Break Into Another World

Chapter 990: Heart-killing arrow

The sixth layer of the world is filled with thick gray fog.

These mists not only block sight, but also block mental and mental power. Xu Ming was in the thick fog and lost his direction for a while.

"What kind of test will there be on this sixth floor?"

Xu Ming waited for a while, but did not wait for the voice to instruct him what to do; he had to try, choose a random direction, and go out to explore—however, what Xu Ming did not know was that the space of the sixth-layer world had been seriously distorted; Whichever direction he goes, in the end, he will come back to the same destination.

Walked about half a day.

Xu Ming suddenly felt a tyrannical pressure of will, attacking from the front.


Xu Minglian quickened his pace.

The further forward he went, the more tyrannical the willpower became, and even Xu Ming felt a sense of difficulty walking.

"Could it be... This sixth floor is to test my will?"

Gradually, Xu Ming felt difficulty even raising his head; his whole body was already dripping with sweat.


But Xu Ming still gritted his teeth and moved forward firmly.

After walking for another quarter of an hour, Xu Ming finally arrived at the central area of ​​willpower. When he got here, every step he took, he seemed to use up all his strength.

And Xu Ming finally saw the shadow of a black arrow floating in the sky in front of him.

This is a very ordinary looking arrow! But that powerful and terrifying willpower coercion emanated from this arrow.

As long as you are not a fool, you can guess that this black arrow is not simple - not only is it not simple, but it is also very scary!

"What kind of arrow is this..." Xu Ming looked at him in shock.

In fact, at the level of gods, weapons have become somewhat unimportant. Artifacts such as swords, spears, swords, and halberds are the most important for the gods to cooperate with the use of secret skills; if you do not use secret skills, then whether there are weapons or not has little impact on strength!

However, the arrow in front of him is obviously different from ordinary artifacts.

This is a "magical arrow" that will obviously have a huge impact on strength!

Xu Ming held the pressure of his will, and reached out his hand to reach the black arrow with difficulty.

However, when he touched the arrow, he seemed to have touched a piece of nothingness - he could see it, but he couldn't!

"Huh? What's the situation?" Xu Ming was slightly startled, "Could it be that this arrow doesn't exist in the material plane?"

Since it does not exist on the "material level", does it exist on the "spiritual level"?

Xu Ming also manipulated his mental power to form a mental tentacle and grabbed the arrow. However, what the mental power caught was also nothingness.

"This..." This is the first time Xu Ming has seen such a treasure - neither the material level nor the spiritual level exists!

"Could it be that this is... a treasure like mental strength?"

Xu Ming had never seen a treasure of the mind force - after all, mind cultivators are really rare, and treasures of the mind force genre are even rarer!

The mental level is completely different from the material level and the spiritual level!

Matter and spirit cannot interfere with things at the mental level.

"Try to use your mental power!" Xu Ming manipulated his mental power again and touched the arrow.

This time, Xu Ming touched it!

This black arrow feels extremely cold to the touch, and seems to be able to freeze people's hearts; and the pressure on it can even shatter people's hearts!

"Sure enough, it's a treasure like mental strength!" Xu Ming was secretly shocked, "But, what should I do next? Refine this arrow directly?"

Just then, a message came from the black arrow.

This piece of information should be left by the peak existence of the Divine Realm who created the Realm of No Difficulty. After reading this message, Xu Ming immediately understood a lot, and became more and more shocked: "Chaos Divine Weapon!?"

What is "chaos"?

Heaven and earth are bred from chaos.

When the heaven and the earth first opened, that is, when the chaos just began to breed this world, it also gave birth to some treasures and weapons! - Treasures nurtured by chaos are called "Chaos Treasures"; weapons are called "Chaos Divine Weapons"!

And the black arrow in front of Xu Ming's eyes is one of the Chaos Divine Weapons nurtured by heaven and earth!

"The origin of this arrow is really not small!" Xu Ming pondered with fear.

You know, this is the magic weapon that Chaos gave birth to when the world was bred together! To put it bluntly, this black arrow is equivalent to the "twin brother" of God's Domain!

However, in the process of gestation, this side of the world, that is, the realm of the gods, absorbs more chaotic energy, so it is "the most nutritious" and the best chaotic; and the black arrow in front of me absorbs the chaotic energy. It is estimated that there is very little gas, so it looks a lot more depressed!

But no matter how downhearted, it is still a powerful chaotic weapon!

I am afraid that even the emperor-level powers are not qualified to own such treasures! Only the peak existences of God's Domain can have Chaos Divine Weapon!

Thinking of this, Xu Ming couldn't help but get excited: "On the sixth floor of the No Difficulty Tower, there is nothing else but this black arrow. Is this... the meaning of letting me refine this chaotic weapon?"

But at the same time, Xu Ming also had some doubts: "Why is there only 'arrow' but no 'bow'?"

A bow and arrow is complete with a bow and an arrow; if there is an arrow but no bow, what is the use of this arrow?

Suddenly, a voice resounded in Xu Ming's mind: "The chaotic weapon 'Heart Punishing Arrow' uses the divine body as the bow and the heart as the string, mobilizes the order of the heavens, and kills everything! - Refine it quickly!"

Take the **** body as the bow!

Take the heart as the string!

Xu Ming seemed to understand something instantly.


Xu Ming's mental strength instantly penetrated into the interior of the black arrow and began to refine this chaotic weapon.

"I don't know... How powerful is this chaotic weapon!"

However, since this black arrow is the "twin brother" of God's Domain; Xu Ming estimates that no matter how weak it is, it will not be weak! After refining, it is not surprising that Xu Ming's strength has soared to a great realm!

Xu Ming sat cross-legged in the void, his mind condensed into hundreds of millions of threads, bounding the black arrows like a cocoon, refining with all his strength.

Exactly ninety-nine-eighty-one days later.

"Finally the refining is successful!"

After such a long time, Xu Ming even felt exhausted. But fortunately, the refining was finally successful!

call out!

The black arrow disappeared directly from the sixth-layer world, and instead appeared in Xu Ming's "heart".

The treasure hidden in the "heart" is undoubtedly hidden very secretly, even more secret than the "memory". Even other mind cultivators who are much stronger than Xu Ming would not be able to know that Xu Ming has a chaotic weapon hidden in his "heart"!

"Let me feel a little bit, the power of this Chaos Divine Weapon 'Heart Punishing Arrow'..."

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