Break Into Another World

Chapter 956: kill

Luo family.

Of course Xu Ming didn't know that there was such an "interesting incident" between the genuine Elder Xie and the Xiang family!

Today, Xu Ming is very leisurely - under the name of Elder Xie, he has made a lot of money, and the divine crystals on his body are nearly ten million!

For Xu Ming, the divine crystal is the hang point, and the hang point is the combat power!

Nearly 10 million hanging points are enough to allow Xu Ming to exert the combat power of the tenth rank of Yinyue! Looking at the field of vision, it can also be called a master!

Xu Ming's ancient cultivator avatar was doing some simple training, waiting for the battle to break out; Tiandao Liu's avatar, in the world ring, was drinking tea and chatting with True God Jiuyu.

"Xu Ming!" Luo Yang, the head of the Luo family, suddenly knocked on Xu Ming's door, "Go, follow me to see the island owner!"

See the island owner?

Xu Ming was stunned: "Island master left?"

"That's right!"

Following Luo Yang, Xu Ming came all the way to the central area of ​​Xingluo Island; after passing through heavy mountains and tens of thousands of miles of underground passages, Xu Ming once again came to the huge underground world.

It just so happened that a golden-clothed elder that Xu Ming had never seen before also came to the underground world.

"Elder Tian!" Luo Yang even bowed and saluted.

Xu Ming's eyes fell on the figure in black next to Elder Tian.

Xu Ming recognized that this black figure was a 10th-grade Silver Moon expert who had accepted the Silver Moon Medal like himself, and seemed to be called "Mei Ying".

"He's here too?" Xu Ming estimated that the other party had the same idea as his own, and they should all come to explore the truth.

However, Xu Ming recognized Mei Ying, but Mei Ying did not recognize Xu Ming. After all, after Xu Ming came to Xingluo Island, he disguised again; under the title of king, no one could see through his disguise.

"Humph!" I saw Elder Tian snorted coldly and said, "Luo Yang, the people you brought here don't know the rules very well! When you see this elder, you don't even know how to salute!"

Saying that, Elder Tian walked straight away.

"How arrogant!" Xu Ming secretly said.

But Xu Ming was too lazy to care about him for the time being! - Xingluo Island is about to be destroyed, and the elders of Xingluo Island are expected to die soon.

This time, the gate of the Black Fortress was wide open. There was no obstacle along the way, Xu Ming walked directly into the luxurious fortress.

"Huh!?" As soon as he entered the fortress hall, Xu Ming was taken aback - he saw an "acquaintance".

An unfamiliar acquaintance!

Thank you elder!

At this time, Elder Xie was surrounded by a large group of elders in red and purple.

Xu Ming discovered that these red-clothed elders and purple-clothed elders were also his "acquaintances"! Because, Xu Ming either moved divine crystals from their treasury, or borrowed "money" from them!

"What's the situation?" Xu Ming looked curiously.

I saw a group of red-clothed elders and purple-clothed elders, swearing around Elder Xie.

"Elder Xie, you obviously took all the divine crystals from my Huang family's treasury, why didn't you admit it!?"

"Elder Xie, you moved the divine crystal yourself, and you said you haven't moved it?"

"Elder Xie, you have borrowed nearly a million Divine Crystals and a drop of Divine Essence from me... You don't admit it?"

"Elder Xie, you don't recognize people when you put on your pants! You beast!"

"Thank you, elder..."

Elder Xie is really aggrieved and innocent: "I said I didn't take it, but I didn't take it! I, Xie Mou, a dignified elder in golden clothes, could I lie to you?"

"Haven't you taken it?" The surrounding red-clothed elders and purple-clothed elders sneered louder, "Elder Xie, if you do it, you will do it, why don't you dare to admit it? If you don't admit it, then we will ask someone else to ask. -Luo Yang, come here!"

Luo Yang walked over in confusion: "What's going on?"

"Luo Yang!" An elder in purple said, "Did Elder Xie go to your treasure house not long ago and move the divine crystal?"

"Yes!" Luo Yang said.

"Look!" The purple-clothed elder turned to Luo Yang, "Every red-clothed elder under your command said that you moved the treasure house! Could it be that every one of us is slandering you?"

Elder Xie roared, "I did move Luo Yang's treasure house! After moving, I left Xingluo Island directly. I just came back a few days ago!"

"Do you think we will believe it?" The surrounding masters said one after another.

Elder Xie really felt that it was reasonable and could not explain: "I really have never moved the treasure house, and I have never borrowed the divine stone from anyone! - You asked me, how can I admit what you said!?"

"This unfortunate child..." Xu Ming looked at Elder Xie's eyes with a hint of sympathy, "Who told you to pretend to be X in front of me when you came to Luo's house? If you dare to pretend to be X in front of me, I deserve it. Play like this!"

Install X in front of Brother Ming, and get revenge by Brother Ming's "little" prank-just right!

At this time, the special envoy Baipao walked into the hall and looked at Mei Ying: "Come with me, the island master will see you first!"

"Okay!" Mei Ying followed without hesitation.

"I don't know... What will happen when the island owner sees us!" Xu Ming waited curiously.

About half a stick of incense was touched.


boom! boom! boom! boom! …

The entire hall, or the entire black fortress, trembled.

Countless defensive formations appear on the walls of the fortress—obviously, the defensive formations of the entire fortress are connected together; once a strong attack occurs somewhere, the entire fortress will tremble together.

"What's going on?" Xu Ming's eyes widened, carefully guarding his surroundings.

"It's Mei Ying!" said the elder Tian suddenly, "I didn't expect that Mei Ying, a tenth-grade Silver Moon, could make such a big noise!"

Elder Xie and other elders of Xingluo Island also stopped their voices and looked in shock: "So strong... This Mei Ying can make such a big noise in the fortress! His strength is probably comparable to the special envoy, right? "

"Elder Tian!" The surrounding elders looked over one after another, "If you can bring such a master, the island owner will definitely reward you greatly!"

"Haha..." Elder Tian was also very proud! - This Mei Ying is indeed the most powerful expert he has brought!

boom! !

Suddenly, the formation of the entire black fortress collapsed.

At the same Xu Ming heard Mei Ying's roar: "King Xingluo, you actually want your soul to control me? You are delusional! - Now, I finally know why you became a member of the Holy Emperor's Palace. The mission goal! It must be because you controlled too many masters, causing dissatisfaction with the Holy Emperor Temple? I am afraid that these elders of your Xingluo Island are also your soul slaves, right?"

"His—" Xu Ming took a deep breath—this King Star Luo actually controlled so many people with his soul? So, he must now want the soul to control me and Mei Ying, right?

"Let's go!" Xu Ming didn't have the confidence to face King Xing Luo directly, so he was about to flee outside the fortress - while Mei Ying was fighting against King Xing Luo, Xu Ming still had hope of escaping!

"Want to go?"

"Too naive! Even if you are a third-grade Yinyue, you want to escape from here?"

The elders blocked Xu Ming's retreat.

Luo Yang even laughed wickedly; "Xu Ming! Since the Island Master sees you, don't resist! Hahahaha..."

Xu Ming's eyes turned cold - it seems that he can only go out!

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