Breaking the Day

Chapter 704: Lone man and woman in deep mountain cave

Li Chengfeng looked at Zhao Feiyue with a heavy expression, and said, "I can save him!"

Zhao Feiyue's expression loosened slightly, but soon looked at Li Chengfeng worriedly, and said, "But..."

Li Chengfeng interrupted: "I can only save him from here and take him to the nearest town. If he is a prince, there is a way to escape danger. Otherwise, we alone will not be able to protect him from escape safely."

Li Chengfeng looked at the prince, and said: "It is because of your opening that I took this muddy water, but I will never get involved in this muddy water. I still have my family, and the hidden sword pavilion is in the ascendant, absolutely We can no longer recruit powerful and invincible enemies, otherwise, this will be a disaster for me and for the hidden sword pavilion."

"Palace lord... Nunu knows." Zhao Feiyue looked at Li Chengfeng gently, as if she would accept it empathetically no matter what he said.

Li Chengfeng said: "If he is the true emperor, he will not die here, if he is not, no one can save him."

Zhao Feiyue said: "You can't go to the nearest Yuanjin City. The third brother was probably attacked there."

Li Chengfeng squatted down, drew a rough map on the ground, and pointed out the locations of several nearby towns: "Yuanjin City is here, Yuezhou City is here, and the nearest one is Izumo City, Taiyang City and Jiangbei City. Which one should we go to?"

Zhao Feiyue looked down and said, "Go to Taiyang!"

Li Chengfeng took a look and frowned, "This is the farthest from Shenjing, and also the farthest from Yuanjin. The most important thing is... it is very close to the Liaohe River, and it is very likely that it was also affected by the floods. Why did you go here? "

Zhao Feiyue said: "Because the prefect here belongs to the third elder prince, and the prefects in other places belong to the fourth elder."

Li Chengfeng said: "Will it be bought?"

Zhao Feiyue sighed: "That can only be a bet."

Li Chengfeng looked up at the sky and said, "Then we rest here for a day and then leave."

Zhao Feiyue quickly understood: "You mean, avoid search?"

Li Chengfeng nodded and said, "Since they dare to assassinate the prince, they must have a careful plan. You can think of going to Taiyang, and they can think of it too."

Zhao Feiyue frowned and said, "Fourth brother seems to have conspired for a long time...Perhaps, that big cultivator fight was also premeditated...just to attract the third brother to come here."

Li Chengfeng was shocked and angry: "What? In order to assassinate the prince, did the four princes deliberately create such a terrible disaster?"

Zhao Feiyue sighed: "Think about it now, it should be like this. Otherwise, how could it happen?"

Li Chengfeng thought about it carefully and couldn't help being frightened: "For the sake of power, they can actually treat the common people as nothing! What is the difference between them... and Qianshanxue?"

Zhao Feiyue was silent for a while, and whispered: "Palace Master, when you fight, you will pay attention to whether the wild beasts in the jungle have escaped. When you walk, will you pay attention to whether the ants and insects under your feet have been trampled to death by you?"

Li Chengfeng was furious: "How can this be true, how can humans be compared with animals, beasts and insects!"

Zhao Feiyue whispered: "But in the eyes of some people, they are indistinguishable."

Li Chengfeng took a deep breath, as if trying to suppress his raging anger, he understood what Zhao Feiyue had said, but he couldn't accept it at all.

Qian Shanxue is like this. In his eyes, these people are like ants, and killing them is no different from trampling ants.

Li Chengfeng said with a sullen face, "If such a prince succeeds to the throne, I am afraid that all the people in the world will turn into powder!"

Zhao Feiyue shook her head slightly, and said: "Things are not as simple as you think. The struggle between power and power is not simply black and white."

Li Chengfeng's face was extremely serious and said: "I don't care what their right and wrong, good and evil! I only know that whoever treats the people as ants will definitely be eaten back! Qianshanxue is the best end!"

Zhao Feiyue stared at Li Chengfeng with a pair of wonderful eyes, and she said softly: "The palace master said that is it, are you tired? Nunu will cook some food for you, okay?"

Li Chengfeng's heart jumped by Zhao Feiyue's gaze. He quickly moved his eyes and said, "I want to find a place to avoid it first."

The two then took the unconscious prince and found a cave in the forest to avoid the search. Zhao Feiyue took the initiative to leave and went outside to find some food to eat.

Li Chengfeng hid in the cave and looked at the prince next to him with complicated eyes. He didn't know whether this was a blessing or a curse for him. The rain curtain outside the cave was ticking and the sound of rain was rustling, just like his troubled and irritable heart.

After a while, Zhao Feiyue came in, carrying some wild fruits in his clothes, and two dead rabbits pinned to his waist.

Zhao Feiyue smiled and said: "Palace Master, you eat this first, I will deal with it."

Li Chengfeng looked at Zhao Feiyue in surprise: "You still do this?"

Zhao Feiyue smiled slightly and said, "Palace Master, have you forgotten? In the past, these were made by slaves for you to eat."

Li Chengfeng fell silent for a moment, he smiled reluctantly, and said, "That would trouble you."

Zhao Feiyue smiled, and the waves flowed around the corner of her eyes. It seemed that she could do such a small thing for Li Chengfeng and she was already happy.

If those admirers who looked up to her on weekdays knew about it, they would have never thought that Fairy Feiyue, who was so high in their hearts, had such a little daughter side.

Zhao Feiyue tore off the skirt and put all the wild fruits in it. Li Chengfeng paid attention to it. The wet ones were obviously cleaned, showing her carefulness.

Zhao Feiyue wiped her hands and said, "Palace lord, eat first, wait for me, and the slaves will come as soon as they go."

Li Chengfeng stopped her and said, "Wait, you also eat some first."

Zhao Feiyue glanced at the little seven or eight wild fruits on the ground, and said, "The slave has already eaten it. You can eat it, Palace Master."

Li Chengfeng did not let go. He took a step forward, grabbed Zhao Feiyue's hand, raised it up, and said, "No, you didn't eat it! If you eat this kind of wild fruit, there will be juice on your skin and nails. Color, but you... don't have it."

Zhao Feiyue shrank her hands, her cheeks flushed, and she whispered: "Palace Master used to eat too much...I'm afraid these are not enough."

Li Chengfeng's heart shrank, as if being grabbed in his heart. He didn't take his hand back, but stared at Zhao Feiyue seriously and said: "You eat half of it, I eat half of it, otherwise, I won't eat it. "

Zhao Feiyue raised her eyes courageously, but there was a hint of joy in her eyes. This timidity and joy made Li Chengfeng's heart heavy.

Such a lofty fairy, but emotionally so humble, she shouldn't be so!

Zhao Feiyue took the wild fruit in Li Chengfeng's hands. She held it in her hands, as if she was holding one of the most delicious desserts in the world. After taking a bite of joy, she turned her face away with a smile, and the cherry opened her mouth lightly. Eating.

This wild fruit looked like a wild pear, but it was much smaller, only half a fist size, and it tasted extremely sour. Li Chengfeng's cheeks were numb and the roots of the teeth were sour.

However, Zhao Feiyue's eyes laughed like an arc moon when he ate it, curving pretty, as if eating the sweetest dessert in the world.

After Zhao Feiyue had eaten a few bites, she turned her back and quickly wiped her mouth with the handkerchief taken out of her cuffs, then smiled lightly, and said, "Palace Master, I'll go make some food."

Li Chengfeng didn't dare to look at her clever smile, he only felt that the smile had incomparable lethal power, only when the fragrance of Zhao Feiyue's body disappeared, he was slightly relieved. Looking at the **** fruit in his hand, he sighed secretly.

He thought of Su Yuehan, thought of the poisonous fruit under the tree when they met the elder of Zangjian Pavilion at the foot of Shiwu Mountain, and thought of the little things with her.

The more this happened, the more he missed her, and only in this way could he resist Zhao Feiyue's gentleness.

What Li Chengfeng couldn't imagine was that Zhao Feiyue's hands and feet were so neat, she cleaned up the two wild rabbits in a quarter of an hour, and then roasted them in the cave.

Although the conditions are simple, her craftsmanship is not bad. Compared with Su Yuehan, it is heaven and earth, which makes people never imagine that such a charming princess actually has such craftsmanship.

Li Chengfeng did not praise, or even a single word of praise. He silently ate a rabbit, then laid out two beds of hay in the cave with the power of flowers and plants, and then whispered: "Let’s rest here for one night, tomorrow morning. Get up and hurry."

After that, he lay down and turned around, facing Zhao Feiyue with his back, as if silently asleep.

Zhao Feiyue didn't care, she quietly cleaned the leftover bones and the cleaned fur, and then placed the barrier at the entrance of the hole, and then quietly came to Li Chengfeng and lay down.

Although the two hay beds were two or three meters apart, Zhao Feiyue quietly came to Li Chengfeng's side, and fell asleep quietly next to Li Chengfeng, without skin closeness, but it seemed that he only needed to feel his temperature. Smelling the smell of him, she felt very happy, as if she had returned to the time when she remembered far away, so that she was ecstatic and relieved.

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