Breaking the Day

Chapter 307: Lips and teeth are more affectionate

The big brother's reaction was a bit beyond Qiu Chu's surprise. He was stunned for a moment, and the big brother's figure had disappeared from his sight.

The big brother flew all the way to Jiufeng Mountain, and just about to go forward, he saw Li Chengfeng and Su Yuehan hugged tightly at the gate of the mountain, Ouyang Nan and others winked and left quietly.

The big brother stood in the distance and stared steadily, as if recalling something, his eyes were complicated, and then his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

In front of the gate of Jiufeng Mountain, Li Chengfeng lightly embraced Su Yuehan, his forehead lightly touched Su Yuehan's forehead, and laughed in a low voice: "How do you know that I'm back at this time? Are you still standing here? How cold is it?"

Su Yuehan smiled lightly and said: "I'm not afraid of the cold. I watched it from the top of Jiufeng Mountain. I can see far from there, and I can see you will and never come back."

Su Yuehan raised her head and looked at Li Chengfeng with concern. She whispered: "I... have heard about it." She stroked Li Chengfeng's scar with heartache.

Li Chengfeng said: "What did you hear?"

Su Yuehan whispered: "After Qianshanxue destroyed the Zhou family, the other five families immediately handed in the owed offerings. He has now declared that the task of Tongan City... is complete."

Li Chengfeng's eyes turned red immediately, he clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said: "He is the devil, he has caused such a terrible tragedy in Tongan, and now he is proud to claim credit! Can he do whatever he wants!"

Su Yuehan hugged Li Chengfeng lightly, looked at him worriedly, and whispered: "It's not too late for a gentleman to avenge him for ten years! Master, if you can't bear it, you'll be mad!"

"I can't bear it, I can't bear it..." Li Chengfeng pushed Su Yuehan away and walked back and forth like an angry lion. If this is also small, then what is big! Is this big if the world is reduced to hell!"

Su Yuehan whispered: "But...what else can I do?"

Li Chengfeng took a deep breath. He remembered the instructions and explanations given to him by Senior Brother Tianjun. He held back his anger, and said nothing.

Su Yuehan's eyes rolled, she looked around, and whispered: "I'll tell you a...secret, you should feel better."

Li Chengfeng sneered and said, "Unless Qianshanxue is brought to justice now!"

Su Yuehan whispered: "I know the real identity of the master sister...!"

Li Chengfeng snorted and said, "How about knowing her identity...I...what?"

Li Chengfeng was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly turned his head in anger and glared at Su Yuehan: "How did you know!"

Su Yuehan smiled dryly and said in a low voice: "I... I found it in the data records of the Tianshutai."

Li Chengfeng was furious: "Didn't I say, don't let you take risks! Have you ever thought that if I come back and find out that you are in an accident, you are no longer there, you, what do you ask me to do!! "

Su Yuehan was full of grievances, her eye circles were a little red, and she whispered in a low voice: "Isn't it good for me? I said, I will be fine."

Li Chengfeng was furious: "But you also said that you won't go! You promised me, your promise!!"

Su Yuehan was a little unbearable by Li Chengfeng's roar, she also said loudly: "But have you ever thought that I am here alone waiting for your news! Do you know how worried I am, I How scared! If you can't come back, what should I do? I have nothing to do here, I can only wait. What is this feeling? Have you thought about it!"

Li Chengfeng said angrily: "Then you can't take this kind of risk!"

Su Yuehan also said angrily: "I have been taking this risk all my life, what happened this time!"

Although she has been calling Li Chengfeng as the young master in a gentle and low voice, but... Su Yuehan's bones are after all a monster with a thousand faces who used to be majestic. She has her pride, she has her persistence, and she has her self-esteem. !

She is definitely not a weak woman who is too weak to ask others to rescue her, but she is sitting on her own. She is also definitely not an indecisive person who only knows fear and fear all day long.

She is a demon with a thousand faces, all-powerful, a thousand-faced demon who has crossed the world for more than 100 years!

She has a gentle and lovely side, a quirky side, and a cute and playful side, but she also has the domineering side of others, she also has resourceful wisdom, and has a strong and active side!

She is not a plaything, she is not a vase, she is not a maidservant who really regards the young master as heaven.

She is Ling Shuang Aoju who never climbs high branches and shows off herself; she is a cold winter winter plum who is self-reliant and struggling for her own destiny!

Su Yuehan and Li Chengfeng glared at each other. The cold air around them seemed to be hot. Su Yuehan said with tears, gritted his teeth and said: "I hate this kind of waiting, I hate this kind of powerlessness! I want to do something, I I want to do something for you! I don’t want to be a maid who just serves tea and water, washes and cooks all day long! I want to fight with you, and I want to live and die with you!"

Li Chengfeng's angry gaze softened little by little: "But, if you have any shortcomings, I..."

Su Yuehan said angrily: "Could it be that if you raise me like a canary, I will be safe! Have you forgotten that you fell from the sky, if it wasn't for the master sister being called away temporarily, you have seen it now Not me!"

Li Chengfeng raised his head and let out a long sigh, he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Su Yuehan excitedly said: "You have saved me so many times, why can't I help you once!"

Li Chengfeng, who is a hundred-smelting steel maker, also turned into a soft finger at this time. He looked at Su Yuehan with pity and affection, and said softly: "You don't owe me anything, you have saved me many times."

Su Yuehan shook her head vigorously with tears in her eyes, and said in a low voice: "No, it's not like this."

Su Yuehan knew best in her heart that she wanted to do what she wanted to do when she approached Li Chengfeng, and there was a bigger secret in her heart that she didn’t dare to tell Li Chengfeng. Once Li Chengfeng knew, she didn’t know Li Cheng How will the wind treat her.

She dare not take this risk!

Li Chengfeng gently hugged Su Yuehan in his arms, wiped her tears with his hands, and said softly: "Okay, don't cry, it's me that's wrong, it's me. In the future, I won't be anymore, okay ?"

Su Yuehan was a little surprised. She raised her head and looked at Li Chengfeng blankly. At this moment, her heart seemed to melt away, and it was warm and itchy there, as if something continued to grow.

This is the man she fell in love with. He is not only good-looking, tall, powerful, and resourceful. He is also humorous, informed and interesting. The key point is that he is not like almost everything in this world. Men treat women as their belongings, pets, or confinement, and keep them in captivity as a prison.

He respected her, loved her, pityed her, and was willing to apologize to her. She even snarled and yelled at him before, but didn't care, but was able to consider and take care of her dignity.

At this moment, Su Yuehan was so moved that she almost blurted out her biggest secret, but she didn't say it after all. Her eyes sparkled and the autumn waves flowed, and then she kissed Li Chengfeng's lips heavily. Down.

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