Breaking the Day

Chapter 906: The funeral plan is ready

This bet came to an end, and not many people knew that it was a shocking bet involving two million taels of silver. Li Chengfeng and the prince became the biggest winners.

Baixifang suffered a heavy blow on the first day it opened. One million taels of silver not only drew up the cash flow of Baixifang, but also drew most of the deposits in the hands of the four princes.

The four princes returned home with a thunderous violent smash, and the maids were frightened far away. Only Dong Daoming stood aside cautiously, watching the four princes mess with the extremely expensive porcelain.

The prince and concubine were not in a hurry. She smiled and watched as Zhao Lie smashed madly, and Dong Daoming on the side whispered: "Is the prince hungry?"

The prince and concubine Zhang Weiyun smiled and said: "It's okay, I, I have ordered my servants to replace these treasures with fakes! Let him smash, smash hard! We still have several sets of smashed!"

Dong Daoming couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm anxious, my Highness's body is important!"

Zhang Weiyun nodded and said, "Yes! But I don't understand, what is so angry about this?"

Dong Daoming swallowed vigorously: "But, this is one million taels after all! We...really give it?"

Zhang Siyun smiled like a jade green onion finger, twisted a piece of dim sum, and ate it leisurely, while saying: "Hey, why not!"

Zhao Lie suddenly turned his head and said furiously: "Shut up! You stupid girl with long hair and short knowledge, what do you know! This is a million taels of silver! Not a million copper coins!!!"

Zhang Weiyun patted the cake powder on her hands indifferently, and took the hot towel handed over by the maid, she smiled and said, "Well, let’s go, there’s a good way for my concubine. The concubine is gone!"

Zhao Lie's expression changed first, and he was surprised: "Madam has a way to turn things around?"

Zhang Weiyun looked down at her slender fingers, as if there was the most beautiful flower growing on it: "Oh, I am just a stupid lady with long hair and short knowledge. I don't understand anything!"

Zhao Liexian looked a little embarrassed. He was so shocked by his wife that he couldn't speak, and couldn't get off the stage. He looked at Dong Daoming for help, and Dong Daoming immediately bowed to Zhang Siyun respectfully and said: "The prince concubine understands righteousness and is wise. People, I hope your concubine will give me some advice!"

Zhang Weiyun didn't even look at her. She sat down, twisted a piece of cake, and said leisurely: "I'm joking, what a good way for a stupid woman like this, after all, it's a million taels of silver. It's not a million copper coins! Isn't it, your husband?"

Zhao Lie first had this anger in his heart. In Baixifang, Li Cheng was so angry that one Buddha ascended to heaven and two Buddhas came out of his body. He almost wanted to kill people on the spot. When he returned home, he was so angry by his own wife. Now he has to bow his head. My mother-in-law pays no!

Being bullied by villains outside, being bullied by women at home!

Is this a human life? Is this the life a prince should live? !

Does this still make sense? Does this still have a king's law! ?

Zhao Liexian is a man of iron and steel, how could he bow his head to his wife!

Zhao Liexian saw that his eyebrows were upside down and his face was resolute and unyielding. He yelled indignantly: "The lady has always been brilliant, she must have a good idea!"

Zhang Weiyun curled his mouth and said, "Then who called me a stupid woman with long hair and short knowledge?"

Zhao Lie first said with a righteous expression: "Who! I didn't hear it! Dong Daoming, are you the sordid child who speaks badly!"

Dong Daoming smiled bitterly, nodded and bowed, convincingly.

Zhang Weiyun covered his mouth and smiled: "Okay, okay, the slave family will just try!"

Zhao Lie first looked at her expectantly: "Madam teaches me! Is there any way I can not give this money!"

Zhang Weiyun smiled and said, "Give it, why not give it! I would like to bet and lose!"

Zhao Lie furiously said, "That's one million taels of silver!!"

Zhang Siyun asked in surprise, "So what?"

Zhao Lie first looked at Zhang Weiyun like a fool: "Madam! One million!!! One million taels of silver!! Don't you understand how much money this is!!!"

Zhang Weiyun also looked at Zhao Liexian with a foolish look: "Can you become a prince with this million taels of silver?"

Zhao Lie first said displeased: "How is this possible!"

Zhang Weiyun asked again: "Then where do you think you are from the Prince?"

Zhao Liexian was even more upset: "Where am I worse than the third brother?"

Zhang Weiyun said: "No, you are worse than the prince! You are worse in fame! The sage of the prince is famous all over the world! You want to chase him in this regard, it is impossible!"

Zhao Lie snorted first: "Nonsense, it's up to you!"

Zhang Wei said, "Don't you want to change this?"

Zhao Lie first sneered and said: "Knowing is easy and doing is hard! Can the *** people in the world compare with my third brother in the matter of sages?"

Zhang Weiyun shook his head and said: "Indeed, everyone has his own way! The prince has been determined to be a sage since he was a child, and he has been close to the sage in every move, and now he has indeed lived as a sage! But... why should the husband be here with the prince How about one comparison? Your husband can definitely find another way!"

Zhao Lie was puzzled first: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Weiyun smiled and said, "This million taels of silver must not only be given to Li Chengfeng! It must also be given to him with great fanfare!"

Zhao Lie opened his mouth and said, "Are you crazy?"

Dong Daoming was taken aback for a moment, his eyes lit up: "His Royal Highness is priceless, but reputation is priceless?"

While eating the cake, Zhang Weiyun squeezed his fingers and said, "Let everyone in the world have a look. You all know that King Ping is a man of great promise. Even if it is a million taels of silver, who can win? If you go, whoever can take it! The world will inevitably be shaken by that time, and the name of your husband's promise will spread throughout the world!

Zhao Lie reacted first. He slapped his face and was excited: "At that time, the name of Baixifang will also become famous in the world! At that time, who will remember the gambling workshop that the third brother played! All the gamblers in the world will join me. Baixifang is here!!"

With that said, Zhao Lie first held Zhang Siyun's hand excitedly, and said with joy, "Madam is really my brainchild!!"

Zhang Weiyun covered her mouth and smiled, "Isn't she a stupid woman with long hair and short knowledge?"

Zhao Lie first smiled awkwardly: "Joke, it's all a joke!"

Zhang Weiyun wanted to make fun again, but when he saw a messenger rushing in from outside, he flew in and said loudly: "Report! Letter from Tai'an!"

The three of them immediately looked sideways. Dong Dao stepped forward swiftly and took the letterbox. After the messenger left, he opened his eyebrows. He immediately raised his eyebrows and said to Zhao Lie: "His Royal Highness! Taian Jicheng!!!"

Zhao Lie first smashed his fist in the palm of his hand, smiled triumphantly, and said, "Okay! There will be the world's No. 1 fighting game in two weeks! At that time, seeing my combo punch out, I will give it to the third brother and this **** Li. Chengfeng is a beautiful one!!"

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