Breaking the Day

Chapter 465: Life and death before the ghost gate

Everyone knew immediately that life and death were in sight. At this time, Li Chengfeng and the others rescued a total of 27 people, including Li Chengfeng, Su Yuehan, Zhao Xiaobao, Ouyang Nan, Tian Jun, Su You, Sun Yongcai, Zuo Fei, and two others. The disciples who defected from Cangjian Pavilion, and the rest were Huangfusong's servants and maids.

And because these servants and maids are not like these monks, they naturally have a certain degree of resistance and stronger survivability. Some of them have been suffocated to death, some have been sucked to death, and some have even been absorbed. Was sucked into humans.

At this time, these tree people began to vomit, indicating that the final squeeze was in progress. At this time, even the practitioners could not hold it.

In fact, the same is true. Li Chengfeng and others began to desperately tore the body cavity of the tree man, pulling out the trapped inside, but at this time, they pulled out more of the servants and maids of Huangfusong. They were all squeezed into a rickety figure, shrunk into a ball, and their shape was terrifying.

Sun Yongcai was also awake at this time, he was panicked, and desperately tore the cavity of these treants one by one, dragging the people inside out.

Sun Yongcai’s luck was good. Every one who was dragged out was a defected junior from Cangjian Pavilion. However, these disciples were at the last moment of being squeezed because of their low cultivation base. They could not be rescued in time. When Sun Yongcai was dragged out, they Basically all have been squeezed into rickets.

Sun Yongcai dragged one out, and after only one glance, his eyes became red, and the expression of grief and anger in his expression became heavy.

When Sun Yongcai dragged another person out, he found that the person in his hand was not someone else, but Zuo Fei!

Zuo Fei hadn't been sucked up yet, but his complexion was extremely pale, and the veins all over his body were violent, as if he was about to explode.

Sun Yongcai touched Zuo Fei's pulse with his hand, and found that there was no movement. He immediately let out an extremely painful and angry roar: "Ah!!!"

"I killed them, I killed them!!" Sun Yongcai burst into tears, beating his chest and feet.

Li Chengfeng and others didn't have the mind and time to comfort him. They dragged people crazy, and after dragging them out, they didn't care about "wake up". They just threw them to the ground and threw them on to continue rescuing other people.

At this time, the treants were crazily squirming and twisting. They began to vomit one by one. Li Chengfeng and the others could clearly see that the originally swollen body cavities of these treants had shrunk, and then they opened their body cavities and vomited out. Come with bones.

Li Chengfeng and the others were sweating profusely, and they did not dare to delay, they were madly competing with death.

At this moment, Zhao Xiaobao was suddenly overjoyed and said loudly: "I found Han Tianxing!" As he said, he dragged out a man curled up in a ball, his face was also extremely pale, but his body was trembling slightly, and he could see that he was still alive. .

Zuo Fei also shouted loudly: "I found prisoner Qiu Chu!"

Li Chengfeng listened to these voices one after another, he was overjoyed, he quickly rushed to a tree with a very large body, he tore open the body cavity of the tree with a hand, and he felt a very large body. Li Chengfeng resisted the tree man's roar, and pulled out the people inside. As soon as he came out, Li Chengfeng shouted: "I found the stupid one!!"

The stupid man is so big that Su Yuehan on the side also came to help. The two of them pulled hard to pull the stupid man out. The stupid man weighed more than two hundred jins, and both Li Chengfeng and Su Yuehan were the same. Stagger.

Li Chengfeng stretched out his hand to catch the stupid man, touched the stupid man's neck with his hand, and exclaimed, "Still alive!"

At this time, Qin Mieqin, Su You, Han Tianxing and others all woke up one after another. Some of them coughed and some shivered. They looked around with horrified eyes, and those tree men began to vomit the bones in their bodies in large numbers. , For a while, the stench was everywhere, and the bones were everywhere, very terrifying.

Han Tianxing didn't want to open his eyes. When he returned from the illusion to reality, what he saw was a scene even more terrifying than that in the illusion. His voice trembled and asked, "This, where is this? What is this situation! "

Li Chengfeng looked at Su Yuehan subconsciously, but found that she was staring at the treants around her nervously and fearfully. Then he looked at them, but saw that the treants who had been squeezed out began to wither quickly, as if they were about to be absorbed. The nutrients are all transferred back to the roots of the roots underground.

Su Yuehan turned her head towards the crowd and said in panic: "Run, run! He will recover in a while, quick!" She turned her head and ran, but rushed out a few steps, but saw that no one else had returned yet. When God came, he shouted at them sharply: "Run if you don't want to die!!"

Li Chengfeng was the first to react. He braced the stupid half of his body that hadn't slowed down. He shouted: "What are you doing in a daze, run!"

Zhao Xiaobao also immediately helped Han Tianxing up and said, "Everyone, run!"

Li Chengfeng and a group of people supported each other and supported each other. Some limped and ran along, and some had not recovered, so they had to gritted their teeth and ran behind in a weird posture. However, Sun Yongcai, with tears in his eyes, turned his head and shouted loudly: " The juniors have not been rescued yet, they are still saved, they are still saved!!!"

Li Chengfeng glanced back, but just in time to see these treants vomiting out all the remaining bones, and then they shrank into bunches of shriveled branches and retracted under the ground.

All the tree people in the barren field disappeared for a while, only the holes in the gully of barren field and the stinking dead bones on the ground can prove their horrible existence.

Sun Yongcai knelt to the ground in despair and grief, and cried wildly with his hands on the ground: "I killed them, it's me!"

Li Chengfeng stood hesitantly on the spot, gritted his teeth, the silly man gradually recovered his senses at this time, he gasped: "Brother, I can do it by myself, you go and take Brother Sun, take him back to Tibet Jiange!"

Li Chengfeng glanced at the stupid man and patted him on the shoulder: "Can't you?" With this shot, he slapped the stupid man staggeringly.

The silly man smiled reluctantly: "It's okay."

Li Chengfeng nodded at him, and then said loudly to Ouyang Nan: "Brother Ouyang!" He pointed to the stupid man, and motioned to ask Ouyang Nan to help the stupid man. Ouyang Nan rushed over immediately and couldn't help but break up. The silly one half of his body ran with Su Yuehan.

Li Chengfeng rushed back to Dao Sun Yongcai and stretched out his hand to pull him up, but when he pulled him, he felt that Sun Yongcai was heavy and he didn't even think of it.

Sun Yongcai choked and cried: "I killed them! I should pay them!"

Li Chengfeng was furious. He grabbed Sun Yongcai by the collar and picked him up, roaring his nose against his nose, "So, you plan to let them die in vain, right! You coward, you know that. Fleeing bastard!!!"

Sun Yongcai burst into tears and had no desire to win in his eyes. Li Chengfeng angrily cut his neck with a palm, and carried him up like a sack. At this time, he saw Zuo Fei struggling to get up, trying to follow them. Fleeing together, Li Chengfeng shouted at him: "Hurry up, hurry up..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a jingle of copper bells, and their faces changed drastically!

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