Breaking the Day

Chapter 1089: The Origin of Excalibur

Li Chengfeng looked at the big sister in surprise, with a puzzled face: "You know?"

The big sister sneered and asked, "How much do you know about Potian Sword?"

Li Chengfeng choked when he was asked. He couldn't speak. He angrily said: "The Potian Sword was made by the master of my hidden sword pavilion facing the sky. Is it possible that the hidden sword pavilion knows better than my hidden sword pavilion. Is it too much?"

The master sister said heyly: "Then you think that the Potian Sword is such a powerful weapon, how did Chaotianque make it?"

This sentence asked Li Chengfeng's heart, and he paused suddenly and remained silent.

Yes, how did Chaotianque create such a terrifying heaven-defying artifact like the Potian Sword?

Can create such a divine tool, then how can I reach the heavens? !

The master sister said: "Li Chengfeng, haven't you heard a word?"

Li Chengfeng said: "What are you talking about?"

The master sister said: "Anyone who can build a heaven-passing artifact must have a heaven-passing magical power! If Chaotianque has the ability to build a heaven-breaking sword, how can he be trapped in the world?"

This sentence was like thunder and lightning, and it fell heavily in Li Chengfeng's mind, as if it had illuminated a direction for him.

Yes, someone who can create such a magic weapon must be a top-level practitioner who has mastered the magical powers of the world!

After all, magic weapons are not ordinary weapons!

The blacksmith can build peerless weapons, but the blacksmith himself may not be a great hero.

But spiritual practitioners are different from magic weapons. People who don’t understand magic can never create magic weapons, and monks who don’t understand magical powers can’t create artifacts with the power of the heavens!

Who can imagine that the top scientist who can create a nuclear power killer is someone who does not understand physics?

A top cultivator who can create an artifact like the Potian Sword must have a deep understanding and study of time and space spells, then the problem is coming.

If the Potian Sword was really made by Chaotianque, then Chaotianque himself must be a person who is proficient in time and space spells!

But if a cultivator is able to specialize in time and space spells, how could this cultivator still spin in the human world?

Thinking of this, Li Chengfeng felt that he understood, but soon Li Chengfeng became confused again, what about the sunset gun? What is the master sister who can build a sunset gun? If she is also a person with supernatural powers, why is she so embarrassed today?

The master sister seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and said: "The sunset gun is not a heavenly artifact. The magic weapon that can be regarded as a heavenly artifact often has the following powers: manipulation of life and death, manipulation of time, manipulation of space, manipulation of cause and effect, Rules of manipulation! Although the sunset gun is powerful and can be regarded as a top magic weapon, it is still a long way from the heavenly artifact. Among the magic weapons in your body, only the Potian Sword is the true heavenly artifact, capable of manipulating time and space Power can escape the rules of the world; other magic weapons are only magic weapons that operate under the rules of all things in the world. Although powerful, they are not considered to be heaven-reaching artifacts."

Li Chengfeng sounded awe-inspiring. He had seen the heavenly artifact that could manipulate time and space, but he had never seen the heavenly artifact that could manipulate life and death, manipulate cause and effect, and manipulate laws!

Li Chengfeng had already believed what the master sister said, he said: "Then you mean that the Potian Sword was not made by the Chaotianque Pavilion Master?"

The master sister said: "I have read through ancient books in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in Lingshan, which have recorded deeds in the ancient times. In this, I mentioned a divine sword that can control the nine heavens and thirteen realms."

Li Chengfeng said in amazement, "The divine sword that controls the nine heavens and thirteen realms?"

The master sister nodded and said: "Yes, this was the magic sword of the ancient demon wars, but it was too long and lost. But during the civil war in the Nine Heavens Realm, Luo Jiuzhong and Zhang Zhaoyang both used this magic sword, so this **** The sword is also known as the Three God Sword! During the second civil war in the Nine Heavens Realm, Zhang Zhaoyang found that every use of the Three God Sword consumes too much aura. If it is used frequently, the Nine Heavens Realm will be destroyed in the long run. He threw the Three Divine Sword into the Nine Heavens Furnace, re-forged it, and divided it into three..."

Li Chengfeng sounded awe-inspiring: "Then you mean...The Heaven-Breaking Sword is one of the Three Godswords?"

The master sister said: "This is only my speculation, and there is no actual evidence. But... if this divine sword passes you a hundred years later, and when you come back, your hand will be completely activated. , Then it means that you must have encountered Chaotianque, the original owner of the Battered Sky Sword, and mastered the method of using the Battered Heaven Sword. Then why were you teleported to that time and place so accurately? There is only one reason, and that is The divine sword in the hands of this swordsman has a strong resonance with the sky-breaking sword in your hand, so when it meets the sky-breaking sword in your hand, they resonate internally, and then accurately teleport you to more than a hundred years ago. By the Potian Sword!"

Although it was only speculation, Li Chengfeng had believed it 80% after hearing it, otherwise it would be completely impossible to explain why the sword of the real sword, he could directly appear in the cave before Chaotianque's death.

Li Chengfeng looked at Master Sword and said with a smile, "Mr. Sword, borrow your sword for a look?"

Master Jian didn’t know that Liu Bei borrowed from Jingzhou and did not return the allusion, but he knew that Li Chengfeng would never return it after he got his Divine Tongyou Sword, and his power came from his Divine Tongyou Sword. !

Zhenren Jian immediately squeezed the Divine Tongyou Sword in his hand with a high degree of tension. He climbed a few steps together with his hands and feet. He wanted to stay away from Li Chengfeng. He sternly said, "Don't think about it! This sword is the life of the old man. Take it!"

Li Chengfeng smiled and said, "I borrowed it for a look, and it must be returned!"

Master Jian looked at Li Chengfeng desperately, and said, "Master Li, don't deceive people too much!"

Li Chengfeng clenched his fist and said, "Do you want to take another iron fist from Lao Tzu?"

Zhenren Jian stared at Li Chengfeng bitterly, clenching his teeth, he suddenly shouted, "You forced it!!"

After that, the Tongyou Divine Sword in Master Jian's hand suddenly lit up, and he raised the Tongyou Divine Sword in his hand and cut it forward!

Li Chengfeng was suddenly shocked, he subconsciously stepped back, and violently pulled the big sister beside him!

When the sword of Zhenzheng Jian fell, Li Chengfeng clearly felt that the time around him seemed to be stagnant. The air was filled with granular flying dust. They were densely packed, like fog and smoke, dancing under the orange-red divine light around them. Flying, the light seems to be frozen in the air, showing a stepped ribbon in the smoke and dust, the scenery is magnificent.

Master Jian was staring at Li Chengfeng, the anger and hatred in his eyes were beyond words. His body was aging rapidly at an astonishing speed. His skin that was still plump quickly dried up and collapsed, and his skin became aging. Cracked, and the eye sockets are deeply sunken, only a pair of fire-breathing eyes will stick out, especially conspicuous.

"One! Sword! Red! Lotus!!!"

Jianzhen’s population paused, and every word was chanted, the surrounding air trembled. The space around Li Chengfeng began to see visible collapse and tremor, and there was a humming sound in the air. Li Chengfeng felt that his body was boiling with blood and pain everywhere, and this body seemed to be disintegrating in the next second!

Li Chengfeng gritted his teeth and clenched the Heaven-Splitting Sword in his hand, desperately mobilizing the immortal power around him. He knew that the real sword was still fighting against the beast at this time.

Li Chengfeng wanted to escape, but he had noticed that the aura of Master Jian had locked him firmly, and the surrounding space had begun to collapse. He could not escape, he could only fight head-on!

Li Chengfeng had to learn everything, and desperately urged the Potian Sword with his own life to resist this sword.

When the sword of the real sword fell, Li Chengfeng and the master sister could clearly see that a black crack appeared in the space in front of them. This crack was like the eye of hell. As soon as it appeared, they madly sucked in here. Everything, even the surrounding light was sucked in by it, and it was horribly distorted.

But Li Chengfeng's Heaven-Pending Sword also lit up at this time, it exuded a scorching orange light, forcibly resisting the black crack from less than half a meter in front of Li Chengfeng.

At first, Master Jian had a hideous face, but his face changed drastically after this situation. He laughed desperately, and then gritted his teeth with a grinning laugh: "Mr. Li, don't you want to take away the old man's magic sword! It's Mage Sword." The magic sword!!! Without it, how could the sword master be the sword master!!" The sword master screamed, and the long sword in his hand suddenly turned upside down, and the sword body was heavily inserted into his chest.

This black fissure swallowed Majestic Sword in an instant, Majesty Sword disappeared in place with a buzzing sound, as if he had never appeared before.

Li Chengfeng smiled hey at this time, then vomited a mouthful of blood, raised his head and fell.

The big sister on the side was in shock. She subconsciously supported the fallen Li Chengfeng and let him fall in her arms. At the same time, she looked at the place where the real sword was, except for a piece of space that was swallowed out by the rift in time and space. There was nothing else besides the circular grooves and the extremely smooth broken arms on the ground.

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