Breaking the Day

Chapter 975: Demon Trade Demon Talk

This is a secluded and lengthy road with a stiff stone. The candlesticks on the surrounding walls are terrifying, and they are actually human forearms and palms.

The arms of these human beings are covered with thick wax oil, some are stout, some are slender, some are white, some are dark, of various colors, arranged all the way.

The palms of these arm candlesticks are all spread out, and the fingers are curled upwards to form a cage column that wraps the candlestick. It looks as if there are sections of human hands growing on the wall, and the palms are burning. The faint candlelight.

The puppet walked through this terrifying narrow stone path, and the wheelchair made oozing creaking and creaking sounds. When his eyes suddenly became clear, he came to a circular stone room. A stone platform, after the puppets pushed him onto the stone platform, the stone platform clicked and the underground stone platform began to collapse step by step, and soon a declining "stone ladder" was formed. As it descended, the surrounding candles lit up layer by layer, as if a candle dragon hovering around the cave lit up the deep cave.

At this time, what appeared around the puppet was layer after layer of grottoes extending downward in a circular shape. This huge grotto was about a hundred meters in diameter, and the walls of each layer of grottoes were inlaid with a vertical set. Sarcophagus, each sarcophagus is placed with a puppet. Each puppet wears a different costume and has a different posture, but the only thing is that their eyes are wide open, and their eyes are all looking at the puppet. In the direction of the real person, there was a loud noise in his mouth, some seemed to be wailing, some seemed to be crying.

They are densely arranged, hundreds of thousands, making terrible howling sounds, forming layers of howling waves, which makes people creepy.

But the real puppet is sitting in this wheelchair smiling and looking around, as if he is not entering a terrible hell, but entering a military camp of his own, surrounded by a wave of enthusiastic cheers, he seems to be a victorious The returning general is reviewing his troops and inspecting his territory.

With a muffled bang, the stone platform finally came to the end, and the puppet pushed the real puppet slowly down from the stone platform. He came to a spacious circular stone room, the ground was full of grooves, like a pattern of magic circle, you can watch Judging from the black and red dirt remaining on it, it looks like a blood trough and a blood ditch for draining blood.

Even the arm candlesticks on the wall cannot fully illuminate this huge circular stone room. In the dim and well-defined light, the wheels of the wheelchair ran across the countless grooves on the ground all the way to a long stone table. Sitting on the stone table is a puppet, without a head, arms, legs, and only a body. From the slightly raised part of the chest, this is the body of a woman, and beside this body is a puppet doll. The head of this doll was held in her arms by another female puppet and combed her hair slowly and stiffly.

The puppet was pushed in front of the two female puppets. As soon as he arrived, the eyes of the two female puppets looked in his direction, their eyes were straight at him, their mouths opened, and they made a low neigh. The voice is full of excitement and desire.

The puppet reached out her hand and gently stroked the standing female puppet Huang Cancan’s long hair. The female puppet turned her head and knelt down gently, laying her head on the puppet’s knee, like a docile pet enjoying her master. Caress.

"Do you want me?" The real puppet caressed the female puppet's hair in front of him, her eyes were gentle, and her voice was like a warm hand of a spring lover. The female puppet raised her head, her eyes filled with excitement and love, and her mouth opened together. The slight voice was like a tanuki moaning.

The real puppet smiled slightly, and he said: "Are you too lonely here?"

The female puppet raised her head and held up the head as if asking for merit, and then happily came to a stone cabinet beside the stone table. She opened the door of the stone cabinet, revealing the exotic clothing inside. And costumes, if anyone recognizes them, they will recognize it at a glance. This gorgeous and colorful costume full of luxurious patterns, lace, and exquisite patterns is exactly the costume of the puppet country that has fought with Daqi for many years.

This female puppet took out a set of costumes inside, placed it in a gold plate, and walked over with them, and then came to the puppet sitting on the stone table against the wall, humming a weird little tune in her mouth gently, while skillfully Help her fit her limbs, and then help her put on her clothes little by little, and wait for her to hum a little tune, help the puppet put on her hair, and prepare to put on her a crown studded with gems, the puppet is a real person Suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed her.

The real puppet took the female puppet, gently removed the crown from her hand, then put it on the female puppet’s head, and then gently stroked the golden hair behind her, he said softly: "Dear Yes, only you can wear this crown, only the real princess of Krone, and only you are qualified to inherit the throne!!"

If someone understands the official language of the puppet country, they will know that the pronunciation of the word "Kron" in the language of the puppet country means: mechanical puppet.

In Daqi's language, the Kingdom of Krona is the country of puppets! But the Daqi people call the Kron people the puppeteers, and the Krono the puppet country.

The real puppet raised the chin of the puppet in front of him with his fingers, and stared at her tenderly and affectionately: "Vivienne, soon, I have gathered a thousand pairs of conservative tortured souls, I will take your body bring back!"

The female puppet named Vivian showed excitement in her eyes. She nodded vigorously, then picked up the dressed puppet, and then walked to the center of the circular stone chamber step by step, placing her in the center A recessed hole.

This well-dressed female puppet seemed to have a premonition. She struggled desperately, but no matter how she struggled, her body did not listen. Only a pair of eyeballs rolled wildly in the eye sockets without eyelids, and her eyes were full of fear. And panic.

Afterwards, Vivian stood behind the puppet, and the puppet raised his hand slightly. There was a bang in this huge grotto, and all the sarcophagus suddenly ejected the puppet inside, and for a while, the sky seemed to be falling. Puppet rain, these puppets landed neatly in each groove of the central annular stone chamber, densely packed and neatly arranged, forming a strange pattern.

The puppet squeezed a few fingers quickly, his long golden hair swayed slightly, and red and black waves flowed in his eyes, and then a dark red flame lit up in the center of this huge stone chamber, instantly turning the middle The puppet swallowed, the female puppet opened her mouth wide and let out a screaming roar. The flames on her body spread rapidly, linking all the countless puppets around her like a tide, forming a huge flame circle in this circle. The female puppet burning in the center quickly turned into the purest flame, and then it slowly elongated into a vertical pupil that was more than two meters high.

After a while, this eyelid opened his eyes and made a low, rumbling voice: "So it's you..."

If Su Yuehan were here, he would immediately recognize in horror that this is not someone else, but the master of the nine prisons, the king of darkness: the king of the nine prisons!

The real puppet stared at the Nine Nether King excitedly, and said: "I have made a thousand tortured souls for you. Each of them can be attached to the monster, and your monster's combat power can be doubled! As promised, you should return Vivienne's body to me!!"

Nine Nether King stared at the puppet for a while, he suddenly laughed: "I changed my mind!"

The real puppet suddenly became angry: "Asshole, can you go back!! We have a contract, you can't go back!!!"

Nine Nether King laughed and said, "The contract signed verbally is used to tear it up!!"

The puppet was furious, and his long golden hair almost stood upside down. He raised a hand, and a golden mana ball was spinning in his hand. The ball was spinning crazily, as if to drain all of the stone room. Flame and air.

Vivian on the side had already knelt down, holding the puppet's hands with both hands and shook his head vigorously, making a whining cry.

Nine Nether King glanced at Real Puppet with disdain: "Bring me my Demon King, and I will realize your wish!"

Having said that, his flame pupils instantly transformed into a person's appearance, and the real puppet was stunned when he glanced at it. Isn't this the appearance of the woman behind Li Chengfeng?

The figure of Nine Nether King quickly turned back, his figure instantly disappeared in place, the surrounding flames suddenly extinguished, and the huge stone chamber suddenly plunged into darkness, only his low voice was slowly echoing: " Bring her! Bring her!"

The puppet shook his fingers fiercely, crushing the spinning golden magic ball in his palm, and gritted his teeth and shouted: "How do I know if you are lying to me again!!"

The voice of Nine Nether King seemed to be coming from a very far away place, but it was clearly heard: "You, there is no choice!!"

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