Breaking the Day

Chapter 718: Even if we meet

Li Chengfeng and Zhao Feiyue were hiding in the crowd. They dressed up in disguise, not very eye-catching. At this gate, no one would notice them.

At this time, the victims were divided into four parts. Because of the arrival of His Royal Highness, the entire officialdom of Taiyang City was operating efficiently.

Zhao Bairen is incompetent and cronyism, and the officials under his hands are naturally not diligent. They are either scratching the ground, or being drunk and drunk, or they are muddle-headed, but also the prefect Li Tian is such a thing, usually Litai The efficiency of Yangcheng's government affairs can be imagined.

But when the prince came, these officials all woke up. They knew that if something happened at this time, losing the official hat would be a trivial matter, but losing the head would be a major matter.

Four parts of the people were partly placed in the four corners of the city, but due to the large number of people, Taiyang City was too small, which made it impossible for all the victims outside the city to enter, and only part of them were placed outside the city.

Li Chengfeng and Su Yuehan were lucky enough to enter the city and were placed in the same city, Xicheng District.

Due to the sudden incident, there were not so many shantytowns in the city to arrange, which made them only settle in a clearing. For a time, it was full of dark and oppressive people, the cry of children, the quarrel of parents, the young couple. The murmurs of the people and the loud shouts of officials gathered together, and there was a lot of noise.

What Li Chengfeng and Su Yuehan didn't know was that they were placed in shanty towns less than 100 meters apart.

Xiao Zhuo is young and doesn't know what suffering is, even if she travels all the way, even if she has no shingles on her head, and even if there is no hot food in the bowl, she doesn't think all this is bitter and cold, but she opened her eyes and looked curiously. Everything around, and from time to time pulling his parents and asking questions.

"Father, what kind of official is the prince? Is it big? Is there a prefect?"

"Daddy, dad, you see that it is Xiaodonggua and their family, they are here too! Hehe, Xiaodonggua is smiling at me!"

"Daddy, dad! They say the crown prince is the biggest official in the world! Isn’t that older than the emperor’s official? Hey, why did daddy cover my mouth? Did Xiao Zhuzi say something wrong? Oh, got it , Does the prince have a National Normal University? Ah? The National Teacher is not a kind of official? What is the National Teacher? Then, is the National Normal University or the National Normal University? Why not go to the National Normal University? Teacher? Why do you ask the prince? The national teacher doesn't care about things? Then he doesn't care about things, so what do you worship him for?"

Little Zhuzi was innocent and innocent, and when he asked, the shopkeeper was sweaty, and he couldn't help but come up with a thought, "Yes, the national teacher usually doesn't care about anything, why should we worship him?"

But as soon as this idea came up, the shopkeeper felt that this was a great disrespect of life, and he quickly slapped himself twice in an attempt to drive this idea out.

Worshiping the national teacher, this is a deep-rooted tradition in Daqi, which lasted for three to four hundred years. Common people like them were taught almost from the beginning of their birth to worship the national teacher and believe in the religion. This will have a good life. .

Indeed, Great Qi'an enjoys two to three hundred years of peace. Many people say that this is the contribution of the national teacher. There is an invincible national teacher who sits in Shenjing, and all the barbarians in all directions give the head, and all the countries of the four directions surrender.

People in the spiritual world absolutely do not believe this. Even a shabby warrior portal like Li Chengfeng does not believe it. The battle in the southeast is the best proof. Otherwise, why the national teacher would not go in person and let the barbarians Give the head, let the nations surrender?

But people believe it!

The lies that have been passed down for many years have become truths, and gradually they have become unchallable beliefs in the hearts of the people.

The shopkeeper was in a cold sweat, so he drove Xiao Zhuo away. Xiao Zhuo had to pouting and ran to the lady boss to ask questions.

The proprietress is beautiful, so she went to the t-shirt relief office to inquire about the news, collect clothes and food, ordinary people are often willing to talk to her a few more because of her beautiful appearance, or give her more food.

Little Zhuzi followed the boss’s wife like a little tail, and whispered: "Mother, mother, this Taiyang city is big, or our Yuanjin city is big?"

"Mother, when can we go home?"

"Mother, mother, can Xiao Zhuzi sleep with Sister Yuehan tonight?"

"Mother, mother, why don’t you like Sister Yuehan? Oh, have you always liked it? But Xiao Zhuzi always thought that her mother didn’t like Sister Yuehan. Yes, mother was right! Sister Yuehan was the most Okay, she bought something delicious for Little Bamboo, hugged Little Bamboo on the way, and protected Little Bamboo! Little Bamboo likes her the most!"

The boss’s wife suddenly felt jealous, feeling that Su Yuehan was afraid that God had sent her to defeat her. Since she came, her man’s eyes kept turning around her, and now she’s fine, even her own daughter is circling Su Yuehan. Up.

Isn't this a reincarnation of a fox? After seduce your own man and then seduce your own daughter away?

But it's not over yet, Xiao Zhuzi continued to twitter, and asked like a lively little sparrow: "Mother, mother, there are so many people here, in case any bad guys come and treat you like Sister Yuehan What should I do if I am taken away? Oh? There is a prince there? Why is the prince not daring to do bad things when he is a bad person? Oh, the prince is so profitable? After that, Xiao Zhuzi will believe in the prince and not the national teacher! Why did you beat me? Did Xiao Zhuzi say something wrong? Since the national teacher doesn't care about things, and the prince is in charge and so interested, why not worship the prince and the national teacher?"

With these words, the boss’s wife was stunned to ask, and the same thought came up like the shopkeeper: Yes, why do we still have to worship the national teacher regardless of the situation?

In the same way, this thought came up. She also felt guilty and disrespectful in her heart. She glared at Xiao Zhuo and drove her away: "Go to your sister Yuehan!"

Xiao Zhuzi pouted to find Su Yuehan. She ran with her calves along the way, turning her head and looking around curiously. Everything around her was very fresh in her eyes. She rushed to the main road and turned her head to look at her. The owner of the big family was yelling at a family member who was loading grain and straw into the carriage, but he did not pay attention to the roar of a grain carriage in front of him, and there was a burst of exclamation around him.

"Be careful!!"

"Stop! Stop!"

Little Bamboo turned her head, but was horrified to find that the carriage had rushed towards him. The coachman pulled the reins in horror, and the horses running in front stood up, and the horses' hoofs with big mouths rolled and fluttered. Step on the ground and step into meat sauce.

Little Zhuzi's mind was blank, standing still on the spot, she didn't hear the shouts beside her, she just felt a strong wind rushing next to her, holding herself in her arms with a strong force, and then she flew like clouds and mist. Got out.

When he woke up again, he saw himself in the arms of a handsome and wise elder brother. He was looking down at him with a smile on his mouth, which made people very comfortable. His voice was very nice: "Is it all right?"

The carriage on the street stopped at this time, and all around exclaimed and sighed: "Fortunately, fortunately!"

Little Zhuzi's face turned red, she struggled, jumped out of the young man's arms, then bowed, and said, "Thank you, big brother, for your life-saving grace. I haven't asked big brother about his name! "

The young man touched Xiao Zhuo's hair and said, "My name is Li Chengfeng. Is your name Xiao Zhuo?"

Little Zhuzi smiled and said, "Yes, yes, they have called me like this since I was young? Big brother can also call me Xiaozhu!"

Li Chengfeng liked the innocent and innocent little girl as soon as he saw it. He smiled and said, "What about your parents? Why are you running outside alone? It's not safe at this time, don't run by yourself!"

Little Zhuzi said: "How can it be unsafe if the prince is here! The bad guys don't dare to appear!"

Li Chengfeng smiled and nodded, and said, "Are you from Taiyang?"

Little Zhuzi shook his head, two little pigtails dangling at the back of his head, and said, "No, Xiao Zhuo is from Yuanjin."

Li Chengfeng picked up the little bamboo and said with a smile: "Where are you arranged? Big brother will send you back, OK?"

Little Zhuzi blushed, and she smiled and said, "Okay, okay! Big brother, you are so nice!" After that, she leaned into Li Chengfeng's ear and whispered in a low voice: "Big brother, do you see it too? My sister Yuehan, who has been so good to me, is actually trying to chase her?"

A blast of thunder suddenly sounded in Li Chengfeng's ear, and a name that seemed like a nine-day **** Xiaolei hit his heart fiercely!

Sister Yuehan?

Could it be Su Yuehan? !

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