Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 107: Chapter107

Three years ago, Gongzhou.

January 10th.

boom! The door in the abandoned house was pushed open, and the cold wind rolled into the room. Numerous dusts suddenly rose up in the dim light, and fluttered into silence.

"Go in," Ajie whispered.

The young man held by him had been thinned to the extreme, no blood was on his face, his lips were pale, and his shoulders were even frangling. Probably because of being deprived of vision for a long time, after blinding the blindfolded cloth, his eyes couldn't accept the external light. His eyes were always closed, the dark eyelashes were condensed by sweat, and the mess was covered under the blindfolds. A tired arc.

The light is indeed too faint, and most of the indoor scenes only outline a few hazy lines.

Just looking at the silhouette, it is estimated that no one will recognize this young man, that is, the Yangtze River, the second Gongzhou anti-drug unit that was tied back a few months ago.

Jiang Zhe was half-supported and half-pushed by Ajie to hold the door. Someone came forward and held his head with a muzzle. Someone shoved a hard, cold object into his weak hand—it turned out to be a gun.

Ajie picked up his phone and leaned against Jiang Zhe's ear, followed by the nightmare gentle and cruel voice:

"Kill the undercover in front of you and you will be free."

"No, I can't. I ..."

"you can."

"No. Just kill me, kill me hurry--"

"You can do it," Spades K is still very patient, even with a smile in his words: "You don't want to die, Jiang Zhan, you are the last person in the world I don't want to die. You are not in any desperation It ’s your nature to give up even the slightest vitality, and that ’s how you are born, so you can do it. ”


"Kill him, and you will be free, otherwise you will die here."

Jiang Zhan wheezed sharply, the hand holding the gun trembling violently. He had never been so scared of a gun in his life. It seemed that he was not holding the handle of the gun, but the cold fangs of a snake. The venom penetrated the skin through the blood until he brought death to the heart.

"Jiang Zhan," the spade-k tone was full of inducement, saying, "Don't you say you can win me? Prove it to me."

I don't know how long, the time is so long every second, the hand that Ajie kept staring at finally moved--

The gun was slowly lifted into midair, then the muzzle turned, and it reached Jiang Zhan's own temple!

"Eh!" Ajie yelled, saying that time was later, and a hand that gripped Jiang Zhan turned the muzzle, and the next second he only heard: Bang!

The figure in the dark corner in front trembled, then slipped against the wall and fell to the ground weakly.

It took more than ten seconds to freeze to death, and then a slam, it was Jiang Zeng's gun that fell to the ground. His last nerve, which had been stretched to the limit, was finally broken. The whole person leaned back and was caught by Ajie. He forcibly opened his eyelids and looked at the pupils, and yelled, "Sedative!"

Some people rushed forward, others were calling, but Jiang Zhan couldn't hear anything.

The syringe needle penetrated into the skin, and the instant stinging awakened him, his consciousness was very clear, but his body did not listen. He struggled to get up in the trembling, the needle with a line of blood stars off the body, and fell to the dusty ground.

Then he started coughing, coughing his trachea, curling up all over his body, and rustling in his throat. During the breath, he heard Ajie's hard voice saying, "You'd better give a shot."

But he didn't answer. He barely stopped the cough, and gritted his mouthful of blood, swallowed it back. He didn't know who was holding his hand, and stood up embarrassedly.

"Leave him alone, Jiang Zhan is such a person." Spade K's voice lingered on the phone. "He is now free."

Jiang Zhan withdrew his hand, and seemed to want to stand on his own strength, but the health and physical strength that had been consumed sharply for many days could not even make such a simple self-requirement. He staggered back a few steps, leaning his back against the wall, feeling that the whole world was spinning in front of his eyes.

Then what he heard in the coma--

It was the sirens from far and near.

"The police came, Jiang stopped, and I'll give you back to them."

The **** k on the other side of the phone sounds very nostalgic. No matter what he says, he seems to be in love, with a stable and disgusting mellow and soft, like a nightmare whispering in his ear.

"When you return to the police team, facing countless doubts, questions, and accusations, and bearing all the hatred, hatred, and abuse, please don't forget the bet we made today; even if you make this perfect match In words, no one will trust, and no one will listen, because all the facts have proven that you are a traitor. "

"Someday you will find me right, then you will willingly go back to where we first met. And before that, as long as there is another police officer willing to believe you-even if there is only one." Spades K mocked The smile deepened and said, "It's all my loss."

The siren was approaching fast and louder. There was a sound of water splashing outside the abandoned courtyard, and it was the drug dealers pouring gasoline around.

"Goodbye, Jiang stop." Spades K said, "I welcome you to give in at any time."

The raging fire engulfed the house, and under the gloomy sky, the roaring flames danced wildly.

The red and blue police lights flickered, the fire truck shouted sharply, and the tide-like footsteps swarmed towards the burning house; but Jiangzhan did not turn back, and did not dare to turn back. All his strength is used for hiding and running, even if it can only be regarded as a desperate stumble.

I don't know how far it was, and the vocal and hustle and bustle of the flames were all left behind, leaving only the roaring north wind in my ears.

He was black before his eyes, fell to the ground, and finally lost consciousness.

"... Jiang Team ..."

"Jiang Team ..."

"Captain Jiang Branch!" Someone shouted loudly in the haze: "Wake up soon! Hurry up!"

I didn't know that after a few minutes or longer, Jiang Zhan finally opened his eyes slowly.

His eyes couldn't be focused, and his blurred eyes were cast in the air, only to see a large dark gray sky. After a long time, thousands of acupuncture pains finally returned to this body, and all the internal organs twitched into a ball.

In the pain, he heard someone keep saying: "... I know you must be alive, I know you must not give up ..."

Jiang stopped doing his best and finally turned his head slightly to see the surrounding scene.

He fainted in a bush on the suburban plain, far from the scene of the fire surrounded by police cars. A skinny old man in a dark blue uniform and white shirt was half-knelt on his side, his white hair trembled in the cold wind, his face flushed with eagerness, and he couldn't help saying something.

"Fortunately you didn't die, just live, just live! ..."

Jiang closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, he finally realized who he was—Guangzhou's former deputy mayor and director of public security, Yue Guangping.

"Don't move, don't move, you're hurt too much. I've called your contact person named Yang Mei and told her to come here to pick you up. It won't be a problem, you can take good care of yourself first, as long as you live Long-term consideration-- "

"... nothing ..."

Yue Guangping paused: "What?"

Jiang Zhe lay on the ground, looking up at the sky, his eyes despairing blank, saying, "Rivets are dead."

Yue Guangping's whole body shocked: "What did you say?"

"I failed, the drug trade was in the ecological park, and my team members died in the plastic factory ... I failed." Jiang Zhan shook his hand, clenched his face, which looked like a living person, and repeated the neurotic over and over again. The palm of his hand said: "There is nothing to discuss in the long run, my teammates are dead, I have been killed by the rivets, they have never discussed in the long run ..."

Yue Guangping covered his mouth, wiped his face heavily, and said, "But you are still alive!"

Jiang stopped looking blank.

Yue Guangping gritted his teeth and said, "As long as you live, you can get revenge!"

He got up and carried Jiang Zhan. Although the former deputy mayor was already old, Jiang Zhe had little weight at this time, and he was helped to a relatively smooth rock by no effort.

"I am the supervisor of the rescue operation. I can't leave the scene for too long. I have to go back." Yue Guangping asked him to sit down against the stone and calmly urged: "The safety that Yang Mei has come to meet you before we meet you House, and then move on to the next step. Do you remember the safe house? You remember the address and password, right? "

Jiang Zhan's ears were booming, his spirit was extremely unstable, and he nodded hurriedly.

"The investigation team for the 1009 plastic factory explosion is very high-level. Even I am under surveillance 24 hours a day, and it is estimated that I will not be able to contact the outside world at any time in the next week. You will take care of the injuries first, and I will contact you seven days later. Meet at the safe house. "

Yue Guangping got up and left, suddenly stopped again, and paused for a moment, then slowly said, "I've been investigating another thing recently, and it's almost eye-opening ..."

Jiang Zhan was groggy and in very poor condition.

"I'll tell you after I get a certain result." Yue Guangping gritted his teeth and whispered, "Be sure to stick with it and wait for me to contact."

Yue Guangping quickly walked away, and the black smoke billowed in the distant wilderness. It was the fire brigade that extinguished the abandoned house lit by gasoline. They should have found the body of the rivets and the gun of Jiang Zhan.

And farther away, Yang Mei, who was notified, was rushing forward, preparing to stop Jiang in a safe place to heal--

Under the vast sky, dark clouds piled up and rolled, and all the traps of plotting and desperation were officially opened at this moment.

Hotel suite.

"——What is Yue Guangping investigating?" Yan Yan sat on the sofa, frowning keenly: "Why is it 'other', are you investigating anything else before?"

Jiang Zhan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, and couldn't see his expression against the light. He shook his head slowly: "I don't know what he meant by" other ". He died before he could tell me. But Prior to that, the two of us had been conducting follow-up investigations in the Gongzhou Municipal Bureau, hoping to knock out the internal nails while destroying the spades. "

Yan Yan unexpectedly said: "You two?"

"..." Jiang Zhan seemed to smile with a bitter smile: "Yes. Do you remember I told you before that the rivets were exposed before the 1009 plastic factory's anti-drug operation?"

Yan Yan stared at him.

"The rivets were exposed, who sold them? This person must be in the Gongzhou system, and the position is quite high. Combining the siege of spades k before the failure always, I guess someone at the top is the **** of spades k But I'm not sure who it is. "

"——You know this feeling is terrible. The traitor is around, but you do n’t know who he is. It may be your most admired senior or your closest partner. People come and go, ghosts. Alas, it spies on you in the dark, but you can't catch the ghost in human skin. "

Jiang took a breath and said, "There was not much time left for me at that time, because Operation 1009 was about to begin. If I wanted to temporarily modify the action plan, I must find a completely innocent and trusted leader to rely on. After much consideration, I chose Yue Guangping. "

Yan Yan asked, "Why is he?"

"The reason is divided into two aspects." Jiangzhan explained: "First, he has always cared for me to promote my immediate supervisor, and I know him the most; second, he is the deputy mayor of Gongzhou, the level of the Public Security Department Director, Gongzhou Police Officer 000001, I do n’t trust who else he can trust? If he is a ghost, then I ’m finished, and there is no need to fight spades. ”

Yan Zheng nodded slightly, thinking: "So before the 1009 plastic factory anti-drug operation began, Yue Guangping believed you were not a black policeman."

"On the basis of my own words, he would not believe it. It should have been verified through various methods, but he did not know how to verify it." Jiang Ding took a breath and said, "After he believed my confession, the two of us joined forces. After investigating inside the city bureau for a period of time, but found nothing, it is impossible to find out how many internal information was leaked to the **** k. This ghost is so deep and perfect that sometimes I will produce a kind of it There is no illusion. "

"That's it. With the passage of time to the beginning of October, Operation 1009 began. After obtaining Yue Guangping's consent, I temporarily modified the action plan and transferred the police force from the ecological park to the plastic factory."

What Yan Yan realized, and asked, "That is to say, only Yue Guangping knows anything other than you?"

"It is true in theory." Jiang Zhandandan said, "But in fact, if the inner ghost's authority is high enough, you can also observe from many clues that the action plan has been temporarily modified ... so it cannot be said that the plan is leaked. It is Yue Guangping. "

——That's what he said, but Yan Zheng immediately understood why after the explosion, the only person desperately advocating to rescue Jiang Zhan was Yue Guangping: If he is innocent, he really has to rescue Jiang Zhan from his life. On the one hand, he proves his innocence, on the other hand, they confront each other and investigate the inner ghosts.

"What later?" Yan Yan asked, "Did Yue Guangping contact you after a week?"

Jiang Zhe paused for a moment, then nodded: "On January 18th, I received a call from Yue Guangping."

Three years ago, 1.18--

"Last time I told you that the matter under investigation is about how Spades K learned that you temporarily modified the action plan, and now the result is basically certain. I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it ... if we two found it earlier, None of this will happen ... "

The curtains were so tight that no light could penetrate the room. Seven days of continuous lying and recuperation made Jiang Zhe recover slightly, but his energy was still very poor, and his voice was extremely hoarse: "What happened?"

There was a repressed gasp of Yue Guangping's forced repression over the phone. After several seconds, he uttered:

"I seem to know who the inner ghost is."

-Shi Shijiang stopped pupil tightening.

"I don't know if they are following me. I may have been. It's complicated, the phone is not secure, and I will meet in an safe house an hour later." Yue Guangping couldn't help husky breathing, which was obviously caused by tension. : "I'm sorry, Team Jiang, no matter what happens ... no matter what happens in the future, I can die, but please be sure to live, sorry."

He hung up.

Yan Yan's sitting position was with his legs wide open, his elbows resting on his knees, his fingers constantly rubbing his chin, and he pondered, "Why is Yue Guangping so strange ..."

"It's weird, but I can't figure out where the weirdness is." Jiang paused and said, "I hung up the phone and rushed to the safe house-it was when I met with Yue Guangping in private before renting at the park where he often fished. A basement with a full set of anti-eavesdropping equipment was installed. But on the way I received a text message from Yue Guangping saying that his family had come temporarily and asked me to go first. He would be about half an hour late. "

At this time Yan Xun found something wrong.

According to Yue Guangping's tone on the phone before, he wants to tell Jiang Zhe that the matter should be extremely important and extremely critical, so why can he delay it for half an hour casually? ——If you are Yan Yan, even if you just go out to date with Jiangzhan, you will not be half an hour late.

Furthermore, Yue Guangping knew that he “may have been targeted by them”, so why would he invite guests who came temporarily?

Is he so unconscious?

"I will always remember that day, January 18. I waited in the basement until three in the afternoon, Yue Guangping didn't come, the phone was not answered, and the text message was not returned." Jiang Ding's tone was a bit unstable, he raised his neck and took a deep breath , Said: "Finally I can't wait. I left the safe house and drove to Yue Guangping's house. His door was hidden ..."


"Takeaway, takeaway you ordered!" Jiang Zhan wore a takeaway brother's vest and a baseball cap, stood in front of the door and raised his voice: "Hey! Is anyone at home!"


The wooden door opened a gap inward.

Jiang stopped frowning, and some kind of fear suddenly came to his heart, but it was too late.

The door was completely open, revealing the scene inside the door unobstructed. Wearing a sweater and autumn trousers, Yue Guangping was lying on his back on the floor of the living room. There was a pool of vomit on the cheeks of his cheeks, his eyes were hollow and his eyes were clearly out of breath.

"..." Jiang Zhan didn't have any energy in his whole body, and took a few steps back slowly.

how come? He kept thinking, why?

It's like falling into an intricate maze, and every room has a nightmare like poisonous saliva, one after the other, never ending.

At this moment, a distant siren sounded outside the community.

"I immediately drove downstairs to prepare to escape, but was discovered by the police car. At that time, I only had one thought in my mind: I must not be caught by them, because first I could not say clearly, and second I did not know whether they were real police or black Peach starts another conspiracy. "

Even after more than three full years, Jiang Zeng's shoulders trembled a little while recounting this experience. His hands in his trouser pockets were clenched tightly, and his nails penetrated his flesh relentlessly.

"Several police cars were chasing behind, and I drove up the highway ... the last memory was that a truck rushed out of the oblique, and then I bumped into it and knew nothing."

——Like a trapped beast rushing right and left in the trap, knowing that there are many songs on all sides, but still want to smash a life, even if it ends up broken.

In the empty suite, Jiang Zeng's calm and clear voice echoed: "That's it, it will be two years and three months after I wake up again."

None of them was talking, and after a long time Yan Yan finally covered his mouth with his hands, exhaling a long, deep breath.

"Yang Mei can't rescue you in the police's Tianluodi net, so the police car chasing you at that time should have been tricked. And Yue Guangping's death can basically be related to the **** k." Yan Yan leaned back on the sofa. , Wu He's thick sword eyebrows locked, murmured: "But he wants to tell your inner ghost, who is it?"

-What kind of identity does this inner ghost have, so that Yue Guangping can't report his name directly on the phone, but has to meet in person and explain the truth, so that he is killed at a critical moment?

Jiang Zang said, "I don't know. The police car came too fast. I didn't even have time to enter Yue Guangping's death scene to do any inspections. But there is one thing that I have always been upset about, and I still can't figure out why."

Yan Yanran raised his eyes.

"The last sentence left by Yue Guangping was sorry."

Jiang paused for a moment, as if every word had been brewing between lips and teeth for a long time, and then asked gently, word by word:

"If this was the clue he left behind, why would he think he was sorry for me?"

The author has something to say:

Thank you Strawberry for holding the sugar syrup x133,

Rune in Zhou Hui's hand x54,

Harahi x27, landyx13, Warm Wine Boiled Blue and White x10,

Just drink a little wine x6 tonight, my pigeon eggs x6, lucid x6, do you knock inside? x5, glutamine x5, clear song wonderful dance x5, warm ears Akiyama x4, glasses frame x3, Furuo x3, Matsuoka Hazuki x3, Shen Ye x3, Su Musu and other blue x3, Su Su Su Su x2 , Turbozxyx2, I always love 02x2, delicious fruit x2, the wind should be cool x2, electricx2, hot undead x2, A Xun x2, garbled prince ★ moonlight real beauty x2, a sweet cherry x2, a furry little summer festival x2 、 Umbrella repair—have you made sugar today x2, Jiji x2, shirox2,

Jiuhu, Ao Ruoshan, Chu Jian, Cang 洱 er, terror., Kishi Tinglan, Chu Ci's waistline, Mo Chen, Bingluo, yang, Ai Yide [李公子], small scooter, so ~ la, walnut, forget-me-not, hibiscus w, Gu Yuzhi season, Jing'an, Muhan reminds Yanfei, Qianshan Qianli, cat, summer, Cobbio, meow and fish, wide sea sky, stone rabbit, holy water holy mosquito , Tongtong, milk grace Molin, string song difficult to deliberately,?, 405784, double separation, A break, 27839399, thousands of miles without leaving, hair belly can be hot in the pot, joannam3, JAC, 5903073, flower moon night, dust Deng Xiangwan, Banquet Acacia, Tongtong, I am Uncle Meng's brain residual powder, the sea mulberry field has been spent, and the old age prefers silly white sweet, flying almonds, Chu Mingyun, Li Xianxian, Yin Xiaochuyang, cece, Ye Xiyu, diamond 洙, Old big stone, cinnabar tears, yo, barbecue sauce, late at night, knife handle, morning light, somky, dog, 24505037, Suspension Bridge Head, Yuanshui Yingbaiyue, vudopia, dead white, braised egg porridge Porridge, large white rice ball, white rice ~, 283, passing away, Zou Yuzi, fox cat cat wolf, nk Mint night bell, Lu Jin quilt, A deer is a small rose, poison koi, 28223227, cotyledon no song, yellowup, no rock, I'm quiet, mickey mother, Natsumi you adults over mine!

Thanks to Yuyuxing x2, hana sauce, rui, that chicken, Su Yika_all back down_good frustration, Mimi cauliflower, vacuum cup in the hands of Jiang Zhan, Wu Yan, a black pen, love Huai June car, cece grenades for adults!

Thank you Feiyue x4, suephi, heartshine, vivi, guhanye, ま ふ ま ふ, crystalwall, muzsikas, and rocket launchers of 77 and above!

Thank you Gu Yuzhi for the shallow water bomb of the season!

Thanks to the Chu family Xiaojinhua kohx2 for the deepwater torpedo!

Thank you all for your comments and long comments, bow ~! 2k novel reading network

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