Breaking the Day

Chapter 1046: After the mantis catches the cicada oriole

At this time, in a depression basin on the southeast side of the Qiuyue Valley, two gluttonous gluttons were biting and fighting together fiercely. They rolled and moved, and the huge figure would crush them into foam when they touched anything.

Around this basin, there are uprooted trees everywhere. They fall in pieces to the ground. In the central area of ​​the fierce battle, with the fierce fighting of two gluttons, the ground cannot help sinking. This basin Becoming bigger and bigger, flying sand and rocks around, thick smoke billowing.

The two gluttons have a big one, and a small one. Although the big one has the advantage, it keeps pressing on the small bite, but the small one refuses to give up. Its paws and teeth desperately tore and bite this gluttonous chest and neck. , They fought each other, scarred and dripping with blood.

The blood-red blood dripped from them, and when it fell on the ground, it emitted white smoke, burning the ground white.

At this time, this larger gluttony with a paw pressed the small glutton under its body. When it opened its terrifying blood basin and was about to bite down, suddenly it suddenly raised its head and released its paw. The figure jumped back fiercely, staring vigilantly at a group of whirlpool white clouds that approached quickly in the sky.

After the smaller gluttony got out of trouble, it quickly turned over and shook its mane. When it was about to continue culling towards gluttonous, gluttonous suddenly yelled at it!


Xiao Taotie was shocked by the roar and backed back again and again, his sharp claws grabbed the soil and plowed several deep ravines.

Xiao Taotie reluctantly stabilized his figure. Just about to fight back with anger, he suddenly stopped his figure. He suddenly turned his head to look towards the sky, but saw a person floating in the sky. This person was thin and thin. Woman, compared with the huge gluttonous body, she is as small as a puppet doll.

One half of her body is so transparent that you can see the beating heart inside, and the other half of her body is condensed with white hard armor, which looks very strange.

The big and small gluttonous eyes looked at the burning raging flames in Chaos's eyes, and they let out a roar that shook the air.

Huang Nishang stared at the two gluttons below. She had basically lost her sense of autonomy at this time. She could only follow the consciousness of the gluttonous beast to control her actions. She sensed the breath of the gluttonous beast was attracted. But there is no close relationship and friendship between the four fierce beasts.

They will attract each other and at the same time they will repel each other. After the meeting, their strong sense of territory is stimulated, and the uncontrolled four fierce beasts immediately begin to fight.

Huang Nishang's figure fused with the chaos instantly changed into a cloud of white mist, like a wave of anger, rushing toward the two gluttonous gluttons.

At the same time, the big and small gluttons opened their mouths in the blood basin and emitted terrible black flames. The two black flames instantly blasted through the white mist, but the white mist was not hindered in any way. In the blink of an eye, they rushed to the small glutton. Before, swallow it.

At the moment when this white mist enveloped Xiao Taotie, part of the white mist condensed into the appearance of Huang Nishang. Both of her hands were in the shape of sharp swords, and they were inserted again in accordance with Taotie's chest!

"Puff puff!!"

Xiao Taotie's chest was immediately pricked with two holes, and it let out a loud roar, the blood boiled and burned as soon as it flowed out of the body, and the white mist instantly sizzled.

At the same time, the big gluttony immediately spouted a crimson flame, which has been enveloping the small gluttony, burning the half-atomized and half-hardened yellow neon clothes.

Huang Nichang was burned by the gluttonous blood inside, and was burned by the terrible gluttonous flames outside. She immediately let out a stern neigh, and the whole person instantly turned into a cloud of mist and spread out. Condensed and formed at a height of more than ten meters.

Xiao Taotie was burned by the flames but showed no signs of injury. On the contrary, the flames burned all over it. The flames poured into its wounds like flowing water, and its wounds resumed growth at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xiao Taotie lowered his head and licked his wound, and then raised his head angrily to stare at the chaos in the sky. After it let out a roar, it jumped fiercely and rushed towards Huang Nishang.

Just as the gluttonous and Chaos fought together again, hundreds of spiritual guardians in white robes came silently around the basin.

"Priest priest! Gourmet and Chaos have already fought!" A white-clothed law protector came to Chang Yuan, lowered his voice and spoke extremely fast.

Chang Yuan was full of excitement, and he whispered: "Heaven will help me too! Hurry, set up immediately! I will kill these two big beasts in one go!!"

The protector in white smiled and said, "God bless the chief priest, the two murderers have started to kill each other!"

Chang Yuan sneered: "Beasts are beasts, even if they are the four fierce beasts? Quickly, set up the Sun and Moon Array, wait for the two fierce beasts to be almost killed, let's shoot again!!"

This white-clothed guardian took the order, and these white-clothed guardian laws quickly began to deploy a huge magic circle around the basin. The seven-color array flags were inserted around the mountains and forests in a patchwork, secretive and unobtrusive.


On the other side of the Qiuyue Valley, "Master!" Among the mountains and forests of the Qiuyue Valley, Chen Luhao was standing beside the master sister with a full face of excitement. He looked at the two rapidly approaching white-red whirlpool clouds in the sky. , His face was flushed by the fire cloud nearby, "God helps my clan!"

The master sister did not show a trace of joy, she said solemnly: "Why does Taotie appear here?"

Chen Luhao smiled and said, "Just leave it alone, anyway, the more chaotic the situation right now, the better!"

The master sister said with a stern face: "Immediately let the others return. At this time, we must not be involved anymore."

Chen Luhao was taken aback for a moment, and said: "But, Lord, as long as you guide these two fierce beasts a little now, plus our ambush, there are more than 1,000 cultivators in the Autumn Moon Valley, don't even want to go out alive!"

The master sister turned her head and stared at Chen Luhao sternly, and said, "I don't want to say it again!"

Chen Luhao's expression stunned, and immediately bowed his head and said, "Yes!"

Chen Luhao's figure flashed. After leaving the place, just as the master sister was about to leave, her figure suddenly stopped, turned her head and sneered toward the dense forest not far away and said: "Come out!"

A person slowly walked out of this dense forest. This person was dressed in a monk's robe of red and white. He had a horse face, a wretched appearance, and a gloomy look.

The master sister stared at the robe on his body and said: "It turns out to be the mouse of the Jinshanmen! Get out!"

This Jinshanmen monk grinned, and said: "It is said that the great sisters of the Lingshan School are cold and frosty but not beautiful. Seeing them today, they really deserved their reputation!

The master sister's face was covered with frost, and her voice was full of murderous intent: "Give you one last chance..."

"Otherwise?" The Jinshanmen monk said happily, "Otherwise, you will kill you? Hehe, don't pretend, I've been paying attention to you for a long time! In the entire fighting game, you have three fights that exposed your injury. , Others can't see it, but don't want to hide it from my eyes!"

The master sister sneered: "So, do you think your chance is here? It's up to you?"

This Jinshanmen cultivator waved his hand quickly and said, "I? I dare not dare, how dare you offend the great sister of Lingshan School? But if there are more people..."

He said with a grin, a dozen figures quietly surrounded him in all directions, and they surrounded the masters and sisters.

The master sister coldly scanned the surrounding area, and the Jinshanmen monk said with a smile on her face: "Master sister, sorry!"

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