Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 10: Chapter10

"The number you dialed is busy. Please redial later ...."

There was so much traffic on the street that Yang Mei was standing by the door of the car, her eyebrows were twisted carefully, and she dialed another number.

I waited for a long time this time, and when I turned to the busy tone, I was picked up across the line: "Hey."

"Jiang, are you done over there? I've just finished work, so I'll pick you up at the hospital--"

"I was followed."

"What ?!" Yang Mei said for a moment, then immediately lowered her voice: "Who is it? Gongzhou, or?"

Jiang Zhan didn't immediately answer, a chill came out of Yang Mei's heart.

If it was from Gongzhou, he would only want his life.

But if you change to another person, it may be very scary or even unimaginable.

"It's hard to say," Jiang Zhan's voice finally sounded again. Yang Mei felt as if he was striding forward: "This person came to the hospital to inquire about me, leaving traces. The way of doing things is rough, not like People on the side. "

"What now ?! I'll pick you up right away!"

However, Jiang Zhan's calm voice suppressed her anxiety stiffly: "No matter who wants to kill me, he doesn't know your existence yet, don't come to me. You go back to the store to find a few people to help, I'll lead him outside the hospital and I'll call you later. "

"Hey, Brother Jiang! ..."

A busy tone came from the phone, and Jiang Dang hung up.

Jiang Zhan put his mobile phone back in his trousers pocket, looked up, and the glass door at the end of the corridor reflected the sudden appearance of a man at the corner behind him.

——Follow so closely.

Are you too amateur or are you going to do it?

The passage was over, and there was no way to go. Jiang Zhan glanced straight down the stairs. His steps were beautiful and smooth, and the wind brought up the nurse's hair when he turned, but he didn't stop at all, and went straight to the next level.

The fourth floor.

So far, the inpatient department floor has only the fire escape and elevator.

Jiang Zhan's toes fell on the ground, his face didn't look any strange, and he looked around instantly. Wards, elevators, duty stations, security doors, and other directions were burned into my mind in half a second, and automatically analysed to form a floor topographic map; not far away, several nursing workers were pushing their elderly people slowly and swaying, close to visual inspection Twenty meters away.

There was a rattling overhead, and the tracker's pace slowed, as if watching the situation.

At the same time, the elevator door “ding!” Opened.

The nurse pushed the trolley out of the elevator and turned to another aisle connected to the end of the corridor, preparing to distribute pre-meal soup to each ward.

To outsiders, Jiang Dian descending from the stairs didn't delay for a moment, as if he had planned to be so ordinary, and pulled away to the end of the promenade.

The strong man in a baseball cap followed.

The sanatorium is more particular about the indoor environment, and the corners of each interconnected corridor are placed with large pots of greenery. After turning around the lush green leaves, the lunch trolley stopped at the door of the first ward. The car was neatly lined with a cup of steaming pork rib soup. The nurse had already entered the ward, and the door was hiding a slit. .

Jiang stopped past the lunch car, picked up a cup of soup without looking at it, splashed on the ground behind him, put the empty bowl back on the car, and the whole set of actions flowed, and then he continued to move forward.

After a few seconds, be fooled!

As soon as the man in the baseball cap turned around the corner, he was caught by the soup and slipped back and forth, and then the lunch cart was knocked over by a splatter, and it opened brightly across the ground.

"Oh! What's going on?" "Nurse, nurse!" "Hurry up, help him up!"

There was a lot of noise in the corridor, and the man in the baseball cap grinned, and instantly became the center of sight of the entire floor. Several nurses looked for a voice, rushed over without even a little round cap, and lifted him up with hands and feet, asking whether they were hot.

"I'm fine, you let go, I ..."

The man in the baseball cap struggled as he probed. After seeing the crowd, Jiang Zhan's back flickered around the corner, and then disappeared.


The man in the baseball cap yelled violently, hurriedly broke away from the help, perfunctoryly nursed off, and rushed forward while touching the mobile phone, lowering his voice and anxious: "Hey, the situation is bad, the idea is missing!"

There was a silence for a while, a female voice came out:


"Surely found!"

The man in the baseball cap rushed across the gallery, and the sight of the goal had disappeared. Then the elevator door is not far away again. As soon as he turned back, he saw Jiang Zing's back entering the elevator.

On the cell phone, the female voice said coldly, "Get rid of him, I'll send someone to pick you up."

The baseball cap man no longer hesitated, turned and rushed over!

Jiang stopped pressing to close the door, then pressed the top floor, staring blankly at the distant baseball cap. The elevator door closed slowly before he rushed up.

-But then, the elevator went straight downstairs!

Jiang Zang whispered softly.

When escaping by elevator, it is best to go upstairs instead of downstairs, because people on the third floor run quickly down the stairs, and the double-door elevators in hospitals are usually slower.

Calculated at this speed, even if he successfully reached the first floor lobby, the arrival time with the baseball cap man will not differ by at most three to four seconds.


The elevator door opened again, and several people outside waiting for the elevator hadn't come in. Jiangzhan had already squeezed out and walked towards the main entrance.

However, like his estimated time difference, Jiang Zhe just came out a few seconds, and the fire hall door in the corner was opened. The man in the baseball cap rushed out of the door and searched the crowd for only a few seconds to lock Jiang's position. He reached into his pocket while rushing at him!

Jiang Zhan pulled out his mobile phone and slid to the nearest contact page. At the same time, his pace accelerated and he squeezed out of the payment team.

A few aunts lined up were angry: "Hey what do you do, what do you squeeze!"

Jiang Zhan did not respond, and kept pace, dialing Yang Mei's mobile phone number.

"Ah, another cut in line!" The aunts shouted again afterwards: "You push me at a young age!" "Are you in a hurry to have a baby, what kind of quality are you?"

Jiang stopped looking around, and the man in the baseball cap pushed out of the payment team!

The dial-up interface of the mobile phone showed that the other party was connected. Yang Mei asked nervously, "Hey, Brother Jiang?"

"You're coming ..." Jiang Zhe said as he turned his head, who unexpectedly bumped into someone suddenly-bang!

Jiang paused for a long time, raised his hand to cover his nose and mouth, and before recovering from the sorrow, he only heard a familiar male voice with a smile and wondered:

"Well, what a coincidence, isn't this Mr. Lu?"

Jiang Zhan looked up, Yan l holding his arms, and looked at him with a smile.

"Jiang, hello?" Yang Mei's anxious voice came from the phone: "Jiang?"

Five meters away, the male in the baseball cap put his right hand in his pocket, the burly muscles were tightened under the t-shirt, and most of his body was hidden behind the crowd. He stared at this side from under the lowered brim, as if staring at the carrion. Hyena.

Yang Mei's sharpness almost trembled: "Jiangge! Come back to me! Are you all right ?!"

"--Yo, call." Yan l smiled with a smile on his mouth: "That's OK, you're busy, see you later."

Then he lifted his feet and passed by, walking towards the elevator.

Within a thousandth of a second, Jiangzhan made a decision.

"It's okay, I met Yan Deputy Team in the hospital, and I'll call you back later." Jiang stopped hanging up, turned around and stretched out his hands, grabbed Yan L's arm in anxiety:

"Yan team ..."

Yan l tilted his head.

I don't know if it is the illusion of Jiang Ding. This one is always hanging out, and is more like a rich man than a deputy captain. When he looks at him so surely, his eyes seem to be flashing with an indescribable and bright light. The light of the heart is shining.

Yan asked: "What is it?"

Jiang paused and sighed, as if to spit out all the emotions, and then laughed: "Why is Yan team here?"

Yan said, "The relatives in the hospital are here, and it's just fine today. Let's take a look. How about you?"

Jiang stopped with a smile and said, "I have been discharged for a few days and come for a re-examination."

"Oh, is that all right?"

"It's okay."

Having said that, Jiang paused for a while, but before he could speak, Yan saw that he almost raised his hand deliberately and looked at his watch: "No problem, I won't bother you, so I won't bother you and the little girl Friends are two people in the world, and we will be annoyed by our people ’s police. Let ’s go, I ’ll go first. ”

Yan l twitched, and as soon as he acted, he saw that Jiang Zhan turned around: "Yan Team--"


Yan L is one meter high by eighty-seven, standing high in the crowd, embracing his hands, with the momentum of being thousands of miles away.

It is indeed a veteran criminal policeman who has worked for more than ten years. When he looks at someone so hard, the strong aura is enough to make the target he locked inevitable.

Jiang Zang tilted his face sideways, slightly deflected, this angle made the tip of the eyes slightly hooked. He appeared to be a little weak in front of Yan, and after a moment of hesitation, he said sincerely: "Yang Mei's shop has resumed business. It must have been Yan's words. I have n’t had a chance to thank you. It ’s a rare encounter today. I'll invite Yan to have a meal, otherwise I'm uneasy. "

Yan stared at him with a less serious tone: "It's business, what meals do you need. Your little girlfriend isn't waiting for you outside? Don't let her wait." He said without waiting. Speak and just walk away.

"---- Hey," Jiang Zeng stopped him quickly: "Yang Mei is not here today."

These words were really driven out by Yan L. However, I just stunned as soon as I left the river, and I felt a little weird.

—He looked up at Yan l slightly, the shape of the corners of his eyebrows looked very beautiful. At this point, the attitude was almost like a plea. The two were unusually close, and Jiang Zhan put one hand on the muscular arm of the other.

If Jiang Zhan is a woman, this scene is actually very ambiguous, and it even makes people bang.

Not far away, the man in the baseball cap looked at Yan with vigilance, and for a moment did not dare to act rashly.

"Oh," Yan's smile became more obvious, almost like a deliberate intention: "I said why you suddenly took the initiative, originally Yang Mei was not here?"

Jiang Zhan: "..."

"Okay," Yan said before he even tasted something weird. He pulled his hand back to him and said with a smile, "It's better to hit the day than to hit the day, just today."

At noon, there were more people on the street. At the beginning of May, Jin Chancan's sunshine was shining on the asphalt road, and he was sweating after walking two steps against the sun. Yan rolled his sleeves to his upper arm and chuckled Jiang with a smile: "Isn't it hot to wear so much?"

Jiang Zhan's mobile phone was silent in the trouser pocket. He pressed it off, and said lightly, "I'm almost a disabled person. I don't have enough heat like you."

Yan L glanced at Jiang Dian's cuffs on his wrists and smiled, "What's the matter, why is it so severe?" Mr. Lu looked much younger than me.

Jiang Zhan reluctantly shirk: "Don't make fun of me."

Yan said, "This is a joke. I am very serious. I have wanted to have a meal with you since I first met Mr. Lu."

Jiang Zhan: "..."

"It's not easy today to finally get what I want--!"

Yan L's sigh was nothing like cheating, so that Jiang Zhan's expression was a little subtle.

Shouldn't this person's brain be abnormal?

Yan asked: "Do you think that I either have a problem with my case or my brain is abnormal?"

"..." Jiang Ding said, "Why would I think of Deputy Yan so?"

Yan suddenly turned around abruptly, and Yu Guang swept behind him—ten meters away, a black baseball cap quickly disappeared into the bustling crowd.

But if Yan L didn't see him, he grabbed Jiang Ding's wrist and laughed, "Do you believe that there is a saying like" seeing the same thing "in this world, Mr. Lu?"

Instantly, his fingers clearly felt the uneven skin under the sleeve of Jiang Zhan's sleeve, which was an old wound left by the bite on the inside of his wrist.

Jiang Zhan pulls his hand slightly, but Yan does not let go. Jiang Zhe calmly asked, "Oh?"

"I first met you, Mr. Lu. It was like seeing an old person who I always wanted to see but always met. But you always stayed with that Yang Mei. I do n’t know if it was against our people ’s police or if I simply did n’t look at me. People. So, to be at the same table with you today, to sit flat and eat, is something that I have never thought of before. "Yan smiled deeper, and said," So the world ’s fate goes around, really Unpredictable, haha— "

Yan's face was **** the face, but when he stared at Jiang Zhan with such a smile, there was a strong and cold evil spirit flowing under his eyes.

"..." Jiang Zhan pulled out his hand a little, seemed to want to say something, but said nothing, just smiled and spit out two words briefly: "Is it?"

His expression was as usual, but Yan was certain that Jiang Zhan's good culture in this life was condensed in these short words.

"Isn't it?" Yan L was not exhausted, and was about to chase after him, and suddenly the phone rang.

"It's in the team." Yan regretted: "I'm sorry I'll take it, you wait."

At this time, they were standing at the exit of a shopping mall with a lot of people, and Yan l deliberately walked away to answer the phone in two steps. Only listening to Ma Xiang's voice was full of fatigue: "Hey Brother Yan, no, surname Hu That grandson is dead or alive, a few of our brothers are okay. Where are you? "

Yan L looked down the steps, and Jiang Zhan stood on the sidewalk, watching the phone while holding his cell phone.

"Yuanhang Commercial Building in the city center." Yan l smiled at Chongjiang with a smile on his face, but said to the phone: "Tracing a case a few years ago, you have to wait for me to call back in no time."

Ma Xiang's distress was swept away: "Oh my brother Yan, why did you go out alone? Want to reinforce?"

"No, no one can say what I came out of today, including Wei Bureau and Lao Qin."

"Can you do it alone?"

At this time, Jiang Zhan's cellphone vibrated, and he lowered his head.

Yan L looked away, and the man in the baseball cap hid behind the trash can, pretending to smoke unintentionally.

The mantis catches cicadas, and the carduelis is behind.

Yan laughed silently, moving his steps backwards inadvertently: "No problem, I'm already in it."

Jiang Zhan opened the screen of his mobile phone and pressed the voice button. His voice was very low against the background of the noise of the street: "I and Yan are heading towards the Golden Yansha Hotel. There is a back alley called Sanmao Street. You take someone to drive and set an ambush. The target is about 1.58 meters, very strong, wear a white short-sleeved t-shirt and a black baseball cap. Don't be nervous, just like you used to cooperate with the police to ambush and catch people, I'll leave People led him over, and you fainted him and brought him back to KTV, and waited for me to deal with it. "

Yang Mei brought a male staff member from KTV Lira, who could hear or not speak. He typed "understand" and immediately initiated positioning sharing.

Jiang stopped by, glanced over, put the phone back in his pocket, and looked up when he raised his head again.

Yan l was gone.

In just two seconds of this effort, Yan l disappeared.

Jiang Zhan ’s first reaction was to look around, then the heart sank, and various possibilities passed through the brain at the same time-where did Yan go?

Has he discovered anything unusual?

Did it happen to be in a sanitarium by chance?

Jiang stopped walking towards the mall steps, dialed Yan's phone at the same time, and the other party hung up after two beeps.

Jiang Zhan: "..."

He dialed again and hung up again after two beeps.

The tracker also seemed to notice something wrong, and slowly came to this side.

Jiang Zhan has seen various cases, and his perception of security is different from ordinary people. He knows that a place like a hospital with security and surveillance is fine, and the road in the daytime, although it looks like a large court, is actually not safe.

Shouting "grabbing the thief" and "hitting the third child" casually, and planning an efficient and short-term riot in a planned and organized manner may all lead to abducting a person within a few minutes without much attention. Even if there were witnesses at the scene, it would be difficult for the police to organize cluttered adjectives into effective testimony.

The baseball cap man looked around hesitantly, without seeing Yan's shadow, and finally made up his mind.

"Yang Mei, there's something wrong here." Jiang Zhe walked towards the hotel as he called. "You immediately go to the original location and wait for the target, and ask two people to meet me. I'm going through the main entrance of Yuanhang Mall ... "

Yang Mei's voice was the same as her state at the moment, as if stretched to the extreme bowstring: "Understand! I will ask someone to cover you and send me a location to share!"

"It's too late," Jiang paused, turning around, and saw that the man had been pushed from the crowd, and he was five or six meters away: "He has caught up!"

As if the silent alarm cut through the air, at the same time, Jiangzhan and the baseball cap ran hard at the same time!

"Oh! Be careful!" "You who can't see the way, rush to get a rebirth ?!"


The horn sounded one after another, Jiangzhan didn't pause at all, almost rubbed the car across the road, and went into the alley.

The relatively slow blessing of Tuo Jianning's urban construction, these zigzag alleys have not been demolished to the point where Jiangzhan does not know. His wind generally rolled over the long wall of the school's back door, and his knees protested overwhelmingly, but the hurried footsteps behind him were getting closer, even gradually clear and audible.

"I'm here!" The wind blew off Yang Mei's call on the phone intermittently: "Come here!"

The man had already seen the situation, and he couldn't bear to be seven or eight meters away. Jiang Zhan looked back, didn't dare to be caught up, and saw a wall in front of him collapsed for half a step. He walked for a few steps with one hand and propped up. He crossed beautifully and landed steadily.

He stood up and had not had time to continue running, and suddenly his mouth and nose were covered from behind!


The man was obviously highly trained and had great strength. He used only one hand to cover Jiang Zhan's struggle into his throat, while holding his entire arm around him, dragged him into the trees, leaned against the wall, and then fell cleanly. He was showing the phone on the call, and he cut off directly.

"Did you never ask the right person for help," he whispered in Jiang Zhe's ear, "this is really troublesome." 2k novel reading network

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