"Because you are poor!" Xiaohang said unceremoniously, "Although the effect of destroying Shenlei is the best, it is a hundred times more expensive than Zidian Shenlei, and the price-performance ratio is too low!"

"Okay..." Xu Ming was speechless, and thought to himself, "When I have money in the future, I will use the Destruction God Thunder to forge my body!"

Now... It's better to be diligent and thrifty. According to Xiaohang's suggestion, use Zidian Shenlei first!

Anyway, if you use Purple Lightning Divine Thunder several times, the effect is still as good as using Destroyer Divine Thunder once;

"Slow down!" Xu Ming thought helplessly - he is poor, what can he do?

"Xiaohang, in addition to Zidian Shenlei, should I also cooperate with some 'life-like' treasures?"

After all, the Purple Lightning Divine Thunder will annihilate Xu Ming's divine body from the particle level; Xu Ming must need a lot of life energy to re-forge the particles and re-cast the divine body!

"No need!" Xiao Hang said, "The power of thunder contains terrifying destruction, but it also contains infinite vitality! Enough for you to recast the divine body!"

The power of thunder contains terrifying destruction, but also contains infinite vitality? - A flash of enlightenment flashed in Xu Ming's heart, as if he had grasped something, but also as if he had not realized anything.

"Then... give me a Purple Lightning Divine Thunder to try first!" Xu Ming wanted to strike while the iron was hot, and realized the fleeting enlightenment just now.

"Shen Lei quenching the body is very painful!" Xiaohang reminded.


Xu Ming said disdainfully, "Brother Ming, am I afraid of pain?"

"Oh..." Xiaohang's voice just 10,000 points deducted from level 9 hanging points, at the same time...


A purple divine thunder appeared three feet above Xu Ming's head without warning, and slammed down.

In an instant, the Purple Lightning Divine Thunder penetrated into every inch of Xu Ming's divine body, every cell, and every particle!

Every particle on Xu Ming's body was annihilated into powder. Even the soul was not spared. Under the attack of the Purple Lightning Divine Thunder, it was torn into countless pieces.

Only the most essential "mind" remains unaffected.

"Damn... this is too painful..." The annihilation at the particle level made Xu Ming so painful that his whole heart trembled.

However, Xu Ming has experienced hundreds of reincarnations after all, and his "mind power" has reached the second level; although it is extremely painful, it will not cause his mind to collapse.

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