Break Into Another World

Chapter 850: girl

"Yue Xin!" Divine Emperor Yan Yan shouted through voice transmission.

call out!

A Tsing Yi woman appeared in a flash.

"God Emperor!" The woman in Tsing Yi bowed slightly.

"Yuexin, I'm going to the virtual world to study and cultivate for a while!" God Emperor Yan Yan said, "In the days when I'm not around, the mountain will be managed by you!"

"But God Emperor..." There was a look of hesitation on the pretty face of the woman in Tsing Yi, "I'm worried, I can't hold back... Also, God Emperor, you haven't shown up for a long time; there are rumors that you are seriously injured. …”

"Then let him pass it on!" God Emperor Yan Yan said indifferently, "Okay, Yuexin, that's it! If there is nothing particularly important, don't come to me!"

call out!

God Emperor Yan Yan disappeared directly, as fast as a teleportation.

Chilie House.

Golden Crow City, the virtual world.

The virtual world is not a physical building, but a radiant formation.

When Xu Ming came to the gate of the virtual world, there happened to be two three-star gods talking to each other at the gate.

"In this virtual world, it is too expensive!" said the goddess with a mustache angrily.

"That's right!" Another **** in a gray robe also said, "Isn't it just a large-scale Intentional Formation, the price is so black! To enter the lowest-level 'One Star Sky', you need ten thousand God Stones every time!"

"10,000 God Stones every time?" Xu Ming was startled.

"Hey, kid!" the eight-character beard spirit shouted, "What are you looking at standing here? - You are a mere two-star god, can't there be a **** stone into the virtual world?"

Xu Ming glanced at him and ignored him—like this ordinary three-star god, Xu Ming could destroy it with a wave of his hand, and of course he was not qualified to be ignored by Xu Ming.

Moreover, Xu Ming is busy entering the virtual world to verify his new secret skills! There's no time to talk nonsense with such kittens and puppies.


Xu Ming's figure flashed and he walked directly into the virtual world.

"Huh?" The Eight-character Beard God was instantly annoyed, "This kid, how dare you ignore me! - If killing was not prohibited in the Golden Crow City, I must make him look good!"

The gray robe **** also said: "How can such a weak person get ten thousand divine stones! I see, he will definitely be blasted out soon!"


The two waited to watch the show and waited for Xu Ming to be blasted out of the virtual world.


They waited stupidly for an hour, but Xu Ming was still not blasted out!

"Could it be... we're wrong?" The gray robe **** was startled, "This kid, does a **** stone really enter the virtual world? - Let's go, let's go back!"

"Wait!" In the eyes of the moustache god, a cold light suddenly flashed, "This kid, a mere two-star god, actually has a **** stone into the virtual world... He must have some adventure, what great treasure! We might as well …”

The **** in the gray robe was shocked: "You want to..."

Then, the two of them laughed tacitly: "Then we are here, waiting for him to come out!"

"This is…"

After Xu Ming walked into the gate of the virtual world, he found himself in a bright starry sky.

"This should be an independent formation space!" Xu Ming thought to himself.

He guessed right.

Sure enough, immediately, the voice of the formation sounded in all directions: "Experiencer, what level of virtual world do you want to enter?"

"The virtual world is still divided into levels?" Xu Ming asked suspiciously.

Immediately, a list was listed in front of Xu Ming.

One Star: After entering, you can only use one kind of heaven, and you can only use the power of one star!

Erxingtian: After entering, you can only display two kinds of heaven, and you can only use the power of the second-star level!

Samsung Sky:…

Ten-star Tian: After entering, you can only use the power of the ten-star level, and there are no other restrictions!

Xu Ming understood after reading it: "The more powerful the master, the more likely he will enter the higher-level virtual world!"

After all, like a ten-star god, if you enter the "one-star sky", you will not be able to exert your own strength at all!

"And... each level of the virtual world has restrictions on power! At this time, it depends on whose secret skills are more powerful and whose actual combat ability is stronger!"

The sound of the formation sounded again: "Please choose the level of the virtual world you want to enter!"

"Yixingtian!" Xu Ming had never entered the virtual world. Of course, he chose the most prefecture-level "Yixingtian" to get acquainted with him.

"To enter the One-Star Heavenly Void Heaven Realm, you need to pay 10,000 Divine Stones!"

"Okay!" Xu Ming threw ten thousand divine stones without hesitation—he was in a hurry to enter the virtual world to test his new secret skills!

call out-

Ten thousand gods stones were swallowed by the formation in an instant.

Immediately, the scene around Xu Ming changed, and he appeared on a boundless land—of course, what appeared here was just a touch of Xu Ming's consciousness; his body was still in the independent formation he had just entered. within the legal space.

The voice of the formation said again: "Please prepare first! When you are ready, you will be assigned an opponent of the same level!"


Xu Ming couldn't wait to test the secret skills he just learned on this empty continent.

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Gun shadows all over the sky!

Xu Ming's random shot contains a destructive mood and a strong vitality, and the power is endless.

"Let's use this artistic conception of destruction and life as the foundation of the secret technique!" Xu Ming continued to ponder, "The foundation has been created. Next, we must create specific spear moves!"

How to make this "destruction and life" artistic conception, through the spear, exert its greatest power! - Exactly what Xu Ming is thinking about now!


Xu Ming practiced again and again.

His spear sometimes stabs, sometimes smashes, sometimes sweeps...

Destruction and life, these two completely conflicting moods, entangled, collided, and disillusioned on the spear...

The prototype of Xu Ming's marksmanship also gradually appeared in his mind.

"The marksmanship secret skills I want to create this time must be balanced in attack and defense, and there is no obvious weakness!"

Like the "reincarnation black hole" created by Xu Ming before, it only focuses on crushing; only strength, but no speed and no defense! - This kind of "biased" marksmanship is no longer what Xu Ming needs!

At this time, the sound of the formation sounded again: "The preparation time has come, and we will force you to match your opponent!"

"Uh... a forced match?" Xu Ming was and then put away his spear and waited.

"Little hanging, in this virtual world, can you open the hanging?" Xu Ming couldn't help asking.


"Oh..." Although it can be opened, Xu Ming will definitely not consider it.

After all, Xu Ming spent a lot of money to enter the virtual world, not to "win", but to improve his strength by fighting against the masters of God's Domain. At this time, if you still hang up to win, it will be meaningless!

call out-

The scene in front of Xu Ming's eyes shifted.

After about a breath.

It was still on this boundless land, but thousands of miles in front of Xu Ming, a girl in a red shirt was standing in the sky.

Xu Ming was startled: "Girl?"

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