Breaking the Day

Chapter 1096: Yin and Yang live and kill each other

Qiankun Divine Religion, Yinyang Hall of Qiankun Tower.

Quietly in the huge hall of Yin and Yang, only the swaying sound of the cold wind blowing in from the promenade shook the candle fire. Between the huge stone pillars on both sides of the promenade, there is a yellow dress of the Universe God in every place. The guardian stood quietly on the side.

These protectors are the most elite monks of the Heavenly God Sect and the fanatics who admire Chang Yuan the most. They are not many, with less than fifty people, but they are the most powerful core combat force of the Heavenly God Sect.

In the past Qiankun Divine Religion, it appeared to be a two-level confrontation between the white-clothed congregation headed by Chang Kun and the black-clothed congregation headed by Xie Tianyuan. Although the yellow-clothed Dharma protectors were powerful, due to their small number, there were two factions in black and white. When they were fighting openly and secretly on weekdays, they didn't pay attention to them. Although they didn't want to provoke them, they didn't have too much awe.

However, after the Qiuyuegu tragedy, the Heavenly God Sect suffered an unprecedented severe damage. The elite guardians of the black and white factions died seven or eighty-eight. Only the yellow-clothed guardians were intact and their strengths were well preserved. Suddenly, they were alone in the universe. Big.

At this time, not to mention the arrogant and domineering law guards in black and white clothes with upturned nostrils, even Chang Yuan and Xie Tianyuan looked respectful when they saw these yellow guards and did not dare to offend.

Many people think that the strength of practitioners comes from their own strength, but what many people don’t understand is that a person’s strength can only conquer a group of people around them and cannot conquer more people; no matter how strong a person is, it can only Conquered for a while, but unable to conquer a lifetime.

Chang Yuan is indeed the most powerful practitioner in the history of Da Qi, but even a strong practitioner like him knows that his personal strength alone cannot build a huge empire like Da Qi.

He must have a group of followers around him, and this group of followers must be strong, and these powerful followers must have their own followers, so that an empire belonging to him can be formed.

The founding emperor of Daqi created an unprecedented huge empire, and he Chang Yuan also created an unprecedentedly powerful empire on the basis of this empire: the **** of heaven and earth!

The Universe Divine Sect is like the shadow of the empire of Daqi, with its strength and strength, with its decline, and now it is finally beginning to show an unprecedented decline.

Even Chang Kun and Xie Tianyuan, who had been fighting fiercely on weekdays, knew at this time that they had caused a terrible disaster and caused an overthrow for the Universe God!

At this time, in front of the gate of the Yinyang Hall of the Universe Tower, the black-clothed chief priest and the white-clothed chief priest were kneeling in front of the huge gate of the temple, one of them facing the sun gate carved with the sun, the other facing the two moons carved The two men are obviously less than ten meters apart, but they seem to be unable to see each other. They just stare at the front, kneel on the ground, and wait motionlessly.

In this hall of Yin and Yang, the national teacher Chang Yuan retreats in it, and Xie Tianyuan and Chang Kun do not dare or want to disturb Chang Yuan when the leader is in retreat.

After all, Chang Yuan is just like what they said, is an "old ancestor", a "major" in the religious religion, and it is too late to hide from such a major leader. Who wants to provoke him?

But now they want to hide, they can't hide, because whoever hides among them, the other party will definitely sue the wicked person first, and viciously sue the other party in front of the "ancestors". Therefore, the two of them all came to this Yin-Yang Hall by coincidence, even if they were fighting the punishment of the ancestor, they had to shout out the ancestor from the state of retreat.

However, the two have been kneeling here for more than a long time, and the eternal lamp and the eternal clock at the door used to wake up the ancestors in an emergency ignited and ringed, and the gate of the Yin Yang Palace was not seen suddenly open.

Chang Kun obviously became more and more guilty as he waited. He couldn't help but shouted: "Old ancestors, the gods are in distress, and please go out to turn the tide!"

Not far away, Xie Tianyuan squinted Chang Kun a slightly. He showed a sneer and contemptuously in his heart: after all, it is the young man who can't hold his breath.

But Xie Tianyuan also muttered in his heart. Generally speaking, no matter which one of the eternal lantern and the eternal clock was lit or struck, Chang Yuan would walk out of the retreat, but today...Why is the ancestor indifferent?

Could it be that the ancestors decided to teach them a lesson this time?

Xie Tianyuan thought quickly, the more he thought about it, the more he was bottomless, the more he thought about it, the more chilled, the more he thought about it, the lower his body would become.

At this time, Chang Kun also glanced at Xie Tianyuan from the corner of his eye, secretly dismissing the other party's humbleness.

Just when the two of them secretly contempted, Chang Yuan, the national teacher they were waiting for, was quietly looking at this destroyed valley from the cliff of Qiuyue Valley on the outskirts of Beijing, beside him, There was also a man with a broken arm, and it was Qin Shousheng who was depressed.

Qin Shousheng looked at Chang Yuan's back in awe. He stopped talking for a while before he plucked up the courage to speak: "Guo Shi, can you really save me?"

Chang Yuan's head tilted slightly, his smile was very gentle, and he did not have a high air, but like a gentle and elegant old man: "This question should be asked to yourself. Why do you want to commit suicide?"

Qin Shousheng closed his eyes and said with a painful expression: "I was born a mistake! It is even a mistake when I am alive! There are two gluttons living in my body. Although one escaped in this battle, I can I feel that it wants to come back, and it wants to find the right opportunity to eat another gluttonous in me and me. Once I was eaten by it, then... it will become a real gluttonous, then, it really No one can stop it!"

Chang Yuan said lightly: "Oh? So you want to commit suicide? Do you think suicide can solve all this?"

Qin Shousheng said: "If I were the only one, I would naturally not be able to do it, but since I met the national teacher, the national teacher must have a way! Isn't this the purpose of the national teacher to find me?"

Chang Yuan smiled, did not answer, but changed the subject, saying: "There was once a person who thought he was a great accomplishment and founded a school, and then he developed this school into a very big school. Soon, he found that distress was coming. Because this school was too big and there were too many things to manage. These trivial things made him unintentional in practicing and made him more troublesome, so he divided these things into two. Threw it to his capable disciples, while throwing it to his children."

"He originally thought that these disciples and children would be able to share these things well, but what he didn't expect was that during his long process of seeking immortality, he found that the sect he founded had become less and less popular. His control."

Qin Shousheng seemed to have forgotten his question at this time. He listened attentively and couldn't help but interject: "Isn't it enough to replace the disobedient people?"

Chang Yuan seemed to be very patient. He smiled slightly and said, "This person also thought and did the same at the beginning. But when he discovered that these people were replaced, the situation was only better for a while. Soon things became the same again. They were hostile to each other, fighting for each other, fighting for power, and this person had to change them again. This time this person personally took charge of these matters, but this person found that things got worse."

Qin Shousheng said in a puzzled way: "He has great power, and he has a lot of words, is there anyone who can't get along with him?"

Chang Yuan smiled and said, "No one in the world can do what is true, and no one can do everything. This person soon discovered that when he was in power, there were many people who were afraid of him. There were more people who opposed him. He was caught in endless battles, and he personally did several things that he regretted. The seeds of hatred were deeply buried at that moment, and they have now grown A towering tree!"

Qin Shousheng said: "Then why don't you cut the weeds earlier?"

Chang Yuan asked back, "Then why didn't you dig out the gluttony in your body with your own hands earlier?"

Qin Shousheng smiled bitterly: "If I did it myself, I would die on the spot at that time, and now it's too late to react."

Chang Yuan nodded and sighed: "Yes, this person thought the same way as you at the time! Things are different, but the truth is the same! Gourmet is a collection of desires. As long as there are humans in this world, there will be desires. If there is desire, gluttony will live forever!"

Qin Shousheng said desperately: "Could it be that there is no way even the national teacher can do it?"

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