Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 120: Chapter120

Spade k's father?

Yan Zheng blurted out: "Grass flower a?"

Lu Bureau apparently froze: "What a?"

The two looked at each other, and Lü Bureau's reading glasses shot a skeptical look, and suddenly realized that Lü Bureau did not know the nickname of Spade K's father.

In other words, the understanding of the **** k inside the public security system is so poor that it doesn't even know this detail!

At that moment, Yan Ling sounded in the guesthouse of Gaorong County, and Jiang Zhan casually aligned with what Sihao said:

"The **** k's family is a criminal group. His parents and even grandfathers were not clean ... He was called **** k at the southwest border in his early years, because his father once called it Caohua a, and evolved from it ... ... "

"What's wrong?" Lu Bureau asked, "How did you know his father's code name, and listened to Jiang Ding?"

Yan Zheng ’s discomfort only appeared for a short while, and then returned to normal, as if the stasis just was an illusion: "Oh, this is not it. Just I see that their group has a **** k, a square film j, and then The last plum a was normal, so I guessed it. "

Lu Bureau narrowed his eyes, which were originally small, and focused more sharply, staring directly at Yan Yan's face.

However, the latter's tough and tough facial contour did not touch at all, and he looked back at Lu Bureau calmly.

"..." Lu Bureau finally nodded thoughtfully and slowly said, "We know very little about the insider of the **** k drug-trafficking group. On the one hand, because their old nest base is in Myanmar, it is a transnational drug organization outside the country; On the other hand, because of the explosion of the plastic factory three years ago, we lost a lot of senior police officers and excellent undercover personnel. It is a very sad loss ... "

Yan Yan rubbed his nose in silence.

"So, if Jiang Zhan mentioned anything to you about Spades, please report it to us immediately, because it is very important information and clues, and maybe he will not Someone knows again. "Lu Bureau paused, and asked meaningfully:" Do you understand? "

Yan Yan raised his eyes and stared directly at Lu Bureau.

The eyes of the two collided and clashed in the air, but there was no wave in their faces. After a few seconds, Yan nodded and said, "I understand, Lu Bureau."

Lu Bureau sighed, leaned back in the back of the chair, took off the reading glasses and wiped slowly.

"The news issued by the Ministry of Public Security, I only told Lao Wei, your remaining team, and a few deputy directors and political commissars. You must also pay attention to confidentiality and discipline when you go out. In addition, you are the only person in the public security system with square films. Police who fought twice head to head, but survived to this day, may want your life very much. Beware of yourself. "

Lu Bureau waved his hand, palm inward, which meant that he could go out.

Yan Yan stood up, but did not leave immediately. His lips moved, and finally he couldn't help but ask, "Lu Bureau--"


"Do you believe Jiangzhan?"

Lu Bureau thought for a long time, and finally put on reading glasses and looked at him seriously.

"You ask me this is useless and strict. I still say the same: we in criminal investigation do not believe in others or even ourselves. Police, police, the police look first, we only look at the evidence."

Yan Kun was silent, nodding a moment, turning around and leaving the director's office.

The weekly meeting just broke up. Ma Xiang flew downstairs to buy a few buns while taking the gap, and rushed back to the big office of the Criminal Investigation Division while gobbling up. As soon as he turned across the corridor, he ran into head-on text messages. Alas, slammed two steps: "Yo, brother Yan!"

Yan Zheng looked up: "Oh yes, I'm temporarily out of the office today. I won't be here in the afternoon. Please help me say something to the team."

He said that he was going to go downstairs as he pulled away. Who expected that Ma Xiang rushed up, don't pull him furiously: "What kind of field? Why do n’t you take me out of the field now? Last time you followed and last time you brought Han Xiaomei , Where can I not compare to that girl? Am I still your intimate little jacket? Brother Yan ?! "

Coincidentally, Han Xiaomei came out of the elevator while eating buns, and just ran into her head-on. She was so frightened that she stepped back three steps and hid the buns behind her.

"Go and go, don't give it that way, be careful that consultant Lu comes to your door to hit you." Yan Yan quickly pushed Ma Xiang away and greeted Han Xiaomei: "Put him back to the detachment. I won't come in the afternoon, I have a call Contact Kazakhstan. "

Ma Xiang is sad and sad: "Brother Yan-don't abandon me, Brother Yan-"

Ma Xiang chased in the north wind, two lasagna tears fluttered behind him, and Yan Xuan ran downstairs. Until the hem of his dark gray trench coat disappeared at the entrance of the corridor, Ma Xiang suddenly closed his tears and turned blankly: "I will not come this afternoon."

Han Xiaomei: "Huh ?! What are you doing?"

"Jointly execute the task with the anti-drug detachment next door." Ma Xiangdan calmly, bite off half a bun in Han Xiaomei's staring eyes, plunged into the door of the criminal investigation detachment's office.

嘀嘀 —— 嘀嘀 ——

"Hey," Jiang Zhan's steady voice came from the cell phone, with an inconspicuous husky, and asked, "What's wrong?"

That little dumbness made Yan Min's heart slightly warm, but he didn't show it. He walked through the parking lot of Jianning Municipal Bureau, opened the Phaeton car door, and asked, "What are you doing at home?"

Listening to the movement over there, Jiang Zhan should have stretched a long lazy waist: "Sleep."

"Sleep well. Did n’t the doctor say that you should rest more? It is good for the blood in the brain. Did you exercise today?"

Jiang had been in a coma for too long, it was hard to get muscle atrophy, and his strength and agility were much worse than before. The doctor's advice is to slowly recover, don't be impatient, and avoid fatigue and strenuous exercise. In this life, it is almost impossible to return to the level before coma; but Jiang Zhan always wants to go to the gym with Yan Zheng to focus on the assault. Can make excuses without taking him.

After arguing several times, Yan Yan simply bought several fitness machines and put them at home, claiming to be a personal trainer in Jiangzhan for tens of thousands of dollars a minute.

"No." Jiang paused briefly. "No spirit."

"Why not? Is it because the private teacher is not at home?" Yan Min started the car, and a smile appeared unconsciously in his eyes: "If you get out of bed and go to the tea room, I put a place there Good things for you. "

"..." Jiang stopped on the phone and raised his eyebrows silently, and walked into the tea room wearing home slippers: "What?"

"Open the cabinet and look."

Jiang Zhan opened the cabinet according to his words and stunned: "How do you--"

The Phaeton slowly drove out of the city bureau, and Yan Ji's upturned mouth was reflected in the rearview mirror.

The second piece of old Tongxing tea cake in the tea box had been dismantled, and Fang Fangzheng was lying on the oil paper, as if he was afraid that he would not get the favor. He was also pried by Yan Yan's dining knife and scattered around. Each of the residual teas in the tea clearly demonstrates this: even if it is repackaged, it has no value for collection.

"I wanted to cook tea eggs that day, and I accidentally took this bag apart." Yan Yan explained with a smile. "Take it apart when you take it down. Tea is for people to drink. Where is the value of not drinking?" Counting on a small tea cake in the cabinet? "

There was a moment of silence on the side of the phone before Jiang stopped with a sigh of laughter: "You are really ..."

Yan Yan also laughed.

None of them spoke, and they only heard each other's breath at both ends of the call.


"Don't go back to Gongzhou in the future, come to Jianning?"


"Hanging a job at the Police Academy, I have nothing to help the municipal bureau to look at the scene, run errands, etc. Marriage in different places is difficult to maintain, Jianning has high wages and low prices, and warm and humid air, do you think?"

Jiang Zang whispered, "Yes."

"Time to go abroad for a wedding banquet and invite everyone in our family. What do you say?"

Jiang stopped smiling: "Why are you talking so much today?"

Yan Yan insisted: "Okay, huh? What about you?"

"Xing Xing Xing ... get a full Manhan table, whatever you want."

"Then you agreed, I remember."

"Uh-huh, I promised." Then Jiang Zhan suddenly remembered something, and suddenly added: "But you can't take the third one out of the tea cakes! Just leave them for the small tea cakes, I I really don't drink this stuff! "

Yan Yan smirked and said, "You just have more things to do."

The direction lights made a slight ticking sound, Yan Yan supported the steering wheel with both hands, and his eyes reflected the queues of cars in front of the viaduct. Farther, the sky was gray, the clouds were misty, and the wind was blowing the whistle into the compartment from the window gap.

"Where are you going?" Jiang Dang asked.

"Go to the scene, a little far from the city. Maybe I can't come back tonight."


"Maybe I'm busy till tomorrow morning, and it's really annoying." Yan Min paused, swallowed, and said, "——Dine well and call you at night, ah?"

Jiang Zong nodded silently and said softly, "OK."

The turn signal was still ticking, Yan Yan hung up the phone, and the smile that he didn't even realize had not completely faded away, and a tinge of cold and sore ribbons appeared in his heart, as if the whole person was hanging in the midst of a cliff, unable to reach the world Without landing, only the wind infiltrated the limbs and bones from the soles of the feet.

The sound of horns, noises, engine starts and brakes outside the windows suddenly became very far away, and the side-view mirrors reflected the dull and dull side faces. After a while, he finally opened the car's Bluetooth address book and dialed another number gently—

"Hey, Team Yan? Hey?"

"Lao Qi." Yan Yan's eyes were gloomy and said, "I'm on my way to Gongzhou. I'll let you know when I get there. See you at the gate of Yazhiyuan Community."

Jianning Detention Center.

The sound of iron cymbals came from the end of the cold corridor, and Ma Xiang, looking forward to it, and the other police officers of the drug control detachment stepped forward a few steps at the same time, and was embarrassedly stopped by the guard: "That ..."

"Understood," Ma Xiang touched a cigarette to plug in, and the other side lost a helpless look at him.

The Municipal Bureau gave people both ends for three days. However, the slightly qualified criminal policemen ran back and forth a few times a week when there were many cases. Emergency escalations in the middle of the night or early morning were commonplace, and they knew the prison guards.

But now this situation is different from the past, according to discipline they should not have appeared here-

The detention center reflected upwards that Qin Chuan had important clues to explain. After research by his superiors, he decided to move to the provincial department today.

The sound of metal impact was getting closer, and a shaking figure suddenly appeared in front of the window at the far end of the corridor. Qin Chuan was detained by two prison guards and slowly walked towards the door.

"It's the Qin team ..."

"Brother Qin!"

Qin Chuan didn't seem to expect anyone to come, but he stumbled for a while, but didn't stop.

Ma Xiang gazed at his gaze, his tongue was bitter, but he forced himself to swallow it. The brothers of the anti-drug detachment were all holding on to heavy breathing. Only a small policeman who was recently turned right by Qin Chuan could not help but ignored the guard and took a half-step forward impulsively: "Qin team, you Was it wronged! You speak! "

As soon as he said this, someone couldn't hold back: "Yeah Qin team, I don't believe you can do this kind of thing!"

"You must have been wronged, haven't you ?!"

"Just tell us, don't you!"


Qin Chuan looked back and passed through the siege of these people. Not far away from the gate of the detention center, a van painted with blue and white letters on the "Jianning Detention Center" stopped under the steps. Police are waiting in front of the open rear door.

Ma Xiang finally couldn't help but said hoarsely, "Qin brother ..."

Qin Chuan paused for a moment, then turned back and smiled, "No."

Everyone froze.

Qin Chuan stepped down the stairs, and several people watched him pass by, close and far away. The little brother who just graduated had a flushed face, and his whole body was shaking. Ma Xiang stretched out his hand and didn't hold it. He suddenly strode down the steps: "Don't you like this Qin team! I don't believe it! Please tell me You and I have been wronged, we must help you with the case, we must-- "

A few people hurrahed and ran down the stairs, and even the prison guards didn't expect this time: "Come back!" "How do you guys, hey!"

"Brother Qin!"

"Go back!" Qin Chuan suddenly turned back to drink.

The chill wind swept across the sand, and several anti-drug police officers were executed and desperate. Qin Chuan stared at them for a moment, and finally shook his head and exhaled, saying, "There is no grievance, everything is done by me, but it is time to be taken out. There are no wet shoes when I often walk by the river, now I am The last thing you want to see is your silly faces, okay? All for money! Nothing else! Go back! "


"Will I repeat your confession now?"

The jailer kept making gestures and dragged them back and forth, but there were still two or three people unwilling to walk away with tears.

"I said I didn't want to see you!" Qin Chuan showed no mercy and was impatient: "Go away! Go away!"

Several people were finally dragged back to the steps in twos and twos. The little policeman wept loudly and was pressed by Ma Xiang's shoulders. His low voice was sour and unspeakable: "Listen to me, you really want to be good for Brother Qin , Persuade him to cooperate with him and explain as much as possible, or ...

Or fight for death.

The wailing of the little policeman filled the eardrums, drowning the last half of the unspeakable words.

Qin Chuan turned his head indifferently, without glancing backwards, and bent into the back of the police car. Instead, the two prison guards looked at a few sorrowful anti-drug police officers not far away, with an unbearable expression on their faces, and they looked vaguely angry when they looked at Qin Chuan.

哐 Dang! The door closed and started slowly.

"Hey," Qin Chuan glanced at the left and right guards, and seemed to find it quite interesting.

The jailer clenched his teeth and ignored him.

"You management is too loose, aren't they just coming in?"

Still no one answered.

"Well, what about the escorting process? Well, you," Qin Chuan raised his jaw to the jailer sitting on his right hand: "Did you wear the bulletproof vest?"

The prison guard named by him was relatively young, and finally couldn't help it: "Are you **** blind? Why are you asking so many?"

Qin Chuan didn't care: "It just reminds you."

He moved the lower cervical spine and shoulders, and seemed very laid back. But he was quiet for less than half a minute, and suddenly he came again: "Ah, I'm sorry. Can you do me a favor?"

The young prison guard was about to attack, and was restrained by the older one. He asked humblely, "What do you want?"

"Take my glasses off," Qin Chuan said with a smile, sincerely: "I don't feel comfortable wearing them all the time."

The police car was launched in front of the detention center building, and the tires crackled on the sand. The drug dealers who came to see them all raised their heads with red eyes. The tail of the car drove to the road during their painful watching.

Not far from the sides of the road, locust trees cast a dense shade, and several ordinary cars stopped at the roadside.

Just then, Ma Xiang's eyelids jumped--

The world seemed to stand still for half a second.

boom--! !!

There was no sign of it at all, several cars exploded at the same time, and the waves suddenly overturned the entire police car!

Several people rushed out on the steps and hit the wall. The sound of sirens, shouts, and glass shattering sounded like boiling hot soup, and the whole world was flooded in a hurry. Ma Xiang couldn't hear anything for a few seconds. His eyes turned black and his hands and feet became soft even after he got up from the ground, followed by the conditioned reflex touching his lower back.

-No gun.

"... Uhhhhhh!" Ma Xiang hoarsely exclaimed, suddenly hearing the sound of fast and distant engines, looking up subconsciously-

His pupils tightened instantly, and he growled aloud, "Qin Brother !!! Don't !!!"

The author has something to say:

Thanks for Hui Hui's return to Rui Rui, 碓 year-old 酔 387,

Harahi x71, Strawberry Holding Sweetened Sinan x61,

My pigeon eggs x31, warm wine boiled blue and white flowers x31,

landyx18, Your Highness. x13, Banquet Acacia x10, Si Xiaonan's Apple Preserves x10,

The wind should be cool x9, drink a little wine tonight x9, Sui Mu Tianhan and some other blue x9, hello I am a money-shaped x8, one page of x7, Chu Ci's waistline x6, Lin Shenbai Qianjing x5 , Umbrella repair-did you have sugar today x5, _ 裴 落落 _x5, total egg x5, falling wood Xiaoxiao x4, Su Shiyu x4, single suspension bridge head x4, dust lamp to late x4, beautyifu1-boy x4, thorn meow x4, rurukox4 , Yuan Shuiying Baiyue x4, Jiangzhan's Tea Cake x3, 24505037x3, Hot Undead x3, vudopiax3, Shen Xing, Stone Bunny x3, Yan Tooth is really a textbook-style man x3, Fantasy Fatty Fish x3, Demon Eye Wish x3, ラ ラ ラ x3, pearl x3, Huai Cuicui's sakura tea mulberry x3, paper kite x3, 283x3, strong liver to change your life and not to repent x3, Azi_x3, old big stone x3, Lizi red x3, autumn trouble x3 , Hurantx3, melodyhsux2, Lieku x2, stopped milk sack x2, Guanmao x2, Mu Yichux2, Lu Jinxuan x2, Wuyan x2, Tongxuan x2, Dangdangfa idiot x2, 28810386x2, rain counseling x2, clarity x2, the sea and the sky with cats and fish x2, the little summer festival x2, the princess Xixi? x2, the whispering x2, the yoke x2, the setting sun x2, the hungry goose x2, the mickey mother x2, the black desert x2, the west continent x2, Ah Broken x2, Abe x2, Yuzu x2, Ink dust x2, Treasure box x2, Yu Qingfeng x2, Late 妤 x2, Purple Mo Feng late x2, Red and red pity x2, Tomato is not too sweet x2, Duck egg wx2, Chi 噜噜 x2, Deep cloud x2, mint night bell x2, tongtong x2, dried this bowl of Ganges water x2, Taro Taro x2, peach skyx2, Shen Youyou x2, Mo Li Ying x2,

Hiding cats in cat ears, unfinished, ah ah ah, yu sheng sheng sheng, Ju Jiu, I'm quiet, I'm a famine every day, 25239615, wang's wifi, Guang Chengzi, 22379086, c_ 阿 正, Folding play, Weiwei, sulfurzh, Wangqing, Brown paddle, Nefertari, vva, Beiming has grilled fish, lack of sugar in this life, _ 北 城 雾 _, **** natural roll of four-cornered strawberries, casual, windy , Bethfeni, Poisoned Koi, What a idiot, you, Mu, deeply, -Dust,-Qingya, Yaya, Hula Hulako, Death's right hand, Mao Mao, Eye-King, Yanzhi Han Lin, Gu Zixuan's young wife, ranran, 25112073, seafood-loving eggs, a beautiful flower, a garbled character. Moonlight is beautiful, morning light, full fish, Yi Xiaosi, Wen Guxing, 19018071, one big Wood, x cat, 熝 熝, gaosubaru, strawstalk, _ trembling, Lianyu is not bonito, Ye Lifeng, be me □ Ghost, toma takoyaki, wangwang, sweet teeth, Nancy Brother, Xiaomo Xiaofeng, Moon Rongrong night hazy, 24649165, Xia Ling, Little Fox 666, Going to the Revenge Book, Fengxianxian, Huai Niu ’s family Sword ~~, Ye Yan, Mrs. Chu Ci, Chuxin, felicity, a sweet cherry, can't stop the ice and fall, gulls drink water, thank you, Junyi, cat cat yellow cat, three days Days later, the house is unveiled !, Heya stops playing 3p, shosukisa, Fujisaki 8, 29249669, my wife Hibari, rides a black white horse forward, the sisters of Zongzheng, zucchini 99, Yidifeng, short tree , The best Cheng Luyang in the world, sweet without a name, 21873261, cece, yooooooooo, thoughtless, cricket fresh angel, blueroad12, Lele, 28351934, cricket, z Jiuquan who likes reading, blue, netizen Xiao Chu, Xia o? ⌒-Xiao Moo, Hua Ruoxi City, Gu Hong's Message, Cat 丞 丞, 呱, 16898021, g990ypt, Screaming Yin Yin, Chu Chuci's cute, nickname, Idol family cup Beier, Mocheng Baishe, Yan Huaixu, Mei Youren and Bu Shinan, Xiansi 2333, a salted fish sect, the first person to blow skin, 29502132, Picasso, Squash, Weiliang Sydney, Halashu, vivi, dielectric, 19701225, grass weiwei, chaozui, rui, lifeless fire, no name mound, fuyao, pipi, _ ▼, candy q ~, Su Su Su Su, He Yuanxian, 21070500, Peach's cat, pussy, landscape, long and beautiful, dazzling, yoyo, **** police flowers slap online, you head into Luobei, marry He Chao, Thinking a long way, Lala's cloth book, young lady's wife Guo Qilin, singing and dancing, Wen Feiyan, § Zhu Sha tears, thinking, Fengqing Yuelang, my sweater has shrunk, wit bamboo, crystalwall, Zhong Wan Bone Crushing, Gluttony Elsie, 苡 逑, Feixue Yiyun, Wang Xiaohuaer Ahahahaha, 17409650, Lemon Meng, Decimal 嬛 嬛, Black Young, Little Mushroom, Boss No. 1 in the World, Cute in the South Magical, orange-flavored sugar bubbles, false, pears love watermelons, go for it, and paint mines for adults above night!

Thanks for a Jinpingtang x3, Bai Wuxiang x2, your president's special assistant x2, Dust Lantern Tonight x2, Mrs. Lu Xinzhengfang x2, Yunmu x2, freewheeling, Yuyuxing, You Xiaosi'er, little cute Ji Ji is not me, ruruko, chen, § cinnabar tears, crystalwall, His Highness. , Bubles ?, woolen alley selling candy gourd, Huai Cui Cui Sakura tea mulberry, flower peach, Zhuang knife, 28953361, real Shen.? , 9576 く ん, casual, Sai Mengmeng ?, Qin Yu Hitomi, 26986625, 21552525, Umbrella Xiu-did you have sugar today, rui, Xingyuan, and the grenades of adults above twilight!

Thanks for hana sauce x4, Miao Yu Changfeng x3, heartshinex3, muzsikasx2, little fireflies x2, suephi, I have three little **, Bai Wuxiang, Nangong Huang's sister-in-law, His Royal Highness. , 24175669, Si Xiaonan ’s chocolate, Mimi cauliflower girl, 28868290, Sakurako, and a mosquito with cultured rockets!

Thank you Bai Wuxiang and Your Royal Highness. A shallow water bomb for the two adults!

Thanks to Chu Gongli, Xiao Jinhua koh,

Your Highness. ,


Secondary 2 teenagers are determined to become bosses,

Don't say you know the deep-water torpedoes of the five adults above Xue Yang!

Thank you for your message and long comment, bow! 2k novel reading network

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