Breaking the Day

Chapter 1066: Resurrected at the bottom of the lake

After Zhu Nian was sent out of the water by Li Chengfeng's water plants, Zhu Nian's struggling strength instantly increased. It suddenly broke free of the water plants around him, and when his huge body was about to fall into the water, Chaos caught up.

Zhu Nian’s powerful body makes it difficult for Zhu Nian to directly damage him, but at this time Zhu Nian is already at its most debilitating time. When the chaos’s old skills are wrapped in it and fly into the sky again, Zhu Nian suddenly There was a wild roar, and a sudden roar in his mouth. This roar instantly shook the world and the earth. The turbulent shock wave rushed the chaos to pieces in the blink of an eye, and Zhu Wei got off his feet and fell from the air.

But because of this roar, Zhu Wei has been completely overdrawn. Its huge figure began to shrink and shrink little by little, until it shrank to the figure of a ten-year-old child, with white hair all over it. It gradually turned gray.

Zhu Nangkuang vomited blood, struggled to get up and glanced at the white smoke scattered in the sky and began to gather quickly. It bitterly turned to leave, and quickly dived into the jungle.

When the chaos condensed again, it could no longer find Zhu Wei's trace. After turning around for a while, the chaos roared, and when he was about to leave, he saw a figure on the lake, and it immediately furiously turned towards the lake. Away.

The man on the lake was Li Chengfeng. He saw Zhu Wei being taken away by Chaos, and he was overjoyed. He immediately went upstream to the lake. But as soon as he appeared, he saw Zhu Wei roar in the sky, a huge shock wave in the sky like water. The waves spread in all directions.

Li Chengfeng knew that this roar was so powerful, he immediately dived into the lake without saying a word.

But even after diving into the lake, Li Chengfeng still clearly felt the violent shaking of the lake. After a sharp pain in his eardrum, the fish in the surrounding lakes began to float up and turned on the lake. Fish belly.

For a while, the lake was densely covered with white fish belly. Li Chengfeng couldn't see the situation outside the lake for a while. He only got out of the water after hesitating for a while. As a result, he just got out of the water and his head was on the surface. This large piece of fish belly is particularly eye-catching.

Seeing Chaos rushing towards him with a roar, Li Chengfeng suddenly cursed in his shadow, and in desperation he plunged into the lake.

Chaos really had a certain degree of fear of the water. It once again stopped above the lake, as if a beast that had lost its prey was hovering around, roaring again and again.

Li Chengfeng was trapped underwater, worrying and worried.

This is a lake, not a river. If the river flows down, he can get rid of the chaos, but the chaos stays on the lake, what can be done?

Li Chengfeng wanted to mobilize the worms or birds around him, and use their sight to observe the chaotic movement, but when he looked around, he found that the flowers, trees, worms, and birds that could be moved outside were declining crazily. He mobilized a flying forest bird to look down, but saw that where the chaos was, the surrounding flowers and trees began to wither and corrode quickly, and even the insects died quickly.

Only some of the fast-flying forest birds fluttered their wings and temporarily took off.

But when Li Chengfeng controlled the bird to hover in the air to observe, he saw a thick white fog on the lake at this time, and chaos resided in it. It suddenly raised its head and looked at the bird. Li Chengfeng paired up. Li Chengfeng only felt a sharp pain in his head, and instantly cut off the bird's sight.

It took a long time for Li Chengfeng to recover, and he gritted his teeth secretly. He knew that he would have his head rashly, but he would be headshot instantly by Chaos, repeating Zhu Wei's fate.

Even a fierce beast like Zhu Fan has been cleaned up by Chaos and obediently, how can he be Chaos's opponent?

Li Chengfeng saw that Chaos was not only Zhu Wei's nemesis, but also his own nemesis! He quickly thought about it, but soon he realized a more serious problem, that is... he would die of hypoxia without breathing!

Due to lack of oxygen, he felt extremely strenuous even to mobilize the power in his body, and his brain rotation became more and more sluggish.

He is not a fish, he can breathe freely in the water.

But Chaos was staring at the surface of the water at this time, he... he didn't dare to take a breath, because he didn't know the consequences, and he didn't dare to gamble.

Without thinking about it, Li Chengfeng immediately swam to the bottom of the lake. Fortunately, the lake was not very deep. After a while, Li Chengfeng swam to the bottom of the lake. He began to search for the big rocks at the bottom of the lake, digging one by one.

Sure enough, Li Chengfeng turned over a large rock, and besides a few crabs quickly drilled out of the lake bottom, a big blister burst out.

Li Chengfeng was overjoyed, and immediately moved his head over, peeked into the blisters, and then took a strong breath.

Sometimes there is a backlog of air between the rocks at the bottom of the lake due to earthquakes and other reasons. They are backlogged under the rocks and cannot get out on weekdays. Li Chengfeng immediately rushed out after such a turn, and continued for Li Chengfeng. The last moment of life.

After absorbing the air coming out of this stone, Li Chengfeng's spirit was refreshed. He immediately swam to the position of the stone next to him, manipulating the surrounding birds to observe the chaotic position again while patiently waiting.

This time Li Chengfeng really saw that Chaos hadn't left, but was patiently waiting and searching on the lake. Only a figure was quickly shuttled back and forth on the white misty lake, like a ghost, it was terrifying.

Li Chengfeng cursed in his heart. After waiting for him to be unable to hold it back, he opened the second stone, but this time, there was nothing in the stone. Li Chengfeng was surprised and immediately opened the third. Fortunately, a small bubble appeared in the third rock, and Li Chengfeng hurried over to **** out the air in the bubble.

After supplementing with oxygen, Li Chengfeng muttered in his heart.

This chaos is clearly being consumed by him here!

He couldn't control the flowers and trees to drag himself away from the bottom of the lake, because as long as he digs a hole, the lake immediately backflows and he can't go anywhere.

Moreover, the corrosive power of Chaos is extremely powerful, which can corrode the surrounding flowers and trees, just to restrain Li Chengfeng!

In desperation, Li Chengfeng had no choice but to hold back and fight Chaos for a long time at the bottom of the lake. One could not get up and the other could not get down.

Such a consumption is a whole night!

Until the next day, when Li Chengfeng, who was exhausted at the bottom of the lake, opened the few stones left, he was almost desperate.

After one night, he rummaged through the rocks at the bottom of the lake and absorbed the remaining oxygen, but Chaos still had no intention of leaving.

Li Chengfeng looked at the remaining stones that hadn't been opened yet, he knew he had to fight!

Li Chengfeng gritted his teeth and opened all these stones, and then inhaled all the two bubbles that emerged from them. After he had enough oxygen, he kicked his feet and rushed towards the lake like a sharp arrow.

But when Li Chengfeng just drilled out of the lake, Chaos immediately noticed Li Chengfeng's position. It suddenly turned its head and let out a scream, lightning rushing towards Li Chengfeng.

Li Chengfeng shouted angrily, holding the Potian Sword and was about to fight the chaos to fight the trapped beast, suddenly the sky thundered with a muffled sound, and a dark red light flooded like a tide.

Both Li Chengfeng and Chaos were in a daze, and at the same time they looked in the direction the voice came from.

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