Break Into Another World

Chapter 972: provocative

Outside the Inheritance Monument, hundreds of gods have been surrounded by this time.

There are many gods who were not here before; however, when I heard that a peerless monster was born, they all came to watch.

"Really? A demigod became a ten-star **** after only one inheritance?"

"Of course it's true! We've all seen it with our own eyes, how can it be fake!"

"This is too evil, isn't it?"

"There should be a limit to evildoers! How could there be such evildoers?"


The masters who have been in the Realm of No Difficulty for a long time can't believe that this is true.


The star-level inheritance monument can only show the cultivation base of ten-star gods at the highest. Therefore, these onlookers still don't know that Xu Ming's real cultivation base is not a ten-star god, but a Yinyue rank one!

A demigod, one inheritance, to be precise, half an inheritance, directly broke through to the first rank of Yinyue! —How appalling!

And now, this appalling thing is about to be revealed in front of all the onlookers!

"It will be two hours soon, he is about to come out!" Yue Xiaoxian stared at the inheritance monument, his eyes were full of killing intent - he couldn't bear it, his enemy was so powerful!

The slender figure who had been making things difficult for Xu Ming also had a cold stern look in his eyes: "Since everyone has been offended, the best solution is to make him dead!"

No matter how perverted the monster, as long as he dies, he is nothing!

Suddenly, the lean figure sent a voice transmission to Yue Xiaoxian: "Brother Yue, I think you have a grudge against this Xu Ming, right?"

Yue Xiaoxian looked at the lean figure, and the two of them tacitly sneered.

At this moment, a figure was walking out of the star-level inheritance monument.



"What kind of peerless evildoer is he?"

All eyes were suddenly focused on this handsome figure; everyone wanted to look at him, what a demeanor of a peerless evildoer.

Then, almost at the same time, everyone's eyes were stunned!

Incredibly unanimous!


"Didn't you say it's a ten-star god? Why is it a silver moon?"

"I was a demigod before I went in? After two hours, I became a silver moon when I came out?"

"how is this possible?"

In the minds of all the onlookers, three words roared—impossible!

However, the reality is clearly in front of them. No matter how they can't believe it, they can only believe it's true!

"What kind of qualification is this!"

"It's outrageous!"

The aptitude of an ordinary genius makes people jealous; the aptitude of a super genius makes people look up! And something like Xu Ming has already made it difficult to even look up! - They can't look up at all, how unbelievable Xu Ming's aptitude is!

"If such aptitude spreads out, I am afraid that even the entire Divine Realm will be a sensation!"

"It must be a sensation!"

"With his enchanting aptitude, he will become an emperor-level existence in the future, and there is no suspense! It is even possible to surpass an emperor-level existence!"

All the onlookers, looking at Xu Ming, were filled with deep awe.

When Xu Ming walked out of the inheritance monument, the onlookers could not help but retreat for a distance; it was as if there was a halo around Xu Ming, preventing them from getting close.

"Xu... Xu Ming..." Xiong Shan looked at Xu Ming in disbelief; how could he have thought that he had accidentally met such a super evildoer.

"Xiong Shan!" Xu Ming smiled and said, "I just broke through and urgently need to find a secluded place to retreat and practice, so I won't tell you!"

"Go to retreat, don't worry about me!" Xiong Shan said excitedly - he did not expect that Xu Ming, a peerless evildoer, would be so kind to himself; this made Xiong Shan feel a little flattered.

Xu Ming cupped his hands again, separated the crowd, and left quickly.

There are many quiet empty houses in Wudi City; therefore, Xu Ming is not worried that there is no place to retreat.

After Xu Ming left, the gods onlookers cast their awe-inspiring gazes in the direction of Xu Ming's departure - this is a genius to the point of fear!

Consolidating his cultivation was not difficult for Xu Ming.

Three days later, Xu Ming had completely consolidated his cultivation. His strength has also increased a little, and it is more powerful than when he just broke through!


The feeling of soaring strength is really cool!

"I have another chance to inherit for free! When I accept the inheritance of the Silver Moon, my strength should be able to soar again!"

Thinking about it, Xu Ming pushed the door and went out.

However, just as he pushed open the stone door and removed the isolation formation in the room, Xu Ming saw a figure he didn't want to see.

"Yue Xiaoxian!"

Xu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly: "What are you doing here?"

"Xu Ming!" Yue Xiaoxian said with a sneer, "It's amazing! When you first came to the Realm of No Difficulties, you were brilliant! Now, in the entire City of No Difficulties, I'm afraid no one doesn't know you, Xu Ming, right?"

"You are here just to talk nonsense?" Xu Ming snorted coldly.

"No no no!" Yue Xiaoxian looked gloomy, "When I was in the Yanyan Mountain, I heard that you like to slap! So now, I'm here to taste it, what does your slap feel like!"

With that said, Yue Xiaoxian put his face close to Xu Ming, and pointed his finger at his own face, provocatively said, "Come on! Give me a try!"

Actively looking for a draw?

Xu Ming's eyes narrowed into slits, and he shot with murderous intent.

However, Xu Ming didn't think that Yue Xiaoxian came to take the initiative to find a lottery!

"In Wudi City, there is a formation to monitor; whoever dares to do it in the city will be killed! This Yue Xiaoxian, I am afraid that he wants me to act on him on impulse; in this way, I will be killed!" Xu Ming thought to himself.

"What, Xu Ming? My face is close, don't you dare to smoke?" Yue Xiaoxian provoked again.

"Haha!" Xu Ming sneered disdainfully, "Yue Xiaoxian, don't think I don't know what you're trying to do! - Smack you? You dirty my hands!"

After speaking Xu Ming ignored Yue Xiaoxian and walked away.

Yue Xiaoxian's eyes were on fire, and his blue veins burst out: "This kid, he was not fooled! It seems that it is not so easy to kill him!"

Xu Ming walked towards the square of Wudi City.

But after walking for a long time, I saw another figure that I didn't want to see - it was the slender figure "Ying Yao" who had been making things difficult for Xu Ming.

Ying Yao walked up to Xu Ming and provocatively said: "Xu Ming, right? - After you came to the Realm of No Difficulty, you offended me everywhere; before you were only a demigod, my lord doesn't remember villains, and I don't care about you! Now, you are already at the silver moon level, can you dare to go out of the city with me and settle the grievances between us?"

"I offend you everywhere?" Xu Ming looked at the lean figure in disbelief - it was obviously the other party, so he offended Xu Ming everywhere, okay? Now, he even went to Xu Ming, and to say such a thing, he is really thick-skinned!

Ying Yao continued provocatively: "You dare to be arrogant in front of me, don't you even have the courage to leave the city now?"

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