Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 131: Chapter131

Yan Pu's pupil clearly reflected the red dot deep in his eyes. At this moment, he saw Jiang Zhan leaning his head slightly, his movements were very slight.

-He seemed to want to go back and look at himself again.

But Yan Zheng didn't have the opportunity to confirm this nagging intuition, because Jiang Zhan stopped for a while.

That's just what happened in half a second. Immediately afterwards, the bodyguard rushed up, spades k sprinted closer, grabbed Jiang Zhan's arm, and fluttered on the grass a few steps away.

"Back! Drive up!" Spades k snapped: "Quick!"

Someone immediately held Jiang Zhan's head, blocking his body and pushing him onto the off-road vehicle. Surrounded by chaos, Ajie stepped back in front of Spades K and asked suddenly: "How come there are snipers? Is it because the police set an ambush in advance ?! Brother did not search the mountain when he came ?!"

This is simply impossible. The behavior of Spades K was most directly reflected when sending someone to abandon the highway to meet Ajie: there can be only one person on the bright side, but there must be a full complement of firepower and horsepower in the dark. A bunch of.

When he appeared, he took a dozen cars with him, but there were no forty or fifty people off, indicating that many people had already been prepared to search for dangers nearby. If the police really have an ambush, let alone a dozen individual small stocks ambush, even if there is only one car with two or three people, it is impossible to avoid the eyes of drug dealers.

What's more, the number of ambushes is less than the number of suspects. It is not a public security combat tradition at all. Ambush in this kind of outdoor terrain, if the number of criminal police, special police and even border police is less than three times that of suspected drug traffickers, it is a fantasy plot that will not be filmed.

But if it weren't for the police, who would be able to track here?

There is only one possibility left.

——Yan Yan is not alone.

"The opponent has only one sniper." Spade K looked at the distance between the sighting point and the woods opposite, and groaned for two seconds to calculate the angle, saying, "At most two. It is normal to not find it."

Ajie immediately responded: "Isn't it the police who ambush us?"

"There is no action organized by the provincial or municipal bureau over Jianning." Spade K just dropped this sentence and turned on the car. Ajie followed and hurriedly said, "Brother!"

Looking through the window, the deadly red dot is still roaming, the bodyguards are receding, and in the blink of an eye there is only Yan Yan alone.

The Jianning Interpol also came to the end of the crossbow, even barely standing. But his gaze was still very bright. It was the light of an endangered but still struggling beast. He struck the sight of spades k across the chaotic scene and the single-sided visible car window.

"Forget it," spades K said quietly a moment later.

Ajie reluctantly: "Brother?"

His meaning is clear: if the opponent is weak and not a police person, then he can call the outside and search all around the valley. Even if the sniper hidden in the height is difficult to deal with, if you really want to deal with it, you can still fight with one another by manpower. It is not necessary that everyone be forced back by one or two snipers.

Or at least, the Captain of the Criminal Investigation Division should be killed before the retreat.

Spades K didn't answer, looking back to the back seat.

Jiang Zhan was held by two bodyguards, sitting in the middle. His physical strength had been exhausted, and he seemed extremely tired. His face was cold and pale, unlike a living person, leaning on a leather chair with his eyes closed, exposing a long, fragile, unguarded throat.

The spades and dark eyes didn't know what was brewing, and after a while, he turned back and said, "Forget it. It really takes a person to pass on what happened today to the police."


"You pay attention to the priorities," said Spade K. "It's quick, and there is no benefit in the long run."

Ajie was reluctant to realize that today, the old enemy was indeed undead, and he could only let the thorns in his eyes continue to live. He held his inner struggling, bowed his head and obeyed: "I see, brother."

The **** k no longer taught him anything, only ordered: "Do as the old rules."

Ajie knew that he had whispered something, and the latter hurriedly ran out.

The bodyguard quickly got into the car and got in place. The people behind him drove forward to protect the off-road vehicle where Spade K was located. The sniper didn't seem to want to really do anything. The red dot was always looming around Yan Yan, patrolling around the open space.

Someone asked Ajie a few words through the intercom, and finally got permission to retreat. The team whistleed to warn the police, and then started slowly.

Ajie finally turned his head and narrowed his eyes sharply—

It seemed that Jiang Zhan didn't feel his scorching eyes. He still leaned on the back seat and closed his eyes and raised his eyes; while crossing the river and looking back, Yan Qiao had already quickly left the spot as soon as the drug dealer evacuated. , Rushed to Shi Yan and the grass clinging to the ground, even if they can't shoot now.

As if there was no warning, a convoy of more than a dozen off-road vehicles retreated along the valley to the distance. As the rugged rocky road bumped up and down, the bodyguards on the back of the car protruded halfway out of the car and raised their guns to watch. Beware of someone suddenly rushing out of the mountains and forests.

Until the team drove hundreds of meters away, the small piece of open space had been hidden behind heavy vegetation, and all personnel were relieved.

Spades K suddenly said, "No."

The bodyguards in the car were startled, and Ajie immediately got up: "Brother, are you cheating?"

"..." Spades K also seemed to be a little hesitant, and finally waved his hand: "It's too late. 'Tricks' in place?"

Ajie listened to the Bluetooth headset for a few words and nodded: "According to old rules, he is already in place."

The **** k didn't speak and nodded. No one knows what plans are in his mind, and he can't see the slightest clue in his face. Only a short while before he heard him say, "Let's go."

Yan Xing stared at the all-black Hummer H2 as he went away in the siege, his teeth biting so tightly that he bit out blood. It wasn't until the last car disappeared into the heavy fog of the valley that he shivered and buried his head, burying his face in the cold palms, his forehead against the rough sand and gravel, but no feeling at all.

He was really overdrawn, and the severe pain in the liver and intestines drowned everything, and the pain and bleeding on the stomach could not pass the paralyzed nerve endings.

I don't know how long, footsteps came from behind, someone rushed up and dragged him up from behind the bushes, and dragged into the distant forest immediately without a word. Yan Yan took a breather and saw that he was very thin, wearing helmet helmet goggles and full camouflage clothing, and was wrapped tightly from hair to heels, but unexpectedly he did not have a back gun.

In a rush, Yan Yan only felt that the person was familiar, but he could not see who it was. At this time he had no energy to question: "You ..."

The other side watched vigilantly, made a snoring gesture, and gestured: "Run!"

Just that short word, Yan Xuan paused for a moment.

However, at this time, there was no hesitation at all. Although the team was gone, no one knew if Spades K had left someone in place to wait for the sniper to show up or just kill the carbine. Yan Yan followed the other party through the open space and rushed into the forest. The towering trees on both sides of the field became denser. I do n’t know how many thorn bushes were cleared away. Double image, even the back of the camouflage dress split into two or three.

"... whoo ... whoo ..."

He couldn't hear the wind and birdsong, only his breathing was slamming the eardrums, and every step he felt the heart was pinched by the invisible sharp claws, forcibly twisted, tightened, twisted, tightened again ...


Yan Ye stepped into the air without knowing it. He didn't react to what happened, and the whole man rolled into the tree ditch!

The tree ditch in the mountain forest was covered with gravel pits, Yan Yan only felt the sky spinning, and the forehead hit a sharp object in the next second, and the warmth poured out, and the red liquid brush covered the sight.

is blood.

He was lying on the floor, his hands and feet were convulsing, and his body was twitching and paralysing. The one in camouflage immediately jumped down the ditch following the gurgling, and seemed to suppress what he whispered, but Yan Xing couldn't understand.

His ears were covered with blood, and even his breathing was like deep water, hazy and unclear.

Really embarrassed, he suddenly passed by such a thought.

How could it be so embarrassing? Better than a stray dog.

Yan Yan gritted his teeth, and staggered to stand up from the ground. A long blood mark was drawn from his forehead to the side cheek, and the blood flowed down the corner of the eye along the sharp corner of the eyebrow. As the action dropped on the back of the hand, it was immediately washed away by more transparent salty liquid.

The next moment, a lot of fishy sweets went straight from the trachea to his throat, and he spewed a lot of blood!

"!!!" The comer jumped up and lost his voice: "Yan team!"

"..." Yan Yan wanted to say something, but his eyes quickly turned black, and he unknowingly fell to the ground.

He felt as if he had fallen into the icy waters, and watched the world spin up and away quickly. Confusion, colic, and despair all turned into nothingness, and disappeared into the dark deep sea with the back of the head that never looked back.

"... Jiang ... stop ..." he said silently.

Those unforgettable words took away his last trace of consciousness. Yan Yan slowly closed his eyes and sank into the bottomless abyss.

The off-road vehicle went out of the mountain in front and rear guards, and suddenly the car walkie-talkie rang, and Ajie immediately raised his hand to connect to the headset's channel: "Hey, say."

I don't know what was said on the phone, Ajie froze, then his face sank: "I see."

He broke the communication, leaned over to **** k's ear, and said a few words softly through the roar of the vehicle. Shao spat k opened his eyes and said, "Oh?" He said, "Zhaozi said there is only one person?"

"Yes, the figure is not tall and thin, like a woman. 'Zhaozi' is afraid that the sniper is still not afraid to get too close, but it is certain that the woman is not agile, and she does not have any sniper | gun weapons. Raising the surname back to the jungle. "

Spades k nodded slightly.

Ajie frowned: "Brother, will we be fooled by the empty city?"

The **** k kept silent, and it seemed that he could not see the mood. Ajie has been with him for a long time, knowing that this look is basically a sign of violent killing, and he can't help but tighten up, and his right hand is slightly raised, ready to gesture to order the team to turn back.

However, after waiting for more than a minute, he saw **** k exhale, and repeated slowly with a smile: "... empty city plan ..."

He seemed to be very interesting, and suddenly he turned and asked, "Jiang Zhan?"

Jiang Zhan didn't respond. He seemed to be asleep, and Guangjie's brows frowned slightly. He seemed to be very worried in his sleep.

However, Spade K knew that he couldn't fall asleep. Ajie could also see the fact that he was still awake from the slightest differences in breathing rate, eyelash tremor, and muscle tightness.

Just awake and very uncomfortable.

His physique, falling into the water, shooting, and violent mood swings, can sustain him until he hasn't been ill yet. That is simply impossible.

"The next time you meet, you are the enemy of life and death." Spade K looked at him with a smile, and asked gently, "If he brings the police to catch you, I will kill him for you, okay?"

After Xu Jiujiang stopped, he slightly raised his eyelids, and there was a gleam of light under the dense eyelashes, then he closed them again, and whispered in several sharp eyes: "... Okay, then don't you forget."

Spades k smiled and answered, "I won't forget, I understand."

The woods on both sides of the mountain road were green and yellow at noon.

The dust and smoke rising from the rear of the car blocked the gray daylight, and soon went along the road, disappearing at the end of the vast mountain.

"... low blood pressure, slight concussion, and stable vital signs ..."

"Check to see if there is an intracranial hematoma. The nurse wiped the blood off his face ..."

"Brother Yan! What the **** is our brother Yan? What happened to him ?!"

"Brother Yan, wake up quickly, Brother Yan, wake up!"


There seemed to be countless people running around him, with scattered footsteps and excited roars surrounding him, one after another. Gradually the hustle and bustle had gone, he seemed to be in a quiet space, with soft white light before his eyes.

What's wrong with me? Yan Yan thought dimly.

Where am I? what happened? who am I?

All the movements like the high tide, gradually emerged from all directions, and then turned into thunderous applause. White light turned into a brilliant sun, magnificent glass doors opened at the end of the corridor, and a large lawn under the marble steps; countless familiar faces smiled on both sides of the carpet carpeted by white roses, and cheers and applauded as they stood up .

Lu Bureau, Wei Bureau, Yu Team, Fang Team, Huang Xing, Gou Li ... Qin Chuan also wore a black suit and white shirt, sitting in the middle of Ma Xiang and Gao Panqing with a beautiful bow tie, and blew at him with a smile. A playful whistle.

Yan Zheng stopped and looked at everyone, somehow suddenly hesitated.

"Come on, Yan team, what are you doing!" Han Xiaomei laughed and fell into Yang Mei's arms, shouting with her hands like a horn.

"Is this kid happy and stupid?" Vice Bureau Wei smiled and beckoned, "Hurry up?"

Yan Yan looked forward in the direction he was pointing. Rose petals stretched from the steps down to the end of the jasper-like lawn. Yan's father and mother stood respectively on the left and right sides of the flower blanket. Ms. Zeng Cuicui also deliberately dressed her good jewelry at the bottom of the box. She was as happy as twenty years younger .

Among the parents of the Yan family, a familiar figure dressed in a dress, slowly turned his head, and showed him a soft smile.

That's Jiangzhan.

As if pushed by the invisible force, Yan Yan stepped forward step by step. He stepped on a blanket of fresh and fragrant flowers like the sea of ​​clouds, his ears were filled with the voice of congratulations, and his mind was awake and hesitant; so long the lawn came to an end in a blink of an eye, and he stopped sternly, and saw Jiang Zhan's smile Deeper and deeper, the eyes shining with diamond-like light.

They stood face to face like this, Mother Yan smiled and asked, "Take it out, what about your ring?"

Father Yan also asked, "Yes, son, what about your ring?"

Yan Yanna stood, only everyone in the audience was urging: "Where is the ring? Take it out!"

"Come on, what are you waiting for?"

"What about the ring? What about your ring?"


Jiang Zhuang's eyes are bright, his face is white, and his lips are plump and healthy crimson. He always looks like his best in his early twenties, and a little shy and reserved with no personnel, asking, "Where's your ring?"

"... the ring is here," Yan Yan heard his voice said, "I'll put it on for you."


Jiang Liang's handcuffs caught Jiang Zang's wrists, and the chain hung in the air.

"..." Jiang Zhan seemed a little confused, looked at it in confusion, and looked up and asked, "Yan Yan, what is this?"

Yan Yan opened his mouth without making a sound.

The cheers disappeared, the applause disappeared, and the rows of wedding guests suddenly disappeared. The rose petals withered and withered, the lawn changed from verdant to gray, and in the distance there were ridges of mountains and mountains, and the north wind blowing like a wailing sound from the mountains and forests.

It was like walking through a maze of countless nightmares, and they returned to that valley.

The smile on Jiang Zhan's eyes gradually disappeared, turning into a bone cold, and then he turned the handcuffs into powder with a little effort, just like he had happened, and raised his gun to Yan Yan's brows.

"I love you Yan Yan," he said coldly.

"But you are the police, I am the bandit, and when you meet again, you and I will be the enemy of life and death."

Yan Yan stood there, unable to move or shout, not even the ability to turn his eyes away. He just watched Jiang stop forefinger and pulled the trigger—


On the hospital bed, Yan Zheng's body suddenly twitched, and a severe cough broke out!

"Doctor! Doctor!"

"He's awake! He's awake, soon !!!"

The attending doctor rushed into the ward with the nurse, and saw that Yan Yan had sat up and gasped, closed his eyes, and opened again. His eyes were covered with bloodshot blood, and the long cut made from the forehead to the side cheek had been bandaged. His delicate upper body was full of bruises and trauma; he was like a wounded beast that had just rushed out of the prison cage, covered with body. Furious, the nurse pushed away from the bed, turned over to get out of bed, and asked hoarsely, "Where am I?"

"Brother Yan, calm down, it's okay! It's okay!" Ma Xiang Gao Panqing and several others pressed him to the bed with a rush of consolation, "You have returned to Jianning and you are not ready to lie down ! "

"We are all here! Brother Yan is fine! The doctor said that you have a concussion and can't get it for the time being!"

"You scared the nurse, oops don't stop! Watch out for his infusion needle!"


As Yan Yan woke up at the beginning of his dream, his eyes swept across the anxious face of every brother around him, and his pupils trembled violently.

In the early winter of Jianning, the sunlight passed over the ward glass, and the white walls shined brightly.

"... Where is Lu Bureau?" He hoarsely uttered a few words. "Lou Bureau ... Where is he?"

Ma Xiang was a little hesitant, and several brothers of the Criminal Investigation Division quickly exchanged a distressed look.

Gao Panqing coughed in concealment: "Lü Ju he ... he's a little bit now. Some people may come over at the provincial department. Some conditions may be there, and that should be explained a little ..."

Yan Yan couldn't hear the faint hint in this remark, he had a split headache, and his brain seemed like a pot of boiled porridge. Suddenly, at the corner of his eyes, Yu Guang saw a figure passing by the door of the ward, tall and thin, wearing that familiar black coat, and passed in a blink of an eye.

... Jiang Zhan?

Is that Jiangzhan? !!

Yan Ye didn't think about it, suddenly got up and pushed away the doctor who was preparing to measure his blood pressure, and hurriedly ran out of the ward door in exclamation: "Wait! Hey, wait!"

The back did not stop, striding meteor toward the distance.

"Stop it for me!" Yan Yan almost ran forward, grabbing the man by the shoulder, "What the **** is this--"

Yan Yan suddenly froze.

Yang Mei was wrapped in the coat most often worn by Jiang Zhan, and she wore a platinum bag and stepped on high heels. Her pale face was not applied with fat powder, and inconspicuous tears flickered from the corners of her eyes to her nose. Staring at him.

Ma Xiang chased them out of the ward, and they all stumbled on the corridor.

The relatives of the surrounding patients passed by with weird expressions, and they couldn't help looking at them while rubbing their shoulders. The nurse pushing the medicine cart passed by, looking back curiously frequently.

"..." Yan choked his throat sharply. "... Is it you?"

Yang Mei said calmly, "It's me." Then he leaned back slightly in his burning stare.

—— Yan Yan's eyes crossed her, and at the end of the corridor, three staff members of the Provincial Public Security Department in dark blue police uniforms appeared at the elevator door and came to this side with a serious expression.

The author has something to say:

Thanks Harathi x17, v-vy hibiscus x16, Guanmao x14, Si Xiaonan's Apple Preserve x10,

At this time, a netizen with no money x8, Jiang Dingxing Xing X8, vivix6, my pigeon eggs x6, 24505037x6, aikox5, beautifu1-boyx5, Mimi Caihuaniu x5, Qiqing jailbreak x5, Caoweiwei Wei x4, Sui Mutianhan and other blue x4, Quick Snow Shiqing x4, Qingzhou has passed, without passing the time x4, Taimunette x3, a sweet cherry x3, feast acacia x3, 29259457x3, fish egg x3, today What is it called x3, Qiu Juxin's girlfriend x3, the wind should be cool x3, Luo Ergu x3, Yuanshui Yingbaiyue x3, happyvirus_x3, ninety-nine foxes x3, yin sang x3, Feiyu x2, Shen Youyou x2 I also like to drink milk tea x2, there is a strange animal in the forest x2, the mion sauce is my cookie x2, I am quiet x2, strawstalkx2, ruka000x2, nickname x2, the sea and sky with meow and fish x2, princess Xixi x2 ,? Happy? Happy? X2, sweet without name x2, Ruoheng loyx2, morning light x2, flying to the sky x2, Yingxuan x2, mint night bell x2, A break x2, 283x2, do n’t double eggs x2 , Also x2, Stop at My Heart x2, You Ke x2, Dreamy Fatty Fish x2, Lu Jinxun x2, Infatuation Will Not Change Second Youth x2, Maomao Little Summer Festival x2, 27936058x2, Savage Love Ben x2, decimal 嬛 嬛 x2, mickey mother x2, vudopiax2, Lilit x2, fan fan mulberry x2, random page x2, Browning 11x2, stone rabbit x2, Gu Mengx2, Jun sleeve has been broken x2 ,

Yuzu, Erhua, 29599322, Zhou Hui's wife, genuine devil, cloud-breaking **** the verge of death, Miao Miao, stop mommy, sloppy fresh angel, anti-bone, chen Erleng, candy q ~, Xia Xia ritsuka, the world's first cutest, the world's most cute, the park is so handsome, forgetfulness, 29624626, Fei Xiao Ye Ye Ye, Wu Zhiyache big flicker, recently mined by lightning, fying, lesliesue, melodyhsu, Youqing Tips, hey hey, 26522400, Qinglin, ink, only love Ya, Wuwu, ck Xiaofeng, want to eat egg filling cakes, ai Jiangzhe, ask the girl to add some pock, little cute, Xia Sheng, sober, forbidden drugs, Baibaibaibu, Baiyujiu, Bai Xiaojiu, Er Meow, 26782930, Nowhere to go, paper rolls, knife handles, An Zhibai, Rong Ge's Si Xiaonan, Zhong Liqing Ling, qaq who loves oranges Round billows, s.coups, Shen Fansheng, sinderella, Mitsubishi Jun, _I wash the bowl for Chu Ci, Aprilr, Jiuhu, Qingxi, Wuhong Shuang, light apex, right hand of death, hi 121, mm wood, 17409650, rain counseling, 29288988, difficult to send hate, Amamiya bird, Qingqian, linlin, a camellia , Bang, **** wang's wifi, 21070500, weiliang sydney, bones, cotyledons without song, yitong listen to bamboo, jingyan, amaris, magma cp blue sky high, meow, red and red pity, moli sakura, ink fragrant copper Exclusive sweethearts, Acura, Yin Chen, La Lala, qaq Xinchen, wing, 焱 焱 焱 焱 焱 焱 焱, Jun 猗, flowers of eating melon, Su Su Su Su, Warm Moon, Qiu Piao, Rong 6, Undead, casual, favorite magma husband! , Zhizhi, glaze flute, Qin Xiu, 2005, the author kissed Xiao Zhi and then, aoi, unash, Yu Sheng Sheng Sheng, Shui Shu, North Beibei bab pit, vva, Fengnan Lianjiang, Tong Tong, 29721928, Mr. Su Wangzai of Mr. Chen, Pipiyuan, Lin'an in the early rain, jumping candy collection machine, party, hungry goose, lady, innocent, look up, Qing Bang, recall sweet love, lllll bacteria , Canchan, Ayan, Ender, Jiu Xue, □□ Hua, just passed through the door today, Zhao Si, cherry blossom roof, peach branch, love Qiqiqi, natsu, starfish, empty808, Pinglu Chengjiang., Gu Huai, Shuang Joe, the big white rabbit toffee is really delicious, I am your little cute, half-shallow, Tu Linweiruo, Lara's cloth book, Yoyo, and little smoker is Wang Yaozu's shit, 5946715, Coca-Cola water, bergamot Aromatherapy essential oils, young lady Mrs. Guo Qilin, Mumu is very happy today, Yu Qingfeng, strong and strong general attack, Huaibei City you are really cruel, 27302577, 21945875, black black, crane line ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, 443 Mines from Zhou Chuo, heartshine, and Su Hangjun!

Thanks to Mrs. Lu Xinzhengfang x3, gaosubarux2, hello I am money-shaped x2, aikox2, tongyin x2, the mulberry field has spent x2, Zhou Hui's little Phoenix, blingbling, dove card, love, sonder, interstellar first sweet , Sanhe Jiuxi, 2005, Glazed Xiao, Zhou Hui's wife, vivi, bsca, Liyang, a Qingyi, § Zhusha Tears, 18587944, Sheshan holy water to raise mosquitoes, take Ji, imam, Mingzhi, Sifan, somky, Dust Lantern Night, Wayne Black Technology, Casually, Shuojian Ci, 21977889, Ah Feng is the strongest on the surface, Yun Zhao, Nickname, Mensao Rabbit, Real Geoduck, Tang Shao Shi Dun, aqin, hurant, the grenade of the adults above the pipe!

Thanks A only x10, heartshinex9,

muzsikas x3, Zhou Chuo x2, hana sauce x2, Lingyou Angelica x2, mion sauce is my cookie x2, Baihuai x2, Sakurako, 282, stardust, 24772149, Chu Ci's Ma Zhe teacher, Hibiscus, Runai There are loved ones, Shiyu is coming, Jie Taozi, hello I am Qian Xing, Yu Jia, sooni, ま ふ ま ふ, Shuo Jian, conserved mosquito, crane 蹊, Lu Pian 跹 and more!

Thank you Daohua and Deng Deng for the shallow water bombs of the two adults above!

Thanks to Jiang Zhan's Little Sugarcoat x2,

Ah only x2,

Leng Xiaoyu's deep-water torpedo above three adults!

Thank you all for your comments and long comments, bow ~! 2k novel reading network

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