Breaking the Day

Chapter 1078: Surprised looking back on the past

Darkness, boundless darkness.

Li Chengfeng felt that he was in a vast ocean of darkness. He seemed to be slapped by waves one after another. His body would be cold and hot.

Then he heard endless squeaking sounds. At first, it swept like a tsunami, but quickly went away like a low tide.

There was a long and boundless silence, and occasionally a ticking sound could be heard.

There was a faint buzzing sound in the distance, like an explosion, like a fight, or like a sword strike. It was not real. Li Chengfeng tried to open his eyes, but he felt like his eyelids Being sewn, he wanted to move, but his body seemed to be crushed by a huge boulder that made him unable to move no matter how hard he was.

I don't know how long it took before Li Chengfeng accumulated enough strength and desperately opened his eyes.

He found that he seemed to be in a cave, surrounded by darkness, but bursts of glistening green light emitted from the darkness, which was the phosphorous light of human bones.

Li Chengfeng looked around with these rays of light, and was shocked to find that he was actually in a pile of bones. These bones looked very small and were not humans. Judging from some of the fur that had not yet dried, he could tell that they were all. It is a reminder of the huge rat carcass.

They are piled up like a mountain, presenting a huge fan shape around Li Chengfeng, and the nearest surrounding Li Chengfeng is withered flowers and trees close to ashes.

Seeing this scene, Li Chengfeng was thoughtful. It might be that the immortal power in his body was spontaneous. First he used flowers and trees to make a cocoon to protect himself. At the same time, he mobilized the giant rat in this mountain to tune his vitality. Heal yourself.

Li Chengfeng shook his head. He recalled what had happened before, and then suddenly remembered that he had eaten Jian Zhenren’s "One Sword Bliss" trick, and then he lost consciousness, and when he woke up Appeared here.

What happened during this, why he was in this place, he didn't even know at all.

But Li Chengfeng knew that he was definitely not in the cave where Mangong Diaopo lived, because although Mangong Diaopo's residence was also in a cave, the cave was vast and huge, and the interior decoration was no different from ordinary people's.

But here is dark and gloomy, the cave is not bottomed, and it can only accommodate four people side by side. The top is less than 1.8 meters high. Li Chengfeng can't stand up and walk.

Li Chengfeng didn't know where it was, but he didn't dare to be born. After quickly touching the side and grabbing the Heaven-Splitting Sword in his hand, he was relieved.

Li Chengfeng stood up, picked up a shining thigh bone that was almost embedded in the mountain in the corner for lighting, and then carefully fumbled forward.

After walking a few dozen steps forward, Li Chengfeng heard a buzzing sound again. This sound was slight and distant. If it weren't for the quietness of the cave, the sound could hardly be heard.

Li Chengfeng followed the sound, and the further he walked, the more he could hear the sound and movement in front of him. The louder the sound, the greater the vibration on the ground.

This voice sounded from time to time, getting denser and more intense, Li Chengfeng groped forward cautiously, and when he came to the end of the tunnel, he could clearly hear the sound inside. It was a fierce fighting and scolding. Sounds, babblings, curses, spellcasting sounds, and the sound of swords are intertwined, reverberating in layers in the cave, forming intense sound waves.

Li Chengfeng threw down the glowing bones in his hands and came to the cave entrance carefully, sticking his head out, only to see nine men in monk robes in the huge cave besieging a man with a long sword in the center, among them these three monks We are casting spells together and driving a golden wheel spinning in the air. This golden wheel hums and pushes towards the man holding the long sword bit by bit. The other six people are all around to initiate various actions towards the man. Attack, so that he can not be distracted.

This man with a long sword looks like a tiger, no matter what magical magic spell is blasting at him, he just swipes the sword to wipe it out, not only a spell, even a tyrannical magic weapon can't go through a round in front of him.

This man was dripping with blood, like a bruised beast trapped in a cage of despair. Although it was far away, Li Chengfeng could still feel the aura of his body!

This man swung his sword fiercely and swept across all directions. No one dared to stop wherever he went. He vomited blood while yelling: "You shameless old thief, set this insidious trap to frame you, sooner or later. You will have retribution!"

None of the nine people answered, they just madly driven the magic magic weapon, desperately blasting at the man.

The man saw the buzzing of the golden wheel above his head, lowering the pressure, he roared wildly and swung a sword at the three monks who were driving the golden wheel.

There was a loud bang, and an orange light burst out of the hole, as if a huge sickle rushed towards the three of them.

But as soon as he waved it, three of the other six immediately rushed forward. They instantly cast a spell to deploy the barrier, but the moment they deployed the barrier, they were smashed by the orange sickle, but when the orange sickle blasted forward, He slammed into an enchantment again, and after all his force was exhausted, he shattered on the spot with a crash.

This sword was fruitless, but it gave the man a short respite. After a breath of blood, he gritted his teeth and said: "None of you want to leave alive today!!"

After that, he raised the long sword in his hand high, and then the long sword released a terrifying orange light, which quickly diffused like a tide.

One of the elderly monks exclaimed in surprise: "He is crazy!! Be careful!! Hurry up!!"

Li Chengfeng saw the orange light coming surgingly, he immediately retracted his head and hid behind the thick rock wall, only to see a burst of orange light surging from the entrance of the cave, and then straight through the mountain like a beam of light, turning the extremely hard rock Abruptly through the extremely deep and long cave out.

The new-born cave was cut as smooth as a mirror, and even the most sophisticated craftsmen in the world would never be able to use tools to chisel out such a smooth and round arc.

After the buzzing orange light suddenly disappeared, Li Chengfeng heard that all the movement in the cave had disappeared, and he poked out his head boldly.

However, the nine people in the cave formed a small magic circle, but eight of them had turned into skeletons, and the remaining one was in the last line, struggling to get up while coughing up blood.

And the man holding the sword had fallen to the ground at this time, motionless, not knowing his life or death.

As soon as the man who got up opened his mouth, Li Chengfeng knew that this was the old monk who had spoken before, and this sound seemed to him to be familiar!

Afterwards, he heard what the elderly monk said, but Li Chengfeng was shocked to his entire body!

After struggling to get up, the old monk walked forward staggeringly. He smiled every step he took, and said, "I didn't expect it? After all, we had the last laugh! Chaotian Que, Chaotian Que, you lost. This sky-breaking sword belongs to the old man!!! Hahahahaha!!!"

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