Break Into Another World

Chapter 974: leave

No trouble city.

Inheritance monument.

Yan Xu looked expectantly to see if Xu Ming would create another miracle in the Silver Moon class inheritance.

"Silver Moon-level inheritance is much more obscure and esoteric than Star-level inheritance; Yinyue 1st rank to Yinyue 2nd rank is even more difficult than 1-star gods to ten-star gods!" Yan Xu thought to himself, "I don't know, Can Xu Ming be promoted to the second rank of Yinyue if he inherits it once..."

In Yan Xu's opinion, if Xu Ming can really pass the inheritance once and be promoted to the second rank of Yinyue, it is even more terrifying than directly breaking through from a demigod to the first rank of Yinyue!

After all, the mysteries of the Heavenly Dao contained in the Silver Moon Grade are too vast and profound! Compared with the star level, it is more than a hundred times a thousand times more profound!

"In the beginning, when I upgraded from the first-grade Yinyue to the second-grade Yinyue, I used up ten inheritances!" Yan Xu said to himself.

And Yan Xu's results are already very good!

Soon, two quarters passed.

The Silver Moon Grade Inheritance Monument remained unresponsive, and only displayed the first grade of the Silver Moon.

Yan Xu watched calmly—this situation was completely within his expectations.

However, when the fifth quarter of an hour passed.


The second segment of the Silver Moon Grade Inheritance Monument also lit up.

"The second paragraph is on?"

"Second Grade Silver Moon!?"

Yan Xu was extremely shocked—it was only five quarters of an hour, and Xu Ming actually arrived at the second rank of Yinyue!

This greatly exceeded Yan Xu's expectations!

You know, one inheritance, but two hours, sixteen quarters of an hour! —Yan Xu was still thinking about whether Xu Ming could be promoted to the second rank of Yinyue in one inheritance; but now he saw that Xu Ming completed the promotion in only five quarters of an hour!

"Too perverted..." Rao Shiyan Xu didn't want to compare Xu Ming at all, but seeing Xu Ming so perverted, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Wouldn't he... be promoted to the third rank of Yinyue after one inheritance?" Yan Xu couldn't help thinking in horror.

time flies.

After two hours, when Xu Ming came out of the Silver Moon grade inheritance monument; Yan Xu was completely numb.

"Silver Moon Fourth Grade..." Yan Xu looked at Xu Ming, looking at a pervert.

A super pervert!

In just two hours, it has soared from the first rank of Yinyue to the fourth rank of Yinyue... Fortunately, there are not many gods next to the inheritance monument, otherwise, it will definitely cause a sensation again.

"Brother Xu Ming..." Yan Xu didn't know what to say anymore.

Xu Ming's strength soared and he was in a good mood; he smiled and looked at Yan Xu: "Huh? Brother Yan Xu, why are you still here? -Are you going to enter the inheritance monument?"

Yan Xu smiled bitterly and said, "My mood is too shocking right now, I'm not at all calm, and it's not suitable for entering the Heritage Monument at all..."

"Cough cough!" Xu Ming was embarrassed - I really didn't mean to shock you!

Yan Xu calmed down his shocked mood a little, and looked at Xu Ming sincerely: "Brother Xu Ming, I invite you to join our No Difficulty Alliance!"

Join the Wu Difficulty Alliance?

Xu Ming thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Thank you, Brother Yan Xu, for your kindness, but I don't need it anymore!"

"Brother Xu Ming!" Yan Xu hurriedly said, "I admit, your talent is very enchanting, and you will definitely become a superpower on the side of Megatron in the future; therefore, you may not necessarily see us as the All-Difficult Alliance! However, Xu Ming Brother, I have to remind you; in the Realm of No Difficulty, if you don’t join a certain faction, it will be very difficult to mix!”

Xu Ming smiled and said, "Brother Yan Xu, you may have misunderstood. I don't mean to dislike your Wu Difficulty Alliance! It's just... I should be leaving the Wudi Realm soon!"

"What!?" Yan Xu looked at Xu Ming in shock, "Brother Xu Ming, you have just come to the Realm of No Difficulties, and you are leaving? - This City of No Difficulties is the cultivation treasure of the Heavenly Dao School; if you leave, you will never return. No more! Moreover, if you want to leave the Realm of No Difficulty, you must have at least the strength of a half-step king; although your talent is enchanting, your current strength..."

"Haha, Brother Yan Xu, I understand everything you said!" Xu Ming said, and stopped talking.

Of course Xu Ming understood.

It is true that the City of No Difficulty is the cultivation treasure of the Heavenly Dao school; but the problem is that the number of inheritances of the inheritance monument is too difficult to obtain! —According to Xu Ming’s knowledge, it would take at least a thousand years to obtain an inheritance count!

A thousand years... For other gods, of course, it is nothing, it is simply a matter of flick of the finger; but for Xu Ming, it is too long!

You must know that Xu Ming has practiced until now, but it has not even been a hundred years!


Xu Ming has to rush to the Holy Emperor City to find Yin Ran! A thousand years is too long, he can't wait at all!

Since it is impossible to get the next chance of inheritance, it is meaningless for Xu Ming to continue to stay in the world of no difficulty. It is better to leave early!

As for the strength needed to leave the Realm of No Difficulty... Xu Ming doesn't have to worry about it at all! After Xu Ming's strength has soared again, even at the king level, he is not weak!

"You all understand?" Yan Xu sighed and didn't say anything more. But in his opinion, Xu Ming is too arrogant!

Xu Ming stayed in Wudi City again for half a month. After consolidating his strength by leaps and bounds, he quietly left the city.

The exit of the Realm of No Difficulty is in the "Tower of No Difficulty". And if you want to reach the Tower of No Difficulty, you must first pass through the entire Continent of Suffering!

"Xiong Shan is not in the city..." Xu Ming originally wanted to say goodbye to this new friend; however, the other party was not in the city, and Xu Ming could not contact him, so he had to leave a letter as a farewell.

When walking out of the city gate, Xu Ming noticed two small tails behind him.

"Oh! These two people, as expected, can't help but want to die!"

These two little tails are not Yue Xiaoxian and the lean figure "Ying Yao", who else could they be?

The two consecutive provocations had already provoked Xu Ming's killing intent. Now that Xu Ming is about to leave the Realm of No Difficulty, of course he doesn't mind fulfilling their wish to die.

Xu Ming pretended not to notice the two of them, and walked out of the City of No Difficulties calmly.

"He's out of town!" Yue Xiaoxian's were narrow and murderous.

"Yes!" Ying Yao said coldly, "Are we going to kill him now?"

As long as you leave the area of ​​Wudi City, you can't help but kill again.

"No hurry!" Yue Xiaoxian raised his mouth slightly and sneered, "Since he has walked out of the city of no difficulty, he will surely die! But... I won't let him die so easily! When he is farther away from the city, I will I have to torture him and kill him to vent my anger!"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!" Ying Yao also sneered.

"Oh? Brother Xu Ming is out of the city?" When Yan Xu got the news, he hesitated for a while, and got up and left Wudi City.

In Yan Xu's view, with regard to Xu Ming's cultivation, I am afraid that he will be "distressed" on the Continent of Suffering before he even arrives at the Tower of No Difficulty. When Yan Xu went out of the city, he was actually preparing to protect Xu Ming secretly.

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