Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 115: Chapter 115

Jianning City.

Building 2 of the 9th District of Amber Hill.

It was raining, and the slate of the sidewalk was flooding with water, and the car was driving past the sound of brushing; the tail smoke and rain stuck in one place, and the world was evaporating dizzying exhaust gas.

An old man with a short body and a falter wearing a dark gray trench coat with a briefcase under his arm, holding a large black umbrella, walked into a well-lit convenience store under the neighborhood.

The shop was deserted at lunchtime. The boss didn't know what was going on. Only his children lay at the checkout counter to write homework and watch the shop. The old man laboredly closed the umbrella, shook the drops of water, and asked kindly, "Children?"

The little boy bit his pen and raised his head.

"Where's your father?"

The child pointed behind.

"Help me to call your dad over and say that the uncle who borrowed important things two days ago came." The old man patted the little boy's head with his rough and wide palms: "Go."

The little boy glanced up and down, jumped off the bench in doubt, and ran to the back door of the supermarket.

The old man was not in a hurry, put the briefcase tightly clamped along the way, pulled it open on the counter, and took out a silver-gray mobile hard disk. Just then the shop clanged, the glass door slid open again, and the wind and rain outside was wrapped in moisture and cold-a new guest arrived.


Once the old man had a hand, he had to plug the removable hard drive back into his briefcase. Who knew that such a slight movement was interrupted, and a long, white hand stretched out from behind him, holding the old man's hand accurately and unquestionably:

"Let me have a look, Lu Bureau."

Obviously every word can be called soft, but Lu Bureau shook his face suddenly, his pupils tightened, and then turned to look at the person who was—

"Tough work, continue to do Ha!"

"see you tomorrow!"

Qin Chuan bid farewell to his colleague, stopped and traveled during the late peak rush traffic, which was particularly crowded because of the rain, and drove home after more than an hour, rushing into the elevator in the corridor.


Qin Chuan stepped out of the elevator and found the key to open the door.

"..." He looked at the familiar house number 527 in front of him, and for some reason his heart tightened irregularly, and for a few seconds he couldn't even breathe, as if something had been foreseen in the midst.

He took a hard breath, calmed down, slowly opened the lock, and pushed the door open with a squeaking noise.

There was no light in the living room, and the last ray of sky light and street light through the glass windows outlined the familiar furniture with a pale gray shadow. The coat hurriedly thrown on the armrest of the sofa was still spreading before leaving in the morning, half of the cold tea was drinking on the dining table, and the goldfish in the fish tank on the coffee table flickered, reflecting the sparkling water; On the refrigerator, facing the entrance, revealing a familiar face.

A slender figure turned his back to the door, examined the photos carefully, heard the sound of his coming in, but did not look back:

"You took Yue Guangping's hair back to be buried with Lingtang. Are you sure she will be happy for this?"

Qin Chuan made a long sigh of relief-as if that barrier had been settled in his chest for more than ten years, and it has finally completely turned into a white mist, and it dissipated in the air in an instant.

"Happy, I think." He answered with a smile.

Qin Chuan closed the door with his backhand, took off his coat, and threw it on the sofa. He moved his shoulder muscles a few times, and a crisp, crisp bone sounded under his shirt. In contrast, his expression was very polite. :

"Jiu Wen's big name is fateful, hello, Jiang detachment."

The young man turned around, and it was Jiang Jiang.

This is actually a very ridiculous and ridiculous meeting, but the irony of its specific meaning may be like Qin Chuan's phrase "a long-awaited name and a fateful side". Only the two of them can understand it in this world.

Qin Chuan seemed to find it interesting: "Did you visit your mother's hometown on purpose?"

"In order to confirm my guess about your life, yes. Fortunately, I know a little about Yue Guangping's whereabouts of going to the mountains and countryside more than thirty years ago." Jiang Zhan asked lightly, "Do you want to know where you are exposed?"

Qin Chuan made a gesture.

"The day when Fang Zhenghong took the medicinal wine from you and overturned it, a few drops of medicinal wine splashed on his trouser legs, but he did not extract even a trace of aconite | alkali from the cloth. In other words, you claim to be from The criminal investigation detachment borrowed the bottle of highly poisonous | confessions that he tried to drink after the medicinal liquor was lying. You drank it to Fang Zhenghong at the time, which you exchanged and hid beforehand, and strictly guarded the bottle that was originally non-toxic.

"The entire poisoning incident is a play you carefully planned. From reminding Yan Xun to use medicinal liquor, to Founder Hong's violent anger to stop you from using medicinal liquor borrowed by the Criminal Investigation Division, all the key turns have developed as you designed in advance. There is only one prerequisite for the successful conclusion of this play. "

Jiang paused and said, "You know too much about Fang Zhenghong and Yan Zheng. You know how they will react in a designed scene-just like a year ago, you Fang Zhenghong was given poisonous | medicinal liquor in the name of Yan Yan, and he was expected to drink the same. "

Qin Chuan smiled bitterly, as if a bit helpless: "I knew that the day should be done to the end of the game ... a kick, should not be soft."

"Why were you afraid at that time?" Jiang Zhan frowned, and asked, "Because Yue Guangping's death made you finally realize clearly that aconite | alkali can really kill people?"

This time Qin Chuan really laughed, shaking his head while laughing:

"No, no, aconit | alkaline killing I already knew. I just thought-how to say? What I want to do is not finished yet, how can I take my life to risk it?"

He seemed a little regretful, bypassing the sofa and trying to go this way, but Jiang stopped: "Stop, or fire."

Qin Chuan looked intently, and it turned out that the dim Zhongjiang stopped holding a black hole muzzle flatly.

"Let's go," Qin Chuan stopped politely and asked, "what do you want to know? You tell me, I tell you."

Jiang Zhan asked, "When did you contact Spades K?"

The word "contact" should only be used by Jiang Zhanhan, otherwise there are more and more ugly words to express the same meaning, but Qin Chuan doesn't care too much: "No, it's not that I contacted him, but that he came to me.

"Looking for you?"

"Yes, it was the first semester when I was admitted to the police station. To be precise, it was the second day that Yue Guangping first appeared in my life under the name of" father. "Qin Chuan shrugged shyly:" Get it early To your surprise, that's why I said long-awaited name, Jiang detachment. "

That's true.

If this is really the case, Qin Chuan knew the **** k more than ten years ago!

"Yue Guangping met Lingtang when he was a educated youth in the countryside?" Jiang Ding asked.

"An old-fashioned story. Confused consolation when the educated youths in the countryside are depressed, facing the major life choices of returning to the city, conscience torture and life-long regrets in the next few decades ... not worth mentioning." I knew when Yue Guangping was sure of my existence. The mother of the country died suddenly in the college entrance examination year. I started receiving funding, but I never knew who the 'good-hearted person' was. It wasn't until the police station that I knew that the good-hearted person was my dad. . "

Speaking of this past event, Qin Chuan has a subtle self-deprecation.

"Yue Guangping may want to wait until I am admitted to the university and come to recognize each other, each other will be emotionally stable, but he did not expect that his every move has been followed by the **** k people. It is true that he was Gongzhou The person who most hopes to take over the throne of the Public Security Director, Spade K will not let go of such a profitable goal, so the day after Yue Guangping cried and came to me, Spade K also appeared and asked me: "Do you know why Yue Guangping abandoned your mother and son?"

Jiang Zhan narrowed his eyes, looked up and down Qin Chuan a few steps away, and slowly said, "You don't look like someone who will stand there and listen to him."

"Of course not." Qin Chuan smiled. "I have my own ideas, otherwise why would I come to Jianning instead of Gongzhou?"

If you go to Gongzhou, with the guilt of Yue Guangping, even if you don't go to the back door to promote your son, you will never make less arrangements.

But Qin Chuan didn't—he came to Jianning and started working as an intern police officer at the police station. For so many years, the sweat, sweat and injury were real, and at least 80% of the merits were real.

"He is for his future," Jiang Zhan said softly. "So you also have to earn a future that is not lost to him."

Qin Chuan did not deny it.

"Have you been working with Spades for more than a decade?" Jiang Ding asked.

"Oh, this is not true." Qin Chuan denied it frankly and bluntly, saying, "The **** k has contacted me a few times in the past four years in the police hospital. I hope I can go to Gongzhou as an internal response to Yue Guangping, counteract him and control He may even replace and destroy him one day; I admit that the seditious and persuasive power of this drug lord is a genius, and even almost brainwashed me. But in the end, I want to prove that my sexuality is still too strong After everything, even the hatred of the biological father. "

What do you prove? Qin Chuan didn't say, Jiang Jiang didn't ask.

But there are things that don't need to be broken between smart people, they all know--

At that time, you abandoned your girlfriend in the country, abandoned your morality and responsibility as a man, in exchange for the lonely widow and a high-weight future. And now the son you have abandoned does not need to rely on and beg you, can prove his ability, and can make your old face show shame and regret.

"Only one point is strange to me," Qin Chuan said. "Although I refused the **** k and left Gongzhou, it was unexpected that he didn't have any objections, as if he could have expected it, but suddenly cut off. All the information and contacts. Since then, the drug syndicate has not been with me for several years, and I have no idea why, until five or six years ago ... "

"Because he can understand this feeling." Jiang Zhan said lightly.


There was a strange look on Jiang Zhan's face, "Nothing, you continue to say."

"Until five or six years ago, I was in danger during a certain arrest operation, and was rescued when I fell into a state of isolation and helplessness," said Qin Chuan. "It was a man of spades."

Five or six years ago, it was almost when Jiang stopped in Gongzhou to find "blue gold". Immediately after that, Jiang stopped searching and finally touched an underground poison-making factory somewhere in the mountainous area of ​​Gongzhou, where he encountered adult spades again.

The trajectory of destiny extended from all directions, and gradually formed a large net, enclosing everyone in it, running wildly.

"At this time, you have worked in Jianning for many years, but you are still a criminal policeman who has thrown his head and blood, and finally found that the world is not black or white. With the help of spades k, your life is safe and the efficiency of investigation There are a lot of guarantees, all the scattered small drug dealers can be wiped out, and the promotion has become smoother, right? "

Jiang Zhan stared at Qin Chuan, and the other nodded: "Almost."

"So you finally cooperated," Jiang Zhan's tone was declarative without any doubt. "At that time, Yue Guangping had been promoted to deputy mayor and director of public security, but he was like a copper wall and iron wall in Gongzhou City. Can't pull him into the water, I have to start with you again. "

Qin Chuan sighed and said, "Yes."

Just like Jiang Zhan guessed.

Qin Chuan, who was not even a vice detachment, was unable to provide any help for Jianning in the spades. The primary goal of the drug lord was Yue Guangping. Because even if Gongzhou's public security system penetrates so much, if the leader Yue Guangping can't stick to the water, the constraints of the **** k are still very large.

It can be said that Yue Guangping is the most difficult bone in Spades K, and the deputy mayor of the widowed family has no flaws.

Except Qinchuan.

At the last point, the sky gradually disappeared, and the clouds covered the city, and the rain continued to beat the windows. The contours of the furniture in the room were blurred, but I do n’t know why Jiang Zhan ’s slightly distorted face was still clear. He barely opened his bite-toothed teeth, and when he opened, he sounded like a tight bowstring:

"So, the one insider who leaked Operational Intelligence 1009 to Spades K three years ago and killed my fourteen drug dealers, is that you?"

"Hahaha ..."

There was a low laugh in the room, and then it became louder and more pronounced. Qin Chuan supported his forehead and even shook his shoulders, as if he heard the funniest lie in the world. It took more than half a minute before he could barely stop his smile and looked up at Jiang Jiang with a joke: "I said Jiang team ——Three years have passed. When will you deceive yourself? "

Jiangzhan is like immersed in ice water, from the nasal cavity to the lungs, filled with piercing ice moraine.

"Yue Guangping, the director of public security, is vegetarian. He will tell such important information to others casually? Not to mention that I am not even a police officer in Gongzhou. You thought he would eat at a family dinner someday. The internal information of the Public Security Bureau said the same as the current dish? "


"Don't brainwash yourself, Team Jiang." Qin Chuan's eyes flickered with taunting and mercy, saying, "It was you and Yue Guangping who led to the failure of the 1009 anti-drug operation and sent more than ten comrades-in-arms to Huangquan. "

Jiang Zhan's elbows, shoulders, and even half of his body shuddered under the coat, the hands and arms of the gun protruding unceasingly.

But Qin Chuan didn't seem to see it, so he stared at Jiang's motionless pupil in the dim, smiling gently, word by word, "There are no ghosts at all, never-"

"The killer is you."

The author has something to say:

Thank you, Your Highness. x11, warm wine boiled blue and white x10, landyx10,

Harahi x9, is it knocking? x6, my dove egg x6, 27648116x5, Qingge wonderful dance x4, 24827754x3, hibiscus x3, Shen Xing x2, Yunmeng x2, 25875173x2, golden rabbit's jelly lips x2, 28585849x2, ラ ラ ラ x2, green nails. x2, Shanyazi Tingting passion 69x2, initial heart x2, well x2, Lingchen x2, hee hee x2,

Gone floating, can't leave this life, celia1120, a golden candy, chen Erleng, Nanbaba, don't forget the peace of mind mio, Lou Hexuan, general order, a big whale, and new life? 22659511, Wen Guxing, unfaithful second boy, mickey mother, Shun Xiaomi, late at night, cat, electric, dust lamp to night, biubomb, 25086730, but smell alone, Jun Dang Ru Lan, Yu Huan, baby, 壕Fresh little angel, **** yun wifi, hot strip, lonely message, green heart, は サ ラ ダ memory on July 6th, arlin_ziyi, yoyo, sister Ruan's little skirt, mu, word and deed, sakura black cat , Xxxiangmei, babyblue, A Duan, Stop Stop is my wife, shadow, A Luo went to Xianbei Mountain, Aibei's Cup, Tang Shu, 18036968, Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao, Sui Dashi, zero_0, Bi Xiongjia , Chen Xi, Yuanshui Ying Baiyue, Youxian, 22210447, Zhumou, basket holding timid, Ye Xiyu, Yu Jian, Zou Yuzi, Jiang Wanyin, I like you, Tao Zi's sky, Mrs. Ye Xiu, Bai Chau today Are you spotted? !! , Heiyou, Lara's cloth book, stone-laden rabbit, Rongge's Si Xiaonan, Biga fuji son, imam, want to eat egg filling cake, think about, Wuyan, Sanqiya pick up shop, tongtong, sophy, Fish fish fish fish caviar, leaf Ruo, stop Yun 霭霭. , Maomao's Little Summer Festival, vudopia, netizen Xiaochu, Xingying, a sweet cherry, 25687718, a sea of ​​meow and fish, Lu Shan, mint night bell, young lady's wife Guo Qilin, Su Susu Su, Su Yun Su, Xin Fate, Mu Yichuhan, 283, mint, nono, leaves, tongtong, especially mines of adults!

Thank you, Your Highness. x3, non-fish x2, blue x2, 24827754x2, bronyazaychik, big one, autumn water Nagasawa, coconut round billowing, liumumu, Firefox ring, a bottle of water and a moon, Aihuai's June car and more grenades!

Thank you Che Che attack x3, Dust Lantern Xiangx2, muzsikas, Your Highness. , 柒 七, hana sauce, heartshine, _ 裴 落落 _, ま ふ ま ふ, sophy, Miao Yu Changfeng, Sakurako, conserved mosquito, rocket gun for adults over seven jun!

Thank you, Your Highness. x2,


Deep-water torpedo above the three adults by Spring Breeze!

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