Breaking the Day

Chapter 908: When the bad news comes

In the distant Shenjing, I didn't know that a terrible massacre had been staged thousands of miles away.

Li Chengfeng is experimenting with his new magic weapon: the Vientiane Tianluo card.

Li Chengfeng didn't know the name of this magic weapon. The well-informed Liu Sumei told him that it was originally a magic weapon created by a great gambling practitioner who devoted all his life hundreds of years ago: A magic weapon of mahjong tiles.

This set of magic weapons is probably the magic weapon with the largest number of single pieces in the spiritual world, and no one has surpassed it so far.

Most practitioners have a very clear idea when creating magic weapons, that is, to extremeize functions as much as possible. As the saying goes, one trick is fresh, and it is not as good as one trick!

And they will concentrate all mana and functions on a magic weapon carrier to achieve the maximum output of mana per unit time.

This is the truth that practitioners have summed up with the experience of blood and fire in the long history of fighting in the spiritual world: the more powerful the magic weapon, the simpler it is.

This sentence is regarded as a standard by practitioners.

Because there used to be many combinations of magic weapons in the spiritual world, such as: Jiuyan Lieyang Banner, Jiuyin Heaven and Earth Ring, Three Sages and Three Talents, etc.

These were once well-known combination magic weapons in the spiritual world. When these magic weapons are combined, their power is earth-shattering, but... once a piece is forcibly snatched away or broken, the power of the entire magic weapon will be greatly reduced, causing one The domino effect of ring breaking, ring breaking.

Therefore, the combination of multiple magic weapons in the spiritual world gradually disappeared and replaced by a single magic weapon.

The Vientiane Tianluo card is the ultimate among these multiple magic weapons. It has 136 single pieces. Although one or two pieces removed will not cause fatal damage to the absolute power of this magic weapon, it is because of its number. There are so many that if you want to manipulate them skillfully, it has become a difficult subject to overcome.

And the most important thing is how to make better use of this magic weapon, this is the real problem that tests users.

Once it is not used well, it is easy to be broken one by one by the opponent, and even a large number of them are captured. Then Li Chengfeng will be in pain.

This set of magic weapons can exert its maximum power after being assembled, which can only be felt after Li Chengfeng has assembled it.

The most obvious thing is that Li Chengfeng clearly feels that he is connected with this set of magic weapons on the soul level after this set of magic weapons is assembled. He can freely control the Vientiane Tianluo cards according to his own wishes and arrange them. Combine things into any shape and do whatever he wants: as long as they can be done!

At this time, Li Chengfeng was surrounded by one hundred and thirty-six Vientiane Tianluo cards. They were spinning at a high speed. Each mahjong card did not touch each other. The speed was so fast that the naked eye could only see a piece of green. The afterimage was like a green wind shield surrounded by Li Chengfeng.

Li Chengfeng stood in the backyard of Xie Fangyuan, which had been surrounded by Zhao Feiyue's magical enchantment, and he could boldly experiment with his new magic weapon here.

At this time, Zhao Xiaobao used the Son-Mother Lightning Sword to attack Li Chengfeng like a storm from all directions, but the Son-Mother Lightning Sword was completely blocked by the high-speed rotating green storm. Everyone could only see bursts of lightning and flint-like exchanges. The moment when the Son-Mother Lightning Sword hits the Vientiane Tianluo card, it slightly stopped the rotation of the Vientiane Tianluo card it had touched, and the people next to it could see what it was, but it quickly rotated at a high speed. When the Vientiane Tianluo cards of Vientiane relied on the powerful rotating kinetic energy to fly the son and mother lightning sword, they resumed high-speed rotation.

At this time, Han Tianxing also roared wildly, the Heavenly Dragon Sword and Sword Qi in his hand boiled and exploded, like a torrent of raging waves rushing towards Li Chengfeng.

But Han Tianxing’s sword aura cannot split this layer of storm armor at all. The high-speed rotating Vientiane Tianluo card relies on its own mana and superimposed kinetic energy formed by high-speed movement to bounce this powerful sword aura to other directions. If there is no mana knot Jie, at this time, the Xie Fangyuan was afraid that the backyard would also be moved to ruins.

Zhao Xiaobao and Han Tianxing stopped panting, and Xiaobao complained: "Master! Is this broken mahjong card so good? It's totally impossible to play!"

Han Tianxing also panted heavily, waved his hand, and said, "Brother, don't try, don't try, I want to take a break! Your magic weapon is really strong, I..."

As he was talking, Li Chengfeng suddenly yelled: "Be careful!"

Han Tianxing was taken aback, he suddenly felt a strong wind coming from behind his head, Han Tianxing lowered his head subconsciously, and immediately felt that his scalp was slapped by a strong wind, and his scalp was numb, and then a dull pain.

Zhao Xiaobao reacted extremely quickly. With a flash of figure, he disappeared in place and appeared on the other side. Only then did he notice that these were two separate Vientiane Tianluo cards. They were not added to Li Chengfeng's surroundings. Go in the storm armor, but wander outside, attacking them when they are not paying attention.

Zhao Xiaobao was pleasantly surprised: "Master, can this set of magic cards be used?"

Li Chengfeng smiled and said: "It's definitely not just that, this magic weapon has endless magical effects! It can attack or defend all. It can attack separately, or both attack and defend! It can even have many unexpected magical effects."

Zhao Xiaobao smiled and said, "Senior brother, don't you show it?"

Li Chengfeng squeezed his eyes mysteriously, and said, "Don't worry, in two more weeks, it will be the world's No. 1 Fighting Contest. I will surprise them a lot!"

Han Tianxing sighed from the side: "Senior brother now has a sunset spear, a Vientiane Tianluo card, and an immortal warfare body guard. Basically, it is both offensive and defensive, and there is no dead end in long-range and close combat! Brother, it seems that there is a high probability of winning the first place!"

Li Chengfeng smiled slightly and said, "Don't underestimate the heroes of the world..."

He would say again, Liu Sumei who was standing not far away watching suddenly said: "The princess is here!"

Liu Sumei withdrew the enchantment, and soon Zhao Feiyue's figure flashed in. She looked serious and solemn: "There are two bad news!"

Li Chengfeng smiled disapprovingly: "Four princes are going to fall back?"

Zhao Feiyue shook her head: "No, on the contrary, the fourth brother paid the bill, and he paid the bill very high-profile! Now the entire **** Kyoto knows this, and everyone is sending the fourth brother's golden promise! Now... The Xifang became famous overnight! Almost all gamblers are proud to go to Baixifang. The betting site set up by the third brother...has no one to go."

Han Tianxing and Zhao Xiaobao were dumbfounded, and said, "That's OK?!"

Li Chengfeng patted his forehead and said regretfully: "Damn it, cleverness has been mistaken!"

Liu Sumei admired: "This fourth prince is very clever! He knows how to plan, and the funeral is happy."

Zhao Feiyue shook her head and said: "This matter must not be the fourth brother's idea, it must be my fourth sister-in-law's method. Although she has no power to bind chickens, she is very good at strategy and is a difficult woman to deal with."

Li Chengfeng sighed and said, "That's why you shouldn't underestimate the heroes of the world! When you think you have a winning ticket, the other party can turn the situation around immediately with a strategy!" Then, he looked at Zhao Feiyue and said. : "What about the second bad news?"

Zhao Feiyue's complexion suddenly became extremely heavy, and she whispered in a low voice: "The 800-mile rush that I just received, Taiyang City...the plague broke out again, and now the whole city is sealed off, with ten rooms and nine empty spaces in the city!

Li Chengfeng's face changed drastically, and said, "Did you tell the prince?"

Zhao Feiyue nodded: "I just came from the prince's mansion, the third brother... also wants you to pass now."

Li Chengfeng said immediately: "It's not too late, go!"

Zhao Feiyue hesitated for a moment, and still said in a low voice: "Palace must be mentally prepared, and we have also received news, it is very likely...the people in Taiyang City are longer."

Li Chengfeng's face has never been as ugly as it is now, his face is livid, and he rushes out without a word.

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