Breaking the Day

Chapter 557: I knew where I was today

The battle between Han Tianxing and Li Xuanming shocked everyone. Even after a long time, even after the next few games, Zhao Xiaobao eliminated another senior and entered the next round, but it did not attract everyone’s attention. Immersed in the previous battle.

After the day was over, although Han Tianxing was defeated, although he was defeated, everyone looked at him with admiration, and even started to look at Zangjian Pavilion.

Prior to the defeat of the big brother, everyone believed that the hidden sword pavilion was going to perish, because the big brother was the last banner of the hidden sword pavilion, and his fall in their eyes meant that the last persistence of the hidden sword pavilion would collapse.

But soon they discovered that things were not like this!

First of all, Li Chengfeng took the lead, and even led the way in the assessment and rating. He has remained stable in the first group and has remained undefeated so far.

The second is Han Tianxing's fame in the first battle, not only let everyone see the blood of Han Tianxing, but also let people see the spirit of the Tibetan sword pavilion's perseverance and unyielding, and would rather die than bow!

If these two people can't attract their attention, then Zhao Xiaobao quietly followed Li Chengfeng to the top 50, which is enough to make the backs of those who are hostile to Cangjin Pavilion chill!

Han Tianxing was eliminated from the game, and finally ranked 78th by calculating the duration and winning rate. The ranking was high, which was already a very good ranking.

If it were not for him to meet Li Xuanming, the most powerful young disciple of the Zangqing Pavilion, everyone would believe that he relied on his persevering willpower and burning desire to fight... and the roaring dragon in his hand. Heavenly Dragon Sword, this blockbuster scholar disciple must have gone further.

At the same time, Sun Yongcai was also eliminated on the same day, and he was ranked 97th.

This is already the best ranking of the two, but they are not happy at all, because they actually lost to a newcomer who had just started, and this newcomer was a rebellious disciple who had no power to bind the chicken before!

What makes these brothers who have practiced for more than 20 years so much?

But... the more embarrassing thing is yet to come.

"Sun Yongcai!"

In the martial arts room of the Cangjin Pavilion exercise ground, a Cangjin Pavilion disciple rushed in aggressively. He glared at Sun Yongcai and Zuo Fei and shouted, "Who let you use this venue!"

Although Sun Yongcai was eliminated from the game, Zuo Fei managed to advance to the next round, and his opponent was a disciple of Zangqing Pavilion. After the previous round of fierce battle, this disciple defeated the pass. Zuo Fei is likely to pass again. One pass, so Sun Yongcai did not fall into decadence. He quickly broke free from pain and depression, and quickly devoted himself to training to help Zuo Fei.

The disciple Sun Yongcai and Zuo Fei of the Cangjin Pavilion are also very familiar. It is a Cangjin Pavilion disciple named Li Decai who has been targeting them since they entered the Cangjin Pavilion.

For people like Sun Yongcai and Zuo Fei, it is naturally impossible for everyone in the Cangjin Pavilion to raise their hands to welcome them. In fact, more people are full of contempt, even suspicion and hostility.

Some of them doubted the loyalty of these rebel disciples, and even believed that their arrival would be a loss of the resources they deserve.

Although they are all disciples of the Cangjin Pavilion, the disciples of the Cangjin Pavilion are not all wealthy merchants or dandies. Quite a few of them are of the same nature as Zhao Xiaobao. They are all servants following the practice, and then they are also regarded as beginners. Disciple, these people account for almost half of the number of practitioners, and they have a collective name called: Outer Chamber Disciple.

Compared with formal disciples like Li Chengfeng who rely on strength to get started, or who rely on family background like Zhan Qisheng, they are collectively referred to as inner room disciples. When Master teaches practice and explains fighting techniques, only inner room disciples are eligible to participate. , These disciples from the outer room were not even qualified to participate, and they were not even qualified to sit as observers.

The resources of these people come from part of the public resource pool of the Zangjin Pavilion. This part of the resources is shared by the public and is specially provided for these disciples of the outer room. Besides, it is impossible for them to receive a large amount of resources. Resources can only depend on the apportionment of the resource pool and their owners to give alms.

Among the disciples of these servants outside the room, there are those who can be favored, and they can naturally obtain considerable resources from their masters, but these noble disciples of the Tibetan Jin Pavilion, a person often has a dozen or even dozens of servants, so many people, How can everyone be favored?

And now that these people are in the Lingshan Sect, who doesn't have the extravagant hope that one day they will become stronger in cultivation and escape the Three Realms cage?

The arrival of Sun Yongcai and the others has brought them a very big impact, because Sun Yongcai and the others are naturally impossible to be regarded as disciples of the inner room of the Cangjin Pavilion. They can only be regarded as disciples of the outer room, and there is so much rice in the next bowl. But now that so many disciples from the outer room came to share the food, these disciples from the outer room were naturally 10,000 unwilling, and they wished to drive Sun Yongcai away immediately.

So after Sun Yongcai and the others came to Zangjin Pavilion, they were excluded and bullied all the time, but Sun Yongcai knew that they had to be patient.

So when Li Decai kicked the door open and rushed in fiercely, Sun Yongcai had to accompany a smiling face: "It turned out to be Senior Brother Li, here..."

Li Decai sipped his head and covered his face, and spit wildly, "I'm pooh! Who the **** is your brother, don't push your nose and cheek! Just you, also worthy? Don't think you put on our Tibetan Jin Pavilion skin, just put Be a person of the Tibetan Jin Pavilion!"

At this time, there were three other Tibetan sword pavilion disciples in the Wushu room at this time. They all glared at Li Decai, but Li Decai glared back one by one, and shouted sharply, "What are you looking at! Did I make a mistake? Well! You are at most a dog raised by our Cangjin Pavilion! To be a dog, you must have the consciousness of being a dog! How dare to stare at the owner? Want to rebel?"

Sun Yongcai reluctantly squeezed out a smile, and said: "Brother...this martial arts room is an appointment we have already made. We have at most two hours left..."

Li Decai didn't wait for him to finish, but slurped over again: "Bah! What do you want this practice room for? It's up to you, don't you use the practice room to occupy the pit and not shit! Get out! This is not for you. For dogs!"

Zuo Fei was furious. He clenched his fists. Just as he was about to argue, Sun Yongcai on the side immediately stepped forward and held him down. Then he smiled at Li Decai with a full face, "Yes, brother taught you that, we... this Just go, then go!"

Li Decai stood aside, squinted at them, watching Sun Yongcai and the others leave with contemptuous eyes. Then he took a sip and sneered, "What the hell!"

These words were heard by Sun Yongcai and others, and they were all furious. Sun Yongcai clenched his fists, and the veins on the back of his hand burst out.

When they all left here and came under the tree-lined road where no one is left, a former disciple of the Tibetan sword pavilion said angrily: "Brother! This is too bullying!"

"That's it! Don't treat us as humans at all!"

"Brother, what can we do if this continues!"

"I think these guys just want to take advantage of us. Once they really destroy the hidden sword pavilion, they will definitely find a way to drive us away!"

Sun Yongcai's heart was naturally like Mingjing. He knew this was a big truth, but it was a pity that they were stunned by Huangfu's anger at that time, and they did such a stupid thing.

Zuo Fei hesitated, he asked tentatively, "Senior Brother Sun, or... shall we go back to the hidden sword pavilion?"

The other three disciples immediately said: "Yes, yes! Let's go back!"

Although they had left the hidden sword pavilion, they still regarded themselves as the disciples of the hidden sword pavilion in their hearts.

As the saying goes, people know what is most precious what they have lost!

Although they had a hard time in Zangjian Pavilion, the brothers supported and helped each other, no one looked down on each other, no one bullied each other, but they left Zangjian Pavilion... I thought there would be a way to survive, who knows... this is a way. More terrible dead end!

But... Sun Yongcai's heart was heavy. Thinking of the performance of Li Chengfeng, Han Tianxing, and Zhao Xiaobao, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

"Go back now?" Sun Yongcai sighed, "Will they accept us again?"

Asking this sentence made them all silent.

Yes, when the hidden sword pavilion was at its most difficult time, they fought and renounced the pavilion. Now seeing the hidden sword pavilion seemed to have a glimmer of life, they went back again, so what did they become?

Leaving, it was the end of waiting for death, and going back, but without face, such a dilemma made Sun Yongcai and the others silent and depressed.

If I knew today, why bother!

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