Breaking the Day

Chapter 1002: Do not bow your head

Zhao Xiaobao nodded and followed Vivian carefully. Vivian led Zhao Xiaobao through the central stone platform of the large stone room, but did not choose to stand on the stone platform with him and take the mechanism.

Zhao Xiaobao glanced at the stone platform hesitantly, standing still and did not keep up. After Vivian walked two steps forward, she found that Zhao Xiaobao was not following behind him. He looked back at the stone platform hesitatingly and suspiciously. As long as the valve wrench is pulled down, the stone platform can go up, and they can get out of this stone room.

This is the fastest and shortest road recently!

Vivian turned around and quickly whispered to Zhao Xiaobao anxiously: "No, you can't move this mechanism. It will wake up the demon. He is faster than us. If you wake him up here, we won't be able to escape."

After hearing this, Zhao Xiaobao felt reasonable and had to follow Vivian through the stone platform. The two came to a narrow stone path, saying it was a stone path, but it was more like a gap between two walls. It was very narrow. Can only accommodate a thin person walking sideways.

Vivian walked sideways into this narrow gap, moving her body forward with difficulty, and Zhao Xiaobao followed suit.

Vivienne walked and said in a low voice, "This is where the devil usually sends puppets to repair the machinery."

The candle in Zhao Xiaobao's hand swayed all the way, extinguishing at any time, but he still saw through the faint candlelight the stone holes on the two walls and the various gears hidden in the stone windows, and the air was filled with heavy motor oil. Taste, a low rumbling sound was faintly heard in front. .

The two of them walked tens of meters forward, and suddenly their vision widened. Vivian led Zhao Xiaobao out of the gap in the wall and came to a huge but crowded room.

There is a huge iron pillar in the center of this room. Around the iron pillar are densely packed, seemingly complex mechanical mechanisms. Numerous gears are snapped and snapped together tightly. Numerous mechanical levers are built on these gears. Around.

This huge iron pillar connects with the ceiling upwards, and is buried in the ground downwards. Although there is no external force at this time, it is still slowly rotating, making a low roar and the rattling of gears.

Vivian led Zhao Xiaobao through the huge machine room. The two came to a very narrow and long wooden staircase. Vivian and Zhao Xiaobao climbed all the way up the wooden staircase, their feet creaking. There was a noise, but the rumbling sound of the mechanism in the machinery room covered up the crunch.

After climbing a long flight of stairs, Zhao Xiaobao finally came to a rust-covered iron door. Vivian stood in front of the door. She removed the one that was hidden in her clothes and hung around her neck. Set the keys, and then select one of the keys to open the iron door.

This iron door looked very heavy. When Vivian pulled it, it made a very harsh rubbing sound. Zhao Xiaobao hurriedly stepped forward to help him when he saw it. The two of them worked together to open the heavy iron door.

After pushing open the door, Zhao Xiaobao saw a square stone room. This stone room was engraved with all kinds of weird patterns, like a huge circle. The stone room was narrow and rectangular with a groove in the center. , The groove is extremely deep, about one person tall, because it is more than ten meters away, Zhao Xiaobao can't see the situation in this pool.

Vivian said to Zhao Xiaobao: "Did you see the valve on the opposite side?"

Zhao Xiaobao glanced in the direction of Vivienne’s fingers, and he saw a mechanism valve wrench inserted on the ground 20 or 30 meters away. He nodded, and Vivienne said again: "That’s the last one. Mechanism, but it requires the two of us to work together to open the door of this stone room!"

With that, Vivian continued: "Look at this."

Vivian pointed to a valve that was exactly the same not far away, and said, "You will go to the stone pit in a moment. There are two sunken palms in it. When you arrive, I will pull this valve. Then I will run to the opposite mechanism within four flicks to pull down another valve. But only if you press your hands in the palm mechanism of the stone pit, this mechanism warning will not be triggered, otherwise you did not press the mechanism , But if I only pull the valve on one side, this magic circle mechanism will be triggered, and we will die here instantly!"

Zhao Xiaobao had completely trusted Vivian at this time, and he nodded nervously, his eyes fixed on the stone pit.

Vivian said, "If you are ready, tell me aloud..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Zhao Xiaobao staring at herself, Vivian immediately understood, and said apologetically: "Sorry, I forgot that you can't talk anymore. You will be ready in a while and clap your hands to tell me. After I counted three times, I pulled down the valve, do you hear it?"

Zhao Xiaobao nodded. He walked quickly to the edge of the stone pit, lowered his head and looked down, only to see that the stone pit was covered with black paint, and there were two palm prints on both sides of the wall. Zhao Xiaobao turned back towards Vivian After taking a look, Vivian nodded to him, Zhao Xiaobao jumped in, then he clapped his hands, and immediately stretched his hand into the palm groove.

As soon as he stretched his hand in, he heard a bang, and a fierce flame shot up from the bottom of the stone pit, instantly engulfing Zhao Xiaobao!

At this moment, Zhao Xiaobao felt an extremely terrifying sense of pain directly ravaging his soul!

He does not have a physical body now, and logically speaking, he does not feel pain, and this fire should instantly burn his puppet body to ashes. However, this fire did not harm Zhao Xiaobao’s puppet body. This is weird. Instead, the green flame burned Zhao Xiaobao's soul directly, causing his soul to tremble and mourn in pain!

Zhao Xiaobao wanted to retract his hands, but at this time his hands had been deeply nailed into the grooves, and he couldn't pull them out no matter how hard he tried.

This severe pain is indescribable. It is not the same as the severe pain Zhao Xiaobao has experienced in the Qiankun Marrow Pool. The latter can be tolerated by gritting his teeth, but this kind of direct burning soul pain is intolerable!

Zhao Xiaobao's body was twisted. Although he had no voice to pronounce, his puppet still uttered a cry from the depths of his soul. It was a weird cry, like the cry of a resentful spirit in the depths of hell.

Zhao Xiaobao twisted desperately and persisted. He hoped that Vivian could quickly pull down the valve and rescue him.

But he waited for a long time and didn't wait for Vivienne's voice. On the contrary, a figure slowly came to this stone pit with green flames.

Zhao Xiaobao struggled to look up, his eyes were shocked and desperate!

This person is sitting in a wheelchair, blond and blue-eyed, with a smile on his face, not a real puppet, who is it?

Vivienne? She, she was caught?

Zhao Xiaobao thought in horror, but soon he saw another figure rushing over, lying on the knee of the puppet, like a pet puppy, looking up at her owner in favor.

"My dear, am I acting well?" Vivian said with a grin.

Puppet Zhenren gently stroked her hair: "You have always acted perfectly, my beloved!"

Vivienne grinned, she took off the mask on her face, turned her head, looked at Zhao Xiaobao who was twisting and struggling in the flames under the stone pit, and smiled and said: "Don't struggle, accept your fate, this is your life. !"

Real Puppet didn't seem to be interested in watching this scene anymore. He patted Vivian's head and said, "Let's go."

Vivian stood up, didn't look at Zhao Xiaobao any more, then pushed the puppet real person's wheelchair and left. Only Zhao Xiaobao was struggling frantically in the tossing green fire.

That's it! I am done! !

Zhao Xiaobao yelled loudly in the depths of his soul, he was desperate to the extreme, as if he saw himself sinking into the abyss of darkness endlessly, and the bright world in front of him was getting further and further away.

Just when the light was about to disappear, a voice suddenly sounded in the distance.

You can't die! You must escape! ! You must send the news to the young master! !

If you are dead, Master will be attacked by him! !

This devil is so terrible, so vicious, it doesn't matter if he killed himself, absolutely can't let him kill the young master! !

Come on, Zhao Xiaobao, you must be calm, you must be calm! !

miss you! Think about it, what will Master do at this time! !

At this moment, Zhao Xiaobao seemed to see Li Chengfeng’s face in the bright world. He smiled and said to himself: To make a correct reasoning, you must first analyze the other party’s psychology and deduce the reason why they want to do this. what! When everything goes back to its source, you can find its root! As long as you find this reason, you will be able to know what the other party wants to do next. As long as you know the other party's desire and purpose, you will be able to target it in a targeted manner and come back in the most disadvantaged and most desperate situation! !

Zhao Xiaobao's spirit of almost dissolving despair was suddenly shaken: Yes, why did they take such pains to trick themselves into coming here?

Think, Zhao Xiaobao, think quickly! You must be able to figure out why!

You can do it!

Even if you cannot defeat the devil alone, as long as you succeed in telling the young master the news, then the young master can defeat the devil! !

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