Break Into Another World

Chapter 961: time traveler

Zhang Gongzi, Yin Li figure, Jin Zhuang and other tyrannical figures rushed into the underground world, all of them were stunned.

"What about people?"

"Where did the people go?"

At this time, the underground world was empty, and there was no life breath, and there was no trace of Xu Ming.

"Impossible!" Zhang Gongzi shouted angrily, "He just escaped into the underground world, he couldn't have escaped to where! Moreover, there is only one exit to the underground world; that kid is definitely still in the underground world, everyone. Look for it!"

boom! boom! boom! …

One after another tyrannical figures scattered, looking for Xu Ming.

But at this moment, Xu Ming suddenly withdrew from the invisible state and appeared at the exit of the underground world.

"Everyone, are you looking for me?" Xu Ming asked with a smile.


"Where is he!"

"what happened?"

The top beings in the Silver Moon class are all astonished.

"Hahahaha..." Xu Ming continued to laugh, "What? Seeing that I am carrying a lot of treasure, you all want to win the treasure?"

"Boy!" Zhang Gongzi was already red-eyed because of the treasure in Xu Ming's hand, "I don't know what kind of weird tricks you have! But, it's useless! - I have already set up a big formation and blocked the space; you don't pay Take out the treasure, don't think about leaving safely!"

"Haha!" Xu Ming couldn't help laughing again, "What you said is exactly what I wanted to say! - The exit from the underground world is the one behind me! Since you guys want to rob my treasure, you must be well prepared. Am I ready to grab it?"

"What did you say?" Zhang Gongzi and other top silver-moon-level existences were stunned for a moment, and then they all burst into laughter, "Just you, still want to rob our treasure? Hahahaha... It really made us laugh to death!"


Xu Ming thought to himself.

From the moment he entered the underground world, Xu Ming had already treated them all as dead! -If you want to do something to Brother Ming, you must first make the consciousness of death!

"Brothers, go! Kill him!" The feather fan in Zhang Gongzi's hand waved at Xu Ming.

The existence of the top silver moon level, they all aggressively attacked Xu Ming.

Seeing this, Xu Ming only smiled lightly, and then took out the "Book of Life and Death" without hesitation. Among these dozen masters, there are several silver moon tenth-rank, and even half-step kings! Xu Ming is wearing the "Soul Possession" hanging, although he has half a step of the king's fighting power; but, with few enemies, I am afraid that two fists can't match four hands!

Therefore, Xu Ming very decisively removed the effect of the "soul possession" hanging, and instead opened a "life and death book" hanging!

Xu Ming now has enough 10-level hanging points, opening the "Book of Life and Death" to kill these silver-moon-level existences in seconds, which is easy.

"Zhang Xinhe!" Xu Ming shouted.

The large pen in his hand, even more directly on the book of life and death, dropped these three words.

"Huh?" Zhang Xinhe, the young master of the feather fan and towel, couldn't help but stunned for a moment - he was a little strange, why did Xu Ming call his name while writing?

Xu Ming's style is very unique!

Immediately, Zhang Xinhe felt a huge sense of panic inexplicably, as if a catastrophe was imminent!

At this moment, Xu Ming's large pen unceremoniously drew a fork on the three characters "Zhang Xinhe"!

In Zhang Xinhe's eyes, a huge panic suddenly erupted; then, his eyes dimmed directly and turned dead gray. There was no trace of life on him.

call out-

Zhang Xinhe's body fell weakly downward.


"Master Zhang... is dead!?"

The other Yinyue-level existences who tried to rob Xu Ming suddenly panicked to the extreme! - Silently, Zhang Xinhe of the tenth rank of Yinyue died like this!

No one can see how he died!

"It's the black book in that kid's hand!" Soon, everyone focused their attention on the life and death book in Xu Ming's hand.

"That should be a karma attack treasure!" A stern figure with a rancid stench all over his body stared straight at the book of life and death, with scarlet and greedy flames constantly beating in his eyes, "It can kill the tenth rank of Yinyue. The karma treasure!?"

This level of karma treasure is already very precious, enough to make the existence of the king level excited!

Of course, at the same time, this stern figure is also afraid and worried: "If you can kill the tenth grade Yinyue, can you kill me?"

Although the strength of this stern figure is slightly stronger than Zhang Xinhe, it is also very limited; his strength is only half a step to become a king!

Immediately, the expression of the Yin Li figure became extremely ferocious: "If this karma treasure can kill me, then he will definitely kill me; in this underground world, no matter how much I hide, it is useless!"

Since it is useless to hide, then kill!


The imposing figure of the gloomy figure is surging!

The scarlet aura, like a sea of ​​blood condensed from countless corpses, ferociously rushed towards Xu Ming.

"Ha!" Xu Ming smiled disdainfully, took the dragon and snake in his hand, and wrote two words on the book of life and death again - Night Ghost!


The gloomy figure "Night Ghost" shuddered violently, and instantly lost his breath of life.



The remaining dozen or so top silver-moon-level existences were extremely frightened.

In the blink of an eye, a silver moon tenth rank and a half-step seal king were already dead! - The black book in Xu Ming's hand is really terrifying!

"What should I do now?" All the experts hesitated and dared not go forward.

However, Xu Ming was unceremonious, and continued to turn the book of life and death to the next page; he lifted a large pen in his hand and wrote the name of another Yinyue tenth-grade existence.

At this time, Xingluo Island was in the sky.

The peaceful space suddenly rolled up an invisible vortex of time and space.

Ordinary gods cannot see this time and space vortex at all. The existence of the silver moon is barely able to discover this vortex, but it is impossible to see any mystery from it.

An extremely tiny black spot appeared in the center of this vortex; then, the black spot gradually grew larger, and it turned out to be a black-robed figure walking out of the vortex—this time-space vortex is connected to the Divine Realm Extreme. A certain "space point" in the distance; and this black-robed figure walking out of the vortex actually came from an endless distant space.

His slow every step, in fact, has passed hundreds of millions of miles.


When the black robe figure walked out of the time-space vortex, the vortex also dissipated directly.

The face of the black-robed figure has a look of exhaustion: "Being a 'time traveler' is really tiring! The time and space disorder every time you travel through space is an extremely painful torture!"

After calming down a bit, the black-robed figure looked down at Xingluo Island below: "I don't know, where is the target of this mission hiding..."

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