Breaking the Day

Chapter 445: Old and cunning like a fox

Su Yuehan laughed in a low voice: "No, Shenjing's teleportation area is twenty times larger than Junan's teleportation area, and if you want to come in and out, you will not close the teleportation area unless there is a major incident."

Li Chengfeng smiled bitterly: "I feel right now that anything can happen."

Su Yuehan glared at him: "Bah, baah, how can you curse yourself?"

Li Chengfeng sighed and said, "I hope everything goes well." He said loudly, "Brothers and brothers, we have arrived at the Gyeonggi Station, and now we are less than a hundred miles away from Tongyuanbo Villa. At the time of Shen, we hurried a few steps to reach the Tongyuan Boshan Villa before the time of the child. Everyone, work hard, what do you think?"

For these five days and five nights, everyone took turns on duty. Although they were practitioners and the carriages were luxurious and comfortable, they still felt exhausted. This was not physical fatigue, but psychological depression and exhaustion.

Everyone’s worries were the same as Li Chengfeng's. They were all worried that when they rushed back, they happened to encounter the closed teleportation area, and they would be completely finished.

Although Guan Chi is fast, but if they rush back like this, they will not be able to keep up with the assessment and rating.

This is also the reason why Su Yuehan did not propose to take the official gallop at the beginning: because once they took the official gallop, they had no room for error.

Because at this time, the biggest enemy standing in front of them will no longer be any assassin or killer lurking in the dark, but...time!

After Li Chengfeng got off the bus, he saw the people who got off the Huangfusong Mansion one after another, moving their hands and feet one by one, complaining endlessly.

The carriages they are in are naturally far less comfortable than those of Li Chengfeng. Moreover, they are not the only ones in a railway carriage with eight carriages. They are left with only four carriages. Li Chengfeng and the others occupy one, and Sun Yongcai. In one section, the old butler took more than a dozen personal servants to occupy one section, and the remaining fifty-odd people were all stuffed into a carriage like canned food. Some even stood for five days and five days. night!

Therefore, when Li Chengfeng told them that they had to rush overnight, they complained one by one.

"What? Hurry up? No way, no way, I can't walk anymore!"

"That's right, the bone frame is going to fall apart!"

"Master Chengfeng, you are good, let us rest for a day, really can't walk!"

Li Chengfeng said with a stern face, and said coldly: "That's OK, I'll talk to your old housekeeper."

Sun Yongcai and Zuo Fei watched Li Chengfeng head towards the old housekeeper, and Zuo Fei whispered: "This guy... is so anxious?"

Sun Yongcai sneered: "They are anxious to go back to participate in the assessment and rating, naturally."

Zuo Fei fell silent. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "Why?"

This sentence is a bit endless, but Sun Yongcai knows what Zuo Fei is talking about: Why can these new juniors participate in the assessment and rating, but they are really reduced to the slaves of others?

They are monks, disciples of the third sect in the world, one of the four heavenly pavilions, the hidden sword pavilion!

Not someone else’s dog! !

Sun Yongcai's face was gloomy, one hand was holding the sword in his hand tightly, and the other hand was clenched into a fist. His eyes were full of anger and unwillingness, but he never said a word.

Zuo Fei whispered: "Or...Should we... do something?"

Sun Yongcai's eyes flashed, noncommittal.

We are not doing well, don’t you guys think about doing well?

This kind of thought only just surfaced in Sun Yongcai's mind, and it lingered in his mind like a devil, lingering.


The old butler naturally supported Li Chengfeng, and he was also eager to return to the Tongyuan Boshan Villa soon to get rid of all these guys, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

Li Chengfeng and the others were about to complete their task, and they became more vigilant and nervous. They all pressed their hands on their weapons and magic weapons, their sharp eyes burning like torches in the night.

Although the people complained, they were still caught on the rented stagecoach and went on to Tongyuanbo Villa.

On this road, Li Chengfeng and the others had their swords unsheathed and hidden magic weapons. As long as there was wind and grass, they would burst out suddenly, because in Li Chengfeng's view, the probability of an attack on this road was extremely high.

But what surprised Li Chengfeng was... everything he had guessed didn't happen.

They were still very smooth, and arrived at Tongyuanbo Mountain Villa without incident.

"You see, there are maple trees on both sides of the road. Unfortunately, it is past the season. If we can come in late autumn, we will see red maple leaves all over the mountains and plains." Su Yuehan opened a little curtain on the carriage and looked at it. Outside the dark mountains and forests, she sighed in a low voice, "Sunset and autumn smoke, Xiao Xiaofeng forest. That's a rare beauty."

Li Chengfeng smiled and said: "One mountain, two mountains, the mountains are far away, the sky is high, the sky is high, the sky is high, the water is cold, and the Acacia Fengye Dan."

Su Yuehan was taken aback, staring at Li Chengfeng blankly, she couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "Ju Hua is blooming, Ju Hua is remnant, Saiyan Gaofei has not returned, a curtain of wind and moon."

Li Chengfeng smiled and stroked Su Yuehan's hair, and whispered: "What's wrong? What's the daze? Do you think of the past again?"

Su Yuehan wanted to say something but stopped. She lowered her head, shook her head slightly, and grinned reluctantly: "It's nothing." Li Chengfeng naturally saw that she was very worried, but he didn't think about it when he was not in love with children. .

However, stormy waves surged in Su Yuehan's heart: "Why... did he use this poem? This poem... didn't he read it to me?"

Although a long time has passed, some things are still deeply etched in Su Yuehan's mind, such as this song "Long Lovesickness".

Su Yuehan was shocked and suspicious, but suddenly felt that the carriage was slowing down. Li Chengfeng immediately said solemnly to Zhao Xiaobao and Han Tianxing in the carriage: "Here, be more vigilant!"

Zhao Xiaobao has rich experience in the rivers and lakes. He didn't wait for the car to stop, so he threw his sword through the window of the car and got out like a monkey. After confirming his safety, he whistled.

Li Chengfeng followed down from the carriage. At this time, the people of Huangfusong Mansion and Sun Yongcai and others all got off, looking at the Tongyuanbo Villa in front of them in a dazed but alarmed manner. In their opinion, it is very possible here. Will be their home for the rest of their lives.

Sun Yongcai and the others stood aside with indifferent expressions, only when they swept their eyes to the place where Li Chengfeng and others were, there was a strong jealousy in their eyes.

The place where the convoy stopped was obviously not the main entrance of Tongyuanbo Villa, but the side entrance, but the door was still divided into a central gate and two small gates on both sides.

After getting out of the car, the old housekeeper came to the small door on the left and patted the brass ring on the door rhythmically. After a while, there was footsteps inside, and the small door on the left creaked open, revealing With the face of a middle-aged man, he was taken aback when he saw the old housekeeper.

The middle-aged servant exclaimed in a low voice: "Oh, it's the old housekeeper? How did you make it like this? Didn't you mean teleporting back? I said why it was so late for many days! Master has rested now, come here, you Come in quickly, come in quickly, the wing has already been arranged."

The middle-aged servant smiled reservedly and politely, showing the manners of the family in his gestures.

The old butler nodded, standing on the side of the door, and said to the people behind him: "Go in, take a good rest."

These people don't know what fate is waiting for them. They are just ordinary mortals, and the boats and cars have tossed down, making them just want to rest and sleep right now.

And now that they arrived at Tongyuanbo Mountain Villa, for them, it was considered to be "home", and they all breathed a sigh of relief, and filed in quietly and orderly.

Li Chengfeng stepped forward to salute the old butler, and said: "Old butler, our task is completed. Give us the receipt and we will be over."

The old butler smiled slightly and said, "Master monk, don't worry. It's late at night. Only our villa can rest for a hundred li. The city has closed its gates. Where can the monks rest?"

Li Chengfeng smiled and said: "Then the old butler will not worry about it. Now I only want the receipt."

The task of leading the list is naturally not as simple as an oral agreement between Party A and Party B. It is a multi-party agreement: Party B registers the task with Party C, and then releases the task to the public. After Party A receives the task, it helps Party B complete the task, and Party B confirms completion. Later, Party A will give Party A a receipt token representing the completion of the task, and Party A will bring the token to the third party Party C, hand in the receipt, and the task will be cancelled.

This party A is naturally Li Chengfeng, party B is naturally an old butler under Huangfu Song, and party C is the Lingshan school.

Therefore, if the old butler did not hand in the receipt, then the task of Li Chengfeng would be done in vain.

Of course, from then on, the credit of Huangfu's house will be completely bankrupt in the Lingshan faction. This is a typical example of killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating 800.

Li Chengfeng stared at the old housekeeper, and said in a cold voice, "Old housekeeper...could it want to deny it?"

With that, Li Chengfeng's eyes showed murderous intent, and Ouyang Nan and others also approached one by one, one by one with murderous aura.

If the old butler denies right now, then Li Chengfeng and the others will be completely finished, and their future is like killing their parents, then Li Chengfeng will definitely fight them hard.

The old butler smiled slyly. He smiled and said, "Masters don't know, this acknowledgement requires the master's earl's seal to be effective. This top ranking task was sent through my master's earl's mansion, sir... Didn't you pay attention?"

This sentence caused Li Chengfeng and others to sit on the wax immediately, and they were frightened and stared at each other.

Li Chengfeng was so angry from his heart, evil grew to the guts: So this old thing is waiting for us here! !

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