Break Into Another World

Chapter 981: 1 person can live

one! !

Seeing this number, Xu Ming was a little puzzled. He didn't know what the word "one" represented.

And the other fifteen masters, including the existence of the king, suddenly turned pale.


"It turned out to be 'one'!"

"It's over!"

"It's too much luck, isn't it?"


Immediately, the entire third-layer world was filled with an aura of despair.

"It seems that everyone's luck is really not very good. You actually got a 'one'!" The magnificent voice above the dome seemed to have a taste of schadenfreude, "Since the number drawn is 'one', then It means that among the sixteen of you, only one person can leave the third floor alive!"

Sixteen people, only one can live! ?

Now, Xu Ming finally understood the meaning of the sixteen numbers that appeared just now! - Sixteen numbers, whichever one is randomly drawn, I am afraid it means how many people can survive! For example, if "ten" is randomly drawn, that means ten people will survive!

"One?" Xu Ming's expression was also a little weird, "This luck is really bad!"

Of course, Xu Ming did not mean that he was unlucky, but that the other fifteen people were unlucky!

Since only one person could survive, Xu Ming certainly couldn't sacrifice himself for others! Then, the other fifteen people can only die!



Those half-step king masters, after a short period of despair, all reacted.

The seven half-step kings who came up with Xu Ming hurriedly hugged together; and among the eight people in the previous batch, the seven half-step kings also hurriedly hugged together.

Immediately, Xu Ming and the only king-level existence from the previous batch were isolated.

These half-step king masters know very well that since they can only survive one, they must form a group and solve the two strongest ones first! In this way, these weak ones have a first-line hope of surviving.

The atmosphere on the field suddenly froze.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and no one wants to take it lightly.

"What should I do?" At this time, when he was in the second-layer world, Ji Ran, the third one who arrived, suddenly opened his mouth and asked aloud at the audience.

Among the seven half-step kings in Xu Ming's group, Ji Ran is the strongest and the strongest!

Originally, Ji Ran felt that with his own strength, it should be no problem to break through the third layer of the world and leave the world of no difficulty alive! Unexpectedly, their luck was so bad this time, and they drew the most unlucky "one".

Only one person can leave the third-layer world alive! With Ji Ran's strength, Rao really doesn't have the slightest confidence.

However, even if you have no confidence, you have to fight! Anyway, no matter whether you fight or not, you will die horizontally and vertically!

The only one at the king level, the "Chou Burial King", looked very ugly at this time. Although he was at the king level, he was only at the beginning level of the king. At the same time, facing more than a dozen half-step king masters, it was really true. Not so sure. What's more, there is such a strange silver moon fourth rank as Xu Ming.

In the last batch of seven half-step kings, a young man with elegant temperament but gloomy eyes looked at Ji Ran and asked, "What's the situation over your side? Is that Yinyue fourth-grade strength strong? ?"

"Very strong!" Ji Ran shouted, "He killed Zuo Bai with one shot!"

Zuo Bai, in the world of no difficulty, still has some reputation. Many of the masters present also have some understanding of Zuo Bai's strength.


"One shot to kill Zuo Bai?"

"Then his strength has reached the level of a king!?"

"Yinyue fourth-grade, but has the strength of the king level? - Monster!"

Ji Ran had expected this reaction on the other side. He hurriedly asked, "What's the arrangement now?"

The last batch of half-step king-making masters discussed it and shouted: "You guys, deal with this silver moon fourth rank; we, deal with the burial king! - First kill these two king-ranking warriors, and finally we will deal with them. Who can survive depends on their ability!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

All the half-step king masters have no opinion!

Even some masters such as Ji Ran have excited expressions in their eyes - it is true that for the half-step king, it is almost a dead end! But at the same time, isn't it a great opportunity?

Whoever survives in the end will be able to obtain the treasures of the other fifteen masters in one fell swoop!

The treasure of fifteen masters! —Let's not mention anything else, there are more than 30 bottles of the spirits rewarded in the first layer of the world alone!

You must know that an ordinary first-level king, who can have a bottle of spiritual essence, is already rich! Just like King Xingluo, who is entrenched on Xingluo Island and has been in business for hundreds of millions of years, he has only saved a bottle of Spiritual Essence!

More than 30 bottles of spiritual marrow... Such a huge amount of wealth can even start a war in the existence of the king!

No trouble.

The dense cloud layer in the endless high sky is a place that cannot be penetrated by the existence of the emperor.

Above the dense clouds, there are three towering thrones.

On the throne in the middle, sat a dignified plump woman; she looked indifferent, seemed to see through everything, and seemed to care about everything in the realm of trouble.

On the throne on the left is a righteous general; on the throne on the right is a black-robed figure with a somewhat gloomy imposing manner.

The combination of these three people seems a bit strange; but in fact, the three of them are: the "Continent Spirit" of Suffering Continent, the "Motor Spirit" of Wudi City, and the "Tower Spirit" of Wudi Tower!

Yes, the Continent of Suffering, the City of No Difficulty, and the Tower of No Difficulty were all refined by the peak existence by means of refining divine artifacts; therefore, there are existences similar to "artifact spirits".

Like the Continent of Suffering, there are countless secret entrances hidden in it, like a secret room of experience—and the one who controls these secret entrances is the Spirit of the Continent, the dignified woman.

The City of No Difficulty and the Tower of No Difficulty are also secretly controlled by the "tool".

"Maybe something big is about to happen!" The black-robed figure, who had been closing his eyes, suddenly opened his sharp eyes, and said excitedly. He is the towering spirit of the Tower of No Difficulty.

"Major event?" The spirit of protecting the city snorted coldly, "Just in your place, what major event can happen? At most, a relatively powerful genius?"

The Spirit of the Continent also said with a bit of interest: "I often hear you talk about genius, but I have never seen you choose a qualified genius as a great master!"

The figure in the black robe was a little depressed and said: "The geniuses are not up to the standard and can't get the inheritance of the master. What can I do? - However, this genius is definitely different!"

"What's different?" The Spirit of the Continent asked with a smile.

"Very different! I think he might have some hope and get some inheritance from his master!" Hei-robed Taring said, "On my side, the good show is about to start, you can come and see!"

Anyway, idleness is idleness. The spirit of the continent and the spirit of protecting the city directly descended their consciousness into the Tower of No Difficulty.

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