Breaking the Day

Chapter 1016: True or false

For the puppet, today is definitely his nightmare day.

He was the only one who brought endless nightmares to others. Except for the day he was defeated decades ago, he never tasted the shame.

The puppet was sitting in a wheelchair with a pale face, and the wheelchair under him rolled quickly, leading him towards the end of the corridor, where a ladder illuminated by burning torches was waiting for him, as long as he In the past, this vehicle could be driven by the gear of the mechanism to take him quickly to the teleportation room and completely teleport him away from this ghost place.

The wheelchair under his seat is engraved with a small teleportation circle. Although it can make him move quickly, it is extremely limited in distance. The farthest can only be teleported for ten miles, and the farther the distance, the consumption of mana The more.

Judging from the current situation, Real Puppet knew that Shenjing was no longer a suitable city for him to live in, and he had to flee here first.

The energy that Li Chengfeng can mobilize far exceeds his imagination!

Zhenren Puppet is a person who likes to make two sets of plans. In the first set of plans, he should have used Zhao Xiaobao's organ puppet to defeat Li Chengfeng. In the worst case, the two of them died together. Then he completed the Nine Nether Kings. From now on, he left here completely, and went to the end of the world with his Vivian to spend the rest of his life.

But this set of plans went bankrupt, and he still had a backup plan. That is, if Li Chengfeng did not pursue it, then he would prepare a foolproof plan again. If Li Chengfeng chased it, he would This lair was completely detonated, burying him in the underground world that he had run for decades!

But what the real puppet never expected was that he prepared a table of dishes, but...four tables of people came! !

What the **** is this?

The puppet was extremely angry. While rushing fast, he turned his head and shouted: "Vivian, hurry up, hurry up!!"

The voice of the puppet shook the surroundings, and the more irritated the surrounding walls were cracks spreading rapidly, and more and more stones fell from the top, the puppet's face was like iron, and he looked calm, but deep in his heart was already distraught!

As a master of mechanism puppets, he is also a master of magic circles. He knows that mechanism puppets and magic circles are powerful, but their power comes from their precision. Li Chengfeng has a good saying: The more delicate things are, the more fragile!

As long as there is a problem with one joint, it will cause the whole to collapse!

Just like his plan, the more complicated the confidentiality, the failure of one of the links will cause the collapse of the entire plan!

As for why Zhao Xiaobao still has the remaining soul and consciousness, Real Puppet doesn't want to think about this issue anymore. The matter is now, escape and live is the problem he needs to think about most.

Only when the falling rocks behind him kept banging behind him, as if the footsteps chasing by the **** of death were getting closer and closer, he could feel the people who died in Li Chengfeng’s hands. They were not dead at all. injustice!

No disease! Leiyun old demon! Draw a real person! Real beast! !

They all died in the hands of Li Chengfeng!

At first, the puppets only thought that they were inadequate, and the name was not true, but now the puppets understand!

This person is not only superior in strength, but also intellect is not inferior to him. The most important thing is...the great practitioners who are willing to help him regardless of life and death... there are too many!

It is extremely rare for an ordinary monk to have one or two major practitioners as friends. At the moment of life and death, there are so many major practitioners who can come forward to help him without hesitation!

Can such people provoke? !

Careless! Careless! !

The real puppet clenched the armrest of the wheelchair and clenched his teeth. He finally came to the door of the elevator. He entered the elevator, holding the handle of the elevator, and couldn't help but yelled again: "Wei Vianne! Are you here yet!!!"

He can abandon everything here, but he can't abandon Vivian!

The real puppet's eyes widened, and the fingers holding the handle turned white! The falling rocks in the tunnel became denser and denser, and when the passage was about to be blocked, a voice suddenly came over.

"Honey, wait for me!!"

Real Puppet became excited. He almost got up from the wheelchair. He leaned forward severely. He yelled: "Vivian, hurry up! Hurry up!!"

Soon, a figure rushed out from the corner of the tunnel. It was the figure he was familiar with, but she was a single figure, and she ran fast while paying attention to avoiding the falling rocks above.

It wasn't until Vivian rushed into the ladder that Real Puppet pulled the handle of the mechanism forcefully, and there was a bang, and the mechanism took him to a deeper underground.

"Vivienne, why are you so slow?" There was false alarm and fear in the handsome face of Real Puppet. He pulled Vivienne toward him, trying to check her condition.

But Vivienne shrank back a bit. She folded her hands on her chest, and said in horror, "I, I lost him! I took him and ran too slow! I, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up." You, sorry!"

The puppet’s face immediately softened. He took Vivienne’s hand and said softly: "My dear, it’s okay, it’s just a small toy. If you like it, I’ll do whatever you want in the future. How much can I find for you! As long as we are all okay, that's the most important thing!"

Vivian gently leaned in the arms of the puppet, her body still trembling: "My dear, I have a very bad premonition."

The stairs descended quickly, making a whizzing sound, and the small magic spar-driven burning lamps used to illuminate the shafts illuminate the faces of the two from time to time.

The real puppet gently stroked Vivian's hair, and he said softly: "My dear, there will be nothing wrong with me this time."

Vivian shook her head and said, "No, it will be the same as last time! It will be the same this time!"

The real puppet squeezed Vivian's hand firmly, and he said firmly: "No, this time is different! This time, I have enough strength to protect you! You will never be caught by them again! I absolutely Such things are not allowed to happen!!"

Vivienne was just about to speak, and at this time the squeaking noise of the ladder slowed down, and the iron gate opened with a clatter, revealing a more solid and deep corridor.

Although the collapse on the top did not affect the area, there was only a vague rumbling from above, and the bottom still seemed very calm.

Vivienne rushed out, and when she saw the real puppet did not come out, she was taken aback, and said, "Hurry up!!"

The puppet gave Vivian a suspicious look, but didn't think much about it, and he quickly walked out of the wheelchair while Vivian followed behind him.

The two of them walked out dozens of meters away, and suddenly heard the click of the ladder behind them, and they went up again. Obviously someone pulled the mechanism on the ladder and pulled the ladder up.

The real puppet was taken aback again, frowning, but Vivian couldn't help screaming at this moment: "They're chasing! Run, run!"

Vivienne herself rushed out first, and the puppet hurriedly followed and shouted: "Vivienne! Wait for me!!"

Just as the two figures quickly disappeared into the darkness of the corridor, in the corridor that collapsed above, there was a mechanism puppet in a female costume dragging Zhao Xiaobao's body and desperately recalling the mechanism that was on the ladder. Button.

It's no one else, it's... Vivian!

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